A quick look at some other cultural variables Some other variables ● ●Universalism vs. Particularism ● ●Public vs. Private spheres ● ●Cognitive vs. Affective ● ●Meyer’s “Culture Map” DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 2 Universalism vs Particularism: Examples Note: intro case – Janet Clesca Germany: the red traffic light bd07304_ In education: e.g. absence from an exam Making an exception for a student in difficulty or Treating everyone the same Which is fair? DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 Another example DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 My friend has no right that I “protect” him by not telling the truth My friend has some right that I act as a friend to protect him My friend has every right that I “protect” him by not telling the truth 4 Differences in response DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 5 01/ Universalism Source: Trompenaars, 1993 Public Versus Private Space - interaction United States Many other countries DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 •Notice that all the descriptions mentioned friendliness. Lewin’s circles > > Private car kitchen Golf club Private Many activities in « public » sphere Many activities in « private » sphere DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 Fellow passenger US Many other countries public Discomfort Zone! Public and Private Types private private DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 2 types of trust ●A number of researchers recognise cognitive trust and affective trust as forms of perception and trust building in businesses and across cultures. ●Cognitive trust is based on the others’ work and their abilities, skills and reliability in performing a task and getting the job done ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Affective trust means taking the time to get to know others better and establish a connection and emotional proximity in order to develop relationships. DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 9 A short video extract ●https://hbr.org/video/4631884629001/getting-to-yes-across-cultures (from 1:01) DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 10 Case 1 ●Chrissie is an American EFL teacher who worked for me for many years. She had an excellent reputation as one of the most dynamic teachers and an expert on preparaing students for the TOEFL test. She is, in many ways a pure product of the « America dream », first generation Filipino-American, her parents had emigrated to California got good jobs, a good standard of living and educated all their children to a high level. Chrissie herself is « typical » Californian – outgoing, friendly, optimistic. ●At the end of one semester one of her students came to complain about Chrissie and the mark she had given him. The student said that she had always been « so nice » in class, yet she only gave him 7/20. He didn’t understand. ●Obviously, I checked with Chrissie who told me the student hadn’t worked much at all and had got a low score on the TOEFL mock exam. ● ●What has happened here? What types of trust were operating in this situation? DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 11 Case/example 2 ●Micromanagement ●What do you understand by this term? ●What effect does it have on subordinates? ●What is the « role » of trust in causing micromanagement and in preventing it? DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 12 The Culture Map - Erin Meyer (2014) examples DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 Increase Your Team's Performance with The Culture Map – Agents of Awareness Meyer’s Culture map 8 dimensions Communication : low / high context Scheduling: linear / flexible Trusting: task-based / relationship-based Leading: egalitarian / hierarchical Deciding: consensual / top-down Persuading: principles first / applications first Evaluating: direct / indirect negative feedback Disagreeing: confrontational / avoidance The Culture Map - Erin Mayer Example 1 Image result for the culture map DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 The Culture Map - Erin Mayer Example 2: Major Asian countries DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 The Culture Map - Erin Mayer 3. English-speaking countries DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 The Culture Map - Erin Mayer 5. Latin countries DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 Intercultural profiling ●Having gathered together lots of different cultural « concepts » you can now start to make intercultural profiles…. ● ……see the next slide…. DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 19 Intercultural Profiling The US has the following characteristics: ● ●Low context, monochronic ●Future oriented ●Inductive approach ●Lowish PD, Lowish UA, Hi IND, Hi MAS ●Universalist; Specific (small private sphere); Achievement-oriented; somewhat Emotional etc……………So, that gives… DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 20 j0302953 Some Values U.S. Americans Live By Friendly and informal relationships I am important and have control over my environment Rules Linear time orientation Independence Problem-solving attitude Change is positive Present Future Achievement Initiative Task/action orientation DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 football Common zone Pro active Hierarchical High PDI Standardization “formal rules” Arrogant F3 Risk - averse Change is difficult High UAI Conservatives /Traditional Bureaucracy Orderly Low MAS High PDI Bureaucracy F1 IDV F2 F4 Risk- averse Very religious High UAI B1 They love animals more than their kids Meritocratic Identity conscious “ French language” COL B2 Family relationships are very important We not I Collectivist society Individualist society Hierarchical “Macho” B3 Quest for better life EMO B5 Warm Touch each other a lot when conversing Lively Sociable Leisure and family live above their professional duty Health conscious “food/weight” Metro sexual “appearance” DM Masaryk Uni Brno 2023 22 A student-generated example: France vs Brazil [USEMAP]