Who Do We Take As a Leader Room 1 ● How do we like to be treated? ○ like the valuable members of the company ○ equally ● How do we hate to be treated? ○ like slaves (workhorses) ○ like children (with lack of respect) ● What do we want from a good leader? ○ respect, friendliness ○ decisiveness ○ vision Who Do We Take As a Leader Room 2 ● How do we like to be treated? - Respected - Appreciated ● How do we hate to be treated? - Dis-Respected - That I’m not good enough (e.g. smart) - Arrogant approach - Rejected (being like outsider) ● What do we want from a good leader? Mutual respect Takes a responsibility Accepts others Puts trust into subordinates Supportive Decisive Who Do We Take As a Leader Room 3 ● How do we like to be treated? To feel yourself useful. Money. With respect. Overtime better be paid or riot As equal ● How do we hate to be treated? Money cut, ignore, disrespect, fake joy ● What do we want from a good leader? Be on the first line with the team, coffee and donuts seems nice Leadership Tools Room 1 Time management and planning be a good example for others, visions No Coffee No Salary No benefits Leadership Tools Room 2 inspirational presentations, building vision, success stories Jira, Asana, Trello… processes, scheduling firing, hiring, promotion/lowe ring salary Leadership Tools Room 3 Strategic Thinking Decision Making Conflict Management Establishing communication lines Technical support Time management , Budget, resources allocation, Salary Fire threats Holiday allocation/approval Team building activities promotion/demotion bonus