Edit Distance for Pushdown Automata Krishnendu Chatterjee(B) , Thomas A. Henzinger, Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen, and Jan Otop IST Austria, Wien-Umgebung, Austria krish.chat@gmail.com Abstract. The edit distance between two words w1, w2 is the minimal number of word operations (letter insertions, deletions, and substitutions) necessary to transform w1 to w2. The edit distance generalizes to languages L1, L2, where the edit distance is the minimal number k such that for every word from L1 there exists a word in L2 with edit distance at most k. We study the edit distance computation problem between pushdown automata and their subclasses. The problem of computing edit distance to pushdown automata is undecidable, and in practice, the interesting question is to compute the edit distance from a pushdown automaton (the implementation, a standard model for programs with recursion) to a regular language (the specification). In this work, we present a complete picture of decidability and complexity for deciding whether, for a given threshold k, the edit distance from a pushdown automaton to a finite automaton is at most k. 1 Introduction Edit distance. The edit distance [13] between two words is a well-studied metric, which is the minimum number of edit operations (insertion, deletion, or substitution of one letter by another) that transforms one word to another. The edit distance between a word w to a language L is the minimal edit distance between w and words in L. The edit distance between two languages L1 and L2 is the supremum over all words w in L1 of the edit distance between w and L2. Significance of edit distance. The notion of edit distance provides a quantitative measure of “how far apart” are (a) two words, (b) words from a language, and (c) two languages. It forms the basis for quantitatively comparing sequences, a problem that arises in many different areas, such as error-correcting codes, natural language processing, and computational biology. The notion of edit distance between languages forms the foundations of a quantitative approach to verification. The traditional qualitative verification (model checking) question is the language inclusion problem: given an implementation (source language) This research was funded in part by the European Research Council (ERC) under grant agreement 267989 (QUAREM), by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) projects S11402-N23 (RiSE) and Z211-N23 (Wittgenstein Award), FWF Grant No P23499N23, FWF NFN Grant No S11407-N23 (RiSE), ERC Start grant (279307: Graph Games), and MSR faculty fellows award. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 M.M. Halld´orsson et al. (Eds.): ICALP 2015, Part II, LNCS 9135, pp. 121–133, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-47666-6 10 122 K. Chatterjee et al. defined by an automaton AI and a specification (target language) defined by an automaton AS, decide whether the language L(AI) is included in the language L(AS) (i.e., L(AI ) ⊆ L(AS)). The threshold edit distance (TED) problem is a generalization of the language inclusion problem, which for a given integer threshold k ≥ 0 asks whether every word in the source language L(AI) has edit distance at most k to the target language L(AS) (with k = 0 we have the traditional language inclusion problem). For example, in simulation-based verification of an implementation against a specification, the measured trace may differ slightly from the specification due to inaccuracies in the implementation. Thus, a trace of the implementation may not be in the specification. However, instead of rejecting the implementation, one can quantify the distance between a measured trace and the specification. Among all implementations that violate a specification, the closer the implementation traces are to the specification, the better [5,7,10]. The edit distance problem is also the basis for repairing specifications [2,3]. Our models. In this work we consider the edit distance computation problem between two automata A1 and A2, where A1 and A2 can be (non)deterministic finite automata or pushdown automata. Pushdown automata are the standard models for programs with recursion, and regular languages are canonical to express the basic properties of systems that arise in verification. We denote by DPDA (resp., PDA) deterministic (resp., nondeterministic) pushdown automata, and DFA (resp., NFA) deterministic (resp., nondeterministic) finite automata. We consider source and target languages defined by DFA, NFA, DPDA, and PDA. We first present the known results and then our contributions. Previous results. The main results for the classical language inclusion problem are as follows [11]: (i) if the target language is a DFA, then it can be solved in polynomial time; (ii) if either the target language is a PDA or both source and target languages are DPDA, then it is undecidable; (iii) if the target language is an NFA, then (a) if the source language is a DFA or NFA, then it is PSpacecomplete, and (b) if the source language is a DPDA or PDA, then it is PSpacehard and can be solved in ExpTime (to the best of our knowledge, there is a complexity gap where the upper bound is ExpTime and the lower bound is PSpace). The TED problem was studied for DFA and NFA, and it is PSpacecomplete, when the source and target languages are given by DFA or NFA [2,3]. Our contributions. Our main contributions are as follows. 