Summary of Extensive-Form Games We have considered extensive-form games (i.e., games on trees) � with perfect information � with imperfect information � with chance nodes (and both perfect and imperfect information) We have considered pure, mixed and behavioral strategies. We have considered Nash equilibria (NE) and subgame perfect equilibria (SPE) in pure and behavioral strategies. 277 Summary of Extensive-Form Games (Cont.) For perfect information we have shown that � mixed and behavioral strategies are equivalent � there is a pure strategy SPE in both pure as well as behavioral strategies � SPE can be computed using backward induction in polynomial time For imperfect information we have shown that � mixed and behavioral strategies are not equivalent in general (but they are equivalent for games with perfect recall) � backward induction can be used to propagate values through "perfect information nodes", but "imperfect information parts" have to be solved by different means � solving imperfect information games is at least as hard as solving games in strategic-form; however, even in the zero-sum case, most decision problems are NP-hard (for details see the lecture). Chance nodes do not interfere with any of the above results. 278 Summary of Extensive-Form Games (Cont.) Finally, we discussed repeated games. We considered both, finitely as well as infinitely repeated games. For finitely repeated games we considered the average payoff and discussed existence of pure strategy NE and SPE with respect to existence of NE in the original strategic-form game. For infinitely repeated games we considered both � discounted payoff: We have proved that � one-shot deviation property is equivalent to SPE � "grim trigger" strategy profiles can be used to implement any vector of payoffs strictly dominating payoffs for a Nash equilibrium in the original strategic-form game (Simple Folk Theorem) � long-run average payoff: We have proved that all feasible and individually rational vectors of payoffs can be achieved by Nash equilibria (a variant of grim trigger) 279 Games of INcomplete Information Bayesian Games Auctions 280 Auctions The (General) problem: How to allocate (discrete) resources among selfish agents in a multi-agent system? Auctions provide a general solution to this problem. As such, auctions have been heavily used in real life, in consumer, corporate, as well as government settings: � eBay, art auctions, wine auctions, etc. � advertising (Google adWords) � governments selling public resources: electromagnetic spectrum, oil leases, etc. � · · · Auctions also provide a theoretical framework for understanding resource allocation problems among self-interested agents: Formally, an auction is any protocol that allows agents to indicate their interest in one or more resources and that uses these indications to determine both the resource allocation and payments of the agents. 281 Auctions: Taxonomy Auctions may be used in various settings depending on the complexity of the resource allocation problem: � Single-item auctions: Here n bidders (players) compete for a single indivisible item that can be allocated to just one of them. Each bidder has his own private value of the item in case he wins (gets zero if he loses). Typically (but not always) the highest bid wins. How much should he pay? � Multiunit auctions: Here a fixed number of identical units of a homogeneous commodity are sold. Each bidder submits both a number of units he demands and a unit price he is willing to pay. Here also the highest bidders typically win, but it is unclear how much they should pay (pay-as-bid vs uniform pricing) � Combinatorial auctions: Here bidders compete for a set of distinct goods. Each player has a valuation function which assigns values to subsets of the set (some goods are useful only in groups etc.) Who wins and what he pays? (We mostly concentrate on the single-item auctions.) 282 Single Unit Auctions There are many single-item auctions, we consider the following well-known versions: � open auctions: � The English Auction: Often occurs in movies, bidders are sitting in a room (by computer or a phone) and the price of the item goes up as long as someone is willing to bid it higher. Once the last increase is no longer challenged, the last bidder to increase the price wins the auction and pays the price for the item. � The Dutch Auction: Opposite of the English auction, the price starts at a prohibitively high value and the auctioneer gradually drops the price. Once a bidder shouts "buy", the auction ends and the bidder gets the item at the price. � sealed-bid-auction: � k-th price Sealed-Bid Auction: Each bidder writes down his bid and places it in an envelope; the envelopes are opened simultaneously. The highest bidder wins and then pays the k-th maximum bid. (In a reverse auction it is the k-the minimum.) The most prominent special cases are The First-Price Auction and The Second-Price Auction. 