SAT-Based Model Checking without Unrolling Aaron R. Bradley Dept. of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309 Abstract. A new form of SAT-based symbolic model checking is described. Instead of unrolling the transition relation, it incrementally generates clauses that are inductive relative to (and augment) stepwise approximate reachability information. In this way, the algorithm gradually refines the property, eventually producing either an inductive strengthening of the property or a counterexample trace. Our experimental studies show that induction is a powerful tool for generalizing the unreachability of given error states: it can refine away many states at once, and it is effective at focusing the proof search on aspects of the transition system relevant to the property. Furthermore, the incremental structure of the algorithm lends itself to a parallel implementation. 1 Introduction Modern SAT-based model checkers unroll the transition relation and thus present the SAT solver with large problems [2,24,21,23]. We describe a new SAT-based model checking algorithm that does not unroll the transition relation, that is nevertheless complete, that is competitive with the best available model checkers [3], and that can be implemented to take advantage of parallel computing environments. The fundamental idea is to generate clauses that are inductive relative to stepwise reachability information. When humans analyze systems, they produce a set of lemmas — typically inductive properties — that together imply the desired property. Each lemma holds relative to some subset of previously proved lemmas in that this prior knowledge is invoked in proving the new lemma [19]. A given lemma usually focuses on just one aspect of the system. Typically, early lemmas discuss variable domains, properties about module-local data structures, and so on, while later lemmas address more global aspects of the system. Yet even the later lemmas are fairly easy to prove since prior information heavily constrains the state space. When a lemma is too difficult to prove directly, a skilled human verifier typically searches for additional supporting lemmas. In contrast, standard model checkers employ monolithic strategies. Many iteratively compute pre- or post-images precisely [7,20] or approximately [21]; others unroll the transition relation [2,24,23]. Section 5 provides further discussion of related work. R. Jhala and D. Schmidt (Eds.): VMCAI 2011, LNCS 6538, pp. 70–87, 2011. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 SAT-Based Model Checking without Unrolling 71 This paper describes a model checking algorithm for safety properties whose strategy is not monolithic but rather closer to that of a human, albeit a particularly industrious one. It produces lemmas in the form of clauses that are inductive relative to previous lemmas and stepwise assumptions. At convergence, a subset of the generated lemmas comprise a 1-step inductive strengthening of the given property. Humans construct lemmas of a more general form than clauses, and in this respect, the analogy breaks down; but the incremental construction of lemmas to form a proof is similar. Section 3 covers induction in further depth, reviews previous work on generating inductive clauses [6], and motivates the use of stepwise assumptions. Sections 4 and 6 discuss the algorithm in detail. The implementation of the algorithm, ic3 (“Incremental Construction of Inductive Clauses for Indubitable Correctness”), has certain runtime characteristics that support the comparison to a human strategy (see Table 1 of Section 7). A typical run of ic3 on a nontrivial problem executes many tens of thousands of SAT queries that test whether various formulas are 1-step inductive, and it produces hundreds or thousands of intermediate lemmas. Each SAT query is trivial compared to the queries made in other techniques [20,2,24,23]: ic3 successfully employs ZChaff [22], a decidedly non-state-of-the-art solver, yet one that provides efficient incremental support. While a human would likely produce fewer but higher-level lemmas, the overall pattern of applying relatively low reasoning power to produce many lemmas is familiar to the experienced human verifier. In HWMCC’10, ic3 ranked third, placing it among sophisticated, multi-engine model checkers. It is available for download at the author’s website [3]. The human verifier analogy can be taken one step further. Just as large verification problems benefit from the attention of several humans, they also benefit from the attention of multiple cooperating ic3 instances. In particular, because the relative to relation among lemmas is a partial order and typically not a linear order, ic3 can take advantage of multi-core and distributed computing environments. Each instance shares only its lemmas and not the work that went into producing them, and it incorporates the lemmas that the other processes generate. Section 8 demonstrates empirically that this parallel implementation is effective and that, in particular, processes do not duplicate work too frequently. 