1. We show that the TED problem is ExpTime-complete, when the source language is given by a DPDA or a PDA, and the target language is given by a DFA or NFA. We present a hardness result which shows that the TED problem is ExpTime-hard for source languages given as DPDA and target languages given as DFA. We present a matching upper bound by showing that for source languages given as PDA and target languages given as NFA the problem can be solved in ExpTime. As a consequence of our lower bound we obtain that the language inclusion problem for source languages given by DPDA (or PDA) and target languages given by NFA is ExpTime-complete. Thus we present a complete picture of the complexity of the TED problem, Edit Distance for Pushdown Automata 123 Table 1. Complexity of the language inclusion problem from C1 to C2. Our results are boldfaced. C2 = DFA C2 = NFA C2 = DPDA C2 = PDA C1 ∈ {DFA, NFA} PTime PSpace-c PTime C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA} ExpTime-c (Th. 2) undecidable Table 2. Complexity of FED(C1, C2). Our results are boldfaced. See Conjecture 14 for the open complexity problem of C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA} and C2 = DFA. C2 = DFA C2 = NFA C2 = DPDA C2 = PDA C1 ∈ {DFA, NFA} coNP-c [3] PSpace-c [3] open (Conj. 18) C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA} coNP-hard [3] ExpTime-c undecidable (Prop. 15) in ExpTime (Th. 8) (Th. 8) Table 3. Complexity of TED(C1, C2). Our results are boldfaced. C2 = DFA C2 = NFA C2 = DPDA C2 = PDA C1 ∈ {DFA, NFA} PSpace-c [2] undecidable (Prop. 17) C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA} ExpTime-c (Th. 2 (1)) undecidable and in addition we close a complexity gap in the classical language inclusion problem. In contrast, if the target language is given by a DPDA, then the TED problem is undecidable even for source languages given as DFA. Note that the interesting verification question is when the implementation (source language) is a DPDA (or PDA) and the specification (target language) is given as DFA (or NFA), for which we present decidability results with optimal complexity. 2. We also consider the finite edit distance (FED) problem, which asks whether there exists k ≥ 0 such that the answer to the TED problem with threshold k is YES. For finite automata, it was shown in [2,3] that if the answer to the FED problem is YES, then a polynomial bound on k exists. In contrast, the edit distance can be exponential between DPDA and DFA. We present a matching exponential upper bound on k for the FED problem from PDA to NFA. Finally, we show that the FED problem is ExpTime-complete when the source language is given as a DPDA or PDA, and the target language as an NFA. Our results are summarized in Tables 1, 2 and 3. Due to space constraints we omit some technical proofs, which are presented in the full version [6]. Related work. Algorithms for edit distance have been studied extensively for words [1,12,13,15–17]. The edit distance between regular languages was studied in [2,3], between timed automata in [8], and between straight line programs in [9,14]. A near-linear time algorithm to approximate the edit distance for a word to a Dyck language has been presented in [18]. 124 K. Chatterjee et al. 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Words, Languages and Automata Words. Given a finite alphabet Σ of letters, a word w is a finite sequence of letters. For a word w, we define w[i] as the i-th letter of w and |w| as its length. We denote the set of all words over Σ by Σ∗ . We use to denote the empty word. Pushdown Automata. A (non-deterministic) pushdown automaton (PDA) is a tuple (Σ, Γ, Q, S, δ, F), where Σ is the input alphabet, Γ is a finite stack alphabet, Q is a finite set of states, S ⊆ Q is a set of initial states, δ ⊆ Q × Σ × (Γ ∪ {⊥}) × Q × Γ∗ is a finite transition relation and F ⊆ Q is a set of final (accepting) states. A PDA (Σ, Γ, Q, S, δ, F) is a deterministic pushdown automaton (DPDA) if |S| = 1 and δ is a function from Q × Σ × (Γ ∪ {⊥}) to Q × Γ∗ . We denote the class of all