Values 1. Share your ambition - future employees /future managers, owners 2. Future employees: what’s important for you, how do you want to be treated 3. Future managers/owners: what behaviour standards in the team do you want to encourage 4. Both: what is important about behavior of your colleagues? 5. Room 1 Employers: ● passionate, efficient, innovative, analytical, detail-oriented ● responsible, passionate, flexible Employees (what we want our employers to be like): ● respectful, reliable, organized, willing to communicate, open-minded ● motivating, teamwork oriented, “personality compatible” * Room 1 - employers Room 1 - employees Room 2 Room 3 employees Room 3 employers Room 4 - employers Values Google the values of the companies you’d consider working for Inspire yourself and create a new wordart Room 1 Room 2 H&M - Sustainability, Zero corruption, Human rights, inclusivity, Leading by example, You grow we grow principle. Red Hat- Purpose, Passion, Community, Opportunity Google - Diversity & inclusion, Human rights, Sustainability Room 3 Room 4 Responsibility Competitive Strategies Low-cost/low price Top-of-the-line quality and performance More value for money Find examples of each in at least in two industries Room 1 Food in Brno Low cost: local bistros, kebabs, fast-food Top of the line: Koishi, Borgo Agnese Value for money: McDonalds, KFC Room 2 Low-cost/low price: Essence, Lada Top-of-the-line quality and performance: Anastasia Beverly Hills, Rolls-Royce More value for money: Revolution, Skoda auto Room 3 Low-cost/low price - Primark, Xiaomi, Braník Top-of-the-line quality and performance - Scarpa, Aston Martin, Pilsner Urquell More value for money - Netflix, Radegast Room 4 Low-cost/low price : Huawei, Hyundai, IKEA, Walmart, Casio Top-of-the-line quality and performance : Apple, Ferrari, Gucci, Rolex More value for money : Xiaomi, Toyota, Adidas, Swiss watch