IA159 Formal Verification Methods Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation Jan Strejˇcek Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University Focus and sources Focus lattices and fixpoints static analysis abstract interpretation Source P. Cousot and R. Cousot: Abstract Interpretation: A Unified Lattice Model for Static Analysis of Programs by Construction or Approximation of Fixpoints, POPL 1977. Special thanks to Marek Trtík for providing me his slides. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 2/73 Motivation for static analysis Floyd’s conjecture To prove static properties of program it is often sufficient to consider sets of states associated with each program point. Examples to check safety properties (reachability of an error state), one only needs to know reachable states for many optimizations during compilation, static information is sufficient (e.g. detection of live variables, available expressions, etc.) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 3/73 Motivation for static analysis Operational semantics defines how a state changes along program execution it is concerned about computational sequences computes a function relating input and output states IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 4/73 Motivation for static analysis Operational semantics defines how a state changes along program execution it is concerned about computational sequences computes a function relating input and output states Static semantic observes which states pass which program location it is concerned about observed sets of states at locations computes a function assigning set of states to each program location IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 5/73 Motivation for abstract interpretation It is usually impossible to compute the sets of reachable states precisely we can compute them on some level of abstraction for example, instead with precise numbers we work only with abstract values {+, 0, −} abstraction brings some level of imprecission, for example, 15 − 17 is seen as (+) − (+), which can be +, 0, − IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 6/73 Preliminaries Lattices and fixpoints IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 7/73 Introduction to lattices Let (L, ≤) be a partially ordered set and M ⊆ L. x ∈ L is an upper bound of M iff y ≤ x holds for all y ∈ M x ∈ L is a lower bound of M iff x ≤ y holds for all y ∈ M supremum of M is the least upper bound of M infimum of M is the greatest lower bound of M sup(M) and inf(M) denote supremum and infimum of M, respectively IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 8/73 Introduction to lattices Let (L, ≤) be a partially ordered set and M ⊆ L. x ∈ L is an upper bound of M iff y ≤ x holds for all y ∈ M x ∈ L is a lower bound of M iff x ≤ y holds for all y ∈ M supremum of M is the least upper bound of M infimum of M is the greatest lower bound of M sup(M) and inf(M) denote supremum and infimum of M, respectively Definition (Complete lattice) An ordered set (L, ≤) is called complete lattice, if for each M ⊆ L there exist both sup(M) and inf(M). IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 9/73 Introduction to lattices Which of the partially ordered sets are complete lattices? IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 10/73 Introduction to lattices Which of the partially ordered sets are complete lattices? (All of the top row and the left of the bottom row.) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 11/73 Introduction to lattices For every set S, the powerset P(S) with the partial order ⊆ is a complete lattice. For example, (P({0, 1, 2, 3}), ⊆) looks like: IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 12/73 Introduction to lattices Let (L, ≤) be a complete lattice. the greatest element = sup(L) is called one of L the least element ⊥ = inf(L) of L is called zero of L the lattice is of finite height if there exists h ∈ N such that the length of each strictly increasing chain of elements of L is less than or equal to h minimal such h is called lattice height IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 13/73 Fixpoint and Knaster-Tarski fixpoint theorem Let (L, ≤) be a complete lattice. a function f : L → L is monotone if for all x, y ∈ L it holds x ≤ y =⇒ f(x) ≤ f(y) x ∈ L is called a fixpoint of f if f(x) = x IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 14/73 Fixpoint and Knaster-Tarski fixpoint theorem Let (L, ≤) be a complete lattice. a function f : L → L is monotone if for all x, y ∈ L it holds x ≤ y =⇒ f(x) ≤ f(y) x ∈ L is called a fixpoint of f if f(x) = x Theorem (Knaster-Tarski) Let (L, ≤) be a complete lattice and f : L → L be a monotone function. Then the set of fixpoints of f with partial order ≤ is also a complete lattice. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 15/73 Kleene fixpoint theorem Theorem (Kleene) Let (L, ≤) be a complete lattice of finite height and f : L → L a monotone function. Then there exists n ∈ N such that for all k ∈ N it is fn(⊥) = fn+k (⊥) and fn(⊥) is the least fixpoint of f. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 16/73 Kleene fixpoint theorem Theorem (Kleene) Let (L, ≤) be a complete lattice of finite height and f : L → L a monotone function. Then there exists n ∈ N such that for all k ∈ N it is fn(⊥) = fn+k (⊥) and fn(⊥) is the least fixpoint of f. Proof: Since ⊥ is the least element of L, we have ⊥ ≤ f(⊥). Since f is monotone, them f(⊥) ≤ f(f(⊥)) and by induction fi(⊥) ≤ fi+1(⊥). Thus, we have a nondecreasing chain ⊥ ≤ f(⊥) ≤ f2(⊥) ≤ . . .. Since L is assumed to be of a finite height, there must exist n ∈ N such that fn(⊥) = fn+1(⊥). To show that fn(⊥) is a least fixpoint of f, let us assume x is another fixpoint of f. Since ⊥ ≤ x and f(⊥) ≤ f(x) = x from monotonicity of f, we get by induction fn(⊥) ≤ x. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 17/73 Fixpoint computation Algorithm for the least fixpoint computation x := ⊥; do { t := x; x := f(x); } while (x = t); If we start with x := ;, we get the greatest fixpoint. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 18/73 Product lattice Lemma (Product lattice) Let (L1, ≤1), . . . , (Ln, ≤n) be complete lattices and order ≤ on L1 × . . . × Ln is defined as (x1, . . . , xn) ≤ (y1, . . . , yn) iff x1 ≤1 y1 ∧ . . . ∧ xn ≤n yn. Then (L1 × . . . × Ln, ≤) is a complete lattice. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 19/73 Fixpoints on product lattices Let (L, ≤) be a complete lattice and (Ln, ) be the corresponding product lattice. Further, let F1, . . . , Fn : Ln → L be monotone functions, i.e. (x1, . . . , xn) (y1, . . . , yn) implies Fi(x1, . . . , xn) ≤ Fi(y1, . . . , yn) for each 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Then the function F : Ln → Ln defined as F(x1, . . . , xn) = (F1(x1, . . . , xn), . . . , Fn(x1, . . . , xn)) is a monotone function in (Ln, ). Further, the least fixpoint of F is the least solution of the system x1 = F1(x1, . . . , xn) ... xn = Fn(x1, . . . , xn) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 20/73 Fixpoint comutation of product lattices Naive algorithm for fixpoint computation x := ⊥; do { t := x; x := F(x); } while (x = t); IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 21/73 Fixpoint comutation of product lattices Naive algorithm for fixpoint computation x := ⊥; do { t := x; x := F(x); } while (x = t); Better algorithm for fixpoint computation (faster convergence) x1 := ⊥; . . . xn := ⊥; do { t1 := x1; . . . tn := xn; x1 := F1(x1, . . . , xn); ... xn := Fn(x1, . . . , xn); } while (x1 = t1 ∨ . . . ∨ xn = tn); IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 22/73 Moving to abstraction Abstract interpretation IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 23/73 Abstract interpretation an abstract interpretation of a program is kind of a static semantic, where original data domains are replaced with abstract ones abstract data domain must constitute a complete lattice semantic