xbDebug.js revision: 0.003 2002-02-26
Contributor(s): Bob Clary, Netscape Communications, Copyright 2001
Netscape grants you a royalty free license to use, modify and
distribute this software provided that this copyright notice
appears on all copies. This software is provided "AS IS,"
without a warranty of any kind.
2002-02-25: bclary - modified xbDebugTraceOject to make sure
that original versions of wrapped functions were not
rewrapped. This had caused an infinite loop in IE.
2002-02-07: bclary - modified xbDebug.prototype.close to not null
the debug window reference. This can cause problems with
Internet Explorer if the page is refreshed. These issues will
be addressed at a later date.
function xbDebug()
this.on = false;
this.stack = new Array();
this.debugwindow = null;
this.execprofile = new Object();
xbDebug.prototype.push = function ()
this.stack[this.stack.length] = this.on;
this.on = true;
xbDebug.prototype.pop = function ()
this.on = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
xbDebug.prototype.open = function ()
if (this.debugwindow && !this.debugwindow.closed)
this.debugwindow = window.open('about:blank', 'DEBUGWINDOW', 'height=400,width=600,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');
this.debugwindow.title = 'xbDebug Window';
xbDebug WindowJavascript Debug Window
xbDebug.prototype.close = function ()
if (!this.debugwindow)
if (!this.debugwindow.closed)
// bc 2002-02-07, other windows may still hold a reference to this: this.debugwindow = null;
xbDebug.prototype.dump = function (msg)
if (!this.on)
if (!this.debugwindow || this.debugwindow.closed)
this.debugwindow.document.write(msg + '
var xbDEBUG = new xbDebug();
window.onunload = function () { xbDEBUG.close(); }
function xbDebugGetFunctionName(funcref)
if (funcref.name)
return funcref.name;
var name = funcref + '';
name = name.substring(name.indexOf(' ') + 1, name.indexOf('('));
funcref.name = name;
return name;
function xbDebugCreateFunctionWrapper(scopename, funcname, precall, postcall)
var wrappedfunc;
var scopeobject = eval(scopename);
var funcref = scopeobject[funcname];
scopeobject['xbDebug_orig_' + funcname] = funcref;
wrappedfunc = function ()
precall(scopename, funcname, arguments);
var rv = funcref.apply(this, arguments);
postcall(scopename, funcname, arguments, rv);
return rv;
if (typeof(funcref.constructor) != 'undefined')
wrappedfunc.constructor = funcref.constuctor;
if (typeof(funcref.prototype) != 'undefined')
wrappedfunc.prototype = funcref.prototype;
scopeobject[funcname] = wrappedfunc;
function xbDebugPersistToString(obj)
var s = '';
var p;
if (obj == null)
return 'null';
case 'number':
return obj;
case 'string':
return '"' + obj + '"';
case 'undefined':
return 'undefined';
case 'boolean':
return obj + '';
return '[' + xbDebugGetFunctionName(obj.constructor) + ']';
function xbDebugTraceBefore(scopename, funcname, funcarguments)
var i;
var s = '';
var execprofile = xbDEBUG.execprofile[scopename + '.' + funcname];
if (!execprofile)
execprofile = xbDEBUG.execprofile[scopename + '.' + funcname] = { started: 0, time: 0, count: 0 };
for (i = 0; i < funcarguments.length; i++)
s += xbDebugPersistToString(funcarguments[i]);
if (i < funcarguments.length - 1)
s += ', ';
xbDEBUG.dump('enter ' + scopename + '.' + funcname + '(' + s + ')');
execprofile.started = (new Date()).getTime();
function xbDebugTraceAfter(scopename, funcname, funcarguments, rv)
var i;
var s = '';
var execprofile = xbDEBUG.execprofile[scopename + '.' + funcname];
if (!execprofile)
xbDEBUG.dump('xbDebugTraceAfter: execprofile not created for ' + scopename + '.' + funcname);
else if (execprofile.started == 0)
xbDEBUG.dump('xbDebugTraceAfter: execprofile.started == 0 for ' + scopename + '.' + funcname);
execprofile.time += (new Date()).getTime() - execprofile.started;
execprofile.started = 0;
for (i = 0; i < funcarguments.length; i++)
s += xbDebugPersistToString(funcarguments[i]);
if (i < funcarguments.length - 1)
s += ', ';
xbDEBUG.dump('exit ' + scopename + '.' + funcname + '(' + s + ')==' + xbDebugPersistToString(rv));
function xbDebugTraceFunction(scopename, funcname)
xbDebugCreateFunctionWrapper(scopename, funcname, xbDebugTraceBefore, xbDebugTraceAfter);
function xbDebugTraceObject(scopename, objname)
var objref = eval(scopename + '.' + objname);
var p;
if (!objref || !objref.prototype)
for (p in objref.prototype)
if (typeof(objref.prototype[p]) == 'function' && (p+'').indexOf('xbDebug_orig') == -1)
xbDebugCreateFunctionWrapper(scopename + '.' + objname + '.prototype', p + '', xbDebugTraceBefore, xbDebugTraceAfter);
function xbDebugDumpProfile()
var p;
var execprofile;
var avg;
for (p in xbDEBUG.execprofile)
execprofile = xbDEBUG.execprofile[p];
avg = Math.round ( 100 * execprofile.time/execprofile.count) /100;
xbDEBUG.dump('Execution profile ' + p + ' called ' + execprofile.count + ' times. Total time=' + execprofile.time + 'ms. Avg Time=' + avg + 'ms.');