Strategic frame PV215 - 8 2 }Leader, manager, worker are roles }Roles have not to be confused with persons ◦as well as human resources PV215 - 7 3 telefonista_black.png Leadership context Performance context Management context member of the board managing director market analyst Key Roles in Enterprise }It is about synergy among leaders, managers and workers }To lead well is about doing right things }To manage well is about doing things in right way PV215 - 7 4 Key Roles in Enterprise str 55 a dal Development of man. style PV215 - 7 5 me (manager) people results processes team mngmnt liberal mngmnt formal mngmnt directive mngmnt company led by ideas company led by people usefulness effectiveness stability dynamics (C) J. Plamínek Good leadership of people and their resource management is on the borders of science, craft, and art. There is a plenty of factors affecting the right choice of managerial style. These factors may involve resources of led people, character of tasks to be done, qualities of managers,... The intuition and nature is usually the most effective tool. There is no optimal or universal managerial style. However, experience shows us that successful managers can be found on the right of this matrix. Why? PV215 - 8 6 Strategic Frame Philosophical core of MbC is to continually approximate the corporate requirements and possibilities of people who work there. Therefore the System of Corporate Ideas (SCI) has to be a logical unit which starts by general thoughts and considerations, but ends by specific tasks to be performed by particular people. PV215 - 13 7 subjects needs products processes resources structures fb_acc_yy.png ff_ini_yy.png req_pos_yy.png (C) J. Plamínek crisis eqi. stability PV215 - 8 8 PV215 - 8 9 Leaders }Manager has to continuously ◦understand and accept the strategic frame ◦define consequent requirements ◦explore and develop possibilities ◦effectively communicate with monitoring system PV215 - 7 10 Management strategic frame goals ways tasks evaluation monitoring external suppliers internal resources Key Roles in Enterprise Leader defines strategic goals, principles and rules to be obeyed. Manager has to achieve these goals by satisfaction of all rules and principles. The role of manager is the most sophisticated and complex role in any company. PV215 - 8 11 “The future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious.” --Ted Levitt PV215 - 8 12 (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 8 13 PV215 - 8 14 PV215 - 8 15 PV215 - 8 16 PV215 - 8 17 PV215 - 8 18 PV215 - 8 19 PV215 - 8 20 Yin_yang_vision_strategy.png A vision without a plan is just a dream. A plan without a vision is just a drudgery. But a vision with a plan can change the world. }System of Corporate Ideas }Strategic Frame ◦business hypothesis ◦vision ◦mission ◦values and rules ◦strategy } PV215 - 8 21