of program instructions have to be changed as well: we define unique monotone function for each program instruction IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 24/73 Abstract interpretation: Definition Definition (Abstract interpretation) An abstract interpretation I of a program P with n program locations is a tuple I = L, ◦, ≤, , ⊥, F where (L, ≤) is complete lattice, and ⊥ are one and zero of (L, ≤), ◦ is equal either to join or meet operation, and F is a monotone function on product lattice (Ln, ≤) defining the interpretation of basic instructions. The meet operator is defined as a ◦ b = inf({a, b}), while the join operator is defined as a ◦ b = sup({a, b}). IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 25/73 Abstract interpretation: Definition Definition (Abstract interpretation) An abstract interpretation I of a program P with n program locations is a tuple I = L, ◦, ≤, , ⊥, F where (L, ≤) is complete lattice, and ⊥ are one and zero of (L, ≤), ◦ is equal either to join or meet operation, and F is a monotone function on product lattice (Ln, ≤) defining the interpretation of basic instructions. The meet operator is defined as a ◦ b = inf({a, b}), while the join operator is defined as a ◦ b = sup({a, b}). Typically, F(x) = (F1(x), . . . , Fn(x)), where each Fi : Ln → L defines effect of i-th program instruction. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 26/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 27/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. var x,y,z,a,b; z := a+b; y := a*b; while (y > a+b) { a := a+1; x := a+b; } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 28/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. Available expressions: AExprs = {a+b, a*b, y>a+b, a+1} var x,y,z,a,b; z := a+b; y := a*b; while (y > a+b) { a := a+1; x := a+b; } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 29/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. Available expressions: AExprs = {a+b, a*b, y>a+b, a+1} A.I.: I = P(AExprs), ∩, ⊆, AExprs, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F6(x)) var x,y,z,a,b; z := a+b; y := a*b; while (y > a+b) { a := a+1; x := a+b; } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 30/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. Available expressions: AExprs = {a+b, a*b, y>a+b, a+1} A.I.: I = P(AExprs), ∩, ⊆, AExprs, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F6(x)) Product lattice: (P6(AExprs), ≤). var x,y,z,a,b; x1 z := a+b; x2 y := a*b; x3 while (y > a+b) { x4 a := a+1; x5 x := a+b; x6 } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 31/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. Available expressions: AExprs = {a+b, a*b, y>a+b, a+1} A.I.: I = P(AExprs), ∩, ⊆, AExprs, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F6(x)) Product lattice: (P6(AExprs), ≤). var x,y,z,a,b; x1 = F1(x) = ∅ z := a+b; x2 = F2(x) = (x1 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ y := a*b; x3 = F3(x) = (x2 ∪ {a*b}) {y>a+b} while (y > a+b) { x4 =F4(x) = (x3 ∩ x6) ∪ {a+b, y>a+b} a := a+1; x5 = F5(x) = (x4 ∪ {a+1}) AExprs x := a+b; x6 = F6(x) = (x5 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 32/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. Available expressions: AExprs = {a+b, a*b, y>a+b, a+1} A.I.: I = P(AExprs), ∩, ⊆, AExprs, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F6(x)) Product lattice: (P6(AExprs), ≤). var x,y,z,a,b; x1 = F1(x) = ∅ z := a+b; x2 = F2(x) = (x1 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ y := a*b; x3 = F3(x) = (x2 ∪ {a*b}) {y>a+b} while (y > a+b) { x4 =F4(x) = (x3 ∩ x6) ∪ {a+b, y>a+b} a := a+1; x5 = F5(x) = (x4 ∪ {a+1}) AExprs x := a+b; x6 = F6(x) = (x5 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ } Direction: Forward IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 33/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. Available expressions: AExprs = {a+b, a*b, y>a+b, a+1} A.I.: I = P(AExprs), ∩, ⊆, AExprs, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F6(x)) Product