2 Definitions A finite-state transition system S : (¯i, ¯x, I, T) is described by a pair of propositional logic formulas: an initial condition I(¯x) and a transition relation T (¯i, ¯x, ¯x ) over a set of input variables ¯i, internal state variables ¯x, and the next-state primed forms ¯x of the internal variables [9]. Applying prime to a formula, F , is the same as priming all of its variables. A state of the system is an assignment of Boolean values to all variables ¯x and is described by a cube over ¯x, which, generally, is a conjunction of literals, each literal a variable or its negation. An assignment s to all variables of a formula F either satisfies the formula, s |= F, or falsifies it, s |= F. If s is interpreted as a state and s |= F, we say that s is an F-state. A formula F implies another formula G, written F ⇒ G, if every satisfying assignment of F satisfies G. 72 A.R. Bradley A clause is a disjunction of literals. A subclause d ⊆ c is a clause d whose literals are a subset of c’s literals. A trace s0, s1, s2, . . ., which may be finite or infinite in length, of a transition system S is a sequence of states such that s0 |= I and for each adjacent pair (si, si+1) in the sequence, si, si+1 |= T . That is, a trace is the sequence of assignments in an execution of the transition system. A state that appears in some trace of the system is reachable. A safety property P(¯x) asserts that only P-states are reachable. P is invariant for the system S (that is, S-invariant) if indeed only P-states are reachable. If P is not invariant, then there exists a finite counterexample trace s0, s1, . . . , sk such that sk |= P. 3 Applying Induction Incrementally For a transition system S : (¯i, ¯x, I, T), an inductive assertion F(¯x) describes a set of states that (1) includes all initial states: I ⇒ F, and that (2) is closed under the transition relation: F ∧ T ⇒ F . The two conditions are sometimes called initiation and consecution, respectively. An inductive strengthening of a safety property P is a formula F such that F ∧P is inductive. Standard symbolic model checkers [7,20] and interpolation-based model checkers [21] compute inductive strengthenings of a given safety property P. Upon convergence, iterative post-image, respectively pre-image, computation yields the strongest, respectively weakest, inductive strengthening of P, while approximate methods yield strengthenings of intermediate strength. Induction need not be applied in a monolithic way, however. One can construct a sequence of inductive assertions, each inductive relative to (a subset of) the previous assertions [19]. An assertion F is inductive relative to another assertion G if condition (1) holds unchanged: I ⇒ F, and a modified version of (2) holds: G∧F ∧T ⇒ F . The assertion G reduces the set of states that must be considered so that an assertion F that is not inductive on its own (because F ∧ T ⇒ F ) may be inductive relative to G. The value of using induction in an incremental fashion is that constructing a sequence of simple lemmas is often easier than constructing a strengthening all at once. Of course, translating human intuition into a model checking algorithm is difficult if not impossible, so one typically fixes a domain of assertions [10]. In previous work, we introduced a technique for discovering relatively inductive clauses [6]. We review it here as motivation for the algorithm that we subsequently introduce. The main idea is to augment the following naive model checker: enumerate states that can reach a violation of the asserted property P and conjoin their negations to P until an inductive assertion is produced. For each such state s, the method searches for an inductive generalization c ⊆ ¬s to conjoin to P instead. Such a subclause (1) is inductive relative to known or assumed reachability information (P, previous inductive generalizations, and the negations of considered states without inductive generalizations) and (2) is minimal in that it does not contain any strict subclauses that are also inductive. SAT-Based Model Checking without Unrolling 73 In practice, such a minimal inductive subclause is substantially smaller than ¬s and excludes states that are not necessarily related to s by T . While the method succeeds on some hard benchmarks [4], it sometimes enters long searches for the next relatively inductive clause, for a state may not have an inductive generalization even if it is unreachable. It is this problem of search that motivated investigation into a more effective way to use inductive clause generation. The new approach de-emphasizes global information that is sometimes hard to discover in favor of stepwise information that is easy to discover. In particular, stepwise assumptions guarantee that an unreachable state always has a stepwise-relative inductive generalization, one that asserts that s and many similar states are unreachable for some number of steps. Because we consider finite state systems, these stepwise-relative inductive generalizations eventually become truly inductive. Since finding minimal inductive subclauses remains a core subprocedure in the new approach, an informal description of it is in order. To find a subclause d ⊆ c = c0 that is inductive relative to G, if such a clause exists, first consider consecution: G ∧ c0 ∧ T ⇒ c0. If both this implication and initiation hold, c0 is itself inductive. Otherwise, a counterexample state s exists. Form the clause c1 = c0 ∩ ¬s by keeping only the literals that c0 and ¬s share. Iterate this process until it converges to some clause ci. If ci satisfies initiation, then let d = ci; otherwise, c0 does not have an inductive subclause. This process is called the down algorithm [6]. Now d ⊆ c0 is inductive, but it is not necessarily minimal — and in practice it is large. Form d1 by dropping some literal of d, and apply down to d1. If down succeeds, the result is a smaller inductive subclause; if it fails, try again with a different literal. Continue until no literal can be dropped from the current inductive subclause. The result is a minimal inductive subclause of c0. This process is called the MIC algorithm; it can be accelerated using the up algorithm [6]. Section 7 discusses optimizations to these procedures. 