www.english-4U.com: MAY 2007 QQuuiicckk FFiixx 7711 –– vveerrbb ++ aaddjjeeccttiivvee TTEEAACCHHEERR WWOORRKKSSHHEEEETT -- LLEEVVEELL:: UUPPPPEERR--IINNTTEERRMMEEDDIIAATTEE ACTIVITY. Complete the sentences using appropriate forms of the words from the list below: RUN FALL TURN SLEEP COME SEE BREAK LIE GO MAKE 1. Remember, this file is top secret. Make sure no one reads it. 2. The project started to go wrong when a few team members left the company. 3. Being offered this job was like a dream come true. 4. I’m really bad at telling jokes – every time I tell a joke, it falls flat. 5. I don’t think we should expect any profit in the next few months – I think we would be happy if we managed to break even within the next two years. 6. Because of the drought most wells in the village have run dry. 7. The bank robbers decided to lie low, not spending any money and generally trying not to attract attention. 8. Something needs to be done about the homeless sleeping rough on the streets of our city. 9. They were happy for a year, but then their relationship turned sour and they broke up. 10. Drivers who can’t drive always make Simon see red. Vocabulary focus: verb-adjective combinations; idioms FALL FLAT, SEE RED, GO BLIND … are examples of verb-adjective expressions.