283 Single Unit Auctions (Cont.) Observe that � the English auction is essentially equivalent to the second price auction if the increments in every round are very small. There exists a "continuous" version, called Japanese auction, where the price continuously increases. Each bidder may drop out at any time. The last one who stays gets the item for the current price (which is the dropping price of the "second highest bid"). � similarly, the Dutch auction is equivalent to the first price auction. Note that the bidder with the highest bid stops the decrement of the price and buys at the current price which corresponds to his bid. Now the question is, which type of auction is better? 284 Objectives The goal of the bidders is clear: To get the item at as low price as possible (i.e., they maximize the difference between their private value and the price they pay) We consider self-interested non-communicating bidders that are rational and intelligent. There are at least two goals that may be pursued by the auctioneer (in various settings): � Revenue maximization This may lead to auctions that do not always sell the item to the highest bid � Incentive compatibility: We want the bidders to spontaneously bid their true value of the item This means, that such an auction cannot be strategically manipulated by lying. 285 Auctions vs Games Consider single-item sealed-bid auctions as strategic form games: G = (N, (Bi)i∈N , (ui)i∈N) where � The set of players N is the set of bidders � Bi = [0, ∞) where each bi ∈ Bi corresponds to the bid bi (We follow the standard notation and use bi to denote pure strategies (bids)) � To define ui, we assume that each bidder has his own private value vi of the item, then given bids b = (b1, . . . , bn) : First Price: ui(b) =    vi − bi if bi > maxj�i bj 0 otherwise Second Price: ui(b) =    vi − maxj�i bj if bi > maxj�i bj 0 otherwise Is this model realistic? Not really, usually, the bidders are not perfectly informed about the private values of the other bidders. Can we use (possibly imperfect information) extensive-form games? 286 Incomplete Information Games A (strict) incomplete information game is a tuple G = (N, (Ai)i∈N , (Ti)i∈N , (ui)i∈N) where � N = {1, . . . , n} is a set of players, � Each Ai is a set of actions available to player i, We denote by A = �n i=1 Ai the set of all action profiles a = (a1, . . . , an). � Each Ti is a set of possible types of player i, Denote by T = �n i=1 Ti the set of all type profiles t = (t1, . . . , tn). � ui is a type-dependent payoff function ui : A1 × · · · × An × Ti → R Given a profile of actions (a1, . . . , an) ∈ A and a type ti ∈ Ti, we write ui(a1, . . . , an; ti) to denote the corresponding payoff. A pure strategy of player i is a function si : Ti → Ai. As before, we denote by Si the set of all pure strategies of player i, and by S the set of all pure strategy profiles �n i=1 Si. 287 Dominant Strategies � A pure strategy si very weakly dominates s� i if for every ti ∈ Ti the following holds: For all a−i ∈ A−i we have ui(si(ti), a−i; ti) ≥ ui(s� i (ti), a−i; ti) A pure strategy si weakly dominates s� i if for every ti ∈ Ti the following holds: For all a−i ∈ A−i we have ui(si(ti), a−i; ti) ≥ ui(s� i (ti), a−i; ti) and the inequality is strict for at least one a−i (Such a−i may be different for different ti.) � A pure strategy si strictly dominates s� i if for every ti ∈ Ti the following holds: For all a−i ∈ A−i we have ui(si(ti), a−i; ti) > ui(s� i (ti), a−i; ti) Definition 88 si is (very weakly, weakly, strictly) dominant if it (very weakly, weakly, strictly, resp.) dominates all other pure strategies. 