Exercise � Prove that the set of even numbers is not first-order definable in ⟨Z, ≤⟩. Exercise � We consider structures with the empty signature. Use a back-and-forth argument to show that A ≡m B iff A = B or A , B ≥ m . Exercise � Prove that the set of all complete finite binary trees whose number of vertices is divisible by  is not first-order definable. Exercise � Which of the following languages (over {a, b}) are first-order definable? (a) a∗ (bb)∗ (b) (ab)∗ (c) { an n ∈ N} (d) { an bm an m, n ∈ N} (e) The set of all palindromes. Exercise � Which of the languages in Exercise � are monadic second-order definable? Exercise � Which of the following graph classes are first-order definable? (We assume that all graphs are finite and undirected.) (a) graphs of degree at most  (b) trees (c) paths (d) graphs of diameter at most  (e) graphs of even diameter (f) graphs with a Hamiltonian cycle �