www.opengl.org/registry©2009 Khronos Group - Rev. 0809 OpenGL 3.2 API Quick Reference Card OpenGL® is the only cross-platform graphics API that enables developers of software for PC, workstation, and supercomputing hardware to create highperformance, visually-compelling graphics software applications, in markets such as CAD, content creation, energy, entertainment, game development, manufacturing, medical, and virtual reality. • see FunctionName refers to functions on this reference card. • [n.n.n] and [Table n.n] refer to sections and tables in the OpenGL 3.2 core specification. • [n.n.n] refers to sections in the OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 specification. • Content shown in blue is removed from the OpenGL 3.2 core profile and present only in the OpenGL 3.2 compatibility profile. Profile selection is made at context creation. • [n.n.n] and [Table n.n] refer to sections and tables in the OpenGL 3.2 compatibility profile specification, and are shown only when they differ from the core profile. Specifications are available at www.opengl.org/registry Vertex Arrays [2.8] Vertex data may be placed into arrays that are stored in the client address space or server address space. void VertexPointer(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer); type: SHORT, INT, FLOAT, HALF_FLOAT, DOUBLE void NormalPointer(enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer); type: BYTE, SHORT, INT, FLOAT, HALF_FLOAT, DOUBLE void ColorPointer(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer); type: BYTE, UNSIGNED_BYTE, SHORT, UNSIGNED_SHORT, INT, UNSIGNED_INT, FLOAT, HALF_FLOAT, DOUBLE void SecondaryColorPointer(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer); type: BYTE, UNSIGNED_BYTE, SHORT, UNSIGNED_SHORT, INT, UNSIGNED_INT, FLOAT, HALF_FLOAT, DOUBLE void IndexPointer(enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer); type: UNSIGNED_BYTE, SHORT, INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE void EdgeFlagPointer(sizei stride, void *pointer); void FogCoordPointer(enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer); type: FLOAT, HALF_FLOAT, DOUBLE void TexCoordPointer(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer); type: SHORT, INT, FLOAT, HALF_FLOAT, DOUBLE void VertexAttribPointer(uint index, int size, enum type, boolean normalized, sizei stride, const void *pointer); type: BYTE, UNSIGNED_BYTE, SHORT, USHORT, INT, UINT, FLOAT, HALF_FLOAT, DOUBLE void VertexAttribIPointer(uint index, int size, enum type, sizei stride, const void *pointer); type: BYTE, UNSIGNED_BYTE, SHORT, UNSIGNED_SHORT, INT, UNSIGNED_INT index: [0, MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS - 1] void EnableClientState(enum array); void DisableClientState(enum array); array: VERTEX_ARRAY, NORMAL_ARRAY, COLOR_ARRAY, SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY, INDEX_ARRAY, EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY, FOG_COORD_ARRAY, TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY void EnableVertexAttribArray(uint index); void DisableVertexAttribArray(uint index); index: TEXTUREi (where i is [0, MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS - 1]) void ClientActiveTexture(enum texture); void ArrayElement(int i); Enable/Disable(PRIMITIVE_RESTART) void PrimitiveRestartIndex(uint index); Drawing Commands [2.8.2] [2.8.1] void DrawArrays(enum mode, int first, sizei count); void MultiDrawArrays(enum mode, int *first, sizei *count, sizei primcount); void DrawElements(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, void *indices); void MultiDrawElements(enum mode, sizei *count, enum type, void **indices, sizei primcount); void DrawRangeElements(enum mode, uint start, uint end, sizei count, enum type, void *indices); void DrawArraysInstanced(enum mode, int first, sizei count, sizei primcount); void DrawElementsInstanced(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, const void *indices, sizei primcount); void DrawElementsBaseVertex(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, void *indices, int basevertex); void DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(enum mode, uint start, uint end, sizei count, enum type, void *indices, int basevertex); void DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(enum mode, sizei count, enum type, const void *indices, sizei primcount, int basevertex); void MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex(enum mode, sizei *count, enum type, void **indices, sizei primcount, int *basevertex); mode: POINTS, LINE_STRIP, LINE_LOOP, LINES, POLYGON, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN, TRIANGLES, QUAD_STRIP, QUADS, LINES_ADJACENCY, LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY, TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY, TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY type: UNSIGNED_BYTE, UNSIGNED_SHORT, UNSIGNED_INT void InterleavedArrays(enum format, sizei stride, void *pointer); format: V2F, V3F, C4UB_V2F, C4UB_V3F, C3F_V3F, N3F_V3F, C4F_N3F_V3F, T2F_V3F, T4F_V4F, T2F_C4UB_V3F, T2F_C3F_V3F, T2F_N3F_V3F, T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F, T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F GL Command Syntax [2.3] GL commands are formed from a return type, a name, and optionally up to 4 characters (or character pairs) from the Command Letters table (above), as shown by the prototype below: return-type Name{1234}{b s i f d ub us ui}{v} ([args ,] T arg1 , . . . , T argN [, args]); The arguments enclosed in brackets ([args ,] and [, args]) may or may not be present. The argument type T and the number N of arguments may be indicated by the command name suffixes. N is 1, 2, 3, or 4 if present, or else corresponds to the type letters from the Command Table (above). If “v” is present, an array of N items are passed by a pointer. For brevity, the OpenGL documentation and this reference may omit the standard prefixes. The actual names are of the forms: glFunctionName(), GL_CONSTANT, GLtype OpenGL Operation Floating-Point Numbers [2.1.2] 16-Bit 1-bit sign 5-bit exponent 10-bit mantissa Unsigned 11-Bit no sign bit 5-bit exponent 6-bit mantissa Unsigned 10-Bit no sign bit 5-bit exponent 5-bit mantissa Command Letters [Table 2.1] Letters are used in commands to denote types as shown below. b - byte (8 bits) ub - ubyte (8 bits) s - short (16 bits) us - ushort (16 bits) i - int (32 bits) ui - uint (32 bits) f - float (32 bits) d - double (64 bits) Vertex Specification Begin and End [2.6.1, 2.6.3] Enclose coordinate sets between Begin/End pairs to construct geometric objects. void Begin(enum mode); void End(void); mode: POINTS, LINE_STRIP, LINE_LOOP, LINES, POLYGON, QUAD_STRIP, QUADS, TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN, TRIANGLES, LINES_ADJACENCY, LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY, TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY, TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY Polygon Edges [2.6.2] Flag each edge of polygon primitives as either boundary or non-boundary. void EdgeFlag(boolean flag); void EdgeFlagv(boolean *flag); Vertex Specification [2.7] Vertices have two, three, or four coordinates, and optionally a current normal, multiple current texture coordinate sets, multiple current generic vertex attributes, current color, current secondary color, and current fog coordinates. void Vertex{234}{sifd}(T coords); void Vertex{234}{sifd}v(T coords); void TexCoord{1234}{sifd}(T coords); void TexCoord{1234}{sifd}v(T coords); void MultiTexCoord{1234}{sifd}(enum texture, T coords) void MultiTexCoord{1234}{sifd}v(enum texture, T coords) texture: TEXTUREi (where i is [0, MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS - 1]) void Normal3{bsifd}(T coords); void Normal3{bsifd}v(T coords); void FogCoord{fd}(T coord); void FogCoord{fd}v(T coord); void Color{34}{bsifd ubusui}(T components); void Color{34}{bsifd ubusui}v(T components); void SecondaryColor3{bsifd ubusui}(T components); void SecondaryColor3{bsifd ubusui}v( T components); void Index{sifd ub}(T index); void Index{sifd ub}v(T index); void VertexAttrib{1234}{sfd}(uint index, T values); void VertexAttrib{123}{sfd}v(uint index, T values); void VertexAttrib4{bsifd ub us ui}v(uint index, T values); void VertexAttrib4Nub(uint index, T values); void VertexAttrib4N{bsi ub us ui}v(uint index, T values); void VertexAttribI{1234}{i ui}(uint index, T values); void VertexAttribI{1234}{i ui}v(uint index, T values); void VertexAttribI4{bs ubus}v(uint index, T values); Buffer Objects [2.9] void GenBuffers(sizei n, uint *buffers); void DeleteBuffers(sizei n, const uint *buffers); Creating and Binding Buffer Objects [2.9.1] void BindBuffer(enum target, uint buffer); target: ARRAY_BUFFER, COPY_READ_BUFFER, COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, TEXTURE_BUFFER, TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, UNIFORM_BUFFER void BindBufferRange(enum target, uint index, uint buffer, intptr offset, sizeiptr size); target: TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, UNIFORM_BUFFER void BindBufferBase(enum target, uint index, uint buffer); target: see BindBufferRange Creating Buffer Object Data Stores [2.9.2] void BufferData(enum target, sizeiptr size, const void *data, enum usage); usage: STREAM_DRAW, STREAM_READ, STREAM_COPY, STATIC_DRAW, STATIC_READ, STATIC_COPY, DYNAMIC_DRAW, DYNAMIC_READ, DYNAMIC_COPY void BufferSubData(enum target, intptr offset, sizeiptr size, const void *data); target: see BindBuffer Mapping and Unmapping Buffer Data [2.9.3] void *MapBufferRange(enum target, intptr offset, sizeiptr length, bitfield access); access: The logical OR of MAP_READ_BIT, MAP_WRITE_BIT, MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT, MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT, MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT, MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT void *MapBuffer(enum target, enum access); access: READ_ONLY, WRITE_ONLY, READ_WRITE void FlushMappedBufferRange(enum target, intptr offset, sizeiptr length); target: see BindBuffer boolean UnmapBuffer(enum target); target: see BindBuffer Copying Between Buffers [2.9.5] void *CopyBufferSubData(enum readtarget, enum writetarget, intptr readoffset, intptr writeoffset, sizeiptr size); readtarget and writetarget: see BindBuffer Vertex Array Objects [2.10] All states related to the definition of data used by the vertex processor is encapsulated in a vertex array object. void GenVertexArrays(sizei n, uint *arrays); void DeleteVertexArrays(sizei n, const uint *arrays); void BindVertexArray(uint