VV064 Syllabus – Academic and Professional Skills in English for IT Mgr. Antonín Zita, M.A., Ph.D. Spring 2017, Wednesday 16:00 – 17:50, A319 Course Description: Life, whether inside or outside academia, requires multiple sets of skills. As a consequence, the course takes a holistic approach to academic and professional skills, therefore giving the students an opportunity to widen their abilities that will be useful in their future careers. The course covers the following areas: the difference between formal and informal language and their proper use, participation in group discussions, text analysis (facts and arguments), and presentation style and delivery. Evaluation: The course evaluation is based on the following: - class participation/homework (25%) - formal/informal exam (in Week 7) (20%) - vocabulary test (last week) (10%) - class presentation (25%) - summary assignment (20%) Class participation Active participation in class assignments and discussions is expected. In addition, a timely submission of short homework exercises is also vital for completion of the course. This includes creating a vocabulary list shared with the whole class to be used for the vocabulary test (see below); students will work on the list every other week. Formal/informal exam There will be an in-class exam in Week 7. The exam focuses on formal and informal vocabulary as well as grammar and overall style. Presentation in class Students will give a presentation during the last few weeks of classes. The presentations should last between 10 and 15 minutes and the topic will be chosen after a discussion with the instructor. Vocabulary test There will be a small vocabulary test during the last class of the semester. The test will contain only words from the vocabulary list created by students. Summary assignment This assignment takes place during the exam period and has two parts. First, students will write a summary of a source, and then they will review two other summaries written by their peers. Course policies: Students are allowed not to attend two classes. Syllabus: Week 1 – Feb 22 Introduction to the course, formal/informal language and vocabulary, using the appropriate register Week 2 – March 1 Formal/informal language and vocabulary (continued), reporting verbs Week 3 – March 8 Group discussion exercises Week 4 – March 15 Understanding texts – facts vs. opinions Week 5 – March 22 Understanding texts – arguments and levels of arguments Week 6 – March 29 No class Week 7 – April 5 Introduction to presentations, how not to give a presentation; the basics of summaries Formal/informal exam Week 8 – April 12 Summaries: the basics of summaries, focusing on important information. Week 9 – April 19 Some problems with presentations, polishing presentations Week 10 – April 26 No class – students discuss drafts of their presentation with the lecturer in his office/via email Week 11 – May 3 Further presentation discussion – analysis of the presentation, understanding the construction and argument; body language Week 12 – May 10 Presentation session 1 Further discussion of class topics. Week 13 – May 17 Presentation session 2 Vocabulary test Course wrap-up