Inverted Index Implementation Adam Hadraba Table of contents • Introduction • Implementation • Construction • Compression Introduction • Inverted index is structure that provides background for: • Processing large number of queries over massive amount of data each second • “Fast” response & dealing w/ hardware limitations • Different kinds of queries • Data set changes • Ranking results Inverted index • Most common indexing method used in IR systems • Way to avoid linearly scanning the texts • Index in advace • Widely used in search engines • Normally, documents – lists of words • Inverted index — for each word lists of documents Inverted index cont. Dictionary Term DocFreq able 20 about 5 above 7 ... Posting lists docID docID docID docID docID ... 1 4 5 7 12 ... 2 4 5 6 10 ... 5 8 12 25 100 ... ... Data • Profimedia database: • 20 000 000 documents • Each document around 50 annotations in english • 360 000 unique annotations • Approx. size of 4.5 GB • Terms occured in 1 to 3 500 000 documents • No stop words • Annotations unique per document (no need for term frequency) • No position of term in document Implementation • IR engine has two main components • Indexing documents • Query processing • Requirements • Scalability • Handling big collection of data • Index efficiency • Index must be constructed in reasonable amount of time • Query efficiency and effectivness • Queries must run fast and the result set must be relevant Indexing documents File IndexWriter Index Documents Dictionary PostingList > FileParser Indexing documents cont. • Dictionary • Stored in memory as a HashMap • Serves as lookup structure on top of the posting lists • PostingList > • Majority of data are here – stored on disc • During query processing are the query term‘s loaded into memory • Documents • Stored on disc • Other supporting structures – offsets and skip lists to increase lookup efficiency Query processing Query IndexReader Index QueryParser Query Result Index Construction Possible approaches • Memory-based • For each document indentify distinct terms and update posting list for each term in memory • Pro: very fast algorithm, easy to implement • Con: Does not work when you run out of memory • Blocked sort-based (sort-inversion) • Sorting • Merging (2-way, multi-way) • Single-pass in-memory indexing • When dictionary does not fit into memory • Each block has own dictioary Disc-based index construction • Phase I • Create temp files of pairs termID docID 1 1 5 4 2 5 1 5 6 5 2 6 2 2 termID docID 4 5 2 4 1 7 3 1 7 6 3 5 2 8 Run 1: Run 2: Disc-based index construction cont. • Phase II • Sort the pairs in each run termID docID 1 1 1 5 2 2 2 5 2 6 5 4 6 5 termID docID 1 7 2 4 2 8 3 1 3 5 4 5 7 6 Run 1: Run 2: Disc-based index construction cont. • Phase III • Merge sorted temp files (2-way, multi-way) termID docID 1 1 1 5 2 2 ... termID docID 1 7 2 4 2 8 ... Run 1: Run 2: termID docID 1 1 1 7 Temporary set: Output buffer Disc-based index construction cont. • Phase III • Merge sorted temp files (2-way, multi-way) termID docID 1 5 2 2 ... termID docID 1 7 2 4 2 8 ... Run 1: Run 2: termID docID 1 5 1 7 Temporary set: Output buffer Disc-based index construction cont. • Phase IV • Read all pairs for a given term • Construct a posting list (compress it) • Write it to file termID docID 1 1 1 5 1 7 ... Output buffer: termID docFr docID docID docID docID 1 3 1 5 7 ... ... Disc-based index construction cont. • Pro • Scalable • Con • Not fast as memory-based approach • Requires twice the amount of disk space as the size of original text Size of index without compression • Dictionary – 5.8 MB • Posting lists – 3.7 GB • Documents – 400 MB Approximately 90 % of original size. Dynamic indexing • Untill now, we assumed that collections are static • New documents need to be iserted • Documents are deleted and modified ► Postings updates for terms already in dictionary ► New terms added to dictionary Dynamic indexing • “Big” main index • New documents go into „small“ auxiliary index • Search across both, merge results • Deletions • Invalidation bit-vector • Periodically, re-index into one main index Index Compression Index Compression • Why? • Less disc space consumption • Compression ratios of 1:4 are easily achievable • Increased use of caching • Usually, we are caching frequently used parts of posting lists into the memory • With compression we can fit a lot more into memory • Faster transfer of data from disc to memory • Reduction of I/O • It is usually faster to transfer compressed posting list and then to decompress it, rather than transferring uncompressed posting list Posting list compression • DocIDs are ordered in posting list ► Replace DocID by the interval difference DocIDi – DocIDi-1 • Then encode interval difference – fewer bits for smaller, common numbers ... docID docID docID docID ... ... 256454 256460 256475 256478 ... ... ΔdocID ΔdocID ΔdocID ... ... 6 15 3 ... Compression techniques • VByte – Simple and good, but we can do better • Elias‘ Gamma/Delta Code, Rice Coding, Golomb Coding – good compression for very small numbers, but slow • Simple9 (Anh/Moffat 2001), PFOR-DELTA (Heman 2005) – compression done in chunks – more numbers at a time Var-Byte compression • Simple byte-oriented method for encoding data • If < 128, use 1 byte (highest bit set to 0) • If < 128 × 128 = 16384, use 2 bytes (first highest bit 1, the other 0) • If < 128 × 128 × 128, use 3 bytes (first highest bit 1, second 1, last 0) • Example: 14169 = (110 × 128) + 89 = 11101110 01011001 We covered • What is inverted index • Simple system overview • Index construction • Compression Thank You. Questions?