4 Informal Description Consider a transition system S : (¯i, ¯x, I, T) and a safety property P. The algorithm decides whether P is S-invariant, producing an inductive strengthening if so or a counterexample trace if not. Let us first establish the core logical data structure. The algorithm incrementally refines and extends a sequence of formulas F0 = I, F1, F2, . . . , Fk that are over-approximations of the sets of states reachable in at most 0, 1, 2, . . ., k steps. While major iterations of the algorithm increase k, minor iterations can refine any i-step approximation Fi, 0 < i ≤ k. Each minor iteration conjoins one new clause to each of F0, . . . , Fj for some 0 < j ≤ k, unless a counterexample is discovered. (Adding a clause to F0 = I is useless, but it simplifies the exposition.) Assuming that any clause conjoined to F0, . . . , Fj over-approximates j-step reachability, this simple description implies that the sequence always obeys the following properties: (1) I ⇒ F0 and (2) Fi ⇒ Fi+1 for 0 ≤ i < k. Actually, 74 A.R. Bradley letting clauses(Fi) be the set of clauses that comprise Fi, (2) can be more strongly expressed as (2’) clauses(Fi+1) ⊆ clauses(Fi) for 0 ≤ i < k. The algorithm guarantees two other relationships: (3) Fi ⇒ P for 0 ≤ i ≤ k, and (4) Fi ∧ T ⇒ Fi+1 for 0 ≤ i < k. If ever clauses(Fi) = clauses(Fi+1), then these properties imply that Fi is an inductive strengthening of P. With this logical data structure and its intended invariants in mind, we now turn to the workings of the algorithm. Initially the satisfiability of I ∧ ¬P and I ∧ T ∧ ¬P are checked to detect 0- and 1-step counterexamples. If none exist, F1 is set to P. Now let us suppose that we are in major iteration k > 0, so that sequence F0, F1, . . . , Fk satisfies properties (1)-(4). Is it the case that Fk ∧ T ⇒ P ? Suppose so. Then the extended sequence F0, F1, . . . , Fk, P = Fk+1 satisfies properties (1)-(4). We can move onto major iteration k+1. Additionally, for any clause c ∈ Fi, 0 ≤ i ≤ k, if Fi ∧T ⇒ c and c ∈ clauses(Fi+1), then c is conjoined to Fi+1. If during the process of propagating clauses forward it is discovered that clauses(Fi) = clauses(Fi+1)1 for some i, the proof is complete: P is invariant. Now suppose not: Fk ∧ T ⇒ P . There must exist an Fk-state s that is one transition away from violating P. What is the maximum Fi (that is, the weakest stepwise assumption), 0 ≤ i ≤ k, such that ¬s is inductive relative to it? If ¬s is not even inductive relative to F0, then P is not invariant, for s has an I-state predecessor. But if P is invariant, then ¬s must be inductive relative to some Fi.2 We then apply inductive generalization to s: a minimal subclause c ⊆ ¬s that is inductive relative to Fi is extracted as described in Section 3. Because the inductive generalization is performed relative to Fi, this process must succeed. After all, ¬s is itself inductive relative to Fi. The clause c is conjoined to each of F0, . . . , Fi+1. (Why to Fi+1? Because Fi ∧ c ∧ T ⇒ c holds.)3 If i = k −1 or i = k, then c was conjoined to Fk, eliminating s as an Fk-state. Subsequent queries of Fk ∧ T ⇒ P must either indicate that the implication holds or produce different counterexample states than s. But it is possible that i < k − 1. In this case, s is still an Fk-state. Consider this question: Why is ¬s inductive relative to Fi but not relative to Fi+1? There must be a predecessor, t, of s that is an Fi+1-state but not an Fi-state. Now if i = 0, t may have an I-state as a predecessor, in which case P would not be invariant. But if i > 0, then because of property (4), ¬t must be inductive relative to at least Fi−1. And even if i = 0, ¬t may nevertheless be inductive relative to some Fj. 1 Notice that this syntactic check avoids checking semantic equivalence of potentially complex formulas. 2 In fact, ¬s is inductive relative to Fk−2, if not a later stepwise approximation. For suppose not; then there would exist an Fk−2-state t that is a predecessor to s, so that by (4), s would be a Fk−1-state. But then an Fk−1-state could reach a violation in one transition, contradicting (3) and (4). 3 In practice, because c may actually be inductive relative to Fj for some j > i even though ¬s is not, we attempt to push it forward as far as possible, that is, until Fj ∧ c ∧ T ⇒ c but Fj+1 ∧ c ∧ T ⇒ c . However, this variation complicates the discussion, so we do not consider it further. SAT-Based Model Checking without Unrolling 75 Hence we recur on t. The new subgoal is to produce a subclause of ¬t that is inductive relative to Fi, eliminating t at Fi+1. Unless P is not invariant, such a clause is eventually added to Fi+1, possibly after considering one or more predecessors of t. Then s can be considered with respect to the strengthened over-approximation Fi+1. This process of considering predecessors recursively continues until ¬s is finally inductive relative to Fk (unless a counterexample trace is discovered first). In practice, it is worthwhile to find subclauses inductive relative to Fk for every other state considered during the recursion, as the resulting clauses may be mutually inductive but not independently inductive. With s no longer an Fk-state, Fk ∧ T ⇒ P can be considered again. 