array); Buffer Object Queries [6.1.8] [6.1.14] boolean IsBuffer(uint buffer); void GetBufferParameteriv(enum target, enum pname, int *data); pname: BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_USAGE, BUFFER_ACCESS, BUFFER_ACCESS_FLAGS, BUFFER_MAPPED, BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, BUFFER_MAP_OFFSET, BUFFER_MAP_LENGTH void GetBufferSubData(enum target, intptr offset, sizeiptr size, void *data); target: see BindBuffer void GetBufferPointerv(enum target, enum pname, void **params); target: see BindBuffer pname: BUFFER_MAP_POINTER Vertex Array Object Queries [6.1.9] [6.1.15] boolean IsVertexArray(uint array); www.opengl.org/registry©2009 Khronos Group - Rev. 0809 OpenGL 3.2 API Quick Reference Card www.opengl.org/registry©2009 Khronos Group - Rev. 0809 OpenGL 3.2 API Quick Reference Card Shaders and Programs Shader Objects [2.11.1] [2.14.1] uint CreateShader(uint type); type: VERTEX_SHADER, FRAGMENT_SHADER, GEOMETRY_SHADER void ShaderSource(uint shader, sizei count, const char **string, const int *length); void CompileShader(uint shader); void DeleteShader(uint shader); Program Objects [2.11.2] [2.14.2] uint CreateProgram(void); void AttachShader(uint program, uint shader); void DetachShader(uint program, uint shader); void LinkProgram(uint program); void UseProgram(uint program); void DeleteProgram(uint program); Vertex Attributes [2.11.3] [2.14.3] Vertex shaders operate on an array of 4-component items numbered from slot 0 to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS - 1. void GetActiveAttrib(uint program, uint index, sizei bufSize, sizei *length, int *size, enum *type, char *name); *type returns: FLOAT, FLOAT_VECn, FLOAT_MAT*, INT, INT_VECn, UNSIGNED_INT, UNSIGNED_INT_VECn int GetAttribLocation(uint program, const char *name); void BindAttribLocation(uint program, uint index, const char *name); Uniform Variables [2.11.4] [2.14.4] int GetUniformLocation(uint program, const char *name); uint GetUniformBlockIndex(uint program, const char *uniformBlockName); void GetActiveUniformBlockName(uint program, uint uniformBlockIndex, sizei bufSize, sizei *length, char *uniformBlockName); void GetActiveUniformBlockiv(uint program, uint uniformBlockIndex, enum pname, int *params); pname: UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING, UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, UNIFORM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH, UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES, UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER, UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER, UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER void GetUniformIndices(uint program, sizei uniformCount, const char **uniformNames, uint *uniformIndices); void GetActiveUniformName(uint program, uint uniformIndex, sizei bufSize, sizei *length, char *uniformName); void GetActiveUniform(uint program, uint index, sizei bufSize, sizei *length, int *size, enum *type, char *name); void GetActiveUniformsiv(uint program, sizei uniformCount, const uint *uniformIndices, enum pname, int *params); pname: UNIFORM_TYPE, UNIFORM_SIZE, UNIFORM_NAME_LENGTH, UNIFORM_BLOCK_INDEX, UNIFORM_OFFSET, UNIFORM_ARRAY_STRIDE, UNIFORM_MATRIX_STRIDE, UNIFORM_IS_ROW_MAJOR type: FLOAT, FLOAT_VECn, INT, INT_VECn, UNSIGNED_INT, UNSIGNED_INT_VECn, BOOL, BOOL_VECn, FLOAT_MAT*, SAMPLER_*, INT_SAMPLER_*, UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_* Loading Uniform Variables In Default Uniform Block void Uniform{1234}{if}(int location, T value); void Uniform{1234}{if}v(int location, sizei count, T value); void Uniform{1234}ui(int location, T value); void Uniform{1234}uiv(int location, sizei count, T value); void UniformMatrix{234}fv(int location, sizei count, boolean transpose, const float *value); void UniformMatrix{2x3,3x2,2x4,4x2,3x4,4x3}fv( int location, sizei count, boolean transpose, const float *value); Uniform Buffer Object Bindings void UniformBlockBinding(uint program, uint uniformBlockIndex, uint uniformBlockBinding); Varying Variables [2.11.6] [2.14.6] void TransformFeedbackVaryings(uint program, sizei count, const char **varyings, enum bufferMode); bufferMode: INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS, SEPARATE_ATTRIBS void GetTransformFeedbackVarying(uint program, uint index, sizei bufSize, sizei *length, sizei *size, enum *type, char *name); *type returns any of the scalar, vector, or matrix attribute types returned by GetActiveAttrib. Shader Execution (Validation) [2.11.7] [2.14.7] void ValidateProgram(uint program); Geometry Shaders [2.12] [2.15] GetProgramiv(uint program, GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE, int *params) *params returns: POINTS, LINES, LINES_ADJACENCY, TRIANGLES, TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY GetProgramiv(uint program, GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE, int *params) *params returns: POINTS, LINE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_STRIP Fragment Shaders [3.9.2] [3.12.2] void BindFragDataLocation(uint program, uint colorNumber, const char *name); int GetFragDataLocation(uint program, const char *name); name: null-terminated string Shader Queries Shader Queries [6.1.10] [6.1.16] boolean IsShader(uint shader); void GetShaderiv(uint shader, enum pname, int *params); pname: SHADER_TYPE, DELETE_STATUS, COMPILE_STATUS, INFO_LOG_LENGTH, SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH void GetAttachedShaders(uint program, sizei maxCount, sizei *count, uint *shaders); void GetShaderInfoLog(uint shader, sizei bufSize, sizei *length, char *infoLog); void GetShaderSource(uint shader, sizei bufSize, sizei *length, char *source); void GetVertexAttrib{dfi li lui}v(uint index, enum pname, double *params); pname: CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB , VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_x (where x may be BUFFER_BINDING, ENABLED, SIZE, STRIDE, TYPE, NORMALIZED, INTEGER) void GetVertexAttribPointerv(uint index, enum pname, void **pointer); pname: VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER void GetUniform{if ui}v(uint program, int location, T *params) Program Queries [6.1.10] [6.1.16] boolean IsProgram(uint program); void GetProgramiv(uint program, enum pname, int *params); pname: DELETE_STATUS, LINK_STATUS, VALIDATE_STATUS, INFO_LOG_LENGTH, ATTACHED_SHADERS, GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE, GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT, GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE, ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH, ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_*, ACTIVE_UNIFORM_* void GetProgramInfoLog(uint program, sizei bufSize, sizei *length, char *infoLog); Lighting and Color Lighting/ Lighting Parameter Specification [2.13.1] Enable/Disable(LIGHTING) (affects all lights) Enable/Disable(LIGHTi) (affects individual lights) void Material{if}(enum face, enum pname, T param); void Material{if}v(enum face, enum pname, T params); face: FRONT, BACK, FRONT_AND_BACK pname: AMBIENT, DIFFUSE, AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, EMISSION, SHININESS, COLOR_INDEXES void Light{if}(enum light, enum pname, T param); void Light{if}v(enum light, enum pname, T params); light: LIGHTi (where i >= 0) pname: AMBIENT, DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, POSITION, SPOT_DIRECTION, SPOT_EXPONENT, SPOT_CUTOFF, CONSTANT_ATTENTUATION, LINEAR_ATTENUATION, QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION void LightModel{if}(enum pname, T param); void LightModel{if}v(enum pname, T params); pname: LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER, LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL ColorMaterial [2.13.3, 2.13.6] Enable/Disable(COLOR_MATERIAL) void ColorMaterial(enum face, enum mode); face: FRONT, BACK, FRONT_AND_BACK mode: EMISSION, AMBIENT, DIFFUSE, SPECULAR, AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE void ClampColor(enum target, enum clamp); target: CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR clamp: TRUE, FALSE, FIXED_ONLY Flatshading [2.18] [2.21] void ProvokingVertex(enum provokeMode); provokeMode: FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION, LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION void ShadeModel(enum mode); mode: SMOOTH, FLAT Queries [6.13] void GetLight{if}v(enum light, enum value, T data); void GetMaterial{if}v(enum face, enum value, T data); face: FRONT, BACK Rendering Control and Queries Conditional Rendering [2.18] void BeginConditionalRender(uint id, enum mode); void EndConditionalRender(void); mode: QUERY_WAIT, QUERY_NO_WAIT, QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT, QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT Transform Feedback [2.19] void BeginTransformFeedback(enum primitiveMode); void EndTransformFeedback(void); primitiveMode: TRIANGLES, LINES, POINTS void BindBufferRange(enum target, uint index, uint buffer, intptr offset, sizeiptr size); void BindBufferBase(enum target, uint index, uint buffer); target: TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER Current Raster Position [2.24] void RasterPos{234}{sifd}(T coords); void RasterPos{234}{sifd}v(T coords); void WindowPos{23}{sifd}(T coords); void WindowPos{23}{sifd}v(const T coords); Asynchronous Queries [2.17] void BeginQuery(enum target, uint id); target: PRIMITIVES_GENERATED, SAMPLES_PASSED, TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN void EndQuery(enum target); void GenQueries(sizei n, uint *ids); void DeleteQueries(sizei n, const uint *ids); Asynchronous State Queries [6.1.6] [6.1.12] boolean IsQuery(uint id); void GetQueryiv(enum target, enum pname, int *params); target: SAMPLES_PASSED, PRIMITIVES_GENERATED, TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN pname: CURRENT_QUERY, QUERY_COUNTER_BITS void GetQueryObjectiv(uint id, enum pname, int *params); void GetQueryObjectuiv(uint id, enum pname, uint *params); pname: QUERY_RESULT, QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE Viewport and Clipping Controlling the Viewport [2.16.1] void DepthRange(clampd n, clampd f); void Viewport(int x, int y, sizei w, sizei h); Clipping [2.23] Enable/Disable(CLIP_DISTANCEi) i: [0, MAX_CLIP_DISTANCES - 1] void ClipPlane(enum p, double eqn[4]); p: CLIP_PLANEi (where i is [0, MAX_CLIP_PLANES - 1]) Rectangles, Matrices, Texture Coordinates Rectangles [2.11] Specifiy rectangles as two corner vertices. void Rect{sifd}(T x1, T y1, T x2, T y2); void Rect{sifd}v(T v1[2], T v2[2]); Matrices [2.12.1] void MatrixMode(enum mode); mode: TEXTURE, MODELVIEW, COLOR, PROJECTION void LoadMatrix{fd}(T m[16]); void MultMatrix{fd}(T m[16]); void LoadTransposeMatrix{fd}(T m[16]); void MultTransposeMatrix{fd}(T m[16]); void LoadIdentity(void); void Rotate{fd}(Ty, T x, T y, T z); void Translate{fd}(T x, T y, T z); void Scale{fd}(T x, T y, T z); void Frustum(double l, double r, double b, double t, double n, double f); void Ortho(double l, double r, double b, double t, double n, double f); void PushMatrix(void); void PopMatrix(void); Generating Texture Coordinates [2.12.3] void TexGen{ifd}(enum coord, enum pname, T param); void TexGen{ifd}v(enum coord, enum pname, T *params); coord: S, T, R, Q pname: TEXTURE_GEN_MODE, OBJECT_PLANE, EYE_PLANE www.opengl.org/registry©2009 Khronos Group - Rev. 0809 OpenGL 3.2 API Quick Reference Card Rasterization [3] Enable/Disable(target) target: RASTERIZER_DISCARD, MULTISAMPLE Multisampling [3.3.1] Use to antialias points, lines, polygons, bitmaps, and images. Enable/Disable(MULTISAMPLE) void GetMultisamplefv(enum pname, uint index, float *val); pname: SAMPLE_POSITION Points [3.4] void PointSize(float size); void PointParameter{if}(enum pname, T param); void PointParameter{if}v(enum pname, const T params); pname: POINT_SIZE_MIN, POINT_SIZE_MAX, POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION POINT_FADE THRESHOLD_SIZE, POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN param, params: LOWER_LEFT, UPPER_LEFT, pointer to point fade threshold Enable/Disable(VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE) Enable/Disable(POINT_SMOOTH) (Point antialias) Enable/Disable(POINT_SPRITE) Line Segments [3.5] void LineWidth(float width); Enable/Disable(LINE_SMOOTH) (Line antialias) Other Line Segments Features [3.5.2] void LineStipple(int factor, ushort pattern); Enable/Disable(LINE_STIPPLE) Stipple Query [6.1.5] void GetPolygonStipple(void *pattern); Polygons [3.6] Enable/Disable(POLYGON_STIPPLE) Enable/Disable(POLYGON_SMOOTH) (Polygon antialias) void FrontFace(enum dir); dir: CCW, CW void CullFace(enum mode); mode: FRONT, BACK, FRONT_AND_BACK Enable/Disable(CULL_FACE) Stippling [3.6.2] void PolygonStipple(ubyte *pattern); Polygon Rasterization & Depth Offset [3.6.3] [3.6.4] void PolygonMode(enum face, enum mode); face: FRONT, BACK, FRONT_AND_BACK mode: POINT, LINE, FILL void PolygonOffset(float factor, float units); Enable/Disable(target) target: POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT, POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE, POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL Pixel Rectangles [3.7] void PixelStore{if}(enum pname, T param); pname: UNPACK_x (where x may be SWAP_BYTES, LSB_FIRST, ROW_LENGTH, SKIP_ROWS, SKIP_PIXELS, ALIGNMENT, IMAGE_HEIGHT, SKIP_IMAGES) Pixel Transfer Modes [3.7.3] void PixelTransfer{if}(enum param, T value); param: MAP_COLOR, MAP_STENCIL, INDEX_SHIFT, INDEX_OFFSET, x_SCALE, DEPTH_SCALE, x_BIAS, DEPTH_BIAS, or another value from [Table 3.2] void PixelMap{ui us f}v(enum map, sizei size, T values); map: PIXEL_MAP_{I, S, R, G, B, A}_TO_{I, S, R, G, B, A} [Table 3.3] Enumerated Queries [6.1.3] void GetPixelMap{ui us f}v(enum map, T data); map: PIXEL_MAP_{I, S, R, G, B, A}_TO_{I, S, R, G, B, A} [Table 3.3] Color Table Specification [3.7.3] void ColorTable(enum target, enum internalformat, sizei width, enum format, enum type, void *data); target: {PROXY_}COLOR_TABLE, POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE, POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE [Table 3.4] internalformat: One of the formats in [Table 3.16] or [Tables 3.17-3.19] except the RED, RG, DEPTH_COMPONENT, and DEPTH_STENCIL base and sized internal formats in those tables, all sized internal formats with non-fixed internal data types as discussed in [3.9], and sized internal format RGB9_E5. format: RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA, RG, RGB, RGBA, BGRA, LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA type: {UNSIGNED_}BYTE/SHORT/INT*, {HALF_}FLOAT [Table 3.5] Enable/Disable(POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE) void ColorTableParameter{if}v(enum target, enum pname, T params); target: COLOR_TABLE, POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE, POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE pname: COLOR_TABLE_SCALE, COLOR_TABLE_BIAS Alternate Color Table Specification Commands void CopyColorTable(enum target, enum internalformat, int x, int y, sizei width); void ColorSubTable(enum target, sizei start, sizei count, enum format, enum type, void *data); void CopyColorSubTable(enum target, sizei start, int x, int y, sizei count); target and pname: see ColorTableParameter{if}v Color Table Query [6.1.7] void GetColorTable(enum target, enum format, enum type, void *table); target: COLOR_TABLE, POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE, POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE format and type: See GetTexImage, except format cannot be DEPTH_COMPONENT void GetColorTableParameter{if}v(enum target, enum pname, T params); target: {PROXY_}COLOR_TABLE, {PROXY_}POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE, {PROXY_}POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE pname: COLOR_TABLE_x (where x may be SCALE, BIAS, FORMAT, COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH, RED_SIZE, GREEN_SIZE, BLUE_SIZE, ALPHA_SIZE, LUMINANCE_SIZE, INTENSITY_SIZE) Convolution Filter Specification [3.7.3] Enable/Disable(POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE) void ConvolutionFilter2D(enum target, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height, enum format, enum type, void *data); target: CONVOLUTION_2D internalformat: see ColorTable format: RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA, RG, RGB, RGBA, BGRA, LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, RED_INTEGER, GREEN_INTEGER, BLUE_INTEGER, ALPHA_INTEGER, RG_INTEGER, RGB_INTEGER, RBGA_INTEGER, BGR_INTEGER, BGRA_INTEGER type: {UNSIGNED_}BYTE/SHORT/INT*, {HALF_}FLOAT void ConvolutionParameter{if}v(enum target, enum pname, T params); target: CONVOLUTION_2D pname: CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE, CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS void ConvolutionFilter1D(enum target, enum internalformat, sizei width, enum format, enum type, void *data); target: CONVOLUTION_1D internalformat, format, and type: see ConvolutionFilter2D void SeparableFilter2D(enum target, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height, enum format, enum type, void *row, void *column); target: SEPARABLE_2D internalformat, format, and type: see ConvolutionFilter2D Alternate Convolution Filter Specification Commands void CopyConvolutionFilter2D(enum target, enum internalformat, int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height); target: CONVOLUTION_2D internalformat: see ConvolutionFilter2D void CopyConvolutionFilter1D(enum target, enum internalformat, int x, int y, sizei width); target: CONVOLUTION_1D internalformat: see ConvolutionFilter2D Convolution Query [6.1.8] void GetConvolutionFilter(enum target, enum format, enum type, void *image); target: CONVOLUTION_1D, CONVOLUTION_2D format and type: See GetTexImage, except format cannot be DEPTH_COMPONENT void GetSeparableFilter(enum target, enum format, enum type, void *row, void *column, void *span); target: SEPARABLE_2D format and type: See GetTexImage void GetConvolutionParameter{if}v(enum target, enum pname, T params); target: CONVOLUTION_1D, CONVOLUTION_2D, SEPARABLE_2D pname: {MAX_}CONVOLUTION_WIDTH, {MAX_}CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT, CONVOLUTION_x (where x may be BORDER_COLOR, BORDER_MODE, FILTER_SCALE, FILTER_BIAS, FORMAT) Histogram Table Specification [3.7.3] Enable/Disable(HISTOGRAM) void Histogram(enum target, sizei width, enum internalformat, boolean sink); target: HISTOGRAM, PROXY_HISTOGRAM internalformat: see ColorTable Histogram Query [6.1.9] void GetHistogram(enum target, boolean reset, enum format, enum type, void *values); target: HISTOGRAM format and type: See GetTexImage, except format cannot be DEPTH_COMPONENT void ResetHistogram(enum target); target: HISTOGRAM void GetHistogramParameter{if}v(enum target, enum pname, T params); target: HISTOGRAM, PROXY_HISTOGRAM pname: HISTOGRAM_x (where x may be FORMAT, WIDTH, RED_SIZE, GREEN_SIZE, BLUE_SIZE, ALPHA_SIZE, LUMINANCE_SIZE, SINK) Minmax Table Specification [3.7.3] Enable/Disable(MINMAX) void Minmax(enum target, enum internalformat, boolean sink); target: MINMAX internalformat: see ColorTable, except INTENSITY base and sized internal formats Minmax Query [6.1.10] void GetMinmax(enum target, boolean reset, enum format, enum type, void *values); target: MINMAX format and type: See GetTexImage, except format cannot be DEPTH_COMPONENT void ResetMinmax(enum target); target: MINMAX void GetMinmaxParameter{if}v(enum target, enum pname, T params); target: MINMAX pname: MINMAX_FORMAT, MINMAX_SINK Rasterization of Pixel Rectangles [3.7.5] void DrawPixels(sizei width, sizei height, enum format, enum type, void *data); format: {COLOR|STENCIL}_INDEX, DEPTH_COMPONENT, DEPTH_STENCIL, RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA, RG, RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA, LUMINANCE{_ALPHA} [Table 3.6] (*_INTEGER formats are not supported) type: UNSIGNED_BYTE, BITMAP, BYTE, UNSIGNED_SHORT, SHORT, UNSIGNED_INT, INT, HALF_FLOAT, FLOAT, or another value from [Table 3.5] void ClampColor(enum target, enum clamp); target: CLAMP_READ_COLOR, CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR clamp: TRUE, FALSE, FIXED_ONLY void PixelZoom(float zx, float zy); Pixel Transfer Operations [3.7.6] void ConvolutionParameter{if}(enum target, enum pname, T param); target: CONVOLUTION_1D, CONVOLUTION_2D, SEPARABLE_2D pname: CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE param: REDUCE, CONSTANT_BORDER, REPLICATE_BORDER Bitmaps [3.8] void Bitmap(sizei w, sizei h, float xb0, float yb0, float xbi, float ybi, ubyte *data); Texturing [3.8] [3.9] void ActiveTexture(enum texture); texture: TEXTUREi (where i is [0, MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS - 1]) Texture Image Specification [3.8.1] [3.9.1] void TexImage3D(enum target, int level, int internalformat, sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, int border, enum format, enum type, void *data); target: {PROXY_}TEXTURE_3D, {PROXY_}TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY internalformat: ALPHA, DEPTH_COMPONENT, DEPTH_STENCIL, LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, INTENSITY, RED, RG, RGB, RGBA; a sized internal format from [Tables 3.12-3.13] [Tables 3.17-3.19]; COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1, COMPRESSED_RG_RGTC2, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2, or a generic compressed format from [Table 3.14] [Table 3.20] format: COLOR_INDEX, DEPTH_COMPONENT, DEPTH_STENCIL, RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA, RG, RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA, LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, RED_INTEGER, GREEN_INTEGER, BLUE_INTEGER, ALPHA_INTEGER, RG_INTEGER, RGB_INTEGER, RGBA_INTEGER, BGR_INTEGER, BGRA_INTEGER, or one of the values from [Table 3.5] [Table 3.8] type: UNSIGNED_BYTE, BITMAP, BYTE, UNSIGNED_SHORT, SHORT, UNSIGNED_INT, INT, HALF_FLOAT, FLOAT, or a value from [Table 3.5] void TexImage2D(enum target, int level, int internalformat, sizei width, sizei height, int border, enum format, enum type, void *data); target: {PROXY_}TEXTURE_2D, {PROXY_}TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, {PROXY_}TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_*, PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP internalformat, format, and type: See TexImage3D void TexImage1D(enum target, int level, int internalformat, sizei width, int border, enum format, enum type, void *data); target: TEXTURE_1D, PROXY_TEXTURE_1D type: UNSIGNED_BYTE, BITMAP, BYTE, UNSIGNED_SHORT, SHORT, UNSIGNED_INT, INT, HALF_FLOAT, FLOAT, or another value from [Table 3.2] [Table 3.5] internalformat and format: See TexImage3D Alt. Texture Image Specification Commands [3.8.2] [3.9.2] void CopyTexImage2D(enum target, int level, enum internalformat, int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height, int border); target: TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP* internalformat: See TexImage2D void CopyTexImage1D(enum target, int level, enum internalformat, int x, int y, sizei width, int border); target: TEXTURE_1D internalformat: See TexImage1D (Continued >) www.opengl.org/registry©2009 Khronos Group - Rev. 0809 OpenGL 3.2 API Quick Reference Card Texturing (continued) void TexSubImage3D(enum target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, enum format, enum type, void *data); target: TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY format and type: See TexImage3D void TexSubImage2D(enum target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, sizei width, sizei height, enum format, enum type, void *data); target: TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_* format and type: See TexImage2D void TexSubImage1D(enum target, int level, int xoffset, sizei width, enum format, enum type, void *data); target: TEXTURE_1D format: See TexImage1D type: BYTE, UNSIGNED_BYTE*, SHORT, UNSIGNED_SHORT*, INT, UNSIGNED_INT*, HALF_FLOAT, FLOAT* void CopyTexSubImage3D(enum target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height); target: TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_2D ARRAY void CopyTexSubImage2D(enum target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height); target: TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP* void CopyTexSubImage1D(enum target, int level, int xoffset, int x, int y, sizei width); target: TEXTURE_1D Compressed Texture Images [3.8.3] [3.9.3] void CompressedTexImage3D(enum target, int level, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, int border, sizei imageSize, void *data); target: See TexImage3D internalformat: COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1_RED, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1_RED, COMPRESSED_RG_RGTC2_RG, COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2 void CompressedTexImage2D(enum target, int level, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height, int border, sizei imageSize, void *data); target: See TexImage2D (Compressed rectangular texture formats not supported.) internalformat: See CompressedTexImage3D void CompressedTexImage1D(enum target, int level, enum internalformat, sizei width, int border, sizei imageSize, void *data); target: TEXTURE_1D, PROXY_TEXTURE_1D internalformat: See CompressedTexImage3D void CompressedTexSubImage3D(enum target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, enum format, sizei imageSize, void *data); target: TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_2D ARRAY format: See TexImage3D void CompressedTexSubImage2D(enum target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, sizei width, sizei height, enum format, sizei imageSize, void *data); target: TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_* format: See TexImage2D void CompressedTexSubImage1D(enum target, int level, int xoffset, sizei width, enum format, sizei imageSize, void *data); target: TEXTURE_1D format: See TexImage1D Multisample Textures [3.8.4] [3.9.4] void TexImage3DMultisample(enum target, sizei samples, int internalformat, sizei width, sizei height, sizei depth, boolean fixedsamplelocations); target: TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY, PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY internalformat: ALPHA, RED, RG, RGB, RGBA, DEPTH_COMPONENT, DEPTH_STENCIL, STENCIL_INDEX, or the sized internal formats corresponding to these base formats void TexImage2DMultisample(enum target, sizei samples, int internalformat, sizei width, sizei height, boolean fixedsamplelocations); target: TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE internalformat: See TexImage3DMultisample Buffer Textures [3.8.5] [3.9.5] void TexBuffer(enum target, enum internalformat, uint buffer); target: TEXTURE_BUFFER internalformat: R8, R16, R16F, R32F, R8I, R16I, R32I, R8U1, R16UI, R32UI, RG8, RG26, RG16F, RG32F, RG8I, RG16I, RG32I, RG8UI, RG16UI, RG32UI, RGBA8, RGBA16, RGBA16F, RGBA32F, RGBA8I, RGBA16I, RGBA32I, RGBA8UI, RGBA16UI, RGBA32UI Texture Parameters [3.8.6] [3.9.6] void TexParameter{if}(enum target, enum pname, T param); void TexParameter{if}v(enum target, enum pname, T *params); void TexParameterI{i ui}v(enum target, enum pname, T *params); target: TEXTURE_1D*, TEXTURE_2D*, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP pname: TEXTURE_WRAP_{S, T, R}, TEXTURE_{MIN, MAG}_FILTER, TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, TEXTURE_PRIORITY, TEXTURE_{MIN, MAX}_LOD, TEXTURE_{BASE, MAX}_LEVELS, TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS, DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE, TEXTURE_COMPARE_{MODE, FUNC}, GENERATE_MIPMAP [Table 3.16] [Table 3.22] Seamless Cube Map Filtering [3.8.8] [3.9.8] Enable/Disable(TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS) Manual Mipmap Generation [3.8.9] [3.9.9] void GenerateMipmap(enum target); target: TEXTURE_1D*, TEXTURE_2D*, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP Texture Objects [3.8.14] [3.9.14] void BindTexture(enum target, uint texture); target: TEXTURE_{1, 2}D{_ARRAY}, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_BUFFER, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE{_ARRAY} void DeleteTextures(sizei n, uint *textures); void GenTextures(sizei n, uint *textures); boolean AreTexturesResident(sizei n, uint *textures, boolean *residences); void PrioritizeTextures(sizei n, uint *textures, clampf *priorities); Texture Environments & Texture Functions [3.9.15] void TexEnv{if}(enum target, enum pname, T param); void TexEnv{if}v(enum target, enum pname, T params); target: TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL, POINT_SPRITE, TEXTURE_ENV pname: TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS, TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, COMBINE_RGB, COMBINE_ALPHA, RGB_SCALE, ALPHA_SCALE, COORD_REPLACE, SRCn_RGB, SRCn_ALPHA, OPERANDn_RGB, OPERANDn_ALPHA (where n is [0, 1, 2]) Texture Application [3.9.19] Enable/Disable(param) param: TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP Enumerated Queries [6.1.3] void GetTexEnv{if}v(enum env, enum value, T data); env: POINT_SPRITE, TEXTURE_ENV, TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL void GetTexGen{ifd}v(enum coord, enum value, T data); coord: S, T, R, Q void GetTexParameter{if}v(enum target, enum value, T data); void GetTexParameterI{i ui}v(enum target, enum value, T data); target: TEXTURE_1D*, TEXTURE_2D*, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP value: TEXTURE_RESIDENT, TEXTURE_WRAP_{S, T, R}, TEXTURE_{MIN, MAG}_FILTER, TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR, TEXTURE_PRIORITY, TEXTURE_{MIN, MAX}_LOD, TEXTURE_{BASE, MAX}_LEVEL, TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS, DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE, TEXTURE_COMPARE_{MODE, FUNC}, GENERATE_MIPMAP void GetTexLevelParameter{if}v(enum target, int lod, enum value, T data); target: TEXTURE_1D*, TEXTURE_2D*, {PROXY_}TEXTURE_3D, {PROXY_}TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_*, PROXY_TEXTURE_1D{_ARRAY}, PROXY_TEXTURE_2D{_ARRAY}, {PROXY_}TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE*, PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP , TEXTURE_BUFFER value: {PROXY_}TEXTURE_{1, 2}D{_ARRAY}, {PROXY_}TEXTURE_3D, {PROXY_}TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, {PROXY_}TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE{_ARRAY}, TEXTURE_BUFFER, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_{POSITIVE|NEGATIVE}_{X, Y, Z}, PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP Texture Queries [6.1.4] void GetTexImage(enum target, int lod, enum format, enum type, void *img); target: TEXTURE_{1, 2}D{_ARRAY}, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_ RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_{POSITIVE|NEGATIVE}_{X, Y, Z} format: See TexImage3D type: BITMAP, {UNSIGNED_}BYTE/SHORT/INT*, {HALF_}FLOAT, FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV [Table 3.2] [Table 3.5] void GetCompressedTexImage(enum target, int lod, void *img); target: See GetTexImage boolean IsTexture(uint texture); Drawing, Reading, and Copying Pixels Reading Pixels [4.3.1] [4.3.2] void ReadPixels(int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height, enum format, enum type, void *data); format: {COLOR, STENCIL}_INDEX, DEPTH_COMPONENT, DEPTH_STENCIL, RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA, RG, RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA, LUMINANCE{_ALPHA}, {RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA, RG, RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA}_INTEGER [Table 3.6] type: BITMAP, {UNSIGNED_}BYTE/SHORT/INT*, {HALF_}FLOAT, FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV [Table 3.2] [Table 3.5] void ReadBuffer(enum src); src: NONE, FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT, FRONT, BACK, LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT_AND_BACK, AUXi (where i is [0, AUX_BUFFERS - 1 ]), COLOR_ATTACHMENTi (where i is [0, MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS - 1]) Copying Pixels [4.3.2] [4.3.3] void CopyPixels(int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height, enum type); type: COLOR, STENCIL, DEPTH, DEPTH_STENCIL Blitting Pixel Rectangles [4.3.2] [4.3.3] void BlitFramebuffer(int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1, bitfield mask, enum filter); mask: Bitwise OR of COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT filter: LINEAR, NEAREST Also see DrawPixels, ClampColor, and PixelZoom in the Rasterization section of this reference card. Color Sum, Fog, and Hints Color Sum [3.10] Enable/Disable(COLOR_SUM) Fog [3.11] Enable/Disable(FOG) void Fog{if}(enum pname, T param); void Fog{if}v(enum pname, T params); pname: FOG_MODE, FOG_COORD_SRC, FOG_DENSITY, FOG_START, FOG_END, FOG_COLOR, FOG_INDEX Hints [5.3] [5.7] void Hint(enum target, enum hint); target: LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT, TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT, POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT, POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, FOG_HINT, GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT hint: FASTEST, NICEST, DONT_CARE Per-Fragment Operations Scissor Test [4.1.2] Enable/Disable(SCISSOR_TEST) void Scissor(int left, int bottom, sizei width, sizei height ); Multisample Fragment Operations [4.1.3] Enable/Disable(cap) cap: SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE, SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE, SAMPLE_COVERAGE void SampleCoverage(clampf value, boolean invert); void SampleMaski(uint maskNumber, bitfield mask); Alpha Test [4.1.4] Enable/Disable(ALPHA_TEST) void AlphaFunc(enum func, clampf ref); func: NEVER, ALWAYS, LESS,LEQUAL, EQUAL, GEQUAL, GREATER, NOTEQUAL Stencil Test [4.1.4] [4.1.5] Enable/Disable(STENCIL_TEST) void StencilFunc(enum func, int ref, uint mask); void StencilFuncSeparate(enum face, enum func, int ref, uint mask); void StencilOp(enum sfail, enum dpfail, enum dppass); void StencilOpSeparate(enum face, enum sfail, enum dpfail, enum dppass); face: FRONT, BACK, FRONT_AND_BACK sfail, dpfail, and dppass: KEEP, ZERO, REPLACE, INCR, DECR, INVERT, INCR_WRAP, DECR_WRAP func: NEVER, ALWAYS, LESS, LEQUAL, EQUAL, GREATER, GEQUAL, NOTEQUAL Depth Buffer Test [4.1.5] [4.1.6] Enable/Disable(DEPTH_TEST) void DepthFunc(enum func); func: See StencilOpSeparate Occlusion Queries [4.1.6] [4.1.7] BeginQuery(SAMPLES_PASSED, uint id); EndQuery(SAMPLES_PASSED); Blending [4.1.7] [4.1.8] Enablei/Disablei(BLEND, uint index) (individual buffers) Enable/Disable(BLEND) (all draw buffers) void BlendEquation(enum mode); void BlendEquationSeparate(enum modeRGB, enum modeAlpha); mode, modeRGB, and modeAlpha: FUNC_ADD, FUNC_SUBTRACT, FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, MIN, MAX (Continued >) www.opengl.org/registry©2009 Khronos Group - Rev. 0809 OpenGL 3.2 API Quick Reference Card State and State Requests A complete list of symbolic constants for states is shown in the tables in [6.2]. Simple Queries [6.1.1] void GetBooleanv(enum value, boolean *data); void GetIntegerv(enum value, int *data); void GetInteger64v(enum value, int64 *data); void GetFloatv(enum value, float *data); void GetDoublev(enum value, double *data); void GetBooleani_v(enum target, uint index, boolean *data); void GetIntegeri_v(enum target, uint index, int *data); boolean IsEnabled(enum value); boolean IsEnabledi(enum target, uint index); Pointer and String Queries [6.1.5] [6.1.11] void GetPointerv(enum pname, void **params); pname: SELECTION_BUFFER_POINTER, FEEDBACK_BUFFER_POINTER, VERTEX_ARRAY_POINTER, NORMAL_ARRAY_POINTER, COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER, SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER, INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER, TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER, FOG_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER, EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER ubyte *GetString(enum name); name: RENDERER, VENDOR, VERSION, SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION, EXTENSIONS ubyte *GetStringi(enum name, uint index); name: EXTENSIONS index: range is [0, NUM_EXTENSIONS - 1] Saving and Restoring State [6.1.19] void PushAttrib(bitfield mask); mask: ALL_ATTRIB_BITS, or the bitwise OR of the attribute groups in [Table 6.2] void PushClientAttrib(bitfield mask); mask: CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS, or the bitwise OR of the attribute groups in [Table 6.2] void PopAttrib(void); void PopClientAttrib(void); Framebuffer Objects Binding & Managing Framebuffer Objects [4.4.1] void BindFramebuffer(enum target, uint framebuffer); target: DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, FRAMEBUFFER void DeleteFramebuffers(sizei n, uint *framebuffers); void GenFramebuffers(sizei n, uint *ids); Attaching Images to Framebuffer Objects [4.4.2] Renderbuffer Objects void BindRenderbuffer(enum target, uint renderbuffer); target: RENDERBUFFER void DeleteRenderbuffers(sizei n, const uint *renderbuffers); void GenRenderbuffers(sizei n, uint *renderbuffers); void RenderbufferStorageMultisample(enum target, sizei samples, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height); target: RENDERBUFFER internalformat: See TexImage2DMultisample void RenderbufferStorage(enum target, enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height); target and internalformat: See RenderbufferStorageMultisample Attaching Renderbuffer Images to Framebuffer void FramebufferRenderbuffer(enum target, enum attachment, enum renderbuffertarget, uint renderbuffer); target: DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, FRAMEBUFFER attachment: DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, COLOR_ATTACHMENTi (where i is [0, MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS - 1]) renderbuffertarget: RENDERBUFFER Attaching Texture Images to a Framebuffer void FramebufferTexture(enum target, enum attachment, uint texture, int level); target: DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, FRAMEBUFFER attachment: See FramebufferRenderbuffer void FramebufferTexture3D(enum target, enum attachment, enum textarget, uint texture, int level, int layer); textarget: TEXTURE_3D target and attachment: See FramebufferRenderbuffer void FramebufferTexture2D(enum target, enum attachment, enum textarget, uint texture, int level); textarget: TEXTURE_2D{_MULTISAMPLE}, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_* target and attachment: See FramebufferRenderbuffer void FramebufferTexture1D(enum target, enum attachment, enum textarget, uint texture, int level); textarget: TEXTURE_1D target and attachment: See FramebufferRenderbuffer void FramebufferTextureLayer(enum target, enum attachment, uint texture, int level, int layer); target and attachment: See FramebufferTexture3D Framebuffer Completeness [4.4.4] enum CheckFramebufferStatus(enum target); target: DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, FRAMEBUFFER returns: FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE or a constant indicating which value violates framebuffer completeness Framebuffer Object Queries [6.1.11] [6.1.17] boolean IsFramebuffer(uint framebuffer); void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(enum target, enum attachment, enum pname, int *params); target: DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, READ_FRAMEBUFFER, FRAMEBUFFER attachment: FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT, COLOR_ATTACHMENTi, AUXi, DEPTH, STENCIL, DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT pname: FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_x (where x may be OBJECT_TYPE, OBJECT_NAME, RED_SIZE, GREEN_SIZE, BLUE_SIZE, ALPHA_SIZE, DEPTH_SIZE, STENCIL_SIZE, COMPONENT_TYPE, COLOR_ENCODING, TEXTURE_LEVEL, LAYERED, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE, TEXTURE_LAYER) Renderbuffer Object Queries [6.1.12] [6.1.18] boolean IsRenderbuffer(uint renderbuffer); void GetRenderbufferParameteriv(enum target, enum pname, int *params); target: RENDERBUFFER pname: RENDERBUFFER_x (where x may be WIDTH, HEIGHT, RED_SIZE, GREEN_SIZE, BLUE_SIZE, ALPHA_SIZE, DEPTH_SIZE, STENCIL_SIZE, INTERNAL_FORMAT, SAMPLES) Per-Fragment Operations (cont.) void BlendFuncSeparate(enum srcRGB, enum dstRGB, enum srcAlpha, enum dstAlpha); void BlendFunc(enum src, enum dst); dst, dstRGB, and dstAlpha: ZERO, ONE, {ONE_MINUS_}SRC_COLOR, {ONE_MINUS_}DST_COLOR, {ONE_MINUS_}SRC_ALPHA, {ONE_MINUS_}DST_ALPHA, {ONE_MINUS_}CONSTANT_COLOR, {ONE_MINUS_}CONSTANT_ALPHA src, srcRGB, srcAlpha: same for dst, plus SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE void BlendColor(clampf red, clampf green, clampf blue, clampf alpha); Dithering [4.1.9] [4.1.10] Enable/Disable(DITHER) Logical Operation [4.1.10] [4.1.11] Enable/Disable(COLOR_LOGIC_OP) void LogicOp(enum op); op: CLEAR, AND, AND_REVERSE, COPY, AND_INVERTED, NOOP, OR, OR, NOR, EQUIV, INVERT, OR_REVERSE, COPY_INVERTED, OR_INVERTED, NAND, SET Whole Framebuffer Operations Selecting a Buffer for Writing [4.2.1] void DrawBuffer(enum buf); buf: NONE, FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT, FRONT, BACK, LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT_AND_BACK, COLOR_ATTACHMENTi (where i is [0, MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS - 1 ]), AUXi (where i is [0, AUX_BUFFERS - 1 ]) void DrawBuffers(sizei n, const enum *bufs); bufs: NONE, FRONT_LEFT, FRONT_RIGHT, BACK_LEFT, BACK_RIGHT, COLOR_ATTACHMENTi (where i is [0, MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS-1]), AUXi (where i is [0, AUX_BUFFERS - 1 ]) Fine Control of Buffer Updates [4.2.2] void IndexMask(uint mask); void ColorMask(boolean r, boolean g, boolean b, boolean a); void ColorMaski(uint buf, boolean r, boolean g, boolean b, boolean a); void DepthMask(boolean mask); void StencilMask(uint mask); void StencilMaskSeparate(enum face, uint mask); face: FRONT, BACK, FRONT_AND_BACK Clearing the Buffers [4.2.3] void Clear(bitfield buf); buf: Bitwise OR of COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT, ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT void ClearColor(clampf r, clampf g, clampf b, clampf a); void ClearIndex(float index); void ClearDepth(clampd d); void ClearStencil(int s); void ClearAccum(float r, float g, float b, float a); void