r, :I r, r ”1 r‘ r ‘1 g "I r "I r r, :I r, :I r, :1 r, :I I: ' 1: 1| I: l I I II II: II‘ _ I I: 1| I: :I I: :I I: :I V l L‘ She8t L‘ 1.: I: “C0 1: .1 .J l. .1 L‘ .1 L _J |_ L‘ '_| p01nts L: L: L‘ Ll L‘ ‘4 Perform the boolean query VIKINGS AND SPAM given the following inverted index: 0 mecs: m1%”, 31, 37, 41, ,53, 59,61 [PI : 46 LINN J = ‘1 . "‘ J 4-.. SPAM. 5&8, 29, 31, 43, 47, 59 ”’1 __ ‘1 ”up“ , 3 Present the result of the query [1 point] and the number of comparisons with [2 points], and without [2 points] a skip list. Assume the skip list has frequency [M |P|] , where |P| is the cardinality of a posting P and [.j is thefloorfunction. (Example: P = {1, 2, 3}, |P| = 3, \/|P| m 1.73, [x/IPH = 1) [Burns 04 [a Mir/g 6" 43, 42, 25, 17,4, 04, H, 54 NMMLQV o4 com‘aavfsons‘é -- "WM 3“? 65m: 457 (2,5)! (44'6”), ($1 5)] (5,5), (W3), (44, 43), (M, 45)[ (43143), (4}, 42), (as, 23), (14,24)! (34,34) (33,93). (Mm), (HIM), (Law)! (53, 5'1), (57,74), ~w7p£om+ slnobo ages: 46 ' , (2,5), (as), (as), mm, mm, mm), mm (as, 23), (M' M)' (s4, 54) (“1.“), (fl, 6‘4), (Sam) I Write your solution only on this side of the sheet! 7‘ / J r, :1 . r ‘I r “I r 1 r ‘1 r‘, 1 r, ,‘I r, ,‘I r, :I r, ,1 r, :1 I: I: 1| 1 I I 1 I, II: I I: I I I: .‘I I: :I I: :I I: :l V o L‘ Sheet L‘ ‘_1 “CO L‘ .1 L .1 L .1 t.‘ .1 L‘ L I.‘ ‘_1 Paints L.“ ‘_| L.‘ ‘_| L‘ ‘_| Compute an unbiased estimate of a text retrieval system’s precision, recall, and the F1 measure on the first five results [3‘ points], and the precision at 40% recall [2 points] given the following lists of results for queries ql, and q2, Where R is a relevant result, and N is a non-relevant result: 0 Results for ql : RNNRRNR (10 relevant results for q1 exist in the collection.) 0 Results for (12 : NRNRRRRN (5 relevant results for qg exist in the collection.) Wm five radix: 314035 "" 95 FIG 5: 31 5 ‘ V Z I 4 1' 6 ‘ "Kama; 4,0 74 ENNKK KMGF B‘ quQ 5’29; wimée fol/71: NIZMIQK War «ya/yr?) "P, e mammary P I Write your solution only on this side of the sheet! r, :1 r :I r '1 I‘_ ‘1 r ‘I r‘ “I r ‘1 r, ,‘l r, :I r, ,‘I r, n I: I: ii I I I :II II: I I: I | I I: :I I: :I 1: 1| 1: :I V o 1: Sheet L‘ ‘_1 “CO L.‘ .J .1 L‘J L‘ .1 L L L‘ ’.J P011113 1: ‘_J |_‘ ‘_I t.‘ ‘_1 Define the two assumptions the Naive Bayes classifier makes [2 points]. Explain the advantage of computing a product of probability estimates as a sum in the logarithmic space [1 point]. Given an observation x, and the classes cl, and c2, is the knowledge of P(x | cl)P(cl) > P(x | 02)P(62) sufficient to decide whether P(c1 | x) > P(c2 | x)? Why or why not? [2 points] Given the following list of observations, use the Naive Bayes classifier to decide whether to play golf when it is sunny, hot, windy, and the humidity is normal. [5 points] Sunny Sunny Overcast Overcast Sunny Rainy Sunny Overcast Overcast Rainy Rainy Rainy Sunny Rainy WWW Hw MW7m) (w; flamed/q).wamf l fer) P(Tmel>’25)vz 3 $7.2. %.fl : 472 7‘- ’1‘: 4495“; P(WO’ Sk‘flh ' Hot-l WOWNA(' True) :. :(Stnbmf (W0) o P(H0+/NO)' 4 3 s so ' [U T N :w' ~' ""' "'~':P( ormKlNo) P( we! a) 5. S 4“ ”no P<7efl5mn/, ”0+! Wowmé TVMZ) > pC'VO’ Snowy. Ho; Nomad TIN/‘2): Wm 449m, [0&7 aCeéfr Write your solution only on this side of the sheet! J I", :I F, “I 1 r' ‘1 r “I r' :‘I r ‘1 r‘, ,‘t r, :I r, ,‘I I‘, ,‘I I: I: :I I II I I, II: II: ,II II: :I I: :I I: :I I: :I I I.‘ Sheet I.‘ ‘_I I.‘ “60 I_‘ _I _I I.‘ L“ _I L I_ I_‘ ‘_1 p0 Ints I.‘ ‘_I I_‘ ‘_I I.“ ‘_I Given a directed graph G that represents three Web pages V(G) = {(1, b, c}, and the links E(G) = {(b, a), (c, a), (e, b), (b, 0)} between these three pages, draw G [1 point] and produce the adjacency matrix (also known as the link matrix) A [1 point], and the Markov transition matrix P [2 points]. Describe the intuition behind the PageRank algorithm [1 point]. Compute the PageRank of the pages a, b, and C using a single iteration of the PageRank algorithm [2 points]. Describe what we mean, when we call a page a hub, or an authority [1 point]. Compute the hub, and authority scores of the pages a, b, and c [2 points]. The pig; afikb ”Jam/I740» 00"!qu [11 lpI/obabiab. M a h/ro— “044th Van/0h, Shvév “416 (MA (499 M+ A rave“ 002(0 Phat -- "3 —) 4/3 4/3 4/3 Xjr(loo> 7<=XO.P:['OOJ[ .00] 4' [’th 105 a web ’9ij Fond—316 W Mllhf Ahmortofigej, AA" um. V‘OJri (91 A 106(2) VA? M4 WUAH/ I'M/$47} r0109”, L0, («MEH’JT 4.45 33;? Write your solution only on this side of the sheet!