PA152: Efficient Use of DB 7. Sorting Algorithms Vlastislav Dohnal PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 2 Applications of Sorting ◼ On result presentation SELECT … ORDER BY ◼ Doing joins SELECT … r JOIN s ◼ Filtering duplicates SELECT DISTINCT … PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 3 Assumptions ◼ Main Memory Limited capacity – M blocks ◼ Data stored on disk Input (relation) is read from a disk ◼ Output kept in memory Output is usually processed by next operations ◼ Costs of sorting Number of disk accesses PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 4 Sorting in Memory ◼ Many Algorithms BubbleSort – O(n2) QuickSort – Θ(n log n) MergeSort – O(n log n) InsertSort – O(n2) HeapSort – O(n log n) RadixSort – O(kn) CountingSort – O(k+n) … PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 5 Examples ◼ Counting Sort  Small cardinality of domain (values)  E.g., need to sort 100 grades (A-F) ◼ Create an array for all grades ◼ Count the number of occurrences of each grade ◼ Write the grades into correct (sorted) position ◼ Radix Sort  Recursive sorting by bytes (bits)  Apply the CountingSort byte by byte ◼ First round – get counts ◼ Second round – locate and store the values to correct places PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 6 Sorting in Memory: Facts ◼ Data in main memory ◼ Sorting in-place ◼ Use little additional memory (log n) PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 7 Small Main Memory ◼ Data compression Process only key values and pointers to records; not whole records OK, but on output whole records must be read → random accesses ◼ Memory virtualization Typically, slow → too many I/Os ◼ Algorithm modification Combine more algorithms (ideas) MergeSort and QuickSort often used PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 8 Source:, MergeSort Algorithm MergeSort – in memory ◼ “Divide and conquer” principle Split to halves ◼ Until individual key values Merge partly-sorted partitions ◼ By linear scan of both parts ◼ The smallest value sent to output ◼ O(n log n) i.e. for small relations!!! PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 9 MergeSort – disk-based variant ◼ Two-Phase Multiway MergeSort ◼ Procedure 1. Create runs of size of available RAM 2. Sort each run 1. Read the run from a disk 2. Sort in mem 3. Write out to the disk 3. Read all sorted runs at once and merge them PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 10 Two-phase MergeSort ◼ Example Relation of 100 mil. records, 100 bytes each Blok of 8 kB, i.e., 80 records ◼ Relation stored in 1 250 000 blocks (9.5 GB) Memory buffer for sorting ◼ 6 400 blocks (50 MB) ◼ Phase 1 1 250 000 / 6 400 runs = 196 runs ◼ The last run contains 2,000 blocks only I/O: 1 250 000 reads + 1 250 000 writes PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 11 Two-phase MergeSort ◼ Phase 2 In-memory merging of two runs is slow! ◼ i.e., log2(# of runs) reading and writing the relation ◼ For 196 runs – 8 reading and writing the whole file Multi-way merging ◼ Read all runs block by block ◼ Do merging into an output block PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 12 Two-phase MergeSort ◼ Phase 2 Repeat ◼ Find the smallest value out of all runs ◼ Write it to output block  If full → flush it to disk ◼ An empty block of a run → read the next block of it Resulting in 1x reading and 1x writing of relation ◼ i.e., 1 250 000 blocks read + 1 250 000 blocks written ◼ In total 4B(R) I/Os, i.e., O(n) ◼ where 2B(R) sequentially, 2B(R) randomly PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2021 13 Two-phase MergeSort – Limitations ◼ Parameters M – size of main memory buffer in blocks B(R) – size of relation R in blocks ◼ Limitations Max. run length: M Max. number of runs: M-1 Max. relation size: M(M-1) ◼ Running example: 100B record, 50MB buffer, 8KB block Max. 81 913 600 blocks(625GB) Max. 6 553 088 000 records ◼ If not enough, three-phase sort can be applied…