IA081 Lambda-Calculus 1. History of Math & Motivations Jiří Zlatuška February 20, 2024 Nature of Mathematical Objects • Plato’s “Academy“: “Let no one who is not a geometer enter“ – Plato (427-348 BCE) • Platonism: 1. There are mathematical objects 2. These are abstract objects existing outside of space and time 3. Math objects always existed & are entirely independent od people 4. Math objects do not interact with the physical world in any “causal” way – we cannot change them, and they cannot change us, yet 5. We are somehow able to gain knowledge of them Prehistory of Formal Reasoning • Aristotle (384-322 BCE) – Analytica Posteriora as a deductive science from basic truths or axioms * Deductive proofs as demonstration arguments in Euclid geometry * Logic in the form of syllogisms independent of mathematical/geometrical proofs • Sufficient for more than two millenia Positional number systems and calculations • Numbers tied to areas • Independent knowledge of Pythagoras (c. 580–500BCE) Theorem (China - Zhou Bi Suan Jing, 1046–256BCE, Babylonia – including sexagecimal approximation for the square root of 2 from 18th century BCE from Yale tablet, India – 2nd century BCE Bakhshali manuscript), hence construction of square roots • Positional number system developped in India by Āryabhata (476– 550), then adopted by Arabic Mathematicians via Brahmagupta by Al-Khwarizmi (“Algorithmi”, c. 780–847+, founder of the Algebra) • Fibonacci (1170–1250)brought it to Europe, first only as a tool for scientific calculations • French national Audit Office used Roman numerals as late as in 18th century Algebra • al-Khwarizmi (“Algorithmi”, c. 780–847+) • the book “al-Kitabal-Mukhtasar fi Hisab al-Jebr wal-Muqabala“ (The Compendium on Calculation by Restoration and Balancing) • Full algebraic treatment of mathematical problem solving, including quadratic equations and systems of equations • Translated to Latin independentlyby Robert of Chester (England) and Gerard of Cremona (Italy) in the 12th century • Known to Fibonacci who quotes al-Khwarizmi in his “Liber Abaci” of 1202 (under latinicized version of his first name, Maumeth) • al-Jebr gave rise to “algebra” • latinicized surname Algorithmi gave rise to “algorithm“ (solutions in al-Jebr are actually presented as algorithms to solve algebraic problems) Logicism • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) Mathematical facts as truths of reason Hoped in “calculus ratiocinator” as a systematic calculational logic for representation of human reasoning (similar to the differential calculus for mathematical physics) Introduced logical operations (but did not publish this) • Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) – Critique of Pure Reason Arithmetic and Geometry as synthetic a priori issues akin to Metaphysics • Richard J. W. Dedekind (1831-1916) - culmination of arithmetization of Arithmetic and Geometry Logicism • Gottlob Frege (1848-1925) • Begriffsschrift, 1879 (concept notation for pure thought / logic) • Grundlagen der Arithmetic, 1884 ➢ Analyticity of arithmetic truths derived from their ➢ 7+5=12 as analytical truth (contrary to Kant) • Grundsetze der Arithmetic, Vol. 1, 1893 ➢ distinction between sense and reference ➢ introduction of notation for concepts and semantics ➢ symbolic language for expressing everything explicitly & finite set of rules • Vol. 2 was at the publisher in 1903, when Russel wrote to Frege about the Russel Paradox (A={B: B is a set & B B}, and both A A, and A A) ❖ Problems with infinite sets in logicism, also Gödel‘s incompleteness Formalization of logical inference • Giuseppe Peano (1858-1932) Around 1890 formalization of logical inference Formal rules based on axioms and Modus Ponens (A=>B, A |- B) • Bertrand Russel (1872-1970) Principia Mathematica, 1910-13, with Whitehead: expressing axioms as basic truths, and deriving logical truths by Modus Ponens and universal generalization Combinatory Logic • Moses Iljich Schönfinkel (1888–1942) • „Elemente der Logic“ (1920) –a talk in Hilbert’s group in Gottingen • replacement of functions of more arguments by higherorder unary ones (f(x,y)=g(x)(y) with g(x): y |-> f(x,y) • Combinatory Logic for defining funcions without any use of variables (I,K,S: IM=M, KMN=M, and SMNL=ML(NL) ) • Haskell Curry (1900–1982) – development of Combinatory Logic as a whole system (see also programing languages Haskell, Brook, and Curry) David Hilbert (1862-1943) Grundlagen der Geometrie,1899 Four foundational problems: 1. Formalization of mathematical theory 2. Proof of consistency of the the axioms 3. Independence and completeness of the axioms 4. The decision problem: is there a method answering any question in the theory? David Hilbert • By 1920’s, “Hilbert style” axiomatic approach dominates • Propositional logic proved complete and decidable • Predicate logic presented in Hilbert style by Ackermann by 1920 Hilbert Program ~1920 • Hilbert Program: expressing higher mathematics in terms of elementary Arithmetics; formalizing all Mathematics in axiomatic form together with a proof of completeness (finitistic methods, purely intuitive basis of concrete signs) • P. Bernays, W. Ackermann, J. von Neumann, J. Herbrand • Ackermann and von Neumann – proof of consistency of number theory, Ackermann thought near completion for analysis • Hilbert claimed in 1928 in Bologna that the work is essentially completed Kurt Gödel: completeness of FirstOrder Predicate Logic • Completeness of First-Order Predicate Logic stated by Hilbert and Ackermann in 1928 • Kurt Gödel tackled this in his doctoral thesis in 1929 • Thm: Every logical expression is either satisfiable or refutable, aka Every valid logical