5 Related Work SAT-based unbounded model checking constructs clauses via quantifier elimination; for a safety property P, it computes the weakest inductive strengthening of P [20]. In our algorithm, induction is a means not only to construct clauses by generalizing from states, but also to abstract the system based on the property. Our algorithm can be viewed from the perspective of predicate abstraction/refinement [17,8]: the minor iterations generate new predicates (clauses) while the major iterations propagate them forward through the stepwise approximations (that is, add c ∈ Fi to Fi+1 if Fi ∧ T ⇒ c ). If the current clauses are insufficient for convergence to an inductive strengthening of P, the next sequence of minor iterations generates new clauses that enable propagation to continue at least one additional step. The stepwise over-approximation structure of F0, F1, F2, . . . , Fk is similar to that of interpolation-based model checking (ITP), which uses an interpolant from an unsatisfiable K-step BMC query to compute the post-image approximately [21]. All states in the image are at least K − 1 steps away from violating the property. A larger K refines the image by increasing the minimum distance to violating states. In our algorithm, if the frontier is at level k, then Fi, for 0 ≤ i ≤ k, contains only states that are at least k − i + 1 steps from violating the property. As k increases, the minimum number of steps from Fi-states to violating states increases. In both cases, increasing k (in ours) or K (in ITP) sufficiently for a correct system yields an inductive assertion. However, the algorithms differ in their underlying “technology”: ITP computes interpolants from K-step BMC queries, while our algorithm uses inductive generalization of cubes, which requires only 1-step induction queries for arbitrarily large k. Our work could in principle be applied as a method of strengthening kinduction [24,23,1,25]. However, k-induction would simply eliminate the states that are easiest to inductively generalize — since they have short predecessor chains — so we do not recommend this combination. The method described in this paper first appeared in a technical report [5]. 76 A.R. Bradley Listing 1.1. The main function 1{@post : rv i f f P i s S−i nvari ant } 2bool prove ( ) : 3i f sat (I ∧ ¬P ) or sat (I ∧ T ∧ ¬P ) : 4return false 5F0 := I , clauses(F0) := ∅ 6Fi := P , clauses(Fi) := ∅ for a l l i > 0 7for k := 1 to . . . : 8{@rank : 2|¯x| + 1 9@assert (A ) : 10(1) ∀ i ≥ 0, I ⇒ Fi 11(2) ∀ i ≥ 0, Fi ⇒ P 12(3) ∀ i > 0, clauses(Fi+1) ⊆ clauses(Fi) 13(4) ∀ 0 ≤ i < k, Fi ∧ T ⇒ Fi+1 14(5) ∀ i > k, |clauses(Fi)| = 0 } 15i f not strengthen (k ) : 16return false 17propagateClauses (k) 18i f clauses(Fi) = clauses(Fi+1) for some 1 ≤ i ≤ k : 19return true 6 Formal Presentation and Analysis We present the algorithm and its proof of correctness simultaneously with annotated pseudocode in Listings 1.1-1.5 using the classic approach to program verification [16,18]. In the program text, @pre and @post introduce a function’s pre- and post-condition, respectively; @assert indicates an invariant at a location; and @rank indicates a ranking function represented as the maximum number of times that the loop may iterate. As usual, a function’s pre-condition is over its parameters while its post-condition is over its parameters and its return value, rv. For convenience, the system S : (¯i, ¯x, I, T) and property P are assumed to be in scope everywhere. Also, some assertions are labeled and subsequently referenced in annotations. All assertions are inductive, but establishing the ranking functions requires additional reasoning, which we provide below. Listing 1.1 presents the top-level function prove, which returns true if and only if P is S-invariant. First it looks for 0-step and 1-step counterexample traces. If none are found, F0, F1, F2, . . . are initialized to assume that P is invariant, while their clause sets are initialized to empty. As a formula, each Fi for i > 0 is interpreted as P ∧ clauses(Fi). Then it constructs the sequence of k-step over-approximations starting with k = 1. On each iteration, it first calls strengthen(k) (Listing 1.2), which strengthens Fi for 1 ≤ i ≤ k so that Fi-states are at least k − i + 1 steps away from violating P, by assertions A(2) and strengthen’s post(2). Next it calls propagateClauses(k) (Listing 1.3) to propagate clauses forward through F1, F2, . . . , Fk+1. If this propagation yields SAT-Based Model Checking without Unrolling 77 Listing 1.2. The strengthen function 20{@pre : 21(1) A 22(2) k ≥ 1 23@post : 24(1) A.1−3 25(2) i f rv then ∀ 0 ≤ i ≤ k, Fi ∧ T ⇒ Fi+1 26(3) ∀ i > k + 1, |clauses(Fi)| = 0 27(4) i f ¬rv then there e x i s t s a counterexample trace } 28bool strengthen (k : l e v e l ) : 29try : 30while sat (Fk ∧ T ∧ ¬P ) : 31{@rank : 2|¯x| 32@assert (B ) : 33(1) A.1−4 34(2) ∀ c ∈ clauses(Fk+1), Fk ∧ T ⇒ c 35(3) ∀ i > k + 1, |clauses(Fi)| = 0 } 36s := the predecessor extracted from the witness 37n := inductivelyGeneralize(s , k − 2 , k) 38pushGeneralization ({(n + 1, s)} , k) 39{ @assert (C ) : s |= Fk } 40return true 41except Counterexample : 42return false Listing 1.3. The propagateClauses function 43{@pre : 44(1) A.1−3 45(2) ∀ 0 ≤ i ≤ k, Fi ∧ T ⇒ Fi+1 46(3) ∀ i > k + 1, |clauses(Fi)| = 0 47@post : 48(1) pre 49(2) ∀ 0 ≤ i ≤ k, ∀c ∈ clauses(Fi) , i f Fi ∧ T ⇒ c then c ∈ Fi+1 } 50void propagateClauses (k : l e v e l ) : 51for i := 1 to k : 52{ @assert : ∀ 0 ≤ j < i, ∀c ∈ clauses(Fj) , i f Fj ∧ T ⇒ c then c ∈ Fj+1 } 53for each c ∈ clauses(Fi) : 54{ @assert : pre } 55i f not sat (Fi ∧ T ∧ ¬c ) : 56clauses(Fi+1) := clauses(Fi+1) ∪ {c} any adjacent levels Fi and Fi+1 that share all clauses, then Fi is an inductive strengthening of P, proving P’s invariance. While the assertions are inductive, an argument needs to be made to justify the ranking function. By A(3), the state sets represented by F0, F1, . . . , Fk are nondecreasing with level. Given propagateClauses’s post(2), avoiding termination at line 19 requires that they be strictly increasing with level, which is 78 A.R. Bradley Listing 1.4. Stepwise-relative inductive generalization 57{@pre : 58(1) B 59(2) min ≥ −1 60(3) i f min ≥ 0 then ¬s i s i nducti ve r e l a t i v e to Fmin 61(4) there i s a trace from s to a ¬P−s t a t e 62@post : 63(1) B 64(2) min ≤ rv ≤ k , rv ≥ 0 65(3) s |= Frv+1 66(4) ¬s i s i nducti ve r e l a t i v e to Frv } 67l e v e l inductivelyGeneralize(s : st at e , min : l e v e l , k : l e v e l ) : 68i f min < 0 and sat (F0 ∧ T ∧ ¬s ∧ s ) : 69raise Counterexample 70for i := max(1 , min + 1) to k : 71{ @assert : 72(1) B 73(2) min < i ≤ k 74(3) ∀ 0 ≤ j < i , ¬s i s i nducti ve r e l a t i v e to Fj } 75i f sat (Fi ∧ T ∧ ¬s ∧ s ) : 76generateClause (s , i − 1 , k) 77return i − 1 78generateClause (s , k , k) 79return k 80 81{@pre : 82(1) B 83(2) i ≥ 0 84(3) ¬s i s i nducti ve r e l a t i v e to Fi 85@post : (1) B , (2) s |= Fi+1 } 86void generateClause (s : st at e , i : l e v e l , k : l e v e l ) : 87c := subclause of ¬s that is inductive relative to Fi 88for j := 1 to i + 1 : 89{ @assert : B } 90clauses(Fj ) := clauses(Fj ) ∪ {c} impossible when k exceeds the number of possible states. Hence, k is bounded by 2|¯x| + 1, and, assuming that the called functions always terminate, prove always terminates. For level k, strengthen(k) (Listing 1.2) iterates until Fk excludes all states that lead to a violation of P in one step. Suppose s is one such state. It is eliminated by, first, inductively generalizing ¬s relative to some Fi through a call to inductivelyGeneralize(s, k − 2, k)4 (Listing 1.4) and, second, pushing for a generalization at level k through a call to pushGeneralization({(n+1, s)}, k) (Listing 1.5). At the end of the iteration, Fk excludes s (assertion C). This 4 Note that ¬s is inductive relative to Fk−2 by A(2) and A(4). SAT-Based Model Checking without Unrolling 79 Listing 1.5. The pushGeneralization function 91{@pre : 92(1) B 93(2) ∀ (i, q) ∈ states, 0 < i ≤ k + 1 94(3) ∀ (i, q) ∈ states, q |= Fi 95(4) ∀ (i, q) ∈ states, ¬q i s i nducti ve r e l a t i v e to Fi−1 96(5) ∀ (i, q) ∈ states , there i s a trace from q to a ¬P−s t a t e 97@post : 98(1) B 99(2) ∀ (i, q) ∈ states, q |= Fk } 100void pushGeneralization (states : ( l e v e l , s t a t e ) set , k : l e v e l ) : 101while true : 102{@rank : (k + 1)2|¯x| 103@assert (D ) : 104(1) pre 105(2) ∀ (i, q) ∈ statesprev, ∃j ≥ i, (j, q) ∈ states } 106(n, s) := choose from states , minimizing n 107i f n > k : return 108i f sat (Fn ∧ T ∧ s ) : 109p := the predecessor extracted from the witness 110{ @assert (E ) : ∀ (i, q) ∈ states, p = q } 111m := inductivelyGeneralize(p , n − 2 , k) 112states := states ∪ {(m + 1, p)} 113else : 114m := inductivelyGeneralize(s , n , k) 115{ @assert (F ) : m + 1 > n } 116states := states \ {(n, s)} ∪ {(m + 1, s)} progress implies that the loop can iterate at most as many times as there are possible states, yielding strengthen’s ranking function. The functions in Listing 1.4 perform inductive generalization relative to some Fi. If min < 0, s might have an I-state predecessor, which is checked at line 68. The pushGeneralization algorithm (Listing 1.5) is the key to “pushing” inductive generalization to higher levels. The insight is simple: if a state s is not inductive relative to Fi, apply inductive generalization to its Fi-state predecessors. The complication is that this recursive analysis must proceed in a manner that terminates despite the presence of cycles in the system’s state graph. To achieve termination, a set states of pairs (i, s) is maintained such that each pair (i, s) ∈ states represents the knowledge that (1) s is inductive relative to Fi−1, and (2) Fi excludes s. The loop in pushGeneralization always selects a pair (n, s) from states such that n is minimal over the set. Hence, none of the states already represented in states can be a predecessor of s at level n. Formally, termination of pushGeneralization is established by the inductive assertions D(2), which asserts that the set of states represented in states does not decrease (statesprev represents states’s value on the previous iteration or, during the first iteration, upon entering the function); E, which asserts that the new state p is net yet represented in states; and F, which asserts that the level 80 A.R. Bradley associated with a state can only increase. Given that each iteration either adds a new state to states or increases a level for some state already in states and that levels peak at k + 1, the number of iterations is bounded by the product of k + 1 and the size of the state space. Listings 1.1-1.5 and the termination arguments yield total correctness: Theorem 1. For finite transition system S : (¯i, ¯x, I, T) and safety property P, the algorithm