PDA (resp., DPDA) by PDA (resp., DPDA). We define the size of a PDA A = (Σ, Γ, Q, S, δ, F), denoted by |A|, as |Q| + |δ|. Runs of Pushdown Automata. Given a PDA A and a word w = w[1] . . . w[k] over Σ, a run π of A on w is a sequence of elements from Q × Γ∗ of length k + 1 such that π[0] ∈ S × { } and for every i ∈ {1, . . . , k} either (1) π[i − 1] = (q, ), π[i] = (q , u ) and (q, w[i], ⊥, q , u ) ∈ δ, or (2) π[i − 1] = (q, ua), π[i] = (q , uu ) and (q, w[i], a, q , u ) ∈ δ. A run π of length k+1 is accepting if π[k+1] ∈ F ×{ }, i.e., the automaton is in an accepting state and the stack is empty. The language recognized (or accepted) by A, denoted L(A), is the set of words that have an accepting run. Context Free Grammar (CFG). A context free grammar in Chomsky normal form (CFG) is a tuple (Σ, V, s, P), where Σ is the alphabet, V is a set of nonterminals, s ∈ V is a start symbol and P is a set of production rules. A production rule p has one of the following forms: (1) p : v → zu, where v, z, u ∈ V ; or (2) p : v → α, where v ∈ V and α ∈ Σ; or (3) p : s → . Languages Generated by CFGs. Fix a CFG G = (Σ, V, s, P). We define derivation →G as a relation on (Σ ∪ V )∗ × (Σ ∪ V )∗ as follows: w →G w iff w = w1vw2, with v ∈ V , and w = w1uw2 for some u ∈ (Σ ∪ V )∗ such that v → u is a production from G. We define →∗ G as the transitive closure of →G. The language generated by G, denoted by L(G) = {w ∈ Σ∗ | s →∗ G w} is the set of words that can be derived from s. CFGs and PDAs are language-wise polynomially equivalent [11] (i.e., there is a polynomial-time procedure that, given a PDA, outputs a CFG of the same language and vice versa). Finite Automata. A non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) is a PDA with empty stack alphabet. We will omit Γ while referring to NFA, i.e., we will con- Edit Distance for Pushdown Automata 125 sider them as tuples (Σ, Q, S, δ, F). We denote the class of all NFA by NFA. Analogously to DPDA we define deterministic finite automata (DFA). Language Inclusion. Let C1, C2 be subclasses of PDA. The inclusion problem from C1 in C2 asks, given A1 ∈ C1, A2 ∈ C2, whether L(A1) ⊆ L(A2). Edit Distance between Words. Given two words w1, w2, the edit distance between w1, w2, denoted by ed(w1, w2), is the minimal number of single letter operations: insertions, deletions, and substitutions, necessary to transform w1 into w2. Edit Distance between Languages. Let L1, L2 be languages. We define the edit distance from L1 to L2, denoted ed(L1, L2), as supw1∈L1 infw2∈L2 ed(w1, w2). The edit distance between languages is not a distance function. In particular, it is not symmetric. 2.2 Problem Statement In this section we define the problems of interest. Then, we recall the previous results and succinctly state our results. Definition 1. For C1, C2 ∈ {DFA, NFA, DPDA, PDA} we define the following questions: 1. The threshold edit distance problem from C1 to C2 (denoted TED(C1, C2)): Given automata A1 ∈ C1, A2 ∈ C2 and an integer threshold k ≥ 0, decide whether ed(L(A1), L(A2)) ≤ k. 2. The finite edit distance problem from C1 to C2 (denoted FED(C1, C2)): Given automata A1 ∈ C1, A2 ∈ C2, decide whether ed(L(A1), L(A2)) < ∞. 3. Computation of edit distance from C1 to C2: Given automata A1 ∈ C1, A2 ∈ C2, compute ed(L(A1), L(A2)). We establish the complete complexity picture for the TED problem for all combinations of source and target languages given by DFA, NFA, DPDA and PDA: 1. TED for regular languages has been studied in [2], where PSpacecompleteness of TED(C1, C2) for C1, C2 ∈ {DFA, NFA} has been established. 2. In Section 3, we study the TED problem for source languages given by pushdown automata and target languages given by finite automata. We establish ExpTime-completeness of TED(C1, C2) for C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA} and C2 ∈ {DFA, NFA}. 3. In Section 5, we study the TED problem for target languages given by pushdown automata. We show that TED(C1, C2) is undecidable for C1 ∈ {DFA, NFA, DPDA, PDA} and C2 ∈ {DPDA, PDA}. We study the FED problem for all combinations of source and target languages given by DFA, NFA, DPDA and PDA and obtain the following results: 1. FED for regular languages has been studied in [3]. It has been shown that for C1 ∈ {DFA, NFA}, the problem FED(C1, DFA) is coNP-complete, while the problem FED(C1, NFA) is PSpace-complete. 126 K. Chatterjee et al. 2. We show in Section 4 that for C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA}, the problem FED(C1, NFA) is ExpTime-complete. 3. We show in Section 5 that (1) for C1 ∈ {DFA, NFA, DPDA, PDA}, the problem FED(C1, PDA) is undecidable, and (2) the problem FED(DPDA, DPDA) is undecidable. 