expression is provable • Presented as his forthcoming PhD thesis in September 1930 in Königsberg Kurt Gödel: incompleteness of formal systems • Also in September 1930 in Königsberg, presented as an “aside” (not a talk on the conference programme) • The First Incompleteness Thm showing arithmetic is neither provable nor refutable in Peano arithmetic • The Second Incompleteness Thm showing that consistency of arithmetic cannot be proved in Arithmetics itself, 𝐶𝑜𝑛 𝑃 ≡ ¬ 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑣( 0 = 1 ) • von Neumann interrupted his lectures on Hilbert proof theory in the Fall of 1930; seeing Hilbert program could not be achieved at all → Destruction of Hilbert Program (impossibility of proving consistence of a formal system inside of it) Intuitionism (constructivism) • L.E.J. Brower (1881-1966): mathematical knowledge comes from constructing mathematical objects within human intuition; belief that the law of excluded middle, or indirect existential proofs are dangerous to the coherence of Mathematics • Around 1908 – clash with Hilbert, also in “The untrustworthiness of the principles of logic” challenged the belief that the rules of classical logic which came from Aristotle have absolute validity • Arend Heyting (1898-1980) was his PhD student developing intuitionism further Gödel and Gentzen • Translation from Peano arithmetic to intuitionistic Heyting arithmetic by Gödel, in parallel with Gentzen, 1932-33 Gentzen • Gentzen thesis (1934-35) on analysis of mathematical proofs • Natural Deduction (intro & elim rules, esp. suitable for intuitionistic logic) Gentzen • Gentzen thesis (1934-35) on analysis of mathematical proofs • “Sequenzenkalkul”, Sequent Calculus • Normalization and cut-elimination Gödel and Gentzen • Gentzen gave an alternative proof of the Incompleteness Thm (written 1939, published 1943) by showing a formula unprovable in Peano arithmetic (thus also showing consistency of Peano arithmetic) • Gödel’s proof of consistency using Dialectica interpretation (Unclear mutual interaction in 1939.) Computability and Undecidable problems • Hilbert (1928): “Entscheidungsproblem”: Is there a general effective procedure deciding whether or not a given formula A of a calculus is provable? • 1936: Alonzo Church proved on the basis of λ-calculus and Alan Turing on the basis of Turing machines several months later that the answer to the Entscheidungsproblem is negative • Existence of undecidable problems in Informatics Alonzo Church (1903–1995) and his λ-calculus • λ-abstraction: making bound variables in function definitions explicit • λx(M) means definition of a function mapping an argument a into M[x/a] (“formal parameters” in programming languages) • Operational semantics via rewriting: λx(M)N –> M[x/N] • Fixed-point Theorem: For each F there is X s.t. FX= X • There is a fixed-point combitator Y s.t. F(YF) = YF • Proof: Y = λf(λx.f(xx))(λx.f(xx)) Computability and Undecidable problems • 1936: Alonzo Church proved on the basis of λ-calculus and Alan Turing on the basis of Turing machines several months later that the answer to the Entscheidungsproblem is negative • Existence of undecidable problems in Informatics • Church-Turing thesis (Kleene, 1952) – computable functions / computability Church, Turing, and Gödel • Church using λ-calculus as a formal tool tried to formalize mathematics • Learning about Gödel’s result, claimed that it does not apply to this system • Kleene - recursive functions • Rosser - reductions • Church-Turing thesis (Kleene, 1952) for computable functions / computability: - Turing machines - λ-definability - Gödel’s general recursive functions (Princeton, 1934) Inconsistency in the presence of Logic – the Curry paradox (1942, after Kleene&Rosser, 1935) • Logical principles: P⊃P (1) and (P⊃(P⊃Q)) ⊃(P⊃Q) (2) together with Modus Ponens (from P and P⊃Q infer Q) • Now construct F such that F = F⊃A (3) By taking F = λx(x⊃A) in the Fixed-Point theorem. • By (1) we get F ⊃ F • And applying (2) to the second F yields F⊃ (F⊃A) • Now using (2) and Modus Ponens one gets F⊃A • And by (3) in the reverse we receive F • And by Modus Ponens we get A, for any A, hence a paradox. Completing Gödel’s rupture in the structure of mathematics • Gödel opened a crack in the foundations of Mathematics • The complement of this rupture lays outside of combinatorial formulation; still within the real of Mathematics • The “inside” of this crack opened up a new discipline, Informatics; may be thought of as a camouflage of formal logic (proof theory) into fairly applicable computational tool Proof theory as a basis for constructivistic formulation • Frege vs. Hilbert concerning Platonism vs. Formalism (Hilbert – Mathematics is invented and best viewed as formal symbolic games without intrinsic meaning) • Hilbert vs. Brower concerning Formalism vs. Intuitionism • Constructivism (Kronecker (1823-1891) with “God made the natural numbers, all else is the work of man“, and esp. Andrej Markov who claimed Mathematics should deal exclusively with constructive objects) • Proof generation as object construction • Proof simplification/normalization as a computational mechanism (even without underlying formula semantics) Completion Requirements ➢Essay on a topic using this concept, developing necessary mathematical details. ➢Structure of the essay corresponding to an article introducing the topic, and developing details. ➢This may either be something relevant to your work/interest, or e.g. taking some of the results concerning λ-Calculus or Combinatory Logic within a suitable formal system, and completing proofs in sufficient mathematical detail. ➢3-5 thousand words (approx. 6-12 pages).