PA221 Simulations with iverilog and gtkwave Verilog Simulation with Icarus Verilog ● Icarus Verilog ○ Compile Verilog into an executable. ○ Windows installers:, let the installer update PATH ● GTKWave ○ Installed together with Icarus Verilog Verilog Simulation with Icarus Verilog: MWE Create a text file hello.v with the following contents: module hello; initial begin $display(“Hello world!\n”); $finish; end endmodule Compile and run it with: iverilog -o hello hello.v vvp hello Verilog Simulation with Icarus Verilog: Example Download and extract from the study materials. Compile and run the testbench using: iverilog -o fixpkt fixpkt.v fixpkt_tb.v vvp fixpkt Examine the generated fixpkt_tb.vcd using GTKWave. Verilog Simulation with Icarus Verilog: Task Write your own testbench. You can use delays (#10) anywhere, all kinds of loops, initial statements are fully supported, file I/O works.