University of Massachusetts Amherst ECE232: Hardware Organization and Design Part 3: Verilog Tutorial http ://www. ecs. u mass. ed u/ece/ece232/ Basic Verilog module (); endmodule Engin 112 Verilog examples: ECE 353 - Verilog Resources ECE 667 Verilog (on the left side menu): ece 232 Verilog tutorial 1 Full Adder module FullAdder(a,b,cin,cout,sum); input a, b, cin; // inputs output cout, sum; // output wire wl, w2, w3, w4; // internal nets cout sum xor #(10) (wl, a, b); // delay time of 10 units xor #(10) (sum, wl, cin); and #(8) (w2, a, b); and #(8) (w3, a, cin); and # (8) (w4, b, cin) ; or #(10, 8)(cout, w2, w3, w4); // (rise time of 10, fall 8) endmodule ece 232_Verilog tutorial_3 Multiple ways of implementing Full Adder module FullAdder(a,b,cin,sum,cout); input a,b,cin; output sum, cout; reg sum, cout; // registers retain value always @ (a or b or cin) // Anytime a or b or cin CHANGE, run the process begin sum <= a A b A cin; cout <= (a & b) | (a & cin) | (b & cin); end endmodule concurrent assignment blocking assignment, non-blocking assignments ece 232_Verilog tutorial_4 Ripple Carry Adder 4-bit Adder module adder4(A, B, ein, S, cout); input [3:0] A, B; input ein; output[3:0] S; output cout; wire cl, c2, c3; // 4 instantiated 1-bit Full Adders FullAdder faO(A[0], B[0], ein, cl, S[0]); FullAdder fal(A[l], B[l], cl, c2, S[l]); FullAdder fa2(A[2], B[2], c2, c3, S[2]); FullAdder fa3(A[3], B[3], c3, cout, S[3]); endmodule Verilog tutorial HDL Overview Hardware description languages (HDL) offer a way to design circuits using text-based descriptions HDL describes hardware using keywords and expressions. • Representations for common forms Logic expressions, truth tables, functions, logic gates • Any combinational or sequential circuit HDLs have two objectives • Allow for testing/verification using computer simulation » Includes syntax for timing, delays • Allow for synthesis » Synthesizable HDL • The two forms often differ! • We will use synthesizable subset of verilog Two primary hardware description languages VHDL • Verilog 232_Verilog tutorial_ Hardware Description Language - Verilog Represents hardware structure and behavior Logic simulation: generates waveforms //HDL Example 1 module smpl_circuit(A,B,C,x,y); c input A,B,C; output x,y; wire e; and gl(e,A,B); not g2(y,C); or g3(x,e,y); endmodule •■A. Detect errors before fabrication |0ns 20ns 40ns 60ns 80ns 100ns 120ns 140ns |160ns 180ns 1 stimcrct.B 1 slimcicl.C 1 1 \ / : / \ Verilog tutorial Verilog Keywords and Syntax ° Lines that begin with // are comments (ignored by simulation) ° About 100 keywords in total (keywords are case sensitive) ° module: Building block in Verilog ° Always terminates with endmodule ° module followed by circuit name and port list ° Each port is either an input or output //HDL Example 2 // module smpl_circuit(A,B,C,x,y); input A,B,C; output x,y; _ wire e; and gl(e,A,B); not g2(y,C); or g3(x,e,y); endmodule Verilog tutorial Verilog Statements Verilog has two basic types of statements 1. Concurrent statements (combinational) (things are happening concurrently, ordering does not matter) ■ Gate instantiations and (z, x, y), or (c, a, b), xor (S, x, y), etc. ■ Continuous assignments assign Z = x&y; c = a|b;S = xAy 2. Procedural statements (sequential) (executed in the order written in the code) ■ always @ - executed continuously when the event is active always @ (posedge clock) ■ initial - executed only once (used in simulation) ■ if then else statements ece 232_Verilog tutorial_ wire and gate-level Keywords • Example of gate instantiation ° wire defines internal circuit connection ° Each gate (and, or, not) defined on a separate line ° Gate I/O includes wires and port values ° Note: each gate is