A Simple Trapezoid Sweep Algorithm for Reporting Red/Blue Segment Intersections Timothy M. Chan* Department of Computer Science University of British Columbia Abstract We present a new simple algorithm for computing all intersections between two collections of disjoint line segments. The algorithm runs in 0(n log n + k) time and O(n) space, where n and k are the number of segments and intersections respectively. We also show that the algorithm can be extended to handle single-valued curve segments with the same time and space bound. 1 Introduction In this paper, we consider the red/blue segment intersection problem: Given a disjoint set of red line segments and a disjoint set of blue line segments in the plane, with a total of n segments, report all k intersections of red segments with blue segments. This is a special case of the general segment intersection problem of reporting all k pairwise intersections of a given set of n line segments in the plane. Although Chazelle and Edelsbrunner[4] gave an asymptotically time-optimal algorithm for the general segment intersection problem which runs in 0(nlogn + k) time and uses 0(n + k) space, simpler methods that use 0(n) space exist for the red/blue problem. Mairson and Stolfi[6], who also cited Mairson[5] and Mowchenko[7], presented a plane-sweep algorithm for the red/blue intersection problem that runs in asympotically optimal 0(n log n + k) time and O(n) space. Chazelle et al.[3] proposed another algorithm that can report red/blue intersections with the same time and space bound, and can also count red/blue intersections in O(nlogn) time; their algorithm is later simplified by Palazzi and Snoeyink[8]. Here, we give a new simple algorithm that reports all red/blue intersections in 0(n log n + k) time and O(n) space, based on a variation of the plane sweep, which we call the trapezoid sweep, and we extend our algorithm to deal with curve segments. Our algorithm has smaller constant factors than the ones in [3, 4, 8], and is similar to Mairson and Stolfi's, but Mairson and Stolfi's requires a recursive cone-breaking procedure and needs an additional O(k) space for curve segments. The organization of the paper is as follows: Section 2 describes the basic idea of the algorithm, and Section 3, 4, and 5 gives the algorithm; in Section 6, we consider curve segments; and Section 7 is the conclusion. 2 The Trapezoid Sweep The classic plane-sweep algorithm of Bentley and 0ttmann[2] computes intersections of general line segments in the order of increasing x-coordinate and requires 0(n log n + k log n) time. In order to remove a logarithmic factor from k, we shall compute intersections in a somewhat different order that does not result in sorting all intersections. Define the blue trapezoidation to be the decomposition of the plane into (closed) trapezoids obtained from the blue segments and the vertical extensions of each endpoint (both red and blue) to the blue segments just above and below it, as shown in Figure 1 (recall that the blue segments are disjoint). For each of these blue trapezoids, the left and right walls are vertical line segments, the top and bottom sides are parts of blue segments, and the interior contains no red or blue endpoints. * Supported by a Killam Predoctoral Fellowship. Figure 1: A blue trapezoidation. (Red segments are dashed.) Our algorithm shall sweep through these blue trapezoids from left to right by a vertical sweep line, and whenever we hit the right wall of a blue trapezoid T, we add T to our sweep front F and maintain: Invariant: For each red segment sred, the intersections of sred reported so far are exactly the intersections of sred that are to the left of, or equal to, the rightmost point of sred in F; furthermore, each such intersection is reported only once. F is initially empty. After we have swept through all blue trapezoids, F shall become the entire plane, and we shall have computed all intersections. 