www.english-4U.com: MARCH 2007 QQuuiicckk FFiixx 6666 –– oouutt ooff …… SSTTUUDDEENNTT WWOORRKKSSHHEEEETT ACTIVITY. Complete the sentences using appropriate ‘out of …’ combinations with the following nouns: PRINT FASHION SEASON LINE TUNE PLACE HAND SORTS WORK DOORS PRACTICE BUSINESS CHARACTER RANGE SIGHT DATE BREATH BOUNDS 1. I can’t believe uncle Stephen wants to take part in the marathon – he has just run 500 metres and he is already ………………………………………………. . 2. I’m a horrible singer – I always sing …………………………………… . 3. Please excuse my English – I’m a bit …………………………………… . 4. Your demands are really ……………………………… - we will never accept them. 5. Thongs were popular for a few years, but they are …………………………………… now. 6. I really needed this book, so I went to a bookstore and I was told it was …………………………………… . 7. I was really surprised when she started shouting – she is usually so quiet. Her behaviour was completely …………………………………… . 8. I love eating strawberries. The problem is they are ………………………… most of the year. 9. There are hundreds of people …………………………………… in the town. The biggest company has just closed down, and there aren’t many jobs around. 10. If I were you, I would put the camera in the glove compartment. It’s better to keep all the valuables in the car …………………………………… . 11. I felt completely …………………………………… at the party, with all these gorgeous models and successful businessmen. 12. We cannot dream of being competitive with such …………………………………… technology. 13. The new regulations will definitely put a lot of small companies …………………………………… . 14. Don’t you think that our children should spend more time ……………………………………. in the fresh air. 15. I hate my new boss. Whenever I’m trying to put forward a suggestion, she rejects it …………………………………… . 16. London property prices are way …………………………………… with the rest of the country. 17. The singer hid away in his house in the forest, ……………………………………… of prying eyes. 18. I don’t know what is wrong with me – I’ve been feeling tired and …………………………………… recently. Vocabulary focus: preposition-noun combinations; idioms OUT OF SEASON, OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF PRACTICE … are all examples of preposition-noun idioms containing ‘OUT OF’.