lattice: (P6(AExprs), ≤). var x,y,z,a,b; x1 = F1(x) = ∅ z := a+b; x2 = F2(x) = (x1 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ y := a*b; x3 = F3(x) = (x2 ∪ {a*b}) {y>a+b} while (y > a+b) { x4 =F4(x) = (x3 ∩ x6) ∪ {a+b, y>a+b} a := a+1; x5 = F5(x) = (x4 ∪ {a+1}) AExprs x := a+b; x6 = F6(x) = (x5 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ } Analysis: Must IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 34/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. Available expressions: AExprs = {a+b, a*b, y>a+b, a+1} A.I.: I = P(AExprs), ∩, ⊆, AExprs, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F6(x)) Product lattice: (P6(AExprs), ≤). var x,y,z,a,b; x1 = F1(x) = ∅ z := a+b; x2 = F2(x) = (x1 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ y := a*b; x3 = F3(x) = (x2 ∪ {a*b}) {y>a+b} while (y > a+b) { x4 =F4(x) = (x3 ∩ x6) ∪ {a+b, y>a+b} a := a+1; x5 = F5(x) = (x4 ∪ {a+1}) AExprs x := a+b; x6 = F6(x) = (x5 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ } Are all functions Fi monotone? IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 35/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. Available expressions: AExprs = {a+b, a*b, y>a+b, a+1} A.I.: I = P(AExprs), ∩, ⊆, AExprs, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F6(x)) Product lattice: (P6(AExprs), ≤). var x,y,z,a,b; x1 = F1(x) = ∅ z := a+b; x2 = F2(x) = (x1 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ y := a*b; x3 = F3(x) = (x2 ∪ {a*b}) {y>a+b} while (y > a+b) { x4 =F4(x) = (x3 ∩ x6) ∪ {a+b, y>a+b} a := a+1; x5 = F5(x) = (x4 ∪ {a+1}) AExprs x := a+b; x6 = F6(x) = (x5 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ } Proof F4: Let x, y ∈ P6(AExprs) such that x ≤ y. . . . IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 36/73 Example: Available expressions A nontrivial expression in a program is available at a program location if its current value has already been computed earlier in the execution. Available expressions: AExprs = {a+b, a*b, y>a+b, a+1} A.I.: I = P(AExprs), ∩, ⊆, AExprs, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F6(x)) Product lattice: (P6(AExprs), ≤). var x,y,z,a,b; x1 = F1(x) = ∅ z := a+b; x2 = F2(x) = (x1 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ y := a*b; x3 = F3(x) = (x2 ∪ {a*b}) {y>a+b} while (y > a+b) { x4 =F4(x) = (x3 ∩ x6) ∪ {a+b, y>a+b} a := a+1; x5 = F5(x) = (x4 ∪ {a+1}) AExprs x := a+b; x6 = F6(x) = (x5 ∪ {a+b}) ∅ } Then x3 ⊆ y3 and x6 ⊆ y6, which implies (x3 ∩ x6) ⊆ (y3 ∩ y6). . . IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 37/73 Example: Available expressions After fixpoint computation ... var x,y,z,a,b; x1 = ∅ z := a+b; x2 = {a+b} y := a*b; x3 = {a+b, a*b} while (y > a+b) { x4 = {a+b, y>a+b} a := a+1; x5 = ∅ x := a+b; x6 = {a+b} } Solution: Minimal IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 38/73 Example: Available expressions After fixpoint computation ... var x,y,z,a,b; x1 = ∅ z := a+b; x2 = {a+b} y := a*b; x3 = {a+b, a*b} while (y > a+b) { x4 = {a+b, y>a+b} a := a+1; x5 = ∅ x := a+b; x6 = {a+b} } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 39/73 Example: Live variables A variable is live at a program point if its current value may be read during the remaining execution of the program. var x,y,z; x := input; while (x>1) { y := x/2; if (y>3) x := x-y; z := x-4; if (z>0) x := x/2; z := z-1; } output x; IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 40/73 Example: Live variables A variable is live at a program point if its current value may be read during the remaining execution of the program. Vars = {x,y,z} and I = P(Vars), ∪, ⊆, Vars, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F11(x)) var x,y,z; x := input; while (x>1) { y := x/2; if (y>3) x := x-y; z := x-4; if (z>0) x := x/2; z := z-1; } output x; IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 41/73 Example: Live variables A variable is live at a program point if its current value may be read during the remaining execution of