Michala Homolova Personal Effectiveness – The Right Decisions Time Management & Effectiveness # 3 Methodologies OPVK_MU_vlevo_2_neg (1).jpg www.mcmt.cz Getting Things Done Pomodoro NEXT COURSE NEXT WEEK, Monday, 17th October OPVK_MU_vlevo_2_neg (1).jpg Agenda www.mcmt.cz GTS Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz gtd.jpg The most spread methodology Elaborated, sophisticated system First published in 2001, translated to 28 languages According to Forbe’s: one of the Top5 Exec Coaches in US http://www.davidco.com Implementation Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz 1. Getting Started: preparation of space, time, and tools 2. Collection 3. Processing: folder/list clean-up 4. Organization: folder set-up 5. Evaluation: keep the system up and running Hints Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz 1. Priorities 2. Getting control over projects 3. Power of data collection habit 4. Power of next steps planning 5. Power of focus to the goal 1. Getting Started Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz 1. Time 2 successive days: 6 hours data collection 8 hours data processing 2. Space – never shared! Desk (space for writing and folder) 3. Tools paper organizers (minimum 3) pack of A4, pen post-its, clips, stapler, adhesive tape, folders, diary, trash bin 1. Getting Started: Tools Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz 1. Paper organizer (entry folder, exit folder, two more in the middle for support info and reading materials) 2. Blank A4: one idea per sheet 3. Folder index system: handy, alphabetic sorting, with descriptions, availability of empty folders 2. Collection Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz RULE: Free your mind so you can focus and be in control Collect ALL working and personal tasks (1 to 6 hours) Physically: collect things you want to do something about to the box Mentally: take note of every “stuff” requiring any action 2. Collection Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz Hints: -Throw away trash immediately -Do not tidy (unless you have enough time to complete both) -Include your existing lists as inputs -Put urgent reminders to the input folder -Include date (input taken on dd.mm.yyyy) -Use systematic lists as reminders - 2. Collection Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz Example of systematic list reminder: Working Projects in progress Projects to be started Commitments to others Boss, colleagues, subordinates, external people (customers, vendors, contractors) Communication to process Internal/external, phones, emails, voicemails, faxes, letters, memos Other writings to be finished Evaluations, proposals, articles, PR materials, manuals Meetings you need to organize/attend Who needs to get to know about what decisions? Financials Cash flow, statistics, budgets, forecasts, credit, banks Planning Objectives, next phase of running projects, future projects, events, presentations, changes in the building, travel 2. Collection Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz Example of systematic list reminder: Personal Projects in progress Projects to be started Commitments to others Partner, Spouse, children, family, friends, borrowed stuff, organizations, volunteerism Communication to process Family, friends, phones, emails, voicemails, faxes, letters, congratulations, birthday cards Special events Birthdays, namedays, weddings, graduations, vacations, travels, weekends, vacations, cultural events, sports events Ideas Interesting places, meetings (who to invite), bright ideas Administrative Banks, credits, taxes, investments, insurance Household, PCs, Doctors, Hobbies . . . 2. Collection Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz Inputs can’t stay in INPUT folder forever Otherwise your mind will find out and start to fill again 3. Processing Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz Once you’ll go through your inputs, you will have: 1.Thrown away what you don’t need 2.Finished all under-two-minutes tasks 3.Delegated all you can delegate 4.Reminders of more-than-2-minutes tasks in your organizer 5.Overview of all projects (complex commitments) 3. Processing Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz GTS_Workflow_Diagram.jpg 3. Processing Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz Hints: 1.Process doesn’t mean ponder 2.Input folder is not a trash bin 3.One at a time 4.Name your projects 4. Organizing Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz 7 categories to maintain and control: 1.List of projects 2.Project inputs 3.Steps, tasks and info in diary 4.Lists of “next steps” 5.List of “Waiting for” 6.Archive 7.List “Sometime, Maybe” Maintain boundaries, otherwise you can’t trust your system 4. Organizing Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz Hints: - To be functional, system of lists must be complete and up-to-date -Diary is for MUST DO THAT DAY ONLY (no nice-to dos) -Sort ASAPs by context (PC, calls, downtown, office, at home, read) -You may use physical folders rather than lists (for Read, Pay, etc.) -Do not store reminders for one thing to more places - 5. Maintenance Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz To be functional, system of lists must be complete and up-to-date 1.Diary – first thing to check every day 2.To do lists per context (office, calls, person, etc.) if diary allows (if not, no need to review) 3.Weekly evaluation is the key 5. Weekly Maintenance / Evaluation Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz Run the Preparation, Collection, Processing, Organizing, and Evaluation on weekly basis (placeholder in diary) Review papers Process your notes (to diary, lists, archive) Review past week in diary for follow ups Collect what prep is needed in relation with your future diary items Run a clean-up of your mind – note all new projects, ideas, tasks Review all your lists “Waiting for”, “next steps”, etc. Be creative Hints Each lesson includes a list of suggested tasks and a set of test questions. www.mcmt.cz 1. Priorities 2. Getting control over projects 3. Power of data collection habit 4. Power of next steps planning 5. Power of focus to the goal Refer to the book Pomodoro Created in 1980s by Francesco Cirillo to improve his own study habits Book for free download http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/resources/ThePomodoroTechnique_v1-3.pdf Start in two pomodoro units (2 x 25min), 7 to 20 days to mastery) Pomodoro World Community pomodoro.png Insert categories Put X there where this criteria is not natural in your assessment QUESTIONS? That’s it for today Individual www.mcmt.cz