terminates, and it returns true if and only if P is S-invariant. A variation exists that is perhaps more satisfying conceptually. Recall that inductivelyGeneralize and generateClause (Listing 1.4) together generate a subclause of ¬s that is inductive relative to Fi, where Fi is the weakest stepwise assumption relative to which ¬s is inductive. It is possible to find the highest level j ≥ i for which ¬s has a subclause that is inductive relative to Fj even if ¬s is not itself inductive relative to Fj (in which case j > i). However, in practice, this variation requires more time on designs with many latches. Whereas the unsatisfiable core of the query Fi−1 ∧T ∧¬s∧s at line 75 can be used to reduce s, often significantly, before applying inductive generalization (see Section 7), no such optimization is possible for the variation. 7 Single-Core Implementation Our submission to HWMCC’10, ic3, placed third in the “unsatisfiable” category, third overall, and solved 37 more benchmarks than the 2008 winner [3].5 We discuss the implementation details of ic3 in this section. We implemented the algorithm, AIG sweeping [11], and conversion of the transition relation to CNF based on technology mapping [13] in OCaml. The preprocessor of MiniSAT 2.0 is applied to further simplify the transition relation [12,13]. The time spent in preprocessing the transition relation is amortized over thousands to millions of 1-induction SAT instances in a typical analysis. One implementation choice that may seem peculiar is that we used a modified version of ZChaff for SAT-solving [22]. The most significant modification was to change the main data structure and algorithm for BCP to be like MiniSAT [14]. We chose ZChaff, which is considered to be outdated, because it offers efficient incremental functionality: clauses can be pushed and popped, which is necessary for finding an inductive subclause. While this functionality can be simulated in more recent solvers [15], each push/pop iteration requires a new literal. Given that hundreds to thousands of push/pop cycles occur per second in our analysis, each involving clauses, it seems that the amount of garbage that would accumulate in the simulated approach would be prohibitive. Thus we elected to use a library with built-in incremental capability. The consequence is that ZChaff caused timeouts on the following benchmarks during HWMCC’10: 5 The data are available at The competition binary and an open source version of ic3 are available at SAT-Based Model Checking without Unrolling 81 bobaesdinvdmit, bobsmfpu, bobpcihm, and bobsmminiuart. Otherwise, the percentage of time spent in SAT solving varies from as low as 20% to as high as 85%. Benchmarks on which SAT solving time dominates could benefit from a faster solver. We highlight important implementation decisions. The most significant optimization is to extract the unit clauses of an unsatisfiable core whenever possible. Consider the unsatisfiable query F ∧ c ∧ T ∧ ¬c ; the unsatisfiable core can reveal a clause d ⊂ c such that F ∧ c ∧ T ∧ ¬d is also unsatisfiable. The clause d is an inductive subclause if it satisfies initiation. If the initial state is defined such that all latches are 0 (as in HWMCC’10) and d does not satisfy initiation, ic3 simply restores a negative literal from c. This optimization applies in the following contexts: (1) in the inductivelyGeneralize algorithm, from the unsatisfiable query that indicates that ¬s is inductive relative to Fi when ¬s is not inductive relative to Fi+1 (Listing 1.4, line 75); (2) in the down algorithm [6], from the (final) unsatisfiable query indicating an inductive subclause; (3) in the up algorithm; and (4) in propagateClauses, during propagation of clauses between major iterations (Listing 1.3, line 55). In the implementation of inductive generalization (algorithm MIC [6]), we use a threshold to end the search for a minimal inductive subclause. If down is applied unsuccessfully to three subclauses of c, each formed by removing one randomly chosen literal, then c is returned. While c may not be minimal — that is, some d ⊂ c may also be (relatively) inductive — it is typically sufficiently strong; and the search is significantly faster. We use a stepwise cone of influence (COI) [2] to reduce cubes: if a state s is i transitions away from violating P, the initial clause c ⊆ ¬s is set to contain only state variables of the i-step COI; the transition relation is unchanged for practical reasons. The generated clause is more relevant with respect to P in explaining why states similar to s are unreachable, although c may only be inductive relative to a stronger stepwise assumption than ¬s. Subsumption reduces clause sets across levels between major iterations: if clause c at level i subsumes clause d at level j ≤ i, then d is removed. For memory efficiency, one SAT manager is used for computing consecution at all levels. A level-specific literal is added to each generated clause. Clauses at and above level i are activated when computing consecution relative to Fi. An initial set of simulation runs yields candidate equivalences between latches. These candidate equivalences are then logically propagated across the stepwise approximations between major iterations. Some benchmarks are easily solved once key equivalences are discovered, and while the pure analysis is poor at discovering them, propagation easily finds them. Simulation make this analysis inexpensive even when it is