Service system Provider Client Target Forms of ownership Forms of relationship Forms of responsibility Client – Provider Relationship * Information Sharing * Knowledge Sharing * Negotiations * Balancing and establishing Value Proposition * Repetitive reviewing of previous items * In Mention Mode Client – Target connection * Client owns the Target * Client owns rights to use and/or manipulate the Target * Client has (owns) problem lClient recognizes a problem on the Target lClient is willing to invest to the problem solution * The solution involves an operating and/or transformation of the Target * Relation is in Use mode Provider – Target Connection * Kind of competence * Provider knows and is able to operate on the Target * Provider knows how and is able to transform the Target * Provider understands the Target and is able to plan operation on transformation of it * Provider improves in a way the Target for its better utilization by the Client (benefit for the Client) Value creation * What is the value? * Sake of client? * The benefit of the client * Value is strongly related with the target * Value is created by both (client + provider) * Value is co-created * Value can be created only if Client wants (or needs) an added value on Target * Identifying a gap Value proposition * The most important connection between C and P * The offer done by provider to the client * What he/she is able to do with the target to increase beneficiary of the client * Based on * Knowledge about target * Information about client * Similarities on the market * What we can do for what price Value proposition Provider Client Target Forms of ownership C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T Forms of relationship value co-creation value proposition information sharing Forms of responsibility P is responsible for the actions with T Mentioning and Using * Mentioning * To think about future actions * What / how / who / where / when / why / for how much * Negotiation between client and provider * Using * Use our capabilities to do some action to bring a value * Duality between mentioning and using * Each entity can mention, use or make both * Project management * Application of the principle of mention / use Mention - Use Mention Provider Client Target Forms of ownership C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T Forms of relationship value co-creation value proposition information sharing Forms of responsibility P is responsible for the actions with T System complexity * Provider, Client or Target may contain one or more service systems * Those service systems need to cooperate in some way * The cooperation between those service systems is also service system * If they are not a simple person or technology * They can be organization, more complex entity etc. * Technology with the community of developers * It must be organized in synergy * Some services must be finish first, some in the specific order etc. System complexity Mention Provider Client Target Forms of ownership C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T Forms of relationship value co-creation value proposition information sharing Forms of responsibility P is responsible for the actions with T P C T P C T P C T The time dimension * Selling a service means a lot of preliminary work * Sold product means success * Selling a service is the beginning * Start of the service execution * Preliminary work is about * Value proposition * Service modelling * Providing services means continual development * To stabilize the service system is necessary to continue with the cooperation The time dimension Mention Provider Client Target Forms of ownership C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T Forms of relationship value co-creation value proposition information sharing Forms of responsibility P is responsible for the actions with T P C T P C T P C T Time Role of time * The roles of all elements are not changing during whole life cycle of the service system * Time period of existence of a service system is not a trivial one compared to actions performed within a service provision systems * The dividing of the time and planning of the life cycle are important for the relationship client - provider Example * Two companies * Software developer EasySoft * Telecommunication company Telecoco * Problem * Telecoco want to have outsourced information system, developed by EasySoft * The service system is easily created * Is there any possibility (or need) to create other service system? * And if yes, are they related? Service system * Provider – EasySoft * Client – Telecoco * Target – Information system * Benefits are focused to the client * Easysoft uses its competencies to act for the sake of Telecoco * There is one more special relationship * The payment is also service system Payment service system * Provider – Telecoco * Client – EasySoft * Target – the bank account of EasySoft * The provider (Telecoco) acts on Target (send the payment) for the sake of EasySoft * This service system can not exists without the first service system Prime service system * Primary created service system * The roles are distributed and do not change * Creation of this service system causes the creation of next service systems * We need to analyze * The relationships between them * The possibility of influence * The causes of synergy Cooperation of service systems * Lets have some service system (S1) with provider, client and target defined * We say the system S1 cooperates with system S2 if * Agent who plays the role of client in S1, plays role of provider in S2 * Agent who plays the role of provider in S1, plays role of client in S2 * Benefits for the client in S2 depends on benefits for the client in S1 (or vice-versa) * The target is not same Example of cooperation * Study program SSME and cooperation with business partners on internships * Client – business partner * Wants to have properly educated students * Provider – Faculty of informatics * Has abilities to educate the students * Target – study program SSME * Provides the students Cooperating service system * Internships projects * For the successful study program faculty needs lPractice – an internships with quality emphasis lMandatory for every student enrolled in the program * Agents * Client – faculty of informatics * Demand the internships positions for the students * Provider * The company * Offers the positions for the students Cooperating service system * The target * The study program SSME * Students are „only“ the products of the study program * Faculty wants to improve the study program * Through the internships * Using the feedback from the partners * In this case the target is the same in both cooperating service systems Dual service system * Lets have the prime service system S1 * Lets have a second service system S2, where * Agent who plays the role of client in S1, plays role of provider in S2 * Agent who plays the role of provider in S1, plays role of client in S2 * Benefits for the client in S2 depends on benefits for the client in S1 (or vice versa) * Target is the same in S1 and S2 with the bidirectional value proposition Service system environment * Are there any other possibilities of the cooperation? * What to do if * Client or Provider in one service system plays the role of of the Client, Provider or Target in other service systems? * If the value proposition or the benefits depends on other related service system? * Company is able to pay only if its customers will pay * Value proposition can be set properly only if we know all related inputs Service system environment P C T P T C T P C P Service system environment * During negotiations must be explored not only the target, but also all important relations * Cooperating service systems * Dual service systems * Related service systems * After that the value proposition can be set