So Facebook / isn’t the only place / that’s doing this kind of invisible,/ algorithmic editing of the Web.// Google’s doing it too.// If I search for something, / and you search for something,/ even right now / at the very same time/, we may get very different / search results.// Even if you’re logged out/, one engineer told me /, there are 57 signals/ that Google looks at //-- everything from / what kind of computer you’re on/ to what kind of browser you’re using /to where you’re located -/- that it uses to personally tailor/ your query results. //Think about it for a second/: there is no/ standard Google /anymore. And you know, the funny thing about this is that it’s hard to see. You can’t see how different your search results are from anyone else’s. But a couple of weeks ago / I asked a bunch of friends / to Google “Egypt”/ and to send me screen shots of / what they got. // So / here’s my friend / Scott’s screen shot. // And here’s my friend Daniel’s screen shot. // When you put them side-by-side, / you don’t even have to read the links / to see how different these two pages are.// But when you do read the links, / it’s really quite remarkable. // Daniel / didn’t get anything about the protests in Egypt at all / in his first page of Google results. / Scott’s results were full of them. / And this was the big story of the day at that time./ That’s how different / these results are becoming. //