not effective. This binary clause analysis fits well with the overall philosophy of generating stepwise-relative inductive clauses. When searching for inductive subclauses, using an arbitrary static ordering of literals to consider for removal yields poor results. We tried various heuristics for dynamically ordering the literals, but none were particularly effective. The competition version of ic3 prefers the negations of literals that appear frequently 82 A.R. Bradley Table 1. Runtime data for selected benchmarks from HWMCC’10 [3] Benchmark Result Time (s) # queries |proof| k bjrb07amba10andenv unsat 260 12238 262 7 bob3 unsat 10 44058 865 7 boblivea unsat 5 34884 652 14 boblivear unsat 4 34547 668 14 bobsmnut1 unsat 9 20530 554 15 intel007 unsat 30 31250 1382 6 intel044 sat 303 578982 92 57 intel045 sat 316 596539 124 49 intel046 sat 223 431123 78 44 intel047 sat 293 561304 82 52 intel054 unsat 56 147986 1459 19 intel055 unsat 9 28302 385 15 intel056 unsat 15 63877 649 19 intel057 unsat 21 72925 731 18 intel059 unsat 11 47840 558 17 intel062 unsat 301 389065 3372 26 nusmvbrp unsat 5 55281 306 27 nusmvreactorp2 unsat 51 308627 779 116 nusmvreactorp6 unsat 178 753335 1723 119 pdtvisns3p00 unsat 11 4428 465 12 pdtvisns3p01 unsat 27 104750 1109 10 pdtvisns3p02 unsat 21 85812 680 12 pdtvisns3p03 unsat 21 80810 745 12 pdtvisns3p04 unsat 115 281812 1783 14 pdtvisns3p05 unsat 135 326604 2033 13 pdtvisns3p06 unsat 13 55016 631 9 pdtvisns3p07 unsat 84 228175 1631 11 pj2017 unsat 233 74417 685 27 in the states set of pushGeneralization. A clause with such literals is relevant to many of the states in states. However, the only definite claim is that changing the variable ordering is superior to using an arbitrary static ordering. We have not investigated whether well-chosen static orderings might yield better performance. While time and memory data for HWMCC’10 are already publicly available, Table 1 provides data particular to ic3 for the benchmarks that ic3 and at most two other entries solved. The table indicates the number of executed SAT queries (# queries); the size of the proof (|proof|), which is the number of clauses for unsatisfiable benchmarks and the length of the counterexample for satisfiable benchmarks; and the maximum value of k. Notice how widely the maximum k value varies. The benefit of the work described in this paper over previous work [6] is particularly apparent for benchmarks with large k, as such benchmarks require generalizing the many states of long sequences simultaneously. Notice also the rate at which SAT queries are solved — several thousand per second — indicating that these queries are trivial compared to those posed by other SAT-based model checkers. A variant of this algorithm emphasizes speed over quality in inductive clause generation. Rather than using “strong” induction to compute a minimal inductive subclause c ⊆ d relative to Fi, it computes a prime implicate ˆc of Fi ∧d∧T , that is, a minimal subclause ˆc ⊆ d such that Fi ∧ d ∧ T ⇒ ˆc holds. On the HWMCC’10 benchmark set, this variation solves 28 fewer unsatisfiable benchmarks and three fewer satisfiable benchmarks. Quality matters. SAT-Based Model Checking without Unrolling 83 8 Parallel Implementation Converting the implementation from sequential to parallel is straightforward. The overall model is of independent model checkers sharing information. Each time a process generates a clause c at level i, it sends the tuple (c, i) to a central server and receives in return a list of clause-level tuples generated since its last communication. To avoid one source of duplicated effort, it uses the new information to syntactically prune its states set. During propagateClauses calls, each process propagates a subset of the clauses based on hashing modulo the number of total processes, and the processes proceed in lockstep, level by level. Additional communications handle exceptional situations such as the discovery of a counterexample. Processes attempt to avoid discovering the same information simultaneously simply through exploiting the randomness in the ZChaff implementation, although co-discovery occurs in practice early and late in each major iteration. How well does the parallel implementation scale with available cores? To investigate this question, we selected eight benchmarks from the competition that are difficult but possible for the non-parallel version: Intel benchmarks 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 31, and 34. We ran the non-parallel and parallel implementations on four Quad Core i5-750/2.66GHz/8MB-cache machines with 8GB, DDR3 non-ECC SDRAM at 1333MHz, running 64-bit Ubuntu 9.10. One process was arranged as a single process on an otherwise mostly idle machine; four processes were arranged as one process per machine; eight processes were arranged as two processes per machine; and twelve processes were arranged as three processes per machine. Unfortunately, (shared) memory latency increased significantly with the number of processes per machine so that the twelve-process configuration was not necessarily an improvement on the eight-process configuration in terms of the system-wide number of SAT problems solved per second. Each benchmark was analyzed eight times by each configuration, with a timeout of two hours (7200 seconds). Figure 1 presents the results in eight graphs that plot running times against the number of processes. The numbers adjacent to dots at 7200 indicate the number