the program. Product lattice is (P11(Vars), ≤). x1 = x2 {x,y,z} var x,y,z; x2 = x3 {x} x := input; x3 = (x4 ∪ x11) ∪ {x} while (x>1) { x4 = (x5 {y}) ∪ {x} y := x/2; x5 = (x6 ∪ x7) ∪ {y} if (y>3) x6 = (x7 {x}) ∪ {x,y} x := x-y; x7 = (x8 {z}) ∪ {x} z := x-4; x8 = (x9 ∪ x10) ∪ {z} if (z>0) x9 = (x10 {x}) ∪ {x} x := x/2; x10 = (x3 {z}) ∪ {z} z := z-1; } x11 = {x} output x; IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 42/73 Example: Live variables A variable is live at a program point if its current value may be read during the remaining execution of the program. Direction: Backward x1 = x2 {x,y,z} var x,y,z; x2 = x3 {x} x := input; x3 = (x4 ∪ x11) ∪ {x} while (x>1) { x4 = (x5 {y}) ∪ {x} y := x/2; x5 = (x6 ∪ x7) ∪ {y} if (y>3) x6 = (x7 {x}) ∪ {x,y} x := x-y; x7 = (x8 {z}) ∪ {x} z := x-4; x8 = (x9 ∪ x10) ∪ {z} if (z>0) x9 = (x10 {x}) ∪ {x} x := x/2; x10 = (x3 {z}) ∪ {z} z := z-1; } x11 = {x} output x; IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 43/73 Example: Live variables A variable is live at a program point if its current value may be read during the remaining execution of the program. Analysis: May x1 = x2 {x,y,z} var x,y,z; x2 = x3 {x} x := input; x3 = (x4 ∪ x11) ∪ {x} while (x>1) { x4 = (x5 {y}) ∪ {x} y := x/2; x5 = (x6 ∪ x7) ∪ {y} if (y>3) x6 = (x7 {x}) ∪ {x,y} x := x-y; x7 = (x8 {z}) ∪ {x} z := x-4; x8 = (x9 ∪ x10) ∪ {z} if (z>0) x9 = (x10 {x}) ∪ {x} x := x/2; x10 = (x3 {z}) ∪ {z} z := z-1; } x11 = {x} output x; IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 44/73 Example: Live variables A variable is live at a program point if its current value may be read during the remaining execution of the program. Solution: Minimal x1 = ∅ x1 = x2 {x,y,z} var x,y,z; x2 = ∅ x2 = x3 {x} x := input; x3 = {x} x3 = (x4 ∪ x11) ∪ {x} while (x>1) { x4 = {x} x4 = (x5 {y}) ∪ {x} y := x/2; x5 = {x,y} x5 = (x6 ∪ x7) ∪ {y} if (y>3) x6 = {x,y} x6 = (x7 {x}) ∪ {x,y} x := x-y; x7 = {x} x7 = (x8 {z}) ∪ {x} z := x-4; x8 = {x,z} x8 = (x9 ∪ x10) ∪ {z} if (z>0) x9 = {x,z} x9 = (x10 {x}) ∪ {x} x := x/2; x10 = {x,z} x10 = (x3 {z}) ∪ {z} z := z-1; } x11 = {x} x11 = {x} output x; IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 45/73 Example: Live variables A variable is live at a program point if its current value may be read during the remaining execution of the program. Variables y,z are never live together. x1 = ∅ x1 = x2 {x,y,z} var x,y,z; x2 = ∅ x2 = x3 {x} x := input; x3 = {x} x3 = (x4 ∪ x11) ∪ {x} while (x>1) { x4 = {x} x4 = (x5 {y}) ∪ {x} y := x/2; x5 = {x,y} x5 = (x6 ∪ x7) ∪ {y} if (y>3) x6 = {x,y} x6 = (x7 {x}) ∪ {x,y} x := x-y; x7 = {x} x7 = (x8 {z}) ∪ {x} z := x-4; x8 = {x,z} x8 = (x9 ∪ x10) ∪ {z} if (z>0) x9 = {x,z} x9 = (x10 {x}) ∪ {x} x := x/2; x10 = {x,z} x10 = (x3 {z}) ∪ {z} z := z-1; } x11 = {x} x11 = {x} output x; IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 46/73 Example: Reaching definitions The reaching definitions for a given program point are those assignments that may have defined the current values of variables. var x,y,z; x := input; while (x>1) { y := x/2; if (y>3) x := x-y; z := x-4; if (z>0) x := x/2; z := z-1; } output x; IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 47/73 Example: Reaching definitions The reaching definitions for a given program point are those assignments that may have defined the current values of variables. var x,y,z; x := input; while (x>1) { y := x/2; if (y>3) x := x-y; z := x-4; if (z>0) x := x/2; z := z-1; } output x; Assignments: Asgns = {x=input, y=x/2, x=x-y, z=x-4, x=x/2, z=z-1} IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 48/73 Example: Reaching definitions The reaching definitions for a given program point are those assignments that may have defined the current values of variables. var x,y,z; x := input; while (x>1) { y := x/2; if (y>3) x := x-y; z := x-4; if (z>0) x := x/2; z := z-1; } output x; Assignments: Asgns = {x=input, y=x/2, x=x-y, z=x-4, x=x/2, z=z-1} I = P(Asgns), ∪, ⊆, Asgns, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F11(x)) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 