MUNI FI Zero-shot, one-shot, few-shot PA154 Language Modeling (12.1) Pavel Rychlý May 14,2024 Usage of Large Models ■ training of big models on huge data is expensive (long training time) ■ fine tuning on small data of target task ■ combining language model with additional NN/layer, training only new layer ■ big modeL is frozen, onLy used classification sian | Text | Bnraci Transformer \*\ Linear Erilalmeril | Stun | Premise Dnlirr | Hypslliosi'd | r. nri - Transformer Start 1 Textl | De m J Text 2 [ i-f met J ► Transformer | Stan 1 Text 2 De m 1 Text 1 1 Exiract | Transformer | ^avel Rychlý ■ Zero-shot, one-shot, few-shot ■ Mayl4,2024 Usage of LLM without training Zero-shot Usage of LLM without fine tuning ■ fine tuning is still expensive ■ models can predict reliably ■ using generation for end tasks ■ zero-shot no task-specific data/training formulate task in natural language task description + prompt TransLate EngLish to French: cheese => Summarize the foLLowing paragraph into one sentence: text ^avel Rychlý ■ Zero-shot,one-shot,few-shot ■ Mayl4,2024 ^avel Rychlý ■ Zero-shot, one-shot, few-shot ■ Mayl4,2024 One-shot Few-shot formulate task in natural language and show one example task description + example + prompt TransLate EngLish to French: seq otter => Loutre de mar cheese => ■ formulate task in natural language and show a few examples ■ task description + examples + prompt ■ TransLate EngLish to French: seq otter => Loutre de mar peppermint => menthe poivree pLush girafe => girafe peLuche cheese => Language Models are Few-Shot Learners ^avel Rychlý ■ Zero-shot,one-shot,few-shot ■ Mayl4,2024 5/8 ^avel Rychlý ■ Zero-shot, one-shot, few-shot ■ Mayl4,2024 6/8 Token is MASK Available LLM test sentence template I will visit Munich next week. Munich is a [MASK] P retrained Language Model predicts p(V) company ORG team city country man girl TOKEN is a MASK: Few-shot Named Entity Recognition with Pre-trained Language Models Pythia OPT GALACTICA TO ^avel Rychlý ■ Zero-shot,one-shot,few-shot ■ Mayl4,2024 ^avel Rychlý ■ Zero-shot, one-shot, few-shot ■ Mayl4,2024 67