3 Data Structures We now specify the data structure requirements of our algorithm. To simplify our presentation, we shall ignore degeneracies, e.g. we assume that the endpoints and intersections have distinct x-coordinates. Standard perturbation techniques can be used to deal with these degeneracies (for example, see [6]). We first assume the following 0(1) time operations: • report(sred, Sbiue) reports the intersection of red segment sred and blue segment snue. • meet(sred, snue) returns — oo if sred and snue don't intersect (or sred or snue is nil); otherwise, it returns the x-coordinate of the intersection of sred and snue. The input to our algorithm is the sequence of endpoints sorted by x-coordinate, along with the following information: • x[i] is the x-coordinate of the i-th endpoint (in the sorted order). • s[i] is the segment of the i-th endpoint. • type[i] is the type {left or right) of the i-th endpoint. • c[i] is the colour (red or blue) of s[i]. The global variables that our algorithm uses are: • %sweep is the x-coordinate of the sweep line. • «o[sred] is the largest x-coordinate of the reported intersections of red segment sred- Initially, «o[sred] is set to the x-coordinate of the left endpoint of sred- • Lred and Lnue are the lists of red, and respectively, blue segments that intersect the sweep line. The two lists are ordered by the y-values of their segments at x-coordinate xsweep. Initially, Lred and Lnue are empty. sweep line Figure 2: Adding a blue trapezoid T to the sweep front F. (Marked points are the intersections reported by the call advancersa).) We need the following operations on ordered lists of line segments: • insert (L, s) adds s to list L. • delete(L, s) deletes s from list L. • search(L, s, dir) returns the element in list L that is just greater (or less) than s if dir = +1 (or —1). • next(L, s, dir) returns the successor (or predecessor) of s in list L if dir = +1 (or —1). search()/'next() returns nil if its result is undefined. We can use balanced-tree structures, such as red-black trees or splay trees, to implement these operations in O(logn) time (amortized, for splay trees), and with extra pointers, next() in 0(1) time. By the disjointness of red segments and of blue segments, the ordered lists Lred and Lnue can be maintained as long as we do an insertf) whenever the sweep line hits a left endpoint, and a deletef) whenever the sweep line hits a right endpoint. 4 Adding a Blue Trapezoid to the Sweep Front Suppose the invariant currently holds, and the sweep line next hits the right wall of the blue trapezoid T, i.e. the right wall of T has the next smallest x-coordinate xsweep. Let S = {(x, y)\ x < xsweep) \ F. Then S is the part to the left of the sweep line of the union of all blue trapezoids that intersects the sweep line. In particular, S contains no red or blue endpoints. For each snue £ Lnue, define s*hlue to be the part of snue that is in S. For each sred £ Lred, define s*ed to be the part of sred that is to the right of the rightmost point of sred in F and is to the left of the sweep line. Then, for every s £ Lred U Lnue, s* is a line segment, the left endpoint of s* is on the left boundary of 5 (i.e. the boundary of F), the right endpoint of s* is on the right boundary of S (i.e. the sweep line), and s* is contained in S. We thus have Figure 2. For every sred £ Lred and snue £ Lnue, note the following observation from the invariant: s*ed and s*hlue intersect iff s*ed and snue intersect, iff sred and snue have an unreported intersection to the left of the sweep line, iff sred and snue intersect at a point with x-coordinate strictly between «o[sred] and xsweep. We can define a procedure, advance(s), which does the following given s £ Lnue: for each s*ed that intersects s*, report the intersection of s*ed with s* and the intersections of s*ed with all other s1lue to left of that intersection. (See Figure 2.) Then it is not hard to show that we can add T to the sweep front F while maintaining the invariant by calling advancersa) and advance^), where sa and are the blue segments on the top and bottom sides of T. To find all sred £ Lred such that s*ed and s* intersect, we simply enumerate the sred's in Lred in increasing order of their y-values at the sweep line, starting with the one that is immediately above s at the sweep line, until we encounter the first sred such that s*ed and s* don't intersect (then all other s'*ed above that s*ed don't intersect with s* since the red segments are disjoint); we proceed in the other direction similarly. Given one such sred (w.l.o.g. assume that sred is above s at the sweep line), to find all snue £ Lnue such that s*ed and s1lue intersect at a point to the left of the intersection of s*ed and s*, we simply enumerate the sjiue's in Li,iue in decreasing order of their y-values at the sweep line, starting with s, until we encounter the first Sbiue such that s*ed and s*hlue don't intersect (then all other s'b*lue below that s*hlue don't intersect with Ked smce the blue segments are disjoint). Hence, the procedure advancef) can be written as follows: Procedure advance(s), where s is a blue segment: for dir £ {+1, —1} do Sred <— search(Lred,s,dir) while x0[sred] < meet(sred,s) < xsweep do Sblue * $ while «o[«red] < meet(sred,sblue) < xsweep do report(sred, sbiue) Sblue * next(Li,iue, sj,iue, —rfir) *o[«red] <— meet(sred,s) Sred * n€Xt(Lr ed , Sr ed, dlV^j Remark: If we want to, we can easily modify advancef) so that the intersections along each segment are reported in sorted order by executing each inner and outer while loop in "reverse" order. Excluding the two calls to searchf), which take O(logn) time, the cost of advancef) is proportional to the number of intersections that it reports. 