jan.kral@fi.muni.cz PA221: Timing Analysis, Pipelining and Register Retiming 1 jan.kral@fi.muni.cz D Flip Flop Week02: Pipelining 2 REGKČ1 KČ2 clk REG KČ3 clk jan.kral@fi.muni.cz D Flip Flop Week02: Pipelining 3 Clock signal requirements: ❑ Minimum period of signal H (THIGH) (Spartan-3: 0.79 ns) ❑ Minimum period of signal L (TLOW) (Spartan-3: 0.79 ns) ❑ Minimum period / maximum frequency (TMIN / FMAX) (Spartan-3: 630 MHz) ❑ Maximum duration of falling and rising edge (TFALL / TRISE) CLK TRISETFALL THIGH TLOW T D Q jan.kral@fi.muni.cz D Flip Flop Week02: Pipelining 4 D Q Requirements on input data signal: ❑ TSU = setup time (Spartan-3: 0.53 ns) ❑ TH = hold time (Spartan-3: 0 ns) CLK TSU TH D jan.kral@fi.muni.cz D Flip Flop Week02: Pipelining 5 D Q Time parameters of output signal ❑ TCKO = Clock to Output (Spartan-3: 0.24 – 0.72 ns) CLK Q TCKO jan.kral@fi.muni.cz D Flip Flop Week02: Pipelining 6 D Q clk arst TPULSE MINTRR Requirements on asynchronous reset ❑ TRR = reset recovery time ❑ TPULSE MIN = minimum pulse width (Spartan-3: 0.87 ns) jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Static Timing Week02: Pipelining 7 Timing Margin CLK Data TLOG + TROUTE TSU TCKO TSKEW + TJITTER Timing Margin = SETUP SLACK Setup slack = Data required time – Data arrival time Hold slack = Data arrival time – Data required time jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Static Timing Week02: Pipelining 8 Data REG KČ clk REG clk CLK Data TSKEW + TJITTER TCKO TLOG + TROUTE SETUP SLACK TSU jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Timing Example Week02: Pipelining 9 Clock period (FMAX = 630 MHz): TMIN = 1.59 ns (TLOG + TROUTE)MAX = TMIN – (TCKO + TSU) = 1.59 ns – (0.72 ns + 0.53 ns) = 0.34 ns Clock period (FMAX = 200 MHz): TMIN = 5 ns (TLOG + TROUTE)MAX = TMIN – (TCKO + TSU) = 5 ns – (0.72 ns + 0.53 ns) = 3.75 ns CLK Data TSKEW + TJITTER TCKO TLOG + TROUTE SETUP SLACK TSU jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Timing Margin Week02: Pipelining 10 Setup slack = Data required time – Data arrival time Setup slack > 0 (positive slack) – systém is correctly placed & routed Setup slack < 0 (negative slack) = SETUP TIME VIOLATION; system is not correctly placed & routed, it will (might) work incorrectly at the required clock frequency CLK Data TLOG + TROUTE TSU TCKO TSKEW + TJITTER Timing Margin = SETUP SLACK HOLD TIME VIOLATION is usually caused by improper design or design constraints, i.e. violation of basic design rules and recommendation for FPGA systems. jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Static Timing Analysis (STA) Week02: Pipelining 11 Checking requirements on timing of D Flip Flops and other blocks of the whole design. In the case of the maximum working frequency (designer specifies the maximum clock frequency in .sdc file in Quartus) STA especially verifies SETUP TIME. To determine maximum working frequency (Fmax), SETUP TIME SLACK = 0. Maximum working frequency of FPGA design is determined by a path with the minimum setup time slack (worst case path). CLK Data TLOG + TROUTE TSU TCKO TSKEW + TJITTER Timing Margin = SETUP SLACK jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Increasing Maximum Working Frequency Week02: Pipelining 12 Pipelining Split complicated tasks to more simpler tasks which can be faster. REG Comb. 1 REG Delay 16 ns FMAX = 62.6 MHz jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Increasing Maximum Working Frequency Week02: Pipelining 13 Pipelining Split complicated tasks to more simpler tasks which can be faster. REG Comb 1 REG Delay 5 ns REG Comb 2 REG Comb 3 Maximum delay 7 ns => FMAX = 143 MHz (ideal delay 5.3 ns => FMAX = 187 MHz) Delay 7 ns Delay 6 ns jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Increasing Maximum Working Frequency Week02: Pipelining 14 Register Retiming (Balancing) Move part of the large combinational function to a different stage. Leads to equivalent function. REG Comb 1 REG Delay 12 ns FMAX = 83 MHz Comb 2 REG Delay 2 ns jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Increasing Maximum Working Frequency Week02: Pipelining 15 Register Retiming (Balancing) Move part of the large combinational function to a different stage. Leads to equivalent function. REG Comb 1 REG Delay 8 ns FMAX = 125 MHz Comb 2 REG Delay 7 ns jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Metastability Week02: Pipelining 16 ❑ Temporary incorrect (undefined) output of a digital circuit ❑ Can be caused by violating timing requirements of D Flip Flops ❑ Can be caused by input data signals violating the specifications (slow rising edge, signal voltage around input comparator’s reference voltage) ❑ Usually, it is only short impulse ❑ Generally, metastability is dangerous and we try to avoid it jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Metastability Week02: Pipelining 17 ❑ Leads to random errors without replication possibility ❑ Strongly depends on environment conditions : working frequency, power supply voltage, processed data signal, temperature, humidity, … ❑ Only certain hardware pieces can be affected (depends on the chip fabrication process) Consequences jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Task Assignment Week02: Pipelining 18 always @(posedge clk) begin Y <= A + B + C + D; end always @(posedge clk) begin Y <= M + N; M <= A + B; N <= C + D; end + A M B + C N D + Y D Q Q _ D Q Q _ D Q Q _ A C + YD Q Q _ B D Pipelining – example jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Task Assignment Week02: Pipelining 19 ❑ Explore the provided template ❑ Set clock constrains in .sdc file ❑ Determine the maximum working frequency of the original design ❑ Use pipelining to achieve higher working frequency ❑ Verify that the function is unchanged (RTL viewer) ❑ Determine the maximum working frequency of the pipelined design ❑ Determine the maximum working frequency for adding four 16-bit numbers jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Clock Constrains Week02: Pipelining 20 Minimum constrains in .sdc file to analyze clock: # create input clock which is 12MHz create_clock -name clk -period 4 [get_ports {clk}] # derive PLL clocks (required if your design instantiates a PLL) derive_pll_clocks # derive clock uncertainty derive_clock_uncertainty jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Maximum Working Frequency Week02: Pipelining 21 ❑ Maximum working frequency is output of Timing analyzer: ❑ This is the maximum working frequency for the design as it is currently routed. ❑ Placer & Router runs until they find a configuration which satisfies the clock frequency given in .sdc file. jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Maximum Working Frequency Week02: Pipelining 22 ❑ To find the real maximum working frequency, you need to increase the clock frequency in .sdc file until router fails to find a solution. ❑ Effect of the increasing clock frequency: Set frequency Final design frequency (.sdc) (Timing Analyzer) 50 MHz 122 MHz 125 MHz 180 MHz 190 MHz 201 MHz 220 MHz 266 MHz 270 MHz 212 MHz jan.kral@fi.muni.cz Note: Sigasi License Week02: Pipelining 23 ❑ License is available from A415 only. ❑ IP: ❑ Port: 27000