Mgr. et MgA. Veronika Lukášová, Ph.D. Photo by Seb Duthy VV034 PHOTOGRAPHY Special Effects / Summary of module requirements PREREQUISITE: 1. UPLOAD ALL IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS YOU’VE BEEN PRESENT FOR 2. COMPLETION AND SUBMISSION OF 3 PHOTOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENTS accompanied by your text with your choice of fonts and layout as a pdf 1 of these can be assignments completed during the class, at least 2 have to be an independent assignments - either selected from the list or an individual assignment. Please consult the independent and individual assignment prior to starting the work. 3. MAXIMUM OF TWO ABSENCES Project consultation in person on Tues, Weds and Thur. Pls email me to arrange ASSIGNMENTS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Each assignment will be submitted as a pdf with a considered vertical layout including clear titling, photos and accompanying text. Header must include: name of the photographer, name of the assignment, name of the module, year Accompanying text will describe your creative process, research, references. Think of it as your own picture story in a magazine! Don’t forget to include page numbering. Please also submit individual jpgs used in the pdf titled: Last name_First name_assignment_name_VV045_date_number of the photo in the sequence. * Have fun with it! Description can be: haiku, image captions, a piece of a novel that has inspired you…surprise us! DEADLINE: q Three assignments as a pdf layout with text q All in-class assignments Have to be submitted /uploaded to IS by June 5 Economy of taste ‒ who decides? In the contemporary art world, forces of ̈tastëare very different from 300, 100 or even 50 years ago. It used to be the national museums and galleries. Now it is collectors with money. Who should decide? This question is open. We live in a society where individuals voice their opinion and it is difficult to get a consensus. I propose to embody this discussion through an intervention in a museum ‒ with your own object of art or design. Independent project is where you can apply the skills we've been learning in the class and explore your own interest within the medium. The independent project is intended to be a photographic series underpinned by a unifying formal solution that expresses a particular idea. This means you will first have to think about the general idea (f.e. exploration of long exposure, exploration of a special effect such as painting with light) and then about how it can be executed (planning for particular part of the day, schedule of individual shoots for the series, securing the location etc). YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTED ASSIGNMENTS OR CONSULT ON A SPECIFIC PROJECT NOT COVERED IN THE LIST Independent project ideas 1. SHORT EXPOSURE / STUDIO PROJECT EXPLORING NOTION OF TIME IN PHOTOGRAPHY (f.e. Portrait series, selfie series, objects/ still life) 2. LONG EXPOSURE / STUDIO PROJECT EXPLORING NOTION OF TIME IN PHOTOGRAPHY (f.e. Portrait series, selfie series, objects/ still life) 3. SHORT EXPOSURE /ON LOCATION PROJECT EXPLORING NOTION OF TIME IN PHOTOGRAPHY (f.e. Portrait series, selfie series, objects/ still life, environment, water) 4. LONG EXPOSURE / ON LOCATION PROJECT EXPLORING NOTION OF TIME IN PHOTOGRAPHY (f.e. Portrait series, selfie series, objects/ still life, plants, trees, environment, water, materials) Independent project ideas 5. MOTION BLUR / STUDIO OR ON LOCATION PROJECT EXPLORING MOTION BLUR Coherent series on a chosen theme utilizing the method of motion blur - street setting, nature setting, depiction of city's energy. TRIPOD IS A MUST! 6. PANNING with CAMERA / STUDIO OR ON LOCATION PROJECT EXPLORING PANNING Coherent series on a chosen theme utilizing the method of panning with the camera - street setting, nature setting, depiction of city's energy. YOU CAN DEPLOY A DIY DOLLY / moving camera on an object with wheels such as skateboard etc. 7. PERSONAL NARRATIVE UTILIZING DIY FILTERS, MIRRORS, OPTICAL EFFECTS This personal narrative will convey moods and mystique rather than providing information. It maybe a playful depiction of your day using a variety of DIY filters or a humorous guide to your house/room. Independent project ideas Independent project ideas 8. IT'S SMALL WORLD / ADVENTURES IN A FICTIONAL WORLD Using a small-scale tiny figurines and home made props you can create a world unseen by our eyes - unless you are looking! You are a discoverer in a footsteps of Gulliver's travels. You will work effectively with a perspective, foreshortening and foreground/background of the image plane. This could be an alternative guide to Brno's most revered sights or a everyday encounters around FIMU. 9. PAINTING OR ILLUMINATING WITH LIGHT Photo series using a combination of long exposure and a moving light source. Painting with light requires tripod so the camera is held steady. The light source can be a phone, flashlight, glow light stick etc. Illumination with light requires a long exposure and single or a multiple light source illuminating and object, building, an individual, place etc in order to lift it out of darkness in more organic way then using a strobe. 10. SERIES OF DIGITAL OR MATERIAL COLLAGES UTILIZING YOUR OWN PHOTOS Series of collages with a unifying theme using predominantly your own photos but can also contain other visual sources. They can be conducted as digital collages but you can choose to work with the physical medium of printed photograph and magazine-newspaper images. Thank you, You ve been fantastic group to work with!