}Individual In-class Presentation }Presentation Handout }Presentation Style Review }ROPOTs }Attendance }Active participation in class assignments + exercises for self-study } }On IT related topic (ideal) ØTiming 6-7 minutes }The Masaryk University FI visual style }Avoid giving a simple overview on a particular topic }Basic Information on Self-Driving Cars X }Why Self-Driving Cars Will Not Revolutionize Driving ╂ ØQ&A session ØDiscussion ØFeedback Ø }a heading }the goal of the presentation (key fact/message(s) to remember) }a bullet-point summary of the presentation }important keywords to remember }sources/references }and a few discussion-provoking questions. } ØGOOD CONTENT ØCLEAR STRUCTURE (3PTS – INTRODUCTION, STRUCTURE + CONCLUDING, NOT SUMMARIZING!) ØUSAGE OF SIGN POSTING Ø ØCORRECT USAGE OF ENGLISH(3PTS) * Ø ØRELEVANT RANGE OF VOCABULARY ØFLUENCY Ø ØCORRECT PRONUNCIATION (AVOIDING IRRITATING MISTAKES) Ø ØSTRESS AND INTONATION Ø ØQUALITY AND LANGUAGE OF VISUALS (2PTS) Ø ØEYE CONTACT, PROPER BODY LANGUAGE Ø ØOVERALL IMPRESSION (FUN, PASSION, EXPERTISE, EFFORT, DRESS CODE…) Ø ØREFERENCES Ø ØGOOD TIMING Ø ØHANDLING THE Q&A SESSION Ø ØASKING QUESTIONS ØHANDOUT (2PTS) Ø ØACTIVE PARTICIPATION = BEING PRO-ACTIVE (moving discussion forward, getting back on track, discussion phrases, summarizing) AND INVITING OTHERS TO PARTICIPATE (2PTS) Ø ØAPPROPRIATE (FORMAL) LANGUAGE (2PTS) Ø ØAGREEING/DISAGREEING, TURN-TAKING, NEGOTIATING (complex argumentation, negotiating the topic at the beginning, negotiating the conclusion) (2PTS) Ø`TASK COMPLETION (RATED AS THE WHOLE GROUP)– summarizing the whole discussion, important points and stances of the group and suggestions for further steps/action/studies Ø Ø ØCOHESION/COHERENCE (RELEVANCE) }YouTuber/streamer/blogger }Comment over: -style -vocabulary range -transitional expressions/signposting -visual information -the person's style of speaking -what you learnt from the video - ØInclude a link Ø250 words ØDeadline: end of April }Listening (True/False statement), sentence completion }Reading (gap filling, correcting mistakes) }Grammar and vocabulary (paraphrasing, word formation, gap filling) }Writing (formal/semi-formal e-mail 160 words) }Presentation+ discussion. 41rYT1rMRwL._SX398_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg }Length: 180-200 WORDS }0-12 POINTS (PASSMARK – 7 PTS) } } MEETING TASK REQUIREMENTS (2pts) DESCRIBING THE PROBLEM SUGGESTING SOLUTION FORMAL LANGUAGE (3pts) SALUTATION CLOSING TEXT TOPIC (I´m writing to…) GRAMMAR (1pts) VOCABULARY (2pts) ORGANIZATION OF INFORMATION, PARAGRAPHING (2ptS) RELEVANT LINKING EXPRESSIONS (2ptS) 1.These regulations are totally………..date in today’s worldwide marketplace. 2.It takes about 30 minutes…….foot, or 10 minutes … car. 3.What would she find …. the end of her journey? 4.…….the beginning, I really enjoyed my job; now I don’t. 5.The box is made …..plastic. 6.Wine is made ……. grapes. 7.The train left….time, and we are late. 8.You need to get to the station …. time to buy a ticket and find the right platform for your train. 9.Do we have any such teaching….. the West? 10.…….second thought, I think I'll go after all. 11. 11. } 1.………… an economic point of view, the new development will benefit the town greatly. 2.There was no danger now, he could enjoy it …… the full. 3.After the accident, she was rushed to hospital, but she is…….. danger now. 4.IN time, CD sales will disappear completely - 5.Is Kate..............work?’ ‘No, she’s.............. leave until 16th April. 6.She shouted his name …..the top of her voice