288 Nash Equilibrium In order to generalize Nash equilibria to incomplete information games, we use the following notation: Given a pure strategy profile (s1, . . . , sn) ∈ S and a type profile (t1, . . . , tn) ∈ T, for every player i write s−i(t−i) = (s1(t1), . . . , si−1(ti−1), si+1(ti+1), . . . , sn(tn)) Definition 89 A strategy profile s = (s1, . . . , sn) ∈ S is an ex-post-Nash equilibrium if for every t1, . . . , tn we have that (s1(t1), . . . , sn(tn)) is a Nash equilibrium in the strategic-form game defined by the ti’s. Formally, s = (s1, . . . , sn) ∈ S is an ex-post-Nash equilibrium if for all i ∈ N and all t1, . . . , tn and all ai ∈ Ai : ui(s1(t1), . . . , sn(tn); ti) ≥ ui(ai, s−i(t−i); ti) 289 Example: Single-Item Sealed-Bid Auctions Consider single-item sealed-bid auctions as strict incomplete information games: G = (N, (Bi)i∈N , (Vi)i∈N , (ui)i∈N) where � The set of players N is the set of bidders � Bi = [0, ∞) where each action bi ∈ Bi corresponds to the bid bi � Vi = [0, ∞) where each type vi ∈ Vi corresponds to the private value vi � Let vi ∈ Vi be the type of player i (i.e. his private value), then given an action profile b = (b1, . . . , bn) (i.e. bids) we define First Price: ui(b; vi) =    vi − bi if bi > maxj�i bj 0 otherwise. Second Price: ui(b; vi) =    vi − maxj�i bj if bi > maxj�i bj 0 otherwise. Note that if there is a tie (i.e., there are k � � such that bk = b� = maxj bj), then all players get 0. Are there dominant strategies? Are there ex-post-Nash equilibria? 290 Second-Price Auction For every i, we denote by vi the pure strategy si for player i defined by si(vi) = vi. Intuitively, such a strategy is truth telling, which means that the player bids his own private value truthfully. Theorem 90 Assume the Second-Price Auction. Then for every player i we have that vi is a weakly dominant strategy. Also, v is the unique ex-post-Nash equilibrium. Proof. Let us fix a private value vi and a bid bi ∈ Bi such that bi � vi. We show that for all bids of opponents b−i ∈ B−i : ui(vi, b−i; vi) ≥ ui(bi, b−i; vi) with the strict inequality for at least one b−i. Intuitively, assume that player i bids bi against b−i and compare his payoff with the payoff he obtains by playing vi against b−i. There are two cases to consider: bi < vi and bi > vi. 291 Second-Price Auction (Cont.) Case bi < vi : We distinguish three sub-cases depending on b−i. A. If bi > maxj�i bj, then ui(bi, b−i; vi) = vi − max j�i bj = ui(vi, b−i; vi) Intuitively, player i wins and pays the price maxj�i bj < bi. However, then bidding vi, player i wins and pays maxj�i bj as well. B. If there is k � i such that bk > maxj�k bj, then ui(bi, b−i; vi) = 0 ≤ ui(vi, b−i; vi) Moreover, if bi < bk < vi, then we get the strict inequality ui(bi, b−i; vi) = 0 < vi − bk = ui(vi, b−i; vi) Intuitively, if another player k wins, then player i gets 0 and increasing bi to vi does not hurt. Moreover, if bi < bk < vi, then increasing bi to vi strictly increases the payoff of player i. C. If there are k � � such that bk = b� = maxj bj, then ui(bi, b−i; vi) = 0 ≤ ui(vi, b−i; vi) Intuitively, there is a tie in (bi, b−i) and hence all players get 0. 292 Second-Price Auction (Cont.) Case bi > vi : We distinguish four sub-cases depending on b−i. A. If bi > maxj�i bj > vi, then ui(bi, b−i; vi) = vi − max j�i bj < 0 = ui(vi, b−i; vi) So in this case the inequality is strict. B. If bi > vi ≥ maxj�i bj, then ui(bi, b−i; vi) = vi − max j�i bj = ui(vi, b−i; vi) Note that this case also covers vi = maxj�i bj where decreasing bi to vi causes a tie with zero payoff for player i. C. If there is k � i such that bk > maxj�k bj > vi, then ui(bi, b−i; vi) = 0 = ui(vi, b−i; vi) D. If there are k � k� such that bk = bk� = maxj bj > vi, then ui(bi, b−i; vi) = 0 = ui(vi, b−i; vi) 293 First-Price Auction Consider the First-Price Auction. Here the highest bidder wins and pays his bid. Let us impose a (reasonable) assumption that no player bids more than his private. Question: Are there any dominant strategies? Answer: No, to obtain a contradiction, assume that si is a very weakly dominant strategy. Intuitively, if player i wins against some bids of his opponents, then his bid is strictly higher than bids of all his opponents. Thus he may slightly decrement his bid and still win with a better payoff. Formally, assume that all opponents bid 0, i.e., bj = 0 for all j � i, and consider vi > 0. If si(vi) > 0, then ui(si(vi), b−i; vi) = vi − si(vi) < vi − si(vi)/2 = ui(si(vi)/2, b−i; vi) If si(vi) = 0, then ui(si(vi), b−i; vi) = 0 < vi/2 = ui(vi/2, b−i; vi) Hence, si cannot be weakly dominant. 294 First-Price Auction (Cont.) Question: Is there a pure strategy Nash equilibrium? Answer: No, assume that (s1, . . . , sn) is a Nash equilibrium. If there are v1, . . . , vn such that some player i wins, i.e., his bid si(vi) satisfies si(vi) > maxj�i sj(vj), then ui(si(vi), s−i(v−i); vi) = vi − si(vi) < vi − (si(vi) − ε) = ui(si(vi) − ε, s−i(v−i); vi) for ε > 0 small enough to satisfy si(vi) − ε > maxj�i sj(vj) (i.e., player i may help himself by decreasing the bid a bit) Assume that for no v1, . . . , vn there is a winner (this itself is a bit weird). Consider 0 < v1 < · · · < vn. Since there is no winner, there are two players i, j such that i < j satisfying sj(vj) = si(vi) ≥ max � s�(v�) But then, due to our assumption, sj(vj) = si(vi) ≤ vi < vj and thus uj(sj(vj), s−j(v−j); vj) = 0 < vj − (sj(vj) + ε) = uj(sj(vj) + ε, s−j(v−j); vj) for ε > 0 small enough to satisfy sj(vj) + ε < vj. (i.e., player j can help himself by increasing his bid a bit) 295 Summary Second Price Auction: � There is an ex-post Nash equilibrium in weakly dominant strategies � It is incentive compatible (players are self-motivated to bid their private values) First Price Auction: � There are neither dominant strategies, nor ex-post Nash equilibria Question: Can we modify the model in such a way that First Price Auction has a solution? Answer: Yes, give the players at least some information about private values of other players. 296 Bayesian Games A Bayesian Game G = (N, (Ai)i∈N , (Ti)i∈N , (ui)i∈N , P) where (N, (Ai)i∈N , (Ti)i∈N , (ui)i∈N) is a strict incomplete information game and P is a distribution on types, i.e., � N = {1, . . . , n} is a set of players, � Ai is a set of actions available to player i, � Ti is a set of possible types of player i, Recall that T = �n i=1 Ti is the set of type profiles, and that A = �n i=1 Ai is the set of action profiles. � ui is a type-dependent payoff function ui : A1 × · · · × An × Ti → R � P is a (joint) probability distribution over T called common prior. Formally, P is a probability measure over an appropriate measurable space on T. However, I will not go into measure theory and consider only two special cases: finite T (in which case P : T → [0, 1] so that � t∈T P(t) = 1) and Ti = R for all i (in which case I assume that P is determined by a (joint) density function p on Rn ). 297 Bayesian Games: Strategies & Payoffs A play proceeds as follows: � First, a type profile (t1, . . . , tn) ∈ T is randomly chosen according to P. � Then each player i learns his type ti. (It is a common knowledge that every player knows his own type but not the types of other players.) � Each player i chooses his action based on ti. � Each player receives his payoff ui(a1, . . . , an; ti). A pure strategy for player i is a function si : Ti → Ai. As before, we use S to denote the set of pure strategy profiles. 298 Properties � We assume that ui depends only on ti and not on t−i. This is called private values model and can be used to model auctions. This model can be extended to common values by using ui(a1, . . . , an; t1, . . . , tn). � We assume the common prior P. This means that all players have the same beliefs about the type profile. This assumption is rather strong. More general models allow each player to have � his own individual beliefs about types � ... his own beliefs about beliefs about types � .... beliefs about beliefs about beliefs about types � ..... � (we get an infinite hierarchy) There is a generic result of Harsanyi saying that the hierarchy is not necessary: It is possible to extend the type space in such a way that each player’s "extended type" describes his original type as well as all his beliefs. (This does not mean that common prior suffices.) 299 Example: Battle of Sexes Assume that player 1 may suspect that player 2 is angry with him/her (the choice is yours) but cannot be sure. In other words, there are two types of player 2 giving two different games. Formally we have a Bayesian Game G = (N, (Ai)i∈N , (Ti)i∈N , (ui)i∈N , P) where � N = {1, 2} � A1 = A2 = {F, O} � T1 = {t1} and T2 = {t1 2 , t2 2 } � The payoffs are given by t1 2 t2 2 t1 : F O F 2, 1 0, 0 O 0, 0 1, 2 F O F 2, 0 0, 2 O 0, 1 1, 0 � P(t1 2 ) = P(t2 2 ) = 1 2 300 Example: Single-Item Sealed-Bid Auctions Consider single-item sealed-bid auctions as Bayesian games: G = (N, (Bi)i∈N , (Vi)i∈N , (ui)i∈N , P) where � The set of players N = {1, . . . , n} is the set of bidders � Bi = [0, ∞) where each action bi ∈ Bi corresponds to the bid � Vi = R where each type vi corresponds to the private value � Let vi ∈ Vi be the type of player i (i.e. his private value), then given an action profile b = (b1, . . . , bn) (i.e. bids) we define First Price: ui(b; vi) =    vi − bi if bi > maxj�i bj 0 otherwise. Second Price: ui(b; vi) =    vi − maxj�i bj if bi > maxj�i bj 0 otherwise. � P is a probability distribution of the private values such that P(v ∈ [0, ∞)n ) = 1. For example, we may (and will) assume that each vi is chosen independently and uniformly from [0, vmax] where vmax is a given number. Then P is uniform on [0, vmax]n . 301 Finite-Type Bayesian Games: Payoffs For now, let us assume that each player has only finitely many types, i.e., T is finite. Given a type profile t = (t1, . . . , tn), we denote by P(t−i | ti) the conditional probability that the opponents of player i have the type profile t−i conditioned on player i having ti, i.e., P(t−i | ti) := P(ti, t−i) � t� −i P(ti, t� −i ) Intuitively, P(t−i | ti) is the maximum information player i may squeeze out of P about possible types of other players once he learns his own type ti. Given a pure strategy profile s = (s1, . . . , sn) and a type ti ∈ Ti of player i the expected payoff for player i is ui(s; ti) = � t−i∈T−i P(t−i | ti) · ui(s1(t1), . . . , sn(tn); ti) (this is the conditional expectation of ui assuming the type ti of player i) 302 Example: Battle of Sexes t1 2 t2 2 t1 : F O F 2, 1 0, 0 O 0, 0 1, 2 F O F 2, 0 0, 2 O 0, 1 1, 0 P(t1 2 ) = P(t2 2 ) = 1 2 Consider strategies s1 of player 1 and s2 of player 2 defined by � s1(t1) = F � s2(t1 2 ) = F and s2(t2 2 ) = O Then � u1(s1, s2; t1) = 1 2 · 2 + 1 2 · 0 = 1 � u2(s1, s2; t1 2 ) = 1 and u2(s1, s2; t2 2 ) = 2 303 Infinite-Type Bayesian Games: Payoffs Now assume that for each player i we have Ti = R and thus that T = Rn . The concrete type is randomly chosen according to P, denote by t = (t1, . . . , tn) the corresponding random vector with distribution P (each ti is a random variable giving a type of player i). Assume that the type t is absolutely continuous which means that there is a (joint) density function p such that for all rectangles R = [a1, b1] × · · · × [an, bn] P[t ∈ R] = � b1 a1 · · · � bn an p(t1, . . . , tn)dtn · · · dt1 Let pi be the marginal density function of ti, i.e., pi(ti) = � T−i p(ti, t−i)dt−i The conditional density of t−i = (t1, . . . , ti−1, ti+1, . . . , tn) conditioned on ti = ti where pi(ti) > 0 is p(t−i | ti) = p(t)/pi(ti) (Here t = (t1, . . . , tn) is a type profile.) 304 Infinite-Type Bayesian Games: Payoffs Given a pure strategy profile s = (s1, . . . , sn) and a type ti ∈ Ti of player i, the expected payoff for player i is ui(s; ti) = � T−i ui(s1(t1), . . . , sn(tn); ti) p(t−i | ti) dt−i Example: First-Price Auction Consider the first-price auction as a Bayesian game where the types of players are chosen uniformly and independently from [0, vmax]. Consider a pure strategy profile v = (v1/2, . . . , vn/2) (i.e., each player i plays vi/2). What is ui(v; vi) ? ui(v; vi) = P(player i wins) · vi/2 + P(player i loses) · 0 = P(all players except i bid less than vi/2) · vi/2 = � vi 2vmax �n−1 · vi/2 = vn i 2nvn−1 max 305 Risk Aversion We assume that players maximize their expected payoff. Such players are called risk neutral. In general, there are three kinds of players that can be described using the following experiment. A player can choose between two possibilities: Either get $50 surely, or get $100 with probability 1 2 and 0 with probability 1 2 . � risk neutral person has no preference � risk averse person prefers the first alternative � risk seeking person prefers the second one 306 Dominance and Nash Equilibria A pure strategy si weakly dominates s� i if for every ti ∈ Ti the following holds: For all s−i ∈ S−i we have ui(si, s−i; ti) ≥ ui(s� i , s−i; ti) and the inequality is strict for at least one s−i. The other modes of dominance are defined analogously. Dominant strategies are defined as usual. Definition 91 A pure strategy profile s = (s1, . . . , sn) ∈ S in the Bayesian game is a pure strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium if for each player i and each type ti ∈ Ti of player i and every strategy s� i ∈ Si we have that ui(si, s−i; ti) ≥ ui(s� i , s−i; ti) 307 Example: Battle of Sexes t1 2 t2 2 t1 : F O F 2, 1 0, 0 O 0, 0 1, 2 F O F 2, 0 0, 2 O 0, 1 1, 0 P(t1 2 ) = P(t2 2 ) = 1 2 Use the following notation: (X, (Y, Z)) means that player 1 plays X ∈ {F, O}, and player 2 plays Y ∈ {F, O} if his/her type is t1 2 and Z ∈ {F, O} otherwise. Are there pure strategy Bayesian Nash equilibria? (F, (F, O)) is a Bayesian NE. Even though O is preferred by player 2, the outcome (O, O) cannot occur with a positive probability in any BNE. � To ever meet at the opera, player 1 needs to play O. � The unique best response of player 2 to O is (O, F) � But (O, (O, F)) is not a BNE: � The expected payoff of player 1 at (O, (O, F)) is 1 2 � The expected payoff of player 1 at (F, (O, F)) is 1 308 Second Price Auction Consider the second-price sealed-bid auction as a Bayesian game where the types of players are chosen according to an arbitrary distribution. Proposition 7 In a second-price sealed-bid auction, with any probability distribution P, the truth revealing profile of bids, i.e., v = (v1, . . . , vn), is a weakly dominant strategy profile. Proof. The exact same proof as for the strict incomplete information games. Indeed, we do not need to assume that the players have a common prior for this! � 309 First Price Auction Consider the first-price sealed-bid auction as a Bayesian game with some prior distribution P. Note that bidding truthfully does not have to be a dominant strategy. For example, if player i knows that (with high probability) his value vi is much larger than maxj�i vj, he will not waste money and bid less than vi. So is there a pure strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium? Proposition 8 Assume that for all players i the type of player i is chosen independently and uniformly from [0, vmax]. Consider a pure strategy profile s = (s1, . . . , sn) where si(vi) = n−1 n vi for every player i and every value vi. Then s is a Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Proof. We show that si(vi) = n−1 n vi is the best response to s−i for all i. Let us fix i and consider a pure strategy s� i of player i. Fix vi and define bi = s� i (vi). We show (see the greenboard) that bi = n−1 n vi maximizes ui(bi, s−i; vi). This holds for all vi, and thus s� i = si is the best response to s−i. � 310 First Price Auction (Cont.) More generally, assume only that the private values vi are identically and independently distributed on [vmin, vmax] (this is called independent private values model). Let F(x) be the cumulative distribution function of the private value (for each player). Let us restrict to strictly increasing strategies. Note that this restriction is quite reasonable, intuitively it means, that the higher the private value, the higher is the bid. Then one may show that there is a symmetric Bayesian Nash equilibrium (s1, . . . , sn) where each si is defined by si(vi) = vi − � vmax vmin [F(vi)]n−1 dx [F(vi)]n−1 That is, in particular, the bid is always smaller than the private value. 311 Expected Revenue Consider the first and second price sealed-bid auctions. For simplicity, assume that the type of each player is chosen independently and uniformly from [0, 1]. What is the expected revenue of the auctioneer from these two auctions when the players play the corresponding Bayesian NE? � In the first-price auction, players bid n−1 n vi. Thus the probability distribution of the revenue is F(x) = P(max j n − 1 n vj ≤ x) = P(max j vj ≤ nx n − 1 ) = � nx n − 1 �n It is straightforward to show that then the expected maximum bid in the first-price auction (i.e., the revenue) is n−1 n+1 . � In the second-price auction, players bid vi. However, the revenue is the expected second largest value. Thus the distribution of the revenue is F(x) = P(max j vj ≤ x) + n� i=1 P(vi > x and for all j � i, vj ≤ x) Amazingly, this also gives the expectation n−1 n+1 . 312 Revenue Equivalence (Cont.) The result from the previous slide is a special case of a rather general revenue equivalence theorem, first proved by Vickrey (1961) and then generalized by Myerson (1981). Both Vickrey and Myerson were awarded Nobel Prize in economics for their contribution to the auction theory. Theorem 92 (Revenue Equivalence) Assume that each of n risk-neutral players has independent private values drawn from a common cumulative distribution function F(x) which is continuous and strictly increasing on an interval [vmin, vmax] (the probability of vi � [vmin, vmax] is zero). Then any efficient auction mechanism in which any player with value vmin has an expected payoff zero yields the same expected revenue. Here efficient means that the auction has a symmetric and increasing Bayesian Nash equilibrium and always allocates the item to the player with the highest bid. 313