of timeouts. Every benchmark benefits from additional cores. One possible explanation, however, is simply that parallelism reduces variance. The high variability of the single-process implementation may be a result of “lucky” discoveries of certain clauses that yield major progress toward proofs. Runs that fail to make these discoveries early can take significantly longer than those that do. To explore this possibility, we set up the following configuration: eight non-communicating processes, where the first to finish causes the others to terminate. In other words, the minimum time is taken from eight independent runs, except that all are executed simultaneously, thus experiencing the memory latency of the eightprocess communicating configuration. The results are shown in Figure 2(a). The data show that some performance gain can indeed be attributed to a reduction in variance. However, comparing Figures 1 and 2 for each benchmark indicates that this reduction in variance cannot explain all of the performance gain. In particular, the standard eight-process parallel version is significantly 84 A.R. Bradley 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 intel020 4 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 intel021 6 3 1 1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 intel022 8 6 6 6 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 intel023 7 1 1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 intel024 4 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 intel029 8 1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 intel031 1 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 intel034 Fig. 1. Number of communicating processes vs. time (in seconds) faster on benchmarks 23, 24, and 29. Except on benchmark 22, for which the data are inconclusive, it is faster on the other benchmarks as well. Therefore, communication is a significant factor in explaining superior performance. SAT-Based Model Checking without Unrolling 85 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 20 21 22 23 24 29 31 34 8 independent processes 1 7 7 8 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 bob05 bob1u05cu bobsmi2c bobsmoci mentorbm1p05 mentorbm1p07 pdtswvqis10x6p1 pdtswvqis8x8p1 pdtswvroz10x6p1 pdtswvroz8x8p2 pdtswvtma6x4p2 pdtswvtma6x6p1 nusmvqueue pdtpmsns3 pdtvissfeistel cmudme1 unsolved by ic3 1 2 1 3 1 1 (a) (b) Fig. 2. Benchmarks vs. time Unfortunately, saturation is also possible: at some number of processes, the rate of co-discovery of information is such that additional processes do not improve runtime. For example, the performance that benchmarks 31 and 34 gain from the four-process configuration is not improved upon with additional processes. However, the data do not indicate degrading performance, either. Having established that communicating processes are superior to independent processes, we next tested if parallel ic3 is superior to serial ic3 in numbers of benchmarks solved in a given time, in particular the 900 seconds per benchmark allotted in HWMCC’10. We ran the twelve-process communicating configuration for one hour on each of the 105 benchmarks that ic3 failed to solve during HWMCC’10 and then extracted the 16 benchmarks that were proved to be unsatisfiable, excluding the intel set of Figure 1. Analyzing these 16 benchmarks four times each with a timeout of one hour produced the data in Figure 2(b). Figures 1 and 2(b) indicate that the twelve-process configuration would yield at least twelve additional proofs within 900 seconds. 9 Conclusion The performance of ic3 in HWMCC’10 shows that the incremental generation of stepwise-relative inductive clauses is a promising new approach to symbolic model checking. Furthermore, it is amenable to simple yet effective parallelization, a crucial characteristic given modern architectures. Why does this algorithm work so well? Consider a clause c. Predecessors to c-states are likely to be or to look similar to c-states, to the extent that dropping a few literals from c may yield an inductive clause d. This reasoning motivates the inductive generalization algorithm (Section 3). However, systems violate this observation to a varying extent. The stepwise sets F0, ..., Fk offer a new possibility: c, if invariant, is inductive relative to a stepwise assumption Fi. Subsequent discovery of additional clauses can yield a set of mutually (relatively) inductive clauses that are propagated forward together. 86 A.R. Bradley Ongoing research includes designing a thread-safe incremental SAT solver, in which threads share a common set of core constraints but have thread-local temporary constraints; investigating how inductive clause generation can accelerate finding counterexamples; and exploring how stepwise-relative inductive generalization can apply to the analysis of infinite-state systems. Acknowledgments. I am grateful to Fabio Somenzi for many fruitful discussions. Arlen Cox provided the initial implementation of technology mappingbased CNF translation. This work was supported by NSF grant CCF 0952617. References 1. Awedh, M., Somenzi, F.: Automatic invariant strengthening to prove properties in bounded model checking. In: DAC, pp. 1073–1076. ACM Press, New York (2006) 2. Biere, A., Cimatti, A., Clarke, E.M., Zhu, Y.: Symbolic model checking without BDDs. In: Cleaveland, W.R. (ed.) TACAS 1999. LNCS, vol. 1579, pp. 193–207. Springer, Heidelberg (1999) 3. 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