IA169 System Verification and Assurance LTL Model Checking (continued) Jiří Barnat Model Checking – Schema Requirements Specification Property Formalization System System Model Model Checking Simulation Counterexample Invalid Valid ErrorModelling IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 2/46 Where are we now? Property Specification English text. Formulae of Linear Temporal Logic. System Description Source code in programming language. Source code in modelling language. Kripke structure representing the state space. Problem Kripke structure M LTL formula ϕ M |= ϕ ? IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 3/46 Section Automata-Based Approach to LTL Model Checking IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 4/46 Languages of infinite words Observation One System is a set of (infinite) runs. Also referred to as formal language of infinite words. Observation Two Two different runs are equal with respect to an LTL formula if they agree in the interpretation of atomic propositions (need not agree in the states). Let π = s0, s1, . . ., then I(π) def ⇐⇒ I(s0), I(s1), I(s2), . . .. Observation Three Every run either satisfies an LTL formula, or not. Every LTL formula defines a set of satisfying runs. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 5/46 Reduction to Language Inclusion Reformulation as Language Problem Let Σ = 2AP be an alphabet. Language Lsys of all runs of system M is defined as follows. Lsys = {I(π) | π is a run in M}. Language Lϕ of runs satisfying ϕ is defined as follows. Lϕ = {I(π) | π |= ϕ}. Observation M |= ϕ ⇐⇒ Lsys ⊆ Lϕ IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 6/46 Lsys and Lϕ expressed by Büchi automaton Theorem For every LTL formula ϕ we can construct Büchi automaton Aϕ such that Lϕ = L(Aϕ). [Vardi and Wolper, 1986] Theorem For every Kripke structure M = (S, T, I, s0) we can construct Büchi automaton Asys such that Lsys = L(Asys). Construction of Asys Let AP be a set of atomic propositions. Then Asys = (S, 2AP , s0, δ, S), where q ∈ δ(p, a) if and only if (p, q) ∈ T ∧ I(p) = a. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 7/46 Where we are now? Property Specification English text. Formulae ϕ of Linear Temporal Logic. Buchi automaton accepting Lϕ. System Description Source code in programming language. Source code in modelling language. Kripke structure M representing the state space. Buchi automaton accepting Lsys. Problem Reformulation M |= ϕ ⇐⇒ Lsys ⊆ Lϕ IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 8/46 Reduction to Büchi Emptiness Problem Notation co−L denotes complement of L with respect to ΣAP . Lemma co−L(Aϕ) = L(A¬ϕ) for every LTL formula ϕ. Reduction of M |= ϕ to the emptiness of L(Asys × A¬ϕ) M |= ϕ ⇐⇒ Lsys ⊆ Lϕ M |= ϕ ⇐⇒ L(Asys) ⊆ L(Aϕ) M |= ϕ ⇐⇒ L(Asys) ∩ co−L(Aϕ) = ∅ M |= ϕ ⇐⇒ L(Asys) ∩ L(A¬ϕ) = ∅ M |= ϕ ⇐⇒ L(Asys × A¬ϕ) = ∅ IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 9/46 Synchronous Product of Büchi Automata Theorem Let A = (SA, Σ, sA, δA, FA) and B = (SB, Σ, sB, δB, FB) be Büchi automata over the same alphabet Σ. Then we can construct Büchi automaton A × B such that L(A × B) = L(A) ∩ L(B). Construction of A × B A × B = (SA × SB × {0, 1}, Σ, (sA, sB, 0), δA×B, FA × SB × {0}) (p , q , j) ∈ δA×B((p, q, i), a) for all p ∈ δA(p, a) q ∈ δB(q, a) j = (i + 1) mod 2 if (i = 0 ∧ p ∈ FA) ∨ (i = 1 ∧ q ∈ FB) j = i otherwise IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 10/46 Synchronous Product of Büchi Automata – Simplification Observation For the purpose of LTL model checking, we do not need general synchronous product of Büchi automata, since Büchi automaton Asys is constructed in such a way that FA = SA, i.e. it has all states accepting. For such a special case the construction of product automata can be significantly simplified. Construction of A × B when FA = SA A × B = (SA × SB, Σ, (sA, sB), δA×B, SA × FB) (p , q ) ∈ δA×B((p, q), a) for all p ∈ δA(p, a) q ∈ δB(q, a) IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 11/46 Reduction to Accepting Cycle Detection Observation Any finite automaton may visit accepting state infinitely many times only if it contains a cycle through that accepting state. Decision Procedure for M |= ϕ? Build a product automaton (Asys × A¬ϕ). Check the automaton for presence of an accepting cycle. If there is a reachable accepting cycle then M |= ϕ. Otherwise M |= ϕ. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 12/46 Section Detection of Accepting Cycles IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 13/46 Detection of Accepting Cycles Reachability in Directed Graph Depth-first or breadth-first search algorithm. O(|V | + |E|). Algorithmic Solution to Accepting Cycle Detection Compute the set of accepting states in time O(|V | + |E|). Detect self-reachability for every accepting state in O(|F|(|V | + |E|)). Overall time O(|V | + |E| + |F|(|V | + |E|)). Can we do better? Yes, with Nested DFS algorithm in O(|V | + |E|). IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 14/46 Depth-First Search Procedure proc Reachable(V ,E,v0) Visited = ∅ DFS(v0) return (Visited) end proc DFS(vertex) if vertex ∈ Visited then /∗ Visits vertex ∗/ Visited := Visited ∪ {vertex} foreach { v | (vertex,v)∈ E } do DFS(v) od /∗ Backtracks from vertex ∗/ fi IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 15/46 Colour Notation in DFS Observation When running DFS on a graph all vertices can be classified into one of the three following categories (denoted with colours). Colour Notation for Vertices White vertex – Has not been visited yet. Gray vertex - Visited, but yet not backtracked. Black vertex - Visited and backtracked. Recursion Stack Gray vertices form a path from the initial vertex to the vertex that is currently processed by the outer procedure. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 16/46 Properties of DFS, G = (V , E) a v0 ∈ V Observation If two distinct vertices v1, v2 satisfy that (v0, v1) ∈ E∗ , (v1, v1) ∈ E+ , (v1, v2) ∈ E+ . Then procedure DFS(v0) backtracks from vertex v2 before it backtracks from vertex v1. DFS post-order If (v, v) ∈ E+ and (v0, v) ∈ E∗ , then upon the termination of sub-procedure DFS(v), called within procedure DFS(v0), all vertices u such that (v, u) ∈ E+ are visited and backtracked. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 17/46 Detection of Accepting Cycles in O(|V | + |E|) Observation If a sub-graph reachable from a given accepting vertex does not contain accepting cycle, then no accepting cycle starting in an accepting state outside the sub-graph can reach the sub-graph. The Key Idea Execute the inner procedures in a bottom-up manner. The inner procedures are called in the same order in which the outer procedure backtracks from accepting states, i.e. the ordering of calls follows a DFS post-order. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 18/46 Detection of Accepting Cycles in O(|V | + |E|) proc Detection_of_accepting_cycles Visited := ∅ DFS(v0) end proc DFS(vertex) if (vertex) ∈ Visited then Visited := Visited ∪ {vertex} foreach {s | (vertex,s) ∈ E} do DFS(s) od if IsAccepting(vertex) then DetectCycle(vertex) fi fi end IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 19/46 Detection of Accepting Cycles in O(|V | + |E|) Assumption On Early Termination The inner procedure reports the accepting cycle and terminates the whole algorithm if called for an accepting vertex that lies on an accepting cycle. Consequences If the inner procedure called for an accepting vertex v reports no accepting cycle, then there is no accepting cycle in the graph reachable from vertex v. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 20/46 Detection of Accepting Cycles in O(|V | + |E|) Linear Complexity of Nested DFS Algorithm Employing DFS post-order it follows that vertices that have been visited by previous invocation of inner procedure may be safely skipped in any later invocation of the inner procedure. O(|V | + |E|) Algorithm 1) Nested procedures are called in DFS post-order as given by the outer procedure, and are limited to vertices not yet visited by inner procedure. 2) All vertices are visited at most twice. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 21/46 Detecting Cycles in Inner Procedures Theorem If the immediate successor to be processed by an inner procedure is grey (on the stack of the outer procedure), then the presence of an accepting cycle is guaranteed. Application It is enough to reach a vertex on the stack of the outer procedure in the inner procedure in order to report the presence of an accepting cycle. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 22/46 O(|V | + |E|) Algorithm proc Detection_of_accepting_cycles Visited := Nested := in_stack := ∅ DFS(v0) Exit("Not Present") end proc DFS(vertex) if (vertex) ∈ Visited then Visited := Visited ∪ {vertex} in_stack := in_stack ∪ {vertex} foreach {s | (vertex,s) ∈ E} do DFS(s) od if IsAccepting(vertex) then DetectCycle(vertex) fi in_stack := in_stack \ {vertex} fi end proc DetectCycle (vertex) if vertex ∈ Nested then Nested := Nested ∪ {vertex} foreach {s | (vertex,s) ∈ E} do if s ∈ in_stack then WriteOut(in_stack) Exit("Present") else DetectCycle(s) fi of fi end IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 23/46 Time and Space Complexity Outer Procedure Time: O(|V | + |E|) Space: O(|V |) Inner Procedures Time (overall): O(|V | + |E|) Space: O(|V |) Complexity Time: O(|V | + |E| + |V | + |E|) = O(|V | + |E|) Space: O(|V | + |V |) = O(|V |) IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 24/46 Nested DFS – Example IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 25/46 Section Classification of Büchi Automata IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 26/46 Sub-Classes of Büchi Automata Terminal Büchi Automata All accepting cycles are self-loops on accepting states labelled with true. Weak Büchi Automata Every strongly connected component of the automaton is composed either of accepting states, or of non-accepting states. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 27/46 Impact on Verification Procedure Automaton A¬ϕ For a number of LTL formulae ϕ is A¬ϕ terminal or weak. A¬ϕ is typically quite small. Type of A¬ϕ can be pre-computed prior verification. Types of components of A¬ϕ Non-accepting – Contains no accepting cycles. Strongly accepting – Every cycle is accepting. Partially accepting – Some cycles are accepting and some are not. Product Automaton The graph to be analysed is a graph of product automaton AS × A¬ϕ. Types of components of AS × A¬ϕ are given by the corresponding components of A¬ϕ. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 28/46 Impact on Verification Procedure – Terminal BA A¬ϕ is terminal Büchi automaton For the proof of existence of accepting cycle it is enough to proof reachability of any state that is accepting in A¬ϕ part. Verification process is reduced to the reachability problem. „Safety” Properties Those properties ϕ for which A¬ϕ is a terminal BA. Typical phrasing: „Something bad never happens.” Reachability is enough to proof the property. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 29/46 Impact on Verification Procedure – Weak BA A¬ϕ is weak Büchi automaton Contains no partially accepting components. For the proof of existence of accepting cycle it is enough to proof existence of reachable cycle in a strongly accepting component. Can be detected with a single DFS procedure. Time-optimal algorithm exists that does not rely on DFS. „Weak” LTL Properties Those properties ϕ for which A¬ϕ is a weak BA. Typically, responsiveness: G (a =⇒ F (b)). IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 30/46 Classification of LTL Properties Classification Every LTL formula belongs to one of the following classes: Reactivity, Recurrence, Persistance, Obligation, Safety, Guarantee Interesting Relations Guarantee class properties can be described with a terminal Büchi automaton. Persistance, Obligation, and Safety class properties can be described with a weak Büchi automaton. Negation in Verification Process (ϕ → A¬ϕ) ϕ ∈ Safety ⇐⇒ ¬ϕ ∈ Guarantee. ϕ ∈ Recurrence ⇐⇒ ¬ϕ ∈ Persistance. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 31/46 Classification of LTL Properties Guarantee Obligation Safety PersistenceRecurrence Reactivity General BA Weak BA Terminal BA IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 32/46 Section Fighting State Space Explosion IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 33/46 State Space Explosion Problem What is State Space Explosion System is usually given as a composition of parallel processes. Depending on the order of execution of actions of parallel processes various intermediate states emerge. The number of reachable states may be up to exponentially larger than the number of lines of code. Consequence Main memory cannot store all states of the product automaton as they are too many. Algorithms for accepting cycle detection suffer for lack of memory. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 34/46 Some Methods to Fight State Space Explosion State Compression Lossless compression. Lossy compression – Heuristics. On-The-Fly Verification Symbolic Representation of State Space Reduced Number of States the Product Automaton Introduction of atomic blocks. Partial order on execution of process actions. Avoid exploration of symmetric parts. Parallel and Distributed Verification IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 35/46 On-The-Fly Verification Observation Product automaton graph is defined implicitly with: |F|_init() — Returns initial state of automaton. |F|_succs(s) — Gives immediate successors of a given state. |Accepting|(s) — Gives whether a state is accepting or not. On-The-Fly Verification Some algorithms may detect the presence of accepting cycle without the need of complete exploration of the graph. Hence, M |= ϕ can be decided without the full construction of Asys × A¬ϕ. This is referred to as to on-the-fly verification. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 36/46 Partial Order Reduction Example Consider a system made of processes A and B. A can do a single action α, while B is a sequence of actions β, e.g. β1, . . . , βm. Unreduced State Space: βm α α α β1 β2 βm α β1 β2 s r Property to be verifed: Reachability of state r. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 37/46 Partial Order Reduction Observation Runs (αβ1β2 . . . βm), (β1αβ2 . . . βm), . . . , (β1β2 . . . βmα) are equivalent with respect to the property. It is enough to consider only a representative from the equivalence class, say, e.g. (β1β2 . . . βmα). βm α α α β1 β2 βm α β1 β2 s r The representative is obtained by postponing of action α. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 38/46 Partial Order Reduction Reduction Principle Do not consider all immediate successor during state space exploration, but pick carefully only some of them. Some states are never generated, which results in a smaller state space graph. Technical Realisation To pick correct but optimal subset of successors is as difficult as to generate the whole state space. Hence, heuristics are used. The reduced state space must contain an accepting cycle if and only if the unreduced state space does so. LTL formula must not use X operator (subclass of LTL). IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 39/46 Distributed and Parallel Verification Principle Employ aggregate power of multiple CPUs. Increased memory and computing power. Problem of Nested DFS Typical implementation relies on hashing mechanism, hence, the main memory is accessed extremely randomly. Should memory demands exceeds the amount of available memory, thrashing occurs. Mimicking serial Nested DFS algorithm in a distributed-memory setting is extremely slow. (Token-based approach). It unknown whether the DFS post-order can be computed by a time-optimal scale-able parallel algorithm (Still an open problem.) IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 40/46 Parallel Algorithms for Distributed-Memory Setting Observation Instead of DFS other graph procedures are used. Tasks such as breadth-first search, or value propagation can be efficiently computed in parallel. Parallel algorithms do not exhibit optimal complexity. Complexity Optimal On-The-Fly Nested DFS O(V+E) Yes Yes OWCTY general Büchi automata O(V.(V+E)) No No weak Büchi automata O(V+E) Yes No MAP O(V.V.(V+E)) No Partially OWCTY+MAP general Büchi automata O(V.(V+E)) No Partially weak Büchi automata O(V+E) Yes Partially IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 41/46 Section Model Checking – Summary IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 42/46 Decision Procedure and State Space Explosion Properties Validity Property to be verified may be violated by a single particular (even extremely unlikely) run of the system under inspection. The decision procedure relies on exploration of state space graph of the system. State Space Explosion Unless thee are other reasons, all system runs have to be considered. The number of states, that system can reach is up to exponentially larger than the size of the system description. Reasons: Data explosion, asynchronous parallelism. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 43/46 Advantages of Model Checking General Technique Applicable to Hardware, Software, Embedded Systems, Model-Based Development, . . . Mathematically Rigorous Precision The decision procedure results with M |= ϕ, if and only if, it is the case. Tool for Model Checking – Model Checkers The so called "Push-Button" Verification. No human participation in the decision process. Provides users with witnesses and counterexamples. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 44/46 Disadvantages of Model Checking Not Suitable for Everything Not suitable to show that a program for computing factorial really computes n! for a given n. Though it is perfectly fine to check that for a value of 5 it always returns the value of 120. Often Relies on Modelling Need for model construction. Validity of a formula is guaranteed for the model, not the modelled system. Size of the State Space Applicable mostly to system with finite state space. Due to state space explosion, practical applicability is limited. Verifies Only What Has Been Specified Issues not covered with formulae need not be discovered. IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 45/46 Practicals and Homework – 06 Homework Analysis with DIVINE model checker on a more complex example (some homework from previous course on secure coding). IA169 System Verification and Assurance – 04 str. 46/46