Unit Three Problem, Process, and Solution In Unit Two we mainly explored one common kind of underlying structure to academic writing, that of general-specific movement. This structure will ptove useful in later units when producing data commentaries (Unit Four) or writing introductions to research papers (Unit Eight). In this unit, we explore and practice a second underlying structure in academic writing, that ofproblem-to-solution (PS) movement, which we introduced briefly in Unit One and touched on in Unit Two. This structure will again prove useful later when writing critiques (Unit Six) and Introductions (Unit Eight). So, clearly this structure is one of the more important ones in academic writing, especially if you consider how much academic research activity is aimed at solving problems, which may be discussed in published research articles, various kinds of research proposals, and case reports in certain fields, to name a few examples. Beyond looking at the overall organization, we have built into the problem-solution structure some discussion of process descriptions. In many cases, it makes sense to see describing the parts of a process as the steps required to provide a solution to some problem. Alternatively, a problem may be described in terms of a process-for example, how malware infects a mobile phone or how a tsunami (tidal wave) forms. As we have seen, general-specific passages tend to be descriptive and expository. In contrast, problem-solution texts tend to be more argumentative and evaluative. In the former, students and junior scholars will most likely position themselves as being informed and organized and in the latter as questioning, perceptive, and convincing. We say this because you may need to convince your reader that your problem is indeed a problem and/or that your solution is reasonable. 100 3: PROBLEM, PROCESS, AND SOLUTION 101 The Structure of Problem-Solutiou Texts We begin this unit with a passage on a topic that is likely of interest to you and others who want or perhaps need to publish. Although it is written from the perspective of research in Biomedicine, we think it raises some points that are relevant for all junior scholars. TASK ONE This passage discusses the need for junior scholars or novices to receive training in scientific writing. Before you read, discuss the first question with a partner. 1. How important is it for you to publish in journals in your field? Why? What are some challenges that novices may face? Scientific Writing of Novice Researchers: What Difficulties and Encouragements Do They Encounter? Shah, J., BA, MS; Shah, A., MD, MPH; Pietrobon, R., MD, PhD, MBA. (2009). Academic Medicine, 84, 511-516. oClear communication of research findings is essential to sustain the ever-evolving biomedical research field. 8 Serving as the mainstay for this purpose, scientific writing involves the consideration of numerous factors, while building up an argument that would convince readers and possibly enable them to arrive at a decision. oThose who report research must attend to the soundness of the subject matter, to the nature of the intended audience, and to questions of clarity, style, structure, precision, and accuracy. e These factors, along with the weight of responsibility to the scientific community, make scientific writing a daunting task. oConsequently, many researchers shy away from this critical element of research, which may impede the progress of science and their own scientific careers. 102 ACADEMIC WRITING FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS oThe ability to accurately and effectively communicate ideas, procedures, and findings according to readers' expectations is the primary skill required for scientific writing. e Additionally, skills such as the ability to relate and interlink evidence, to lend permanence to thoughts and speech, to enable one's writing to serve as a future reference to others, and to protect intellectual property rights 1 need to be developed and tempered* over a period of time. (3 These skills are necessary for all researchers, but especially for novice researchers in the beginnings of their careers so that they do not face failure and lose valuable time learning these skills later. oIndividuals entering the research field with no or little experience with past publications qualify as novice researchers. ~ Even clinicians intending to explore and publish findings about research questions based on their clinical practice need to learn these skills to effectively contribute to health care. o Instruction in scientific wr'lting and subsequent publication in peer-reviewed journals will help novice researchers refine their ideas and increase their expertise, because the act of writing is itself a valuable tool for learning and for fostering the scientific thought process2-this aligns with the principles of the writing to learn movement.3.4 0 Effective writing skills help new scientists take part in the ongoing, ever-evolving scientific conversation.s G) The practice of scientific writing develops habits of reflection2 that make for better researchers, and publication in respected journals strengthens the scientific process, while playing a crucial role in career advancement. *made stronger through experience. r- 3: PROBLEM, PROCE55, AND SOLUTION 103 2. 3. 4. The passage includes the four parts of the standard problemsolution text, as shown in Table 2. Which sentences belong to at is the general point being discussed in each part?each part? Wh TABLE 2. Parts of a Problem·Solution Text Situation Problem Solution Evaluation background information on a particular set of circumstances reas~ns for challenging the accuracy of the figures; criticisms r weaknesses surrounding the current situation; possible nterevidence of 0 cou discussion of a way or ways to alleviate the problem assessment of the merits of the proposed solution(s) Note that sometimes an incomplete solution is offered; an lution may introdnce a new problem, which then dressed. This type of text may look different (see incomplete so needs to be ad Table 3). TABLE 3. Variation of a Problem·Solution Text Situation Problem Partial solution Evaluation New solution Evaluation background information on a particular set of circumstances reas wea ons for challenging the accuracy of the figures; criticisms of or knesses surrounding the current situation; possible counterevidence discussion of a way or ways to alleviate the problem assessment of the merits and limitations of the proposed solutionis) discussion of a new way or ways to alleviate the problem assessment of the merits of the proposed solution(s) Do you agree or disagree with the opening sentence? Why or why not? What would be the reaction if the statement were ther than biomedicine? Why do you suppose the this as their starting point? about a field 0 authors chose eaction to the point made in Sentence 7?What is your r 104 ACADEMIC WRITING FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS • 5. Put a check mark (,,) next to the aspects of the text that contribute to the authors' attempts to convince you. How convinced are you that novices should receive instruction in scientific writ- ing? a. the problem-solution organization b. the How of ideas c. references to other published papers (indicated by the superscripted numbers at the ends of some of the sen- tences) d. claims that are stated cautiously (see Unit Four) e. the explanation of the causes of the writing challenges 6. Where do you think the authors are more convincing? Is it in stating the problem or in suggesting the solution? Why? 7. Put a check mark (,,) next to the items that you think could strengthen the text and would lend support to the argument. a. a quote from a study that shows the progress of science is slowed because researchers do not write up their work h. some statistics indicating that writing instruction is beneficial c. some data on the relationship between writing (publishing) and career advancement d. an explanation of the writing to learn movement mentioned in Sentence 11 8. Do you have any experience ofyour own to contribute to the discussion? Have you been involved in a publication? Would you agree or disagree with the authors' point that scientific writing involves the creation of an argument? 3: PROBLEM, PROCESS, AND SOLUTION 105 ~ Language Focus: Mid-Position Adverbs In the section on style in Unit One (beginning on page 14), we noted that adverbs tend to occur within Of near the verb in formal academic writing. In this Language Focus, we develop the point further. First, look at this occurrence from the text in Task One (Sentence 2). · .. scientific writing involves the consideration of numerous factors, while building up an argument that would convince readers and po