Jan Sedmidubsky September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Jan Sedmidubsky Jakub Valcik Pavel Zezula Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic fi-logo cartwheel.gif 1/11 Jan Sedmidubsky •Motion capturing devices –Record and digitize human movement into motion capture data in real time –Examples: Microsoft Kinect, ASUS Xtion •Motion capture data –3D joint coordinates estimated for each video frame –e.g., Microsoft Kinect v2: skeleton model with 25 joints September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Introduction 2/11 Jan Sedmidubsky m1.png healthCare2.png •Analysis of recorded motion data in various areas: –Health care – success of rehabilitative treatments –Sports – performance aspect comparison –Security – person identification, event detection –Computer animation – realistic motion synthesis – – •Aspects: –Motion features –Similarity comparison –Indexing & searching September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Introduction Similar? Similarity model – depends on the application purpose 3/11 Jan Sedmidubsky September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Applications We Focus on •Content-based (sub-)motion retrieval: –Search for (sub-)motions in a database that are visually similar to a query motion example • – •Person identification: –Search for database motions that should belong to the same person as the query motion, in order to reveal the name of query person Query motion Result – 3 similar motions Query motion of unknown person Result – estimated name of query person Jack Jack Emma Jack (80%) Emma (20%) 4/11 Index: content-based retrieval Index: person identification Jan Sedmidubsky •Content-based retrieval index: –Motion features – joint-angle rotations •Each frame = 28-D vector of angles of joints •Individual frames compared by the L1 metric –Motion similarity comparison •Average distance between selected key frames –Indexing & searching •A specialized key-frame retrieval algorithm •Sedmidubsky, J., Valcik, J., and Zezula P. A Key-Pose Similarity Algorithm for Motion Data Retrieval. In 12th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2013). Springer, 2013. September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Content-based Retrieval Index Index: content-based retrieval 5/11 Jan Sedmidubsky •Person identification index: –Motion features •Extracted separately for individual walking cycles –Each frame = 21-D vector of relative velocities of joints ~ each walking cycle represented by 21 time series –Each time series smoothed by Fourier transform. (10 harm.) •Walking cycle = matrix 21x10 of transformed values –Motion similarity comparison •Matrices of walking cycles compared by a weighted L1 metric •Combination of skeleton proportions and walking cycles (matrices) –Indexing & searching – parallel sequential scan •KNN classification for estimating person name from the most similar retrieved walking cycles September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Person Identification Index Index: person identification frames 6/11 Jan Sedmidubsky September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Architecture of Retrieval System HDM05 + CMU motion database Index: content-based retrieval GUI: online web application •content-based + identification Index: person identification GUI: desktop Kinect application •identification Kinect database Query motion Result – 3 similar motions Query motion of unknown person Result – estimated name of query person Jack Jack Emma Jack (80%) Emma (20%) 7/11 Jan Sedmidubsky September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Online Web Application •Online demo: http://disa.fi.muni.cz/motion-match/ •HDM05 + CMU motion databases: –2,515 motions of 5.4M frames ~ 12 hours of video 8/11 Jan Sedmidubsky September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Desktop Kinect Application •Database has to be created 9/11 Jan Sedmidubsky September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Future Work •Future research directions: –Developing new similarity models to achieve better retrieval effectiveness –Developing more efficient retrieval algorithms to speed up the search process –Fusing face and motion recognition methods to improve the quality of person identification –Creating a larger database of different kinds of motions by the Kinect device – – bachelor and master theses 10/11 Jan Sedmidubsky September 23, 2014 Motion Retrieval for Security Applications Questions? •Thank you for your attention. • • •Try our online demo: •http://disa.fi.muni.cz/motion-match/ 11/11