Situational Leadership Contingency Theory Remember the three things that motivate us: Purpose, Authonomy, Mastery. Authority/Authonomy leadership theory looks at Authonomy - it observes it is dependent on (contingent of) four variables: - The leader - The led - The task - The context How? Situational Leadership Contingency Theory - The Leader, i.e. You The theory says that leaders’ ability to flex their style is relatively limited. → Be aware of your style → Be aware of the extent to which you are able and willing to adjust → Are people you will be working with compatible with your style? → Is the task? → How much freedom will you have in the given company culture? Situational Leadership Contingency Theory - The Led, i.e. Your Team As leaders, what do you do with Apprentices: Champions: Depleters: Challengers: Aim at only having Apprentices and Champions. Do We All Need To Be Leaders?