PV266 – Game Development II Task 4 – Playtesting Spring 2024 Summary of goals: ● Create a build of your game for playtesting and submit it ● Live playtesting session ● Feedback Analysis 1. Builds ● At this stage, your game should contain all mechanics and the vast majority of content. Bugs are expected, but there should be no game-stopper event (a bug that prevents a player from continuing/finishing the level/game). ● Create and thoroughly test a build of your game (make sure it is runnable on a computers in B311). ● Remove a folder: [Your-game-name]_BackUpThisFolder_ButDontShipItWithYourGame ● If your game does not contain the explanation of controls in-game yet, add the "controls.md" file describing the control scheme of the game. No need to explain the background story, lore, or anything about the game…, just controls. ● Create a .zip package and upload it to the homework vault. 2. Live Playtesting Similar to playtesting in PV255 - you will: ● Playtest the games of other teams and provide constructive feedback to them. ● Observe others playing your game and collect feedback from them. Detailed instructions for the onsite organization will be provided in a separate document. 3. Feedback Analysis 1. Write down all the feedback gathered by all members of your team in a single document. Try to organize collected issues by type (visual/code/gameplay), (bug/comment/suggestion), by severity (minor/major/game stopper), or by whatever taxonomy that will suit you. 2. Discuss with the team “what to do” with individual items on your list. E.g. a. Bugs should probably be fixed :) If those are not features ;) If it is intended as a feature, but it was tagged as a bug by multiple players, you should discuss this issue. b. Suggestions from players could be accepted and implemented, altered, or discarded. c. Balancing issues should be discussed - e.g., will you increase, decrease, or keep the speed? Or difficulty? 3. Write down your decisions and provide some reasoning. 4. Submit a .pdf file with feedback analysis. Deliverables: ● playable build of the game (zip format) ● feedback analysis (PDF format) Deadlines: ● Submission: 14th May (including) ● Playtesting: 15th May ● Feedback: 21st May (including)