3 Threshold Edit Distance from Pushdown to Regular Languages In this section we establish the complexity of the TED problem from pushdown to finite automata. Theorem 2. (1) For C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA} and C2 ∈ {DFA, NFA}, the TED(C1, C2) problem is ExpTime-complete. (2) For C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA}, the language inclusion problem from C1 in NFA is ExpTime-complete. We establish the above theorem as follows: In Section 3.1, we present an exponential-time algorithm for TED(PDA, NFA) (for the upper bound of (1)). Then, in Section 3.2 we show (2), in a slightly stronger form, and reduce it (that stronger problem) to TED(DPDA, DFA), which shows the ExpTime-hardness part of (1). 3.1 Upper Bound We present an ExpTime algorithm that, given (1) a PDA AP ; (2) an NFA AN ; and (3) a threshold t given in binary, decides whether the edit distance from AP to AN is above t. The algorithm extends a construction for NFA by Benedikt et al. [2]. Intuition. The construction uses the idea that for a given word w and an NFA AN the following are equivalent: (i) ed(w, AN ) > t, and (ii) for each accepting state s of AN and for every word w , if AN can reach s from some initial state upon reading w , then ed(w, w ) > t. We construct a PDA AI which simulates the PDA AP and stores in its states all states of the NFA AN reachable with at most t edits. More precisely, the PDA AI remembers in its states, for every state s of the NFA AN , the minimal number of edit operations necessary to transform the currently read prefix wp of the input word into a word wp, upon which AN can reach s from some initial state. If for some state the number of edit operations exceeds t, then we associate with this state a special symbol # to denote this. Then, we show that a word w accepted by the PDA AP has ed(w, AN ) > t iff the automaton AI has a run on w that ends (1) in an accepting state of simulated AP , (2) with the simulated stack of AP empty, and (3) the symbol # is associated with every accepting state of AN . Lemma 3. (1) Given (i) a PDA AP ; (ii) an NFA AN ; and (iii) a threshold t given in binary, the decision problem of whether ed(AP , AN ) ≤ t can be reduced to the emptiness problem for a PDA of size O(|AP | · (t + 2)|AN | ). (2) TED(PDA, NFA) is in ExpTime. Edit Distance for Pushdown Automata 127 3.2 Lower Bound Our ExpTime-hardness proof of TED(DPDA, DFA) extends the idea from [2] that shows PSpace-hardness of the edit distance for DFA. The standard proof of PSpace-hardness of the universality problem for NFA [11] is by reduction to the halting problem of a fixed Turing machine M working on a bounded tape. The Turing machine M is the one that simulates other Turing machines (such a machine is called universal). The input to that problem is the initial configuration C1 and the tape is bounded by its size |C1|. In the reduction, the NFA recognizes the language of all words that do not encode valid computation of M starting from the initial configuration C1, i.e., it checks the following four conditions: (1) the given word is a sequence of configurations, (2) the state of the Turing machine and the adjunct letters follow from transitions of M, (3) the first configuration is not C1 and (4) the tape’s cells are changed only by M, i.e., they do not change values spontaneously. While conditions (1), (2) and (3) can be checked by a DFA of polynomial size, condition (4) can be encoded by a polynomial-size NFA but not a polynomial-size DFA. However, to check (4) the automaton has to make only a single non-deterministic choice to pick a position in the encoding of the computation, which violates (4), i.e., the value at that position is different from the value |C1| + 1 letters further, which corresponds to the same memory cell in the successive configuration, and the head of M does not change it. We can transform a non-deterministic automaton AN checking (4) into a deterministic automaton AD by encoding such a non-deterministic pick using an external letter. Since we need only one external symbol, we have L(AN ) = Σ∗ iff ed(Σ∗ , L(AD)) = 1. This suggests the following definition: Definition 4. An NFA A = (Σ, Q, S, δ, F) is nearly-deterministic if |S| = 1 and δ = δ1 ∪δ2, where δ1 is a function and in every accepting run the automaton takes a transition from δ2 exactly once. Lemma 5. There exists a DPDA AP such that the problem, given a nearlydeterministic NFA AN , decide whether L(AP ) ⊆ L(AN ), is ExpTime-hard. Proof. Consider the linear-space halting problem for a (fixed) alternating Turing machine (ATM) M: given an input word w over an alphabet Σ, decide whether M halts on w with the tape bounded by |w|. There exists an ATM MU , such that the linear-space halting problem for MU is ExpTime-complete [4]. We show the ExpTime-hardness