Semantic Technology for Energy-efficient B ildi Pl iBuilding Planning SEMERGYSEMERGY Gebäudeplanung mit Zukunft Project Leader Ardeshir Mahdavi & A Min Tjoa Sub Project Leader Stefan FenzSub Project Leader Stefan Fenz Funding agency Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) Presented by Muhammad Asfand-e-yar OutlineOutline Introduction Motivation and GoalsMotivation and Goals Design - Barriers and Expectation SEMERGY: Concept SEMERGY Obj iSEMERGY: Objective SEMERGY: Structure SEMERGY: User Interface SEMERGY: Ontology SEMERGY: Baubook SEMERGY: Reasoning InterfaceSEMERGY: Reasoning Interface SEMERGY: Workflow SEMERGY: Building Data Model SEMERGY B i I f tiSEMERGY: Basic Information SEMERGY: Software overview Conclusion OutlineOutline Introduction Motivation and Goals Introduction Motivation and Goals Design - Barriers and Expectation SEMERGY: Concept SEMERGY Obj iSEMERGY: Objective SEMERGY: Structure SEMERGY: User Interface SEMERGY: Ontology SEMERGY: Baubook SEMERGY: Reasoning InterfaceSEMERGY: Reasoning Interface SEMERGY: Workflow SEMERGY: Building Data Model SEMERGY B i I f tiSEMERGY: Basic Information SEMERGY: Software overview Conclusion IntroductionIntroduction  Increasing energy efficiency is one of the most promising t t i f t i bl i i d tistrategies for sustainable emission reduction  Many potential fields  M bilit Mobility  Industry  Energy production Energy production  Building heating and cooling  etc Building heating and cooling  Minimum Energy Emission  Calculated at early stages of design  Analysing building materials according to weather conditions IntroductionIntroduction  Conventional methods  Cumbersome, time consuming and error prone  Prevent in-depth design analysis  Ineffective initial decision making  Proper building products search for effective building design is requiredg g q  Early design alterations in designing building modelg OutlineOutline Introduction Motivation and Goals Introduction Motivation and GoalsMotivation and Goals Design - Barriers and Expectation SEMERGY: Concept SEMERGY Obj i Motivation and Goals SEMERGY: Objective SEMERGY: Structure SEMERGY: User Interface SEMERGY: Ontology SEMERGY: Baubook SEMERGY: Reasoning InterfaceSEMERGY: Reasoning Interface SEMERGY: Workflow SEMERGY: Building Data Model SEMERGY B i I f tiSEMERGY: Basic Information SEMERGY: Software overview Conclusion Motivation and GoalsMotivation and Goals CE ffi i tFinal Goal Problems •Sort o t ario s prod cts• Consumes more energy • Not economical • Not environment friendly • Energy efficient • Economical • Good living quality Final Goal •Sort out various products •Good quality building structure •Economical Learn and Observe Required products and its combination Handling local environment Terms and condition EconomicalEconomical and many more OutlineOutline Introduction Motivation and GoalsMotivation and GoalsMotivation and Goals Design - Barriers and Expectation SEMERGY: Concept SEMERGY Obj i Motivation and Goals Design – Barriers and Expectation SEMERGY: Objective SEMERGY: Structure SEMERGY: User Interface SEMERGY: Ontology SEMERGY: Baubook SEMERGY: Reasoning InterfaceSEMERGY: Reasoning Interface SEMERGY: Workflow SEMERGY: Building Data Model SEMERGY B i I f tiSEMERGY: Basic Information SEMERGY: Software overview Conclusion Design Barriers and ExpectationsDesign – Barriers and Expectations  Early-stage performance assessment can drastically affect final performance of the buildingg  Currently assessment tools are used for certification and labeling of the final product rather than to support design decisionsproduct rather than to support design decisions  Less than 10% of the developed tools are targeted for architects and designersdesigners Source: Attia 2011 Design Barriers and ExpectationsDesign – Barriers and Expectations  Intelligence: capability to analyse results, draw meaningful conclusions, and suggest clear guidelines to improve designgg g p g  Usability: Facility of accumulation and entry of input information and performing computationsperforming computations Source:Attia 2011 Source: Mahdavi et al. 2005 Out lineOut line Introduction Motivation and GoalsMotivation and Goals Design - Barriers and Expectation SEMERGY: Concept SEMERGY Obj i Design – Barriers and Expectation SEMERGY: Concept SEMERGY: Objective SEMERGY: Structure SEMERGY: User Interface SEMERGY: Objective SEMERGY: Structure SEMERGY: User Interface SEMERGY: Ontology SEMERGY: Baubook SEMERGY: Reasoning Interface SEMERGY: Ontology SEMERGY: Baubook SEMERGY: Reasoning InterfaceSEMERGY: Reasoning Interface SEMERGY: Workflow SEMERGY: Building Data Model SEMERGY B i I f ti SEMERGY: Reasoning Interface SEMERGY: Workflow SEMERGY: Building Data Model SEMERGY B i I f iSEMERGY: Basic Information SEMERGY: Software overview Conclusion SEMERGY: Basic Information SEMERGY: Software overview SEMERGY: ConceptSEMERGY: Concept  Laymen  Architects  Municipalities B ildi d  Performance assessment  Life Cycle Analysis OPTIMIZATION  Building products  Building codes  Subsidies  Life Cycle Analysis  Cost estimation SEMERGY: ObjectiveSEMERGY: Objective  Effective building design according to provided requirements  Evaluating building design  Functional evaluation  Ecological evaluation  Economical  Important feature of SEMERGY isp  Search building materials using various product libraries  Multi-object decision support, to construct building designj pp g g SEMERGY: FocusSEMERGY: Focus  SEMERGY bridge the gap between  Complex Real world products Complex Real world products  User’s requirements  SEMERGY focus on  Investment and operation costs  Energy performance and environmental impactgy p p  SEMERGY has information that includes  Building material Building material  Building products  Building components Cli i f i i i Climate information in region  Financial information SEMERGY: StructureSEMERGY: Structure Source: Mahdavi et al. 2012 SEMERGY: StructureSEMERGY: Structure Source: Mahdavi et al. 2012 SEMERGY: GUISEMERGY: GUI  Novice users: SEMERGY Graphical Web-Based User Interface  Experienced professionals (architects): Extended SEMERGY Experienced professionals (architects): Extended SEMERGY Graphical Web-Based User Interface, with import possibility from BIM and CAD  Area municipalities or other local authorities: Import from GIS data Area municipalities or other local authorities: Import from GIS data SEMERGY: StructureSEMERGY: Structure Source: Mahdavi et al. 2012 SEMERGY: OntologySEMERGY: Ontology  Acquisition of data from different sources  Restructuring of the acquired data to enable specific queris Restructuring of the acquired data to enable specific queris  Extension of restructured data with additional information to allow precise search and implementation of rules ERGYSEME SEMERGY: Ontology P d t Hi hSEMERGY: Ontology, Product Hierarchy  Baubook platform is used for building design  Ecological  Physical Properties of building products.  Baubook is categorized as the main hierarchy of SEMERGY ontology.  Baubook products are extracted and then converted to RDF format.  An example of such derived property is thermal resistance  R-Value  Calculated on the base of thickness and thermal conductivity of products SEMERGY: Ontology S b P d t P tiSEMERGY: Ontology, Sub-Product Properties  Details of products are required, for rule based reasoningg  Gypsum board, is a moisture-sensitive, and not appropriate for exterior usage  Properties in SEMERGY ontology are categorized as  Functional aspects of building W ll C ili R f Wall, Ceiling or Roof components  Position in Assembly  Includes model specific aspects of building that are used in different parts of building construction  Format  Physical properties and Shape of productsp  Material of a product  Wood, Concrete, Glass, Metal SEMERGY: Ontology E i hi Hi hSEMERGY: Ontology, Enriching Hierarchy  Descriptions of products cannot provide complete information forp p reasoning  Baubook hierarchy should be enriched  E t bli h d ti b t Established connection between Baubook classes and extended properties  Wall is a subclass of SEMERGY ontology  Load Bearing  Heavy  Solid  Enriching Baubook hierarchy helps Enriching Baubook hierarchy helps  Calculation and simulation purpose  Each product is categorized in two Each product is categorized in two default products  Non-expert users  Expert users SEMERGY: Baubook InterfaceSEMERGY: Baubook Interface SEMERGY: Data SourceSEMERGY: Data Source Brettsperrholzplatte