ClearBuffer{if ui}v(enum buffer, int drawbuffer, const T *value) buffer: COLOR, DEPTH, STENCIL void ClearBufferfi(enum buffer, int drawbuffer, float depth, int stencil); buffer: DEPTH_STENCIL drawbuffer: 0 Accumulation Buffer [4.2.4] void Accum(enum op, float value); op: ACCUM, LOAD, RETURN, MULT, ADD. Special Functions Evaluators [5.1] void Map1{fd}(enum target, T u1, T u2, int stride, int order, T points); target: MAP1_VERTEX_3, MAP1_VERTEX_4, MAP1_INDEX 1, MAP1_COLOR_4, MAP1_NORMA, MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1, MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2, MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3, MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4 void Map2{fd}(enum target, T u1, T u2, int ustride, int uorder, T v1, T v2, int vstride, int vorder, T points); target: See Map1, except replace MAP1 with MAP2 void EvalCoord{12}{fd}(T arg); void EvalCoord{12}{fdg}(T arg); void MapGrid1{fd}(int n, T u1, T u2); void MapGrid2{fd}(int nu, T u1, T u2, int nv, T v1, T v2); void EvalMesh1(enum mode, int p1, int p2); mode: POINT, LINE void EvalMesh2(enum mode, int p1, int p2, int q1, int q2); mode: FILL, POINT, LINE void EvalPoint1(int p); void EvalPoint2(int p, int q); Enumerated Query [6.1.3] void GetMap{ifd}v(enum map, enum value, T data); map: a map type described in section [5.1] value: ORDER, COEFF, DOMAIN Selection [5.2] void InitNames(void); void PopName(void); void PushName(uint name); void LoadName(uint name); int RenderMode(enum mode); mode: RENDER, SELECT, FEEDBACK void SelectBuffer(sizei n, uint *buffer); Feedback [5.3] void FeedbackBuffer(sizei n, enum type, float *buffer); type: 2D, 3D, 3D_COLOR, 3D_COLOR_TEXTURE, 4D_COLOR_TEXTURE void PassThrough(float token); Display Lists [5.4] void NewList(uint n, enum mode); mode: COMPILE, COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE void EndList(void); void CallList(uint n); void CallLists(sizei n, enum type, void *lists); type: BYTE, UNSIGNED_BYTE, SHORT, UNSIGNED_SHORT, INT, UNSIGNED_INT, FLOAT void ListBase(uint base); uint GenLists(sizei s); boolean IsList(uint list); void DeleteLists(uint list, sizei range); Synchronization Flush and Finish [5.1] [5.5] void Flush(void); void Finish(void); Sync Objects and Fences [5.2] [5.6] sync FenceSync(enum condition, bitfield flags) condition: SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE flags: must be 0 void DeleteSync(sync sync); Waiting for Sync Objects [5.2.1] [5.6.1] enum ClientWaitSync(sync sync, bitfield flags, uint64 timeout_ns); flags: SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT, or zero void WaitSync(sync sync, bitfield flags, uint64 timeout_ns); timeout_ns: TIMEOUT_IGNORED Sync Object Queries [6.1.7] [6.1.13] void GetSynciv(sync sync, enum pname, sizei bufSize, sizei *length, int *values); pname: OBJECT_TYPE, SYNC_STATUS, SYNC_CONDITION, SYNC_FLAGS boolean IsSync(sync sync); www.opengl.org/registry©2009 Khronos Group - Rev. 0809 The OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Quick Reference Card Operators and Expressions Operators [5.1] Numbered in order of precedence. The relational and equality operators > < <= >= == != evaluate to a Boolean. To compare vectors component-wise, use functions such as lessThan(), equal(), etc. 1. ( ) parenthetical grouping 2. [ ] ( ) . ++ -- array subscript function call & constructor structure field or method selector, swizzler postfix increment and decrement 3. ++ -- + - ~ ! prefix increment and decrement unary 4. * / % multiplicative 5. + - additive 6. << >> bit-wise shift 7. < > <= >= relational 8. == != equality 9. & bit-wise and 10. ^ bit-wise exclusive or 11. | bit-wise inclusive or 12. && logical and 13. ^^ logical exclusive or 14. | | logical inclusive or 15. ? : selection (Selects one entire operand. Use mix() to select individual components of vectors.) 16. =+ = -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |= assignment arithmetic assignments 17. , sequence Vector Components [5.5] In addition to array numeric subscript syntax (e,g,: v[0], v[i])), names of vector components are denoted by a single letter. Components can be swizzled and replicated, e.g.: pos.xx, pos.zy {x, y, z, w} Use when accessing vectors that represent points or normals {r, g, b, a} Use when accessing vectors that represent colors {s, t, p, q} Use when accessing vectors that represent texture coordinates Preprocessor[3.3] Preprocessor Operators Preprocessor operators follow C++ standards. Preprocessor expressions are evaluated according to the behavior of the host processor, not the processor targeted by the shader. #version 150 #version 150 compatibility “#version 150” is required in shaders using version 1.50 of the language. #version must occur in a shader before anything else other than white space or comments. Use “compatibility” to access features in the compatibility profile. #extension extension_name : behavior #extension all : behavior • behavior: require, enable, warn, disable • extension_name: the extension supported by the compiler, or “all” Predefined Macros __LINE__ __FILE__ Decimal integer constants __VERSION__ Decimal integer, e.g.: 150 Preprocessor Directives Each number sign (#) can be preceded in its line only by spaces or horizontal tabs. # #define #undef #if #ifdef #ifndef #else #elif #endif #error #pragma #extension #version #line The OpenGL® Shading Language is several closelyrelated languages which are used to create shaders for each of the programmable processors contained in the OpenGL processing pipeline. [n.n.n] and [Table n.n] refer to sections and tables in the specification at www.opengl.org/registry Content shown in blue is removed from the OpenGL 3.2 core profile and present only in the OpenGL 3.2 compatibility profile. Qualifiers Storage Qualifiers [4.3] Variable declarations may have one storage qualifier. none (default) local read/write memory, or input parameter const compile-time constant, or read-only function parameter in centroid in linkage into a shader from previous stage (copied in) linkage with centroid based interpolation out centroid out linkage out of a shader to subsequent stage (copied out) linkage with centroid based interpolation uniform linkage between a shader, OpenGL, and the application Uniform [4.3.5] Use to declare global variables with the same values across the entire primitive being processed. Uniform variables are read-only. Use uniform qualifiers with any basic data types or array of these, or when declaring a variable whose type is a structure, e.g.: uniform vec4 lightPosition; Layout Qualifiers [4.3.8] layout(layout-qualifiers) block-declaration layout(layout-qualifiers) in/out/uniform layout(layout-qualifiers) in/out/uniform declaration Input Layout Qualifiers Layout qualifier identifiers for geometry shader inputs: points, lines, lines_adjacency, triangles, triangles_adjacency Fragment shaders can have an input layout only for redeclaring the built-in variable gl_FragCoord with the layout qualifier identifiers: origin_upper_left, pixel_center_integer Output Layout Qualifiers Layout qualifier identifiers for geometry shader outputs: points, line_strip, triangle_strip, max_vertices = integer-constant Uniform-Block Layout Qualifiers Layout qualifier identifiers for uniform blocks: shared, packed, std140, row_major, column_major Interpolation Qualifier [4.3.9] Qualify outputs from vertex shader and inputs to fragment shader. smooth perspective correct interpolation flat no interpolation noperspective linear interpolation The following predeclared variables can be redeclared with an interpolation qualifier: Vertex language: gl_FrontColor gl_BackColor gl_FrontSecondaryColor gl_BackSecondaryColor Fragment language: gl_Color gl_SecondaryColor Parameter Qualifiers [4.4] Input values are copied in at function call time, output values are copied out at function return time. none (default) same as in in for function parameters passed into a function out for function parameters passed back out of a function, but not initialized for use when passed in inout for function parameters passed both into and out of a function Precision and Precision Qualifiers [4.5] Precision qualifiers have no affect on precision; they aid code portability with OpenGL ES. They are: highp, mediump, lowp Precision qualifiers precede a floating point or integer declaration: lowp float color; A precision statement sets a default for subsequent declarations: highp int; Invariant Qualifiers Examples [4.6] #pragma STDGL invariant(all) force all output variables to be invariant invariant gl_Position; qualify a previously declared variable invariant centroid out vec3 Color; qualify as part of a variable declaration Order of Qualification [4.7] When multiple qualifications are present, they must follow a strict order. This order is as follows. invariant, interpolation, storage, precision storage, parameter, precision Types [4.1.1-4.1.10] Transparent Types void no function return value bool Boolean int, uint signed and unsigned integers float floating scalar vec2, vec3, vec4 floating point vector bvec2, bvec3, bvec4 Boolean vector ivec2, ivec2, ivec3 uvec2, uvec2, uvec3 signed and unsigned integer vector mat2, mat3, mat4 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 float matrix mat2x2, mat2x3, mat2x4 2-column float matrix with 2, 3, or 4 rows mat3x2, mat3x3, mat3x4 3-column float matrix with 2, 3, or 4 rows mat4x2, mat4x3, mat4x4 4-column float matrix with 2, 3, or 4 rows Floating-Point Sampler Types (Opaque) sampler[1,2,3]D access a 1D, 2D, or 3D texture samplerCube access cube mapped texture sampler2DRect access rectangular texture sampler[1,2]DShadow access1Dor2Ddepthtexture/comparison sampler2DRectShadow access rectangular texture/comparison sampler[1,2]DArray access 1D or 2D array texture sampler[1,2]DArrayShadow access 1D or 2D array depth texture/ comparison samplerBuffer access buffer texture sampler2DMS access 2D multi-sample texture sampler2DMSArray access 2D multi-sample array texture Integer Sampler Types (Opaque) isampler[1,2,3]D access integer 1D, 2D, or 3D texture isamplerCube access integer cube mapped texture isampler2DRect access integer 2D rectangular texture isampler[1,2]DArray access integer 1D or 2D array texture isamplerBuffer access integer buffer texture isampler2DMS access integer 2D multi-sample texture isampler2DMSArray access int. 2D multi-sample array texture Unsigned Integer Sampler Types (Opaque) usampler[1,2,3]D access unsigned int 1D, 2D, or 3D texture usamplerCube access unsigned int cube mapped texture usampler2DRect access unsigned int rectangular texture