instantiated with a name (e.g., g1) //HDL Example 2 module smpl_circuit(A,B,C,x,y); input A,B,C; output x,y; wire e; and gl(e,A,B); not g2(y,C); or g3(x,e,y); endmodule Verilog tutorial_10 Specifying Boolean Expressions • Example of continuous assignment //HDL Example 3 //Circuit specified with Boolean equations module circuit_bln (x,y,A,B,C,D); input A,B,C,D; output x,y; assign x = A | (B & C) | (~B & C); assign y = (~B & C) | (B & ~C & ~D); endmodule ° assign keyword used to indicate expression ° Assignment takes place continuously ° Note new symbols specific for Verilog ° OR->| ° AND->& ° NOT->~ ece 232_Verilog tutorial_11 User Defined Primitives //HDL Example 4 //User defined primitive(UDP) primitive crctp (x,A,B,C); output x; input A,B,C; //Truth table for x(A,B,C) = Minterms (0,2,4,6,7) table // A B C : x (Note that this is only a comment) 0 0 0:1; 0 0 1:0; 0 1 0:1; 0 1 1:0; 10 0:1; 1 0 1:0; 110:1; 1 1 1 ■ 1" ___.. ' ' ° Allows definition of truth table endtable endprimitive ° Only one output is allowed Verilog tutorial_12 More Verilog Examples -1 //HDL Example 5 //Dataflow description of a 2-to-4-line decoder module decoder_df (A,B,E,D); input A,B,E; output [0:3] D; assign D[0] = ~(~A & ~B & ~E), D[l] = ~(~A&B&~E), D[2] = ~(A&~B&~E), D[3] = ~(A&B&~E); endmodule ° Combinational functionality ° All assignments take place at the same time ° Note declaration of a bus ° output [0:3] D; ece 232_Verilog tutorial_13 More Verilog Examples - 2 //HDL Example 6 //Dataflow description of a 4-bit comparator. module mag_comp (A,B,ALTB,AGTB,AEQB); input [3:0] A,B; output ALTB,AGTB,AEQB; assign ALTB = (A < B), AGTB = (A > B), AEQB = (A == B); endmodule ° Easy to define arithmetic functionality ° Each comparison creates a single bit result ° Synthesizer automatically converts RTL description to gate-level description ° RTL = register transfer level ece 232_Verilog tutorial_14 More Verilog Examples - 3 • Example of sequential assignment //HDL Example 7 //Behavioral description of 2-to-l-line multiplexer module mux2xl_bh(A,B,select,OUT); input A,B,select; output OUT; reg OUT; always @ (select or A or B) if (select == 1) OUT = A; else OUT = B; endmodule ° Conditional statements (if, else) allow for output choices ° always keyword used to indicate action based on variable change ° Generally conditional statements lead to multiplexers ece 232_Verilog tutorial_15 Modeling Circuit Delay ° This is for simulation only (not for synthesis) ° Timescale directive indicates units of time for simulation ° 'timescale 1 ns /10Ops ° #(30) indicates an input to output delay for gate g1 of 30 ns ° #(10) indicates an input to output delay for gate g2 of 10 ns //HDL Example 2 // //Description of circuit with delay module circuit_with_delay (A,B,C,x,y); input A,B,C; output x,y; A \~Py wire e; B and #(30) gl(e,A,B); or #(20) g3(x,e,y); c not #(10) g2(y,C); endmodule Verilog tutorial 16 Test bench Stimulus -1 //hdl //Stimulus for simple circuit module stimcrct; o reg A,B,C; wire x,y; o circuit with delay cwd(A,B,C,x,y) ; initial begin ° A= 1'bO; B = 1'bO; C = 1'bO; #100 A= l'bl; B = l'bl; C = l'bl; #100 $finish; end 0 endmodule //Description of circuit with delay // NOT synthesizable ! module circuit with delay (A,B,C,x,y); input A,B,C; output x,y; wire e; and #(30) gl(e,A,B) ; or #(20) g3(x,e,y); not #(10) g2(y,C); ECEgndmodul6_Verilog tutorial Module circuit_with_delay is instantiated reg keyword indicates that values are stored (driven) Stimulus signals are applied sequentially $finish indicates simulation should end Result: collection of waveforms 17 Test bench Stimulus - 2 Ons |20ns |40ns |60ns 80ns 1100ns 120ns |140ns 1160ns |180ns I I I I 1 i I I I 1 I i I I 1 I I I I 1 I i I I 1 i i I i 1 I I I I 1 I i i I 1 I i i i 1 i I I I stimcrct.A / stimcrct.B / stimcrct. C / stimcrct. x ; / \ i stimcrct,y : / \ Timescale directive indicates A units of time for simulation b ° 'timescale 1 ns /10Ops Note that input values change at 100ns Shaded area at left indicates output values are undefined Verilog tutorial_18 Modeling Sequential Elements module D-latch (D, Clk, Q); input D, Clk; output Q; reg Q; always @(D or Clk) if (Clk) Q = D; endmodule ClkfJ D Latch Q$latch PRE D Q ENA CLR Verilog tutorial 19 Verilog - D Flip-flop module D-flipflop (D, Clk, Q); input D, Clk; output Q; reg Q; always @(posedge Clk) Q = D; endmodule dLZZ>- Clkl >- OregO PRE D Q > ENA CLR >Q Verilog tutorial 20 Verilog - Blocking Assignment (=) module DFF-blocking(D, Clock, Ql, Q2); input D, Clock; output Ql, Q2; reg Ql, Q2; d Clock always @(posedge Clock) begin // blocking assignment - series execution Ql = D; Q2 = Ql; end endmodule Q1~reg0 PRE d c > ena or Q2~reg0 pre d c > ena or >Q1 >Q2 Verilog tutorial 21 Verilog - Non-blocking Assignment (<=) module DFF-non-blocking(D, Clock, Ql, Q2); input D, Clock; output Ql, Q2; reg Ql, Q2; always @(posedge Clock) begin // non blocking assignment - can be done in parallel (or any order) Ql <= D; Q2 <= Ql; _ end D Clock endmodule PRE D Q ENA CLR ENA CLR Verilog tutorial 22 Verilog - D Flip-flop with Reset • D flip-flop with asynchronous reset (asserted negative) module dff_reset(D, Clock, Resetn, Q); input D, Clock, Resetn; output Q; reg Q; Clock) always @(negedge Resetn or posedge if (!Resetn) Q <= 0; else Q <= D; endmodule D Clock Resetn[ Verilog tutorial OregO PRE D C > ENA cm 23 Finite State Machines -1 Mealy FSM • Output based on present state and input • Output changes during transition in/out present state i— ■f—*- outputs next state Moore FSM • Output based on state only • Output is associated with state (si/ ?ut 2P out2> inputs - CL present state' FFs ^ CL next state ■outputs Verilog tutorial 24 Finite State Machines - 2 State diagrams are representations of Finite State Machines (FSM) Mealy FSM • Output depends on input and state • Output is not synchronized with clock » can have temporarily unstable output Moore FSM • Output depends only on state Verilog tutorial Example 1: Sequence Detector ■ Circuit specification: • Design a circuit that outputs a 1 when three consecutive 1's have been received as input and 0 otherwise. ■ FSM type • Moore or Mealy FSM? » Both possible » Chose Moore to simplify diagram ■ State diagram: » State SO: zero 1s detected » State S1: one 1 detected » State S2: two 1s detected » State S3: three 1s detected ece 232_Verilog tutorial_26 Sequence Detector: Verilog (Moore FSM) module seq3_detect_moore(x,clk, y); // Moore machine for a three-Is sequence detection input x, elk; output y; reg [1:0] state; parameter S0=2'b00, Sl = 2'b01, S2=2'bl0, S3=2'bll; // Define the sequential block always @(posedge elk) case (state) SO: if (x) state <= SI; else state <= SO; SI: if (x) state <= S2; else state <= SO; S2: if (x) state <= S3; else state <= SO; S3: if (x) state <= S3; else state <= SO; endcase // Define output during S3 assign y = (state == S3); endmodule Verilog tutorial 27 Sequence Detector: FSM Synthesis + Simulation Synthesized Moore FSM (Quartus) ■ Simulation results (Quartus) 1 1 ; ..........................i....... ji p1"""""^ ' """"" — 1................ - ■ . .... - . :PV''''^i ■ Verilog tutorial 28 Sequence Detector: Verilog (Mealy FSM) module seq3_detect_mealy(x,clk, y); // Mealy machine for a three-Is sequence detection input x, elk; output y; reg y; reg [1:0] pstate, nstate; //present and next states parameter S0=2'b00, Sl=2'b01, S2=2'bl0, S3=2'bll; // Next state and output combinational logic // Use blocking assignments "=" always @(x or pstate) case (pstate) SO: if (x) begin nstate = SI; else begin nstate SI: if (x) begin nstate = S2; else begin nstate S2: if (x) begin nstate = S3; else begin nstate S3: if (x) begin nstate = S3; else begin nstate endcase // Sequential logic, use nonblocking assignments "< = always @(posedge elk) pstate <= nstate; endmodule ece 232_Verilog tutorial_ 0/0 __o/o Uso>^o^sn y = 0; SO; y : end 0; end y = 0; end = SO; y = 0; end y = 0; end = SO; y = 0; end y = 1; end = SO; y = 0; end 29 Sequence Detector: FSM Synthesis + Simulation Synthesized Mealy FSM (Quartus) pstate y~0 ■ Simulation results (Quartus) elk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l| 1 r- X V 1 psIatE I' P >l = :e S rc= to s: X ps a: e.I 3 = ' a X p te Sljfp E.atE.32) - state ece 232_Verilog tutorial_30 Example 2: Vending Machine FSM - 1 Specify the Problem • Deliver package of gum after 15 cents deposited • Single coin slot for dimes, nickels • No change • Design the FSM using combinational logic and flip flops Coin Sensor N Vending Machine FSM D Open Gum Release Mechanism Reset -^ Clk Verilog tutorial 31 Example 2: Vending Machine FSM - 2 State diagram ResetSf^V Reuse states whenever possible Present Inputs Next Output State D N State Open 0$ 0 0 0$ 0 0 1 5$ 0 1 0 10$ 0 1 1 X X 5$ 0 0 5$ 0 0 1 10$ 0 1 0 15$ 0 1 1 X X 10$ 0 0 10$ 0 0 1 15$ 0 1 0 15$ 0 1 1 X X 15$ X X 15$ 1 Symbolic State Table | Verilog tutorial 32 Vending Machine: Verilog (Moore FSM) module vending_moore(N, D, elk, reset, open); // Moore FSM for a vending machine input N, D, elk, reset; Synthesizing Moore FSM directly from state diagram output open; reg [1:0] state; parameter S0=2'b00, S5=2'b01, S10=2'bl0, S15=2'bll; // Define the sequential block always @(posedge reset or posedge elk) if (reset) state <= SO; else case (state) SO: if (N) state <= S5; else if (D) state <= S10; else state <= SO; S5: if (N) state <= S10; else if (D) state <= S15; else state <= S5; S10: if (N) state <= S15; else if (D) state <= S15; else state <= S10; S15: state <= S15; endcase // Define output during S3 assign open = (state == S15); endmodule N=l N,D=x Verilog tutorial 33 Vending Machine: Verilog (Mealy FSM) module vending_mealy(IM, d, elk, reset, open); // Mealy FSM for a vending machine input n, d, elk, reset; Synthesizing Mealy FSM directly from state diagram output open; reg [1:0] pstate, nstate; reg open; parameter S0=2'b00, S5=2'b01, S10=2'bl0, S15=2'bll; N'&D'/O // Next state and ouptut combinational logic always @(N or D or pstate or reset) if (reset) begin nstate = SO; open = 0; end else case (pstate) SO: begin open = 0; if (N) nstate = S5; else if (D) nstate = S10; else nstate = SO; end S5: begin open = 0; if (N)nstate = S10; else if (D) nstate = S15; else nstate = S5; end S10: if (N | D) begin nstate = S15; open = 0; end else begin nstate = S10; open = 0; end S15: begin nstate = SO; open = 1; end endcase // FF logic, use nonblocking assignments "<=" always @ (posedge elk) pstate < = nstate; endmodule ece 232_Verilog tutorial_34 Vending Machine: Simulation Results ■ Moore FSM ck resEt N D state { la IE. so _xl Elo.S state X a-e S St 10 X □pen J ^ ru J ■ N lealy FSM clk reset N □ p51BtE < ::-;r.v.:: L* so *> s-« .SO) — - j— i 1_ - - - - - - i TU ECE 23 2 ]— i 1 1 1 1 1 Verilog tutorial 1- 1- I— i— 1— 35 Summary ■ Hardware description languages provide a valuable tool for computer engineers ■ Any logic circuit (combinational or sequential) can be represented in HDL ■ Circuits created using keywords and syntax ■ Possible to use timing information • Explicit delay (#) is for simulation purposes only • Circuits with delays are not synthesizable ■ Gate and RTL descriptions are possible ■ Verilog is widely used in industry Verilog tutorial 36