Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Shortest paths in graphs Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Remarks from previous lectures: Path length in unweighted graph equals to edge count on the path Oriented distance (δ(u, v)) between vertices u, v equals to the length of the shortest path from u tov In an oriented graph, distance between two vertices need not to be symmetrical (δ(u, v) = δ(v, u) in general) Figure: In this case δ(u, v) = δ(v, u). Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Distance in weighted graph In real-world applications, graph edges are weighted – e. g., distances between cities, latency of network links. Definition Path length in weighted graph equals to sum of edge weights along the path. Distance between vertices is defined as the length of the shortest path between them. Negative-weight cycle potentially allows some or all distances in the graph to be any negative number. By definition, the shortest paths do not contain any nonnegative-weight cycle. Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Triangle inequality The triangle inequality holds for a graph if and only if δ(u, w) ≤ δ(u, v) + δ(v, w) holds for any three vertices u, v, w in the graph.Triangle inequality does not hold in general. A graph of the shortest (not direct) distances between cities is the real-world example in which the inequality holds. Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Dijkstra’s algorithm Well-known algorithm for finding single-source shortest paths. Solves the problem for both directed and undirected graphs. Computes shortest paths from single source vertex to all others. Requires non-negative weights of all edges (not only cycles). Linear space complexity. Time complexity depends on chosen data structure. Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Dijkstra’s algorithm Denote source vertex as s. For each vertex v in a graph, d[v] equals to length the shortest path from s to v found so far. Initially, d[s]= 0 for source vertex and d[v]= ∞ for the others. Upon completion, d[v] equals to length of the shortest path in the graph if it exists, or ∞ otherwise. p[v] stores the direct predecessor of vertex v on the shortest path from s found so far. Initially, p[v] is undefined for all vertices except s. Upon completion, the shortest path to v is the sequence s, p[...p[v]...], ... p[p[v]], p[v], v. Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Dijkstra’s algorithm Vertices are split into two disjoint sets: S contains exactly those vertices, for which the shortest paths has already been computed and stored in d[v]. Q contains all other vertices. The vertices of set Q are stored in a priority queue. The vertex with the lowest value of d[u] has the highest priority. The d[u] already stores length of the shortest path to u. Following steps are taken in each iteration: Remove the vertex u from the queue head. Move the vertex u from Q to S. Relax all edges (u, v) going out from u to any v in Q: If d[v] > d[u] +w(u, v), update d[v]. w(u, v) denotes weight of the edge (u, v). Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Dijkstra’s algorithm – example Figure: Vertices in the set S are marked blue. Content of the priority queue is depicted to the right of the graph (head on top). Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Dijkstra’s algorithm – animations & illustrations Animation on an example graph DijkstraApplet/DijkstraApplet.htm commented computation computation allowing to input your own graph http: // illustration of a computation php3?lang=en&anim=16 Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Dijkstra’s algorithm – time complexity Let’s denote n = |V |, m = |E|. Initialization is linear w. r. t. number of vertices. Each edge is traversed exactly once or twice (in case of oriented graph). Main loop is run n-times, hence there are n delete operations on the priority queue. Complexity of the delete operations depends on chosen data structure: Array, vertex list – deletion can be done in linear time, complexity of the whole algorithm is therefore in O(n2 + m). Binary heap – deletion requires O(log(n)) time. Moreover, each edge relaxation may require heap update (O(log(n)), overall complexity is in O((n + m)log(n)). Fibonacci’s heap – complexity of the deletion is the same as in the case of binary heap, however update on relaxation runs in constant time – overall complexity is in O(m + nlog(n)). heap Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Dijkstra’s algorithm – application in networks Link-state routing protocols make use of the Dijkstra’s algorithm. Each active elements broadcasts its neighbors list periodically Neighbors list are forwarded through the network to all active elements Each active element calculates a shortest paths tree to all other AEs independently Risk of loops in routing tables OSPF and IS-IS are the most widespread link-state protocols. They both use the Dijkstra’s algorithm. Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm Computes shortest paths between each pair of vertices. The algorithm works with negative-weight edges correctly, however, negative-weight cycles may lead to incorrect solution. The shortest (so far) known distance between any two vertices is being improved gradually. In each step, a set of vertices which may lie on the shortest paths is defined. Each iteration introduces a new vertex into this set. In each one of n iterations, shortest paths between all n2 pairs of vertices are updated. The time complexity therefore equals to O(n3). The space complexity is O(n2). Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm Let the vertices be numbered as 1 . . . n. At first, only single-edge paths are considered. Afterwards, the algorithm searches for paths traversing through vertex 1. Subsequently, paths using vertices 1 and 2, etc. Between any pair of vertices u, v, a shortest path using vertices 1 . . . k is known in (k + 1)ith iteration. There are two possibilities for the shortest path (which uses vertices 1 . . . k + 1) between these two vertices: It uses only the 1 . . . k vertices. It traverses vertices 1 . . . k from u to vertex k + 1 and then ends in v. Upon completion, shortest paths using all vertices in the graph are computed. Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm – an example Figure: Vertices which may be used for shortest paths are highlighted. Shortest paths computed so far are stored in the matrix. Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Distributed Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm can be easily applied in distributed environment – among autonomous units, which communicate only through message sending Each vertex computes shortest paths to all other graph vertices Initially, only path to neighbours is known Similarly to the sequential case, each iteration adds single vertex which can be included in the paths Added vertex broadcasts its distances table to all other vertices in each iteration The other vertices update their distances and shortest paths according to the received table Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Distributed Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm It is crucial for correctness of the algorithm that all vertices choose the same vertex in each iteration. Algorithm is inefficient in terms of transferred data amount. If d[v]= ∞ holds for selected vertex v in any vertex, its paths are not updated at all, hence it does not need to receive any distance tables in the current iteration. Before broadcasting distance table, vertices may signal to each other, which of them should receive the table ⇒ Toueg’s algorithm. Further information: Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Mukesh Singhal. Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms, and Systems. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Pp. 151-155 Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Excercises 1 Calculate shortest paths in the graph below using Dijkstra’s and Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm. 2 Propose an implementation of the Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm (Toueg’s algorithm). Consider, that vertices can transmit messages only along graph edges (broadcasting is implemented by forwarding). Introduction Single-source shortest paths All-pairs shortest paths Excercises 3 Why doesn’t Dijkstra’s algorithm work correctly on graphs with negative-weight edges? What are the possible outcomes when it is run on such graph?