usampler[1,2]DArray access 1D or 2D array texture usamplerBuffer access unsigned integer buffer texture usampler2DMS access uint 2D multi-sample texture usampler2DMSArray access uint 2D multi-sample array texture Implicit Conversions (All others must use constructors) Expression type Implicitly converted to type int, uint float ivec2, uvec2 vec2 ivec3, uvec3 vec3 ivec4, uvec4 vec4 Aggregation of Basic Types Arrays float[3] foo; float foo[3]; * structures and blocks can be arrays * only 1-dimensional arrays supported * structure members can be arrays Structures struct type-name { members } struct-name[]; // optional variable declaration, // optionally an array Blocks in/out/uniform block-name { // interface matching by // block name optionally-qualified members } instance-name[]; // optional instance name, // optionally an array www.opengl.org/registry©2009 Khronos Group - Rev. 0809 OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Quick Reference Card Built-In Functions Angle & Trigonometry Functions [8.1] Component-wise operation. Parameters specified as angle are assumed to be in units of radians. T is float, vec2, vec3, vec4. T radians(T degrees) degrees to radians T degrees(T radians) radians to degrees T sin(T angle) sine T cos(T angle) cosine T tan(T angle) tangent T asin(T x) arc sine T acos(T x) arc cosine T atan(T y, T x) T atan(T y_over_x) arc tangent T sinh(T x) hyperbolic sine T cosh(T x) hyperbolic cosine T tanh(T x) hyperbolic tangent T asinh(T x) hyperbolic sine T acosh(T x) hyperbolic cosine T atanh(T x) hyperbolic tangent Exponential Functions [8.2] Component-wise operation. T is float, vec2, vec3, vec4. T pow(T x, T y) xy T exp(T x) ex T log(T x) ln T exp2(T x) 2x T log2(T x) log2 T sqrt(T x) square root T inversesqrt(T x) inverse square root Common Functions [8.3] Component-wise operation. T is float, vec2, vec3, vec4. Ti is int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4. Tu is uint, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4. bvec is bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, bool. T abs(T x) Ti abs(Ti x) absolute value T sign(T x) Ti sign(Ti x) returns -1.0, 0.0, or 1.0 T floor(T x) nearest integer <= x T trunc(T x) nearest integer with absolute value <= absolute value of x (continued >) Common Functions (Continued) T round(T x) nearest integer, implementationdependent rounding mode T roundEven(T x) nearest integer, 0.5 rounds to nearest even integer T ceil(T x) nearest integer >= x T fract(T x) x - floor(x) T mod(T x, float y) T mod(T x, T y) modulus T modf(T x, out T i) separate integer and fractional parts T min(T x, T y) T min(T x, float y) Ti min(Ti x, Ti y) Ti min(Ti x, int y) Tu min(Tu x, Tu y) Tu min(Tu x, uint y) minimum value T max(T x, T y) T max(T x, float y) Ti max(Ti x, Ti y) Ti max(Ti x, int y) Tu max(Tu x, Tu y) Tu max(Tu x, uint y) maximum value T clamp(T x, T minVal, T maxVal) T clamp(T x, float minVal, float maxVal) Ti clamp(Ti x, Ti minVal, Ti maxVal) Ti clamp(Ti x, int minVal, int maxVal) Tu clamp(Tu x, Tu minVal, Tu maxVal) Tu clamp(Tu x, uint minVal, uint maxVal) min(max(x, minVal), maxVal) T mix(T x, T y, T a) T mix(T x, T y, float a) linear blend of x and y T mix(T x, T y, bvec a) true components in a select components from y, else from x T step(T edge, T x) T step(float edge, T x) 0.0 if x < edge, else 1.0 T smoothstep(T edge0, T edge1, T x) T smoothstep(float edge0, float edge1, T x) clip and smooth bvec isnan(T x) true if x is NaN bvec isinf(T x) trueifxispositiveornegativeinfinity Geometric Functions [8.4] These functions operate on vectors as vectors, not component-wise. T is float, vec2, vec3, vec4. float length(T x) length of vector float distance(T p0, T p1) distance between points float dot(T x, T y) dot product vec3 cross(vec3 x, vec3 y) cross product T normalize(T x) normalize vector to length 1 vec4 ftransform( ) invariant vertex transformation T faceforward(T N, T I, T Nref) returns N if dot(Nref, I) < 0, else -N T reflect(T I, T N) reflection direction I - 2 * dot(N,I) * N T refract(T I, T N, float eta) refraction vector Matrix Functions [8.5] Type mat is any matrix type. mat matrixCompMult(mat x, mat y) multiply x by y component-wise matN outerProduct(vecN c, vecN r) where N is 2, 3, 4 : c * r outer product matNxM outerProduct(vecM c, vecN r) where N != M and N, M = 2, 3, 4 : c * r outer product matN transpose(matN m) where N is 2, 3, 4 : transpose of m matNxM transpose(matMxN m) where N != M and N,M = 2, 3, 4 : transpose of m float determinant(matN m) determinant of m matN inverse(matN m) where N is 2, 3, 4 : inverse of m Vector Relational Functions [8.6] Compare x and y component-wise. Sizes of the input and return vectors for any particular call must match. Type bvec is bvecn; vec is vecn; {ui}vec is {ui}vecn (where n is 2, 3, or 4). T is the union of vec and {ui}vec. bvec lessThan(T x, T y) < bvec lessThanEqual(T x, T y) <= bvec greaterThan(T x, T y) > bvec greaterThanEqual(T x, T y) >= bvec equal(T x, T y) bvec equal(bvec x, bvec y) == bvec notEqual(T x, T y) bvec notEqual(bvec x, bvec y) != bool any(bvec x) true if any component of x is true bool all(bvec x) true if all components of x are true bvec not(bvec x) logical complement of x Statements and Structure Iteration and Jumps [6] Function Call call by value, return Iteration for (;;) { break, continue } while ( ) { break, continue } do { break, continue } while ( ); Selection if ( ) { } if ( ) { } else { } switch ( ) { case integer: … break; … default: … } Jump break, continue, return (There is no ‘goto’) Entry void main() Exit return in main() discard // Fragment shader only Aggregate Operations and Constructors Matrix Constructor Examples [5.4] mat2(vec2, vec2); // one column per argument mat3x2(vec2, vec2, vec2); // column 1 mat2(float, float, float, float); // column 2 mat2x3(vec2, float, vec2, float); // column 2 mat4x4(mat3x3); // mat3x3 to upper left, set lower // right to 1, fill rest with zero Array Constructor Example [5.4] float c[3] = float[3](5.0, b + 1.0, 1.1); Structure Constructor Example [5.4] struct light {members; }; light lightVar = light(3.0, vec3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)); Matrix Components [5.6] Access components of a matrix with array subscripting syntax. For example: mat4 m; // m represents a matrix m[1] = vec4(2.0); // sets second column to all 2.0 m[0][0] = 1.0; // sets upper left element to 1.0 m[2][3] = 2.0; // sets 4th element of 3rd column to 2.0 Examples of operations on matrices and vectors: m = f * m; // scalar * matrix component-wise v = f * v; // scalar * vector component-wise v = v * v; // vector * vector component-wise m = m op m; // matrix op matrix component-wise m = m * m; // linear algebraic multiply m = v * m; // row vector * matrix linear algebraic multiply m = m * v; // matrix * column vector linear algebraic multiply f = dot(v, v); // vector dot product v = cross(v, v); // vector cross product m = matrixCompMult(m, m); // component-wise multiply m = outerProduct(v, v); // matrix product of column * row vector Structure and Array Operations [5.7] Select structure fields and the length() method of an array using the period (.) operator. Other operators include: . field or method selector == != equality = assignment [ ] indexing (arrays only) Array elements are accessed using the array subscript operator ( [ ] ). For example: diffuseColor += lightIntensity[3] * NdotL; Built-In Constants With Minimum Values (cont’d) const int gl_MaxTextureUnits = 2; const int gl_MaxTextureCoords = 8; const int gl_MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits = 16; const int gl_MaxTextureImageUnits = 16; const int gl_MaxVertexAttribs = 16; const int gl_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = 16; const int gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = 48; const int gl_MaxGeometryVaryingComponents = 64; const int gl_MaxVaryingComponents = 64; const int gl_MaxVaryingFloats = 64; const int gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices = 256; const int gl_MaxFragmentUniformComponents = 1024; const int gl_MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents = 1024; const int gl_MaxGeometryUniformComponents = 1024; const int gl_MaxVertexUniformComponents = 1024; Built-In Inputs, Outputs, and Constants [7] Vertex Language in int gl_VertexID; in int gl_InstanceID; in vec4 gl_Color; in vec4 gl_SecondaryColor; in vec3 gl_Normal; in vec4 gl_Vertex; in vec4 gl_MultiTexCoord{0-7}; in float gl_FogCoord; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; vec4 gl_ClipVertex; }; out vec4 gl_FrontColor; out vec4 gl_BackColor; out vec4 gl_FrontSecondaryColor; out vec4 gl_BackSecondaryColor; out vec4 gl_TexCoord[]; out float gl_FogFragCoord; Geometry Language in gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; } gl_in[]; in int gl_PrimitiveIDIn; out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; }; out int gl_PrimitiveID; out int gl_Layer; Compatibility profile outputs from the Vertex Language are also available as deprecated inputs and outputs in the Geometry Language. Fragment Language in vec4 gl_FragCoord; in bool gl_FrontFacing; in float gl_ClipDistance[]; in vec2 gl_PointCoord; in int gl_PrimitiveID; out float gl_FragDepth; Built-In Constants With Minimum Values [7.4] const int gl_MaxClipDistances = 8; const int gl_MaxClipPlanes = 8; const int gl_MaxDrawBuffers = 8; www.opengl.org/registryReference card production by Miller & Mattson www.millermattson.com©2009 Khronos Group - Rev. 0809 The OpenGL Shading Language 1.50 Quick Reference Card OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics International, used under license by Khronos Group. The Khronos Group is an industry consortium creating open standards for the authoring and acceleration of parallel computing, graphics and dynamic media on a wide variety of platforms and devices. See www.khronos.org to learn more about the Khronos Group. See www.opengl.org to learn more about OpenGL. Texture Lookup Functions [8.7] Available to vertex, geometry, and fragment shaders. gvec4 means vec4, ivec4, or uvec4. gsampler* means sampler*, isampler*, or usampler*. Texture lookup, returning LOD if present: int textureSize(gsampler1D sampler, int lod) ivec2 textureSize(gsampler2D sampler, int lod) ivec3 textureSize(gsampler3D sampler, int lod) ivec2 textureSize(gsamplerCube sampler, int lod) int textureSize(sampler1DShadow sampler, int lod) ivec2 textureSize(sampler2DShadow sampler, int lod) ivec2 textureSize(samplerCubeShadow sampler, int lod) ivec2 textureSize(gsampler2DRect sampler) ivec2 textureSize(sampler2DRectShadow sampler) ivec2 