of the problem from the lemma statement by reduction from the linear-space halting problem for MU . We w.l.o.g. assume that existential and universal transitions of MU alternate. Fix an input of length n. The main idea is to construct the language L of words that encode valid terminating computation trees of MU on the given input. Observe that the language L depends on the given input. We encode a single configuration of MU as a word of length n + 1 of the form Σi qΣn−i , where q is a state of MU . Recall that a computation of an ATM is a tree, where every node of the tree is a configuration of MU , and it is accepting if every leaf node is an accepting configuration. We encode computation trees T of MU by 128 K. Chatterjee et al. traversing T preorder and executing the following: if the current node has only one successor, then write down the current configuration C, terminate it with # and move down to the successor node in T. Otherwise, if the current node has two successors s, t in the tree, then write down in order (1) the reversed current configuration CR ; and (2) the results of traversals on s and t, each surrounded by parentheses ( and ), i.e., CR ( us ) ( ut ) , where us (resp., ut ) is the result of the traversal of the subtree of T rooted at s (resp., t). Finally, if the current node is a leaf, write down the corresponding configuration and terminate with $. For example, consider a computation with the initial configuration C1, from which an existential transition leads to C2, which in turn has a universal transition to C3 and C4. Such a computation tree is encoded as follows: C1 # CR 2 ( C3 . . . $ ) ( C4 . . . $ ) . We define automata AN and AP over the alphabet Σ ∪ {#, $, (, )}. The automaton AN is a nearly deterministic NFA that recognizes only (but not all) words not encoding valid computation trees of MU . More precisely, AN accepts in four cases: (1) The word does not encode a tree (except that the parentheses may not match as the automaton cannot check that) of computation as presented above. (2) The initial configuration is different from the one given as the input. (3) The successive configurations, i.e., those that result from existential transitions or left-branch universal transitions (like C2 to C3), are valid. The right-branch universal transitions, which are preceded by the word “)(”, are not checked by AN . For example, the consistency of the transition C2 to C4 is not checked by AN . Finally, (4) AN accepts words in which at least one final configuration, which is a configuration followed by $, is not final for MU . Next, we define AP as a DPDA that accepts words in which parentheses match and right-branch universal transitions are consistent, e.g., it checks consistency of a transition from C2 to C4. The automaton AP pushes configurations on even levels of the computation tree (e.g., CR 2 ), which are reversed, on the stack and pops these configurations from the stack to compare them with the following configuration in the right subtree (e.g., C4). In the example this means that, while the automaton processes the subword ( C3 . . . $ ), it can use its stack to check consistency of universal transitions in that subword. We assumed that MU does not have consecutive universal transitions. This means that, for example, AP does not need to check the consistency of C4 with its successive configuration. By construction, we have L = L(AP ) ∩ L(AN )c (recall that L is the language of encodings of computations of MU on the given input) and MU halts on the given input if and only if L(AP ) ⊆ L(AN ) fails. Observe that AP is fixed for all inputs, since it only depends on the fixed Turing machine MU . Now, the following lemma, which is (2) of Theorem 2, follows from Lemma 5. Lemma 6. The inclusion problem of DPDA in NFA is ExpTime-complete. Proof. The ExpTime upper bound is immediate (basically, an exponential determinization of the NFA, followed by complementation, product construction with Edit Distance for Pushdown Automata 129 the PDA, and the emptiness check of the product PDA in polynomial time in the size of the product). ExpTime-hardness of the problem follows from Lemma 5. Now, we show that the inclusion problem of DPDA in nearly-deterministic NFA, which is ExpTime-complete by Lemma 5, reduces to TED(DPDA, DFA). In the reduction, we transform a nearly-deterministic NFA AN over the alphabet Σ into a DFA AD by encoding a single non-deterministic choice by auxiliary letters. More precisely, for the transition relation δ = δ1 ∪ δ2 of AN , we transform every transition (q, a, q ) ∈ δ2 into (q, b(q,a,q ) , q ), where b(q,a,q ) is a fresh auxiliary letter. Now, consider a DPDA AP over the alphabet Σ. As every word in L(AD) contains a single auxiliary letter ed(L(AