PA152: Efficient Use of DB 9. Schema Tuning Vlastislav Dohnal PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 2 Schema (revision) ◼ Relation schema relation name and a list of attributes, their types and integrity constraints E.g., ◼ Table student(uco, name, last_name, day_of_birth) ◼ Database schema Schema of all relations PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 3 Differences in Schema ◼ Same data organized differently Different tables and relationships Possible replication of data (e.g., “aggregates” from NoSQL databases) Example of business requirements ◼ Suppliers  Address ◼ Orders  Part/product, quantity, supplier PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 4 Differences in Schema ◼ Alternatives Schema A Order1(supplier_id, part_id, quantity, supplier_address) Schema B Order2(supplier_id, part_id, quantity) Supplier(id, address) ◼ Differences Schema B saves space. Schema A may not keep address when there is no order. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 5 Differences in Schema ◼ Performance trade-off Frequent access to address of supplier given an ordered part ◼ → schema A is good (no need for join) Many new orders ◼ → schema A wastes space (address duplicates) ◼ → relation will be stored in more blocks PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 6 Theory of Good Schema ◼ Normal forms 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, Boyce-Codd NF, … ◼ Functional dependency A → B ◼ B functionally depends on A ◼ Value of attr. B is determined if we know the value of attr. A ◼ Let t, s be rows of a relation, then t[A] = s[A]  t[B] = s[B] PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 7 Theory of Good Schema ◼ Order1(supplier_id, part_id, quantity, supplier_address) ◼ Expected functional dependencies: supplier_id → supplier_address supplier_id, part_id → quantity PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 8 Theory of Good Schema ◼ K is a primary key K → R L → R for any L  K ◼ i.e., for each attribute A in R holds: K → A and L → A which is 2NF PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 9 Theory of Good Schema ◼ Example Order1(supplier_id, part_id, quantity, supplier_address) supplier_id → supplier_address supplier_id, part_id → quantity supplier_id, part_id is the primary key ◼ so, supplier_id, part_id → supplier_address ◼ but supplier_id → supplier_address PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 10 Schema Normalization 1NF – all attributes are atomic 2NF – all attributes depend on a whole super-key 3NF – all attributes depend directly on a candidate key ◼ no transitive dependency ◼ but a non-key attribute can also be functionally dependent on another non-key attribute BCNF ◼ Normalization = transformation to BCNF/3NF PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 11 Schema Normalization ◼ A relation R is normalized if every functional dependency X → A involving attributes in R has the property that X is a (super-)key. ◼ Example Order1(supplier_id, part_id, quantity, supplier_address) ◼ supplier_id → supplier_address ◼ supplier_id, part_id → quantity Is not normalized PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 12 Schema Normalization ◼ Example Order2(supplier_id, part_id, quantity) ◼ supplier_id, part_id → quantity Supplier(id, address) ◼ id → address Schema is normalized PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 16 Practical Schema Design ◼ Identify entities Customer, supplier, order, … ◼ Each entity has attributes Customer has an address, phone number, … ◼ There are two constraints on attributes: 1. An attribute cannot have attribute of its own (atomicity). 2. The entity associated with an attribute must functionally determine that attribute. ◼ A functional dependency for each non-key attribute. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 17 Practical Schema Design ◼ Each entity becomes a relation ◼ To these relations, add relations that reflect relationships between entities E.g., WorksOn(emp_id, project_id) ◼ Identify the functional dependencies among all attributes and check that the schema is normalized If functional dependency AB → C, then ABC should be part of the same relation. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 18 Vertical Partitioning ◼ Example: Telephone Provider Customer entity has id, address and remaining credit value. ◼ Deps:  id → address  id → credit Normalized schema design  Customer(id, address, credit) ◼ Or  CustAddr(id, address)  CustCredit(id, credit) Which design is better? PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 19 Vertical Partitioning ◼ Which design is better, depends on the query pattern: The application that sends a monthly statement. The credit is updated or examined several times a day. ◼ → The second schema might be better Relation CustCredit is smaller ◼ Fewer blocks; may fit in main memory ◼ → faster table/index scan PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 20 Vertical Partitioning – Tradeoff ◼ Single relation is better than two if attributes are queried together → no need for join ◼ Two relations are better if Attributes queried separately (or some much more often) Attributes are large (long strings, …) ◼ Caveat: LOBs are stored apart of the relation. Or some attributes are updated more often than the others. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 21 Vertical Partitioning ◼ Another example Customer has id and address (street, city, zip) ◼ Is this normalization convenient? CustStreet(id, street) CustCity(id, city, zip) PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 22 Vertical Partitioning: Performance ◼ R(X,Y,Z) - X integer, Y and Z large strings Performance depends on query pattern 0 0,005 0,01 0,015 0,02 No Partitioning Query XYZ Vertical Partitioning Query XYZ No Partitioning Query XY Vertical Partitioning Query XY Througput(queries/sec)Table Scan No partitioning: R(X,Y,Z) Vert. part.: R1(X,Y) R2(X,Z) SQLServer 2k Windows 2k PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 23 Vertical Partitioning: Performance ◼ R(X,Y,Z) - X integer, Y and Z long strings Selection X=?, project XY or XYZ 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 20 40 60 80 100 Throughput(queries/sec) % of access that only concern XY no vertical partitioning vertical partitioning Index Scan Vert. part. gives advantage if proportion of accessing XY is greater than 25%. Join requires 2 index accesses. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 24 Vertical Antipartitioning ◼ Start with normalized schema ◼ Add attributes of a relation to the other ◼ Example Stock market (brokers) ◼ Price trends for last 3 000 trading days ◼ Broker’s decision based on last 10 day mainly Schema ◼ StockDetail(stock_id, issue_date, company) ◼ StockPrice(stock_id, date, price) PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 25 Vertical Antipartitioning ◼ Schema StockDetail(stock_id, issue_date, company) StockPrice(stock_id, date, price) ◼ Queries for all 10-day prices are expensive Even though there is an index on stock_id, date Join is needed for further information from StockDetail PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 26 Vertical Antipartitioning ◼ Replicate some data ◼ Schema StockDetail(stock_id, issue_date, company, price_today, price_yesterday, …, price_10d_ago) StockPrice(stock_id, date, price) ◼ Queries for all 10-day prices 1x index scan; no join PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 27 Vertical Antipartitioning ◼ Disadvantage Data replication ◼ Not so high ◼ Can be diminished by not storing in StockPrice  → but queries for average price get complicated, … PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 28 Tuning Denormalization ◼ Denormalization violating normalization for the sake of performance! ◼ Good for Attributes from different normalized relations are often accessed together ◼ Bad for Updates are frequent ◼ → locate “source” data to update replicas PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 29 Tuning Denormalization ◼ Example (TPC-H)  region(r_regionkey, r_name, r_comment)  nation(n_nationkey, n_name, n_regionkey, n_comment)  supplier(s_suppkey, s_name, s_address, s_nationkey, s_phone, s_acctbal, s_comment)  item(i_orderkey, i_partkey, i_suppkey, i_linenumber, i_quantity, i_extendedprice, i_discount, i_tax, i_returnflag, i_linestatus, i_shipdate, i_commitdate, i_receiptdate, i_shipmode, i_comment)  T(item) = 600 000 T(supplier) = 500, T(nation) = 25, T(region) = 5 ◼ Query: Find items of European suppliers PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 30 Tuning Denormalization ◼ Denormalization of item  itemdenormalized (i_orderkey, i_partkey , i_suppkey, i_linenumber, i_quantity, i_extendedprice, i_discount, i_tax, i_returnflag, i_linestatus, i_shipdate, i_commitdate, i_receiptdate, i_shipmode, i_comment, i_regionname);  600 000 rows PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 31 Tuning Denormalization ◼ Queries: SELECT i_orderkey, i_partkey, i_suppkey, i_linenumber, i_quantity, i_extendedprice, i_discount, i_tax, i_returnflag, i_linestatus, i_shipdate, i_commitdate, i_receiptdate, i_shipinstruct, i_shipmode, i_comment, r_name FROM item, supplier, nation, region WHERE i_suppkey = s_suppkey AND s_nationkey = n_nationkey AND n_regionkey = r_regionkey AND r_name = 'Europe'; SELECT i_orderkey, i_partkey, i_suppkey, i_linenumber, i_quantity, i_extendedprice, i_discount, i_tax, i_returnflag, i_linestatus, i_shipdate, i_commitdate, i_receiptdate, i_shipinstruct, i_shipmode, i_comment, i_regionname FROM itemdenormalized WHERE i_regionname = 'Europe'; PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 32 Tuning Denormalization: Performance ◼ Query: Find items of European suppliers 0,0000 0,0005 0,0010 0,0015 0,0020 normalized denormalized Throughput(Queries/sec) Normalized: join of 4 relations Denormalized: one relation 54% perf. gain Oracle 8i EE Windows 2k 3x 18GB disk (10 000 rpm) 54% gain PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 33 Clustered Storage of Relations ◼ An alternative to denormalization aka aggregate in NoSQL databases ◼ Not always supported by DB system ◼ Oracle supports Clustered storage of two relations ◼ Order(supplier_id, product_id, quantity) ◼ Supplier(id, address) Storage ◼ Order records stored at the corresponding supplier record PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 34 Clustered Storage of Relations ◼ Example ◼ Order(supplier_id, product_id, quantity) ◼ Supplier(id, name, city) 10,, Brno 10, 235, 5 10, 545, 10 11, Unikov, Prague 11, 123, 30 11, 234, 2 11, 648, 10 11, 956, 1 12, Scholex, Ostrava 12, 12, 50 12, 34, 120 … PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 35 Horizontal Partitioning ◼ Divides table by its rows Vertical partitioning = by columns ◼ Motivation Smaller volume of data to process Rapid deletions ◼ Use cases Data archiving Spatial partitioning … PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 36 Horizontal Partitioning ◼ Automatically Modern (commercial) DB systems ◼ MS SQL Server 2005 and later ◼ Oracle 9i and later, … ◼ PostgreSQL 10 ◼ Manually With DBMS support ◼ Query optimizer Without DBMS support PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 37 Horizontal Partitioning ◼ Are query rewrites necessary? Automatic partitioning ◼ No rewrites necessary Manual partitioning ◼ With DB support  No rewrites necessary  Table inheritance / definition of views with UNION ALL ◼ Without DB support  Manual query rewrite  List of tables in FROM clause must be changed PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 38 Horizontal Partitioning: SQL Server ◼ MS SQL Server 2005 and later  Define partitioning function ◼ CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION ◼ Partitioning to intervals  Define partitioning scheme ◼ CREATE PARTITION SCHEME ◼ Where to store data (what storage partitions)  Create partitioned table ◼ CREATE TABLE … ON partitioning scheme ◼ Stored data are automatically split into partitions  Create indexes ◼ CREATE INDEX ◼ Indexes are created on table partitions, i.e., automatically partitioned PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 39 Horizontal Partitioning: Oracle ◼ Oracle 9i and later Partitioning by intervals, enums, hashing ◼ Composite partitioning supported  Partitions split into subpartitions Included in syntax of CREATE TABLE ◼ PostgreSQL 10 and later Partitioning by intervals, enums, hashing ◼ CREATE TABLE … ( … ) PARTITION BY RANGE (…); Horizontal Partitioning: MariaDB ◼ Part of SQL syntax, applies to indexes ◼ Types:  hash, range, list; also double partitioning ◼ Consequences to UNIQUE constraints  All columns used in the table's partitioning expression must be part of every unique key the table may have. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 40 CREATE TABLE ti (id INT, amount DECIMAL(7,2), tr_date DATE) ENGINE=MyISAM PARTITION BY HASH( MONTH(tr_date) ) PARTITIONS 6 CREATE TABLE ti … PARTITION BY RANGE (MONTH(tr_date)) ( PARTITION spring VALUES LESS THAN (4), PARTITION summer VALUES LESS THAN (7), PARTITION fall VALUES LESS THAN (10), PARTITION winter VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE ); Including primary key PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 41 Horizontal Partitioning: PostgreSQL ◼ PostgreSQL 8.2 and later Partitioning by intervals, enums ◼ Principle ( Table inheritance ◼ Create a base table  No data stored, no indexes necessary, … ◼ Individual partitions are inherited tables  For each table, a CHECK constraint to limit data is defined ◼ Create necessary indexes Disadvantage: referential integrity cannot be used PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 42 Horizontal Partitioning: PostgreSQL ◼ Implementation principle Inserting records ◼ Inserted into base table ◼ Insert rules defined on the base table  Insertion to the “newest” partition only → one RULE  In general, one rule per partition is defined  Triggers can be