textureSize(gsampler1DArray sampler, int lod) ivec3 textureSize(gsampler2DArray sampler, int lod) ivec2 textureSize(sampler1DArrayShadow sampler, int lod) ivec3 textureSize(sampler2DArrayShadow sampler, int lod) int textureSize(gsamplerBuffer sampler) ivec2 textureSize(gsampler2DMS sampler) ivec2 textureSize(gsampler2DMSArray sampler) Texture lookup: gvec4 texture(gsampler1D sampler, float P [, float bias]) gvec4 texture(gsampler2D sampler, vec2 P [, float bias]) gvec4 texture(gsampler3D sampler, vec3 P [, float bias]) gvec4 texture(gsamplerCube sampler, vec3 P [, float bias]) float texture(sampler{1,2}DShadow sampler, vec3 P [, float bias]) float texture(samplerCubeShadow sampler, vec4 P [, float bias]) gvec4 texture(gsampler1DArray sampler, vec2 P [, float bias]) gvec4 texture(gsampler2DArray sampler, vec3 P [, float bias]) float texture(sampler1DArrayShadow sampler, vec3 P [, float bias]) float texture(sampler2DArrayShadow sampler, vec4 P) gvec4 texture(gsampler2DRect sampler, vec2 P) float texture(sampler2DRectShadow sampler, vec3 P) Texture lookup with projection: gvec4 textureProj(gsampler1D sampler, vec{2,4} P [, float bias]) gvec4 textureProj(gsampler2D sampler, vec{3,4} P [, float bias]) gvec4 textureProj(gsampler3D sampler, vec4 P [, float bias]) float textureProj(sampler{1,2}DShadow sampler, vec4 P [, float bias]) gvec4 textureProj(gsampler2DRect sampler, vec{3,4} P) float textureProj(sampler2DRectShadow sampler, vec4 P) Texture lookup with explicit LOD: gvec4 textureLod(gsampler1D sampler, float P, float lod) gvec4 textureLod(gsampler2D sampler, vec2 P, float lod) gvec4 textureLod(gsampler3D sampler, vec3 P, float lod) gvec4 textureLod(gsamplerCube sampler, vec3 P, float lod) float textureLod(sampler{1,2}DShadow sampler, vec3 P, float lod) gvec4 textureLod(gsampler1DArray sampler, vec2 P, float lod) gvec4 textureLod(gsampler2DArray sampler, vec3 P, float lod) float textureLod(sampler1DArrayShadow sampler, vec3 P, float lod) Texture lookup with offset: gvec4 textureOffset(gsampler1D sampler, float P, int offset [, float bias]) gvec4 textureOffset(gsampler2D sampler, vec2 P, ivec2 offset [, float bias]) gvec4 textureOffset(gsampler3D sampler, vec3 P, ivec3 offset [, float bias]) gvec4 textureOffset(gsampler2DRect sampler, vec2 P, ivec2 offset) float textureOffset(sampler2DRectShadow sampler, vec3 P, ivec2 offset) float textureOffset(sampler1DShadow sampler, vec3 P, int offset [, float bias]) floattextureOffset(sampler2DShadowsampler,vec3P,ivec2offset[,floatbias]) gvec4 textureOffset(gsampler1DArray sampler, vec2 P, int offset [, float bias]) gvec4textureOffset(gsampler2DArraysampler,vec3P,ivec2offset[,floatbias]) floattextureOffset(sampler1DArrayShadowsampler,vec3P,intoffset [,floatbias]) Fetch a single texel: gvec4 texelFetch(gsampler1D sampler, int P, int lod) gvec4 texelFetch(gsampler2D sampler, ivec2 P, int lod) gvec4 texelFetch(gsampler3D sampler, ivec3 P, int lod) gvec4 texelFetch(gsampler2DRect sampler, ivec2 P) gvec4 texelFetch(gsampler1DArray sampler, ivec2 P, int lod) gvec4 texelFetch(gsampler2DArray sampler, ivec3 P, int lod) gvec4 texelFetch(gsamplerBuffer sampler, int P) gvec4 texelFetch(gsampler2DMS sampler, ivec2 P, int sample) gvec4 texelFetch(gsampler2DMSArray sampler, ivec3 P, int sample) Fetch a single texel, with offset: gvec4 texelFetchOffset(gsampler1D sampler, int P, int lod, int offset) gvec4 texelFetchOffset(gsampler2D sampler, ivec2 P, int lod, ivec2 offset) gvec4 texelFetchOffset(gsampler3D sampler, ivec3 P, int lod, ivec3 offset) gvec4 texelFetchOffset(gsampler2DRect sampler, ivec2 P, ivec2 offset) gvec4 texelFetchOffset(gsampler1DArray sampler, ivec2 P, int lod, int offset) gvec4 texelFetchOffset(gsampler2DArray sampler, ivec3 P, int lod, ivec2 offset) Projective texture lookup with offset: gvec4textureProjOffset(gsampler1Dsampler,vec{2,4}P,intoffset[,floatbias]) gvec4textureProjOffset(gsampler2Dsampler,vec{3,4}P,ivec2offset [,floatbias]) gvec4 textureProjOffset(gsampler3D sampler, vec4 P, ivec3 offset [, float bias]) gvec4 textureProjOffset(gsampler2DRect sampler, vec{3,4} P, ivec2 offset) float textureProjOffset(sampler2DRectShadow sampler, vec4 P, ivec2 offset) float textureProjOffset(sampler1DShadow sampler, vec4 P, int offset [, float bias]) float textureProjOffset(sampler2DShadow sampler, vec4 P, ivec2 offset [, float bias]) Offset texture lookup with explicit LOD: gvec4 textureLodOffset(gsampler1D sampler, float P, float lod, int offset) gvec4 textureLodOffset(gsampler2D sampler, vec2 P, float lod, ivec2 offset) gvec4 textureLodOffset(gsampler3D sampler, vec3 P, float lod, ivec3 offset) float textureLodOffset(sampler1DShadow sampler, vec3 P, float lod, int offset) float textureLodOffset(sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 P, float lod, ivec2 offset) gvec4 textureLodOffset(gsampler1DArray sampler, vec2 P, float lod, int offset) gvec4 textureLodOffset(gsampler2DArray sampler, vec3 P, float lod, ivec2 offset) float textureLodOffset(sampler1DArrayShadow sampler, vec3 P, float lod, int offset) Projective texture lookup with explicit LOD: gvec4 textureProjLod(gsampler1D sampler, vec{2,4} P, float lod) gvec4 textureProjLod(gsampler2D sampler, vec{3,4} P, float lod) gvec4 textureProjLod(gsampler3D sampler, vec4 P, float lod) float textureProjLod(sampler{1,2}DShadow sampler, vec4 P, float lod) Offset projective texture lookup with explicit LOD: gvec4textureProjLodOffset(gsampler1Dsampler,vec{2,4}P,floatlod,intoffset) gvec4 textureProjLodOffset(gsampler2D sampler, vec{3,4} P, float lod, ivec2 offset) gvec4 textureProjLodOffset(gsampler3D sampler, vec4 P, float lod, ivec3 offset) float textureProjLodOffset(sampler1DShadow sampler, vec4 P, float lod, int offset) float textureProjLodOffset(sampler2DShadow sampler, vec4 P, float lod, ivec2 offset) Texture lookup with explicit gradient: gvec4 textureGrad(gsampler1D sampler, float P, float dPdx, float dPdy) gvec4 textureGrad(gsampler2D sampler, vec2 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) gvec4 textureGrad(gsampler3D sampler, vec3 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy) gvec4 textureGrad(gsamplerCube sampler, vec3 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy) gvec4 textureGrad(gsampler2DRect sampler, vec2 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) float textureGrad(sampler2DRectShadow sampler, vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) float textureGrad(sampler1DShadow sampler, vec3 P, float dPdx, float dPdy) float textureGrad(sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) float textureGrad(samplerCubeShadow sampler, vec4 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy) gvec4 textureGrad(gsampler1DArray sampler, vec2 P, float dPdx, float dPdy) gvec4 textureGrad(gsampler2DArray sampler, vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) float textureGrad(sampler1DArrayShadow sampler, vec3 P, float dPdx, float dPdy) float textureGrad(sampler2DArrayShadow sampler, vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) Texture lookup with explicit gradient and offset: gvec4 textureGradOffset(gsampler1D sampler, float P, float dPdx, float dPdy, int offset) gvec4 textureGradOffset(gsampler2D sampler, vec2 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, ivec2 offset) gvec4 textureGradOffset(gsampler3D sampler, vec3 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy, ivec3 offset) gvec4 textureGradOffset(gsampler2DRect sampler, vec2 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, ivec2 offset) float textureGradOffset(sampler2DRectShadow sampler, vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, ivec2 offset) float textureGradOffset(sampler1DShadow sampler, vec3 P, float dPdx, float dPdy, int offset) float textureGradOffset(sampler2DShadow sampler, vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, ivec2 offset) float textureGradOffset(samplerCubeShadow sampler, vec4 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy, ivec2 offset) gvec4 textureGradOffset(gsampler1DArray sampler, vec2 P, float dPdx, float dPdy, int offset) gvec4 textureGradOffset(gsampler2DArray sampler, vec3 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, ivec2 offset) float textureGradOffset(sampler1DArrayShadow sampler, vec3 P, float dPdx, float dPdy, int offset) float textureGradOffset(sampler2DArrayShadow sampler, vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, ivec2 offset) Projective texture lookup with explicit gradient: gvec4 textureProjGrad(gsampler1D sampler, vec{2,4} P, float dPdx, float dPdy) gvec4 textureProjGrad(gsampler2D sampler, vec{3,4} P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) gvec4 textureProjGrad(gsampler3D sampler, vec4 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy) gvec4 textureProjGrad(gsampler2DRect sampler, vec{3,4} P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) float textureProjGrad(sampler2DRectShadow sampler, vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) float textureProjGrad(sampler1DShadow sampler, vec4 P, float dPdx, float dPdy) float textureProjGrad(sampler2DShadow sampler, vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy) Projective texture lookup with explicit gradient and offset: gvec4 textureProjGradOffset(gsampler1D sampler, vec{2,4} P, float dPdx, float dPdy, int offset) gvec4 textureProjGradOffset(gsampler2D sampler, vec{3,4} P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, vec2 offset) gvec4 textureProjGradOffset(gsampler2DRect sampler, vec{3,4} P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, ivec2 offset) float textureProjGradOffset(sampler2DRectShadow sampler, vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, ivec2 offset) gvec4 textureProjGradOffset(gsampler3D sampler, vec4 P, vec3 dPdx, vec3 dPdy, vec3 offset) float textureProjGradOffset(sampler1DShadow sampler, vec4 P, float dPdx, float dPdy, int offset) float textureProjGradOffset(sampler2DShadow sampler, vec4 P, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy, vec2 offset) Derivative Functions [8.8] Available only in fragment shaders. T is float, vec2, vec3, vec4. T dFdx(T p) derivative in x T dFdy(T p) derivative in y T fwidth(T p) sum of absolute derivative in x and y Noise Functions [8.9] Returns noise value. Available to fragment, geometry, and vertex shaders. T is float, vec2, vec3, vec4. float noise1(T x) vec2 noisen(T x) where n is 2, 3, or 4 Geometry Shader Functions [8.10] Only available in geometry shaders. void EmitVertex() emits current values of output variables to the current output primitive void EndPrimitive() completes current output primitive and starts a new one