49/73 Example: Reaching definitions The reaching definitions for a given program point are those assignments that may have defined the current values of variables. var x,y,z; x := input; while (x>1) { y := x/2; if (y>3) x := x-y; z := x-4; if (z>0) x := x/2; z := z-1; } output x; Assignments: Asgns = {x=input, y=x/2, x=x-y, z=x-4, x=x/2, z=z-1} I = P(Asgns), ∪, ⊆, Asgns, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F11(x)) Product lattice: (P11(Asgns), ⊆) IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 50/73 Example: Reaching definitions The reaching definitions for a given program point are those assignments that may have defined the current values of variables. var x,y,z; x := input; while (x>1) { y := x/2; if (y>3) x := x-y; z := x-4; if (z>0) x := x/2; z := z-1; } output x; Assignments: Asgns = {x=input, y=x/2, x=x-y, z=x-4, x=x/2, z=z-1} I = P(Asgns), ∪, ⊆, Asgns, ∅, λx.(F1(x), . . . , F11(x)) Product lattice: (P11(Asgns), ⊆) Direction: Forward Analysis: May Solution: Minimal IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 51/73 Example: Busy expressions An expression is busy if it will definitely be evaluated again before its value changes. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 52/73 Example: Busy expressions An expression is busy if it will definitely be evaluated again before its value changes. Direction: Backward Analysis: Must Solution: Minimal IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 53/73 Computing variable values: different abstraction levels We may consider different abstraction levels of variable values: sets of integer values: P(Z) intervals: {[l, u] | l, u ∈ Z ∪ {−∞, ∞}, l ≤ u} ∪ {⊥} only signs with zero: P({−, 0, +}) initialized or not: {⊥, } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 54/73 Computing variable values: different abstraction levels We may consider different abstraction levels of variable values: sets of integer values: P(Z) intervals: {[l, u] | l, u ∈ Z ∪ {−∞, ∞}, l ≤ u} ∪ {⊥} only signs with zero: P({−, 0, +}) initialized or not: {⊥, } Which abstraction is more precise than other? IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 55/73 Fixpoint approximation techniques Widening and narrowing IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 56/73 Fixpoint approximation techniques When the extreme fixpoints of the system of equations cannot be computed in finitely many steps, they can be approximated. Generally, we have these two approaches: 1 we can find more abstract interpretation 2 we can make approximations in current interpretation to accelerate convergence of Kleene’s sequence Here we are concerned about second approach – the technique called widening. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 57/73 Fixpoint approximation techniques Widening makes Kleene’s sequence to converge to a fixpoint possibly greater than the least one or to an element s, such that s > F(s). In the second case, since s is greater then the least fixpoint, we can use narrowing to make the solution more precise – i.e. to find some fixpoint smaller than s but possibly greater than the least fixpoint. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 58/73 Widening If the Kleene’s sequence does not converge, then there exists a location xi on a program loop where the sequence does not converge. We need a widening function : L × L → L, which is applied every time the location xi is updated: xi = xi Fi(x). We must define such that for each x, y ∈ L, x ◦ y ≤ x y, i.e. overapproximates operation ◦, it ensures, that every infinite sequence of elements occurring in xi is not strictly increasing. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 59/73 Widening Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 60/73 Widening Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 61/73 Widening Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] Widening operator : [i, j] [k, l] = [ite(k < i, −∞, i), ite(l > j, ∞, j)] IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 62/73 Widening Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] Widening operator : [i, j] [k, l] = [ite(k < i, −∞, i), ite(l > j, ∞, j)] {no widening} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, 101] x4 = [101, 101] 100 iterations IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 63/73 Widening Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] Widening operator : [i, j] [k, l] = [ite(k < i, −∞, i), ite(l > j, ∞, j)] {no widening} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, 101] x4 = [101, 101] 100 iterations {x3 = x3 (x2 + [1, 1])} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, ∞] x4 = [101, ∞] 2 iterations IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 64/73 Widening Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] Widening operator : [i, j] [k, l] = [ite(k < i, −∞, i), ite(l > j, ∞, j)] {no widening} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, 101] x4 = [101, 101] 100 iterations {x3 = x3 (x2 + [1, 1])} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, ∞] x4 = [101, ∞] 2 iterations IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 65/73 Narrowing When widening ends with s > F(s), we improve solution s as follows: s ≥ F(s) ≥ . . . ≥ Fn(s) ≥ . . . ≥ s0, where s0 is the least fixpoint. When the sequence is finite, its limit is better approximation of s0. If the sequence is infinite, we apply narrowing function : L × L → L at not stabilizing location xi such that xi = xi Fi(x). Operator must satisfy: for each x, y ∈ L, x > y → (x ≥ x y ≥ y), i.e. tries to slow down the decreasing of the sequence, it ensures, that every infinite sequence of elements starting from any s is not strictly decreasing. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 66/73 Narrowing Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 67/73 Narrowing Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 68/73 Narrowing Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] Narrowing operator : [i, j] [k, l] = [ite(i = −∞, k, min(i, k)), ite(j = ∞, l, max(j, l))] IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 69/73 Narrowing Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] Narrowing operator : [i, j] [k, l] = [ite(i = −∞, k, min(i, k)), ite(j = ∞, l, max(j, l))] {no widening} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, 101] x4 = [101, 101] 100 iterations {widening} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, ∞] x4 = [101, ∞] 2 iteration IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 70/73 Narrowing Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] Narrowing operator : [i, j] [k, l] = [ite(i = −∞, k, min(i, k)), ite(j = ∞, l, max(j, l))] {no widening} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, 101] x4 = [101, 101] 100 iterations {widening} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, ∞] x4 = [101, ∞] 2 iteration {x3 = x3 (x2 + [1, 1])} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, 101] x4 = [101, 101] +1 iteration IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 71/73 Narrowing Example: Interval bounds of integer variable x {locations are after} 1 x := 1; 2 while (x <= 100) { 3 x := x + 1; 4 } {functions} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [−∞, 100] x3 = x2 + [1, 1] x4 = (x1 ∪ x3) ∩ [101, ∞] Narrowing operator : [i, j] [k, l] = [ite(i = −∞, k, min(i, k)), ite(j = ∞, l, max(j, l))] {no widening} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, 101] x4 = [101, 101] 100 iterations {widening} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, ∞] x4 = [101, ∞] 2 iteration {x3 = x3 (x2 + [1, 1])} x1 = [1, 1] x2 = [1, 100] x3 = [2, 101] x4 = [101, 101] +1 iteration IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 72/73 Coming next week Shape Analysis via 3-Valued Logic Static analysis of dynamic memory. It can detect NULL dereferences, memory leaks, etc. Applicable to real code. IA159 Formal Verification Methods: Static Analysis and Abstract Interpretation 73/73