5 The Algorithm Now, the algorithm works by sweeping the endpoints from left to right. When we encounter a red endpoint or a blue left endpoint, we have hit the right wall of one blue trapezoid, so we have one trapezoid to add to the sweep front F. When we encounter a blue right endpoint, we have hit the right wall of two blue trapezoids, so we have two trapezoids to add to F. To add a blue trapezoid to F, we call the advancef) procedure from Section 4 on the blue segments on its top and bottom sides. Algorithm: for i = 1, . . ., 2n do % sweep * x\%\ if c[i] = red or type[i] = left then advance(search(Li,iue, s[i], +1)) advance(search(Li,iue, s[i], —1)) else advance(next(Li,iue, s[i], +1)) advance(s[i]) advance(next(Li,iue, s[i], —1)) if type[i] = left then insert(Lc\i],s[i\) else delete(Lc[q, s[i]) The i-th step of the for loop takes 0(logn + k{) time, where k{ is the number of intersections reported at that step. Thus, the total time of the algorithm, including the pre-sorting of endpoints, is 0(nlogn + ^2i k{) = 0(n log n + k) (since each intersection is reported once). The space requirement is clearly O(n). 6 Modifications for Curve Segments Our algorithm can be extended to handle curve segments which satisfy the following conditions: • Segments are continuous. • Segments are single-valued (or monotone), i.e. a segment can intersect a vertical line in at most one point. • The intersection of a segment and a vertical line can be computed in 0(1) time and space. • The rightmost intersection of two segments to the left of a given vertical line can be computed in 0(1) time and space. Since two segments may now intersect more than once, we first have to add an extra argument to reportf) and meet(): • report(sred, si,iue, x) reports the intersection of red segment sred and blue segment snue at x-coordinate x. • meet(sred, si,iue, xo) returns the largest x such that x < xo and x is the x-coordinate of an intersection of sred and snue; it returns — oo if no such x exists. The only major modification to the algorithm is then the inner while loop of advancef), where we report the intersections of s*ed with all Sj/ue's to the left of the intersection of s*ed with s*. As we enumerate the si/ue's> we may now have to move in both the "upward" and "downward" directions in Lnue. Procedure advance(s), where s is a blue segment: for dir £ {+1, —1} do Sred <— search(Lred,s,dir) while x0[sred] < meet(sred,s,xsweep) do Sblue &i % < % sw eep •> dlf dlf while x0[sred] < meet(sred,sblue,x) do report(sred, sbiue,x) Sblue * next(Lblue , si,iue, dir ) if meet(sred, sblue, x) < meet(sred, s'blue, x) then Sblue ^~ sblue else dir' <--dir' ^o[^rerf] * meet(sre(f, s, xsweep) Sred * next(^Lred, sred, dir) Remark: If we want to, we can easily modify advancef) so that the intersections along each red (but not blue) segment are reported in sorted order by executing each inner while loop in "reverse" order. The time and space bound of the algorithm are as before. 7 Conclusions Our algorithm has been implemented and tested on data from GIS map overlay applications. On these data, it outperforms the algorithms in [2, 8]. Furthermore, it is competitive with heuristic methods such as quadtree and binary space partition, especially if the endpoints are pre-sorted. [1] contains the experimental results. Acknowledgements I would like to express my thanks to Jack Snoeyink for suggesting this investigation and for reading the draft of this paper. References [1] D. S. Andrews, J. Snoeyink, J. Boritz, T. M. Chan, G. Denham, J. Harrison, and C. Zhu. Further Comparison of Algorithms for Geometric Intersection Problems. Accepted to 6th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, 1994. [2] J. L. Bentley and T. A. Ottmann. Algorithms for reporting and counting geometric interesections. IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-28(9):643-647, 1979. [3] B. Chazelle, H. Edelsbrunner, L. Guibas, and M. 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