used too… In case views are used, ◼ Define INSTEAD OF triggers PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 43 Horizontal Partitioning: PostgreSQL ◼ Example in xdohnal schema ( Not partitioned table account ◼ Primary key id ◼ R(account) = 200 000 ◼ V(account,home_city) = 5 Partitioned table account_parted ◼ by home_city (5 partitions)  Partitions: account_parted1 .. account_parted5 home_city | count home_city1 | 40020 home_city2 | 40186 home_city3 | 39836 home_city4 | 39959 home_city5 | 39999 PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 44 Horizontal Partitioning: PostgreSQL ◼ Statistics Table Rows Sizes Indexes account 200 000 41 984 kB 4 408 kB account_parted 0 0 kB 8 kB account_parted1 40 020 8 432 kB 896 kB account_parted2 40 186 8 464 kB 896 kB account_parted3 39 836 8 392 kB 888 kB account_parted4 39 959 8 416 kB 896 kB account_parted5 39 999 8 424 kB 896 kB Totals: 200 000 42 128 kB 4 472 kB PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 45 Horizontal Partitioning: PostgreSQL ◼ Query optimizer Allow checking constraint on partitions ◼ Queries (compare execution plans) select * from account where id=8; select * from account_parted where id=8; select count(*) from account where home_city='home_city1'; select count(*) from account_parted where home_city='home_city1'; select * from account where home_city='home_city1' and id=8; select * from account_parted where home_city='home_city1' and id=8; set constraint_exclusion=on; Transaction Tuning ◼ Application’s view of a transaction is: It runs isolated – without any concurrent activity. ◼ Database’s view of a transaction is Atomic and consistent change of data; many can be run concurrently. So, correctness of result must be ensured. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 46 Transaction Concurrency ◼ Two transactions are concurrent if their executions overlap in time. Can happen on a single thread/processor too, e.g., one waiting for I/O to complete. ◼ Concurrency control Controls activity of transactions and make the result appear equivalent to serial execution. Typically achieved by mutual exclusion ◼ E.g., semaphore PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 47 Transaction Concurrency ◼ A semaphore on the entire database == one transaction at a time Good for in-memory databases. ◼ The locking mechanism of records or whole relations (tables). Read (shared) locks and write (exclusive) locks. Good for secondary-memory databases. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 48 Concurrency through locking ◼ Rules of locking 1. A transaction must hold a lock on x before accessing x. 2. A transaction must not acquire a lock on any item y after releasing a lock on any item x. ◼ This ensures correctness no update can be made to data that was read (and locked) by someone else. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 49 Duration of Transaction ◼ Duration effects on performance The more locks a transaction requests, the more likely it is to wait for another transaction to finish. The longer T executes, the longer some other transaction may wait if it is blocked by T. ◼ In operational DBs, shorter transactions are preferred. Since updates are frequent. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 50 Transaction Design Guidelines ◼ Avoid user interaction during a transaction ◼ Lock only what you need  E.g., do not filter recs in an app ◼ Chop the transaction  E.g., T accesses x and y. Any other T’ accesses at most one of x or y and nothing else. T can be divided into two transactions (each modifying x and y separately). ◼ Weaken isolation level  Many DBMSes default to releasing read locks on completing the read IO. PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 51 Levels of Isolation ◼ Serializable ◼ Repeatable read Phantom reads (newly inserted recs) ◼ Read committed Non-repeatable reads (a transaction has committed an update) ◼ Read uncommitted Dirty reads (non-committed recs); writes are still atomic ◼ No locking PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 52 Query Tuning: Takeaways ◼ Five basic principles Think globally; fix locally Break bottlenecks by partitioning ◼ transactions, relations, also more HW ((-: Start-up costs are high; running costs are low ◼ E.g., it is expensive to begin a read operation on a disk. Render unto server what is due unto server Be prepared for trade-offs PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 53 Lecture Takeaways ◼ Schema tuning Normalization vs denormalization Vertical partitioning ◼ Data volume Horizontal partitioning ◼ Transaction size and isolation level PA152, Vlastislav Dohnal, FI MUNI, 2024 55