Towards Effective Human Motion Descriptors Jakub Valcik Supervisor: Pavel Zezula Consultant: Jan Sedmidubsky NOV 18, 2013 Outline ¨Motion Capture Data ¨Motivation ¨Evaluation Methodology ¨Results ¨Summary 2 cartwheel.gif Motion Capture Data 3 ¨Digitalized human motion ¤joint coordinates, ¤ euler angles Movement MoCap Data Features ¨Features ¨Derived descriptors > Optical Systems 4 ¤Triangulations of the 3D position from image sensors data ¤Multiple high-speed video cameras 2~48 (even 300) ¤Markers or surface features ¤Passive markers nRetro-reflective material reflects light generated near the camera lens n+Wireless -Marker swapping ¤Active markers nLED emitting own light nMarker identified by modulation of amplitude, pulse width, time window ¤ ¨ Optical Systems, cont. 5 ¨Passive imperceptible markers ¤Up side down approach ¤Photosensitive markers nDepth Map ¨Markerless ¤Analysis of video nIdentify human forms and brake down into constituent parts for tracking ¤Stanford, UMD, MIT, MPI ¤MS Kinect, Asus Xtion, PrimeSense Carmine, Organic Motion, Xsens Non-optical systems 6 ¨Inertial systems ¤Miniature inertial sensors ¤Wireless comunication ¤Position error accumulates over time ¤Wii controller ¨Mechanical systems ¤Exo-skeleton system tracks angles directly ¨Magnetic systems ¤Relative intensity of the voltage or current of coils Applications 7 ¨Health care – success of rehabilitative treatments ¤Range of joint angle rotation ¨Sports – performance aspect comparison ¤Variability of same motion – pole-jump, figure skating ¨Security – person identification, event detection ¤Gait recognition, stealing, fighting ¤Home for the elderly ¨Computer animation – realistic motion synthesis ¤Motion retrieval Premise 8 ¨Ultimate descriptor solving problems of all applications does not exist Purpose 9 ¨Application => Purpose ¨Action oriented ¤What? ¤Action, style of action, event detection ¤Logically similar movements ¨Subject oriented ¤Who? ¤Subject recognition, age, gender, drunkenness, pregnancy, skeletal disease \\afrodita\home\xvalcik\_profile\Desktop\key-pose-joint-angle-extraction.png Similarity Model 10 ¨Pose – skeleton configuration in one frame ¨Pose features – extracted from one pose ¤Distances between joints/planes, joint angles, velocities, accelerations, powers, torques, directions ¤Optional quantization nrelational features, fuzzy features ¨ ¨Distance between: ¤Poses – LP, Hamming, Mahalonobis ¤Sequences – DTW, UTW, Uniform scaling Evaluation Methodology 11 ¨Choose optimal descriptor for given purpose ¨ ¨ Similarity Models Joint Angles L1 UTW Muller Features Hamming distance DTW Torso Declination L1 UTW Purpose winner.jpg (400×300) How to interpret purpose? Test Dataset How to chose optimal model Ground Truth as a Purpose 12 C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\Cropper Captures\jump.gif C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\Cropper Captures\bend.gif C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\Cropper Captures\throw.gif C:\Users\Kuba\Documents\Cropper Captures\hopOneLeg.gif Measures 13 ¨Retrieval Oriented ¤Mean Average Precision (MAP) ¤Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) ¤Discounted Cumulative Gain (DCG) ¤K-Nearest Neighbors ¨Space Oriented ¤Dunn index ¤Davis-Bouldin index ¤Distance Distribution ¨Time consumption Results 14 ¨Dataset : HDM, CMU Summary 15 ¨Purpose oriented descriptor evaluation ¨Purpose represented as a ground truth ¨Provided measures ¨ ¨Future work ¤Distance distribution ¤Statistical testing ¨ Towards effective human motion descriptors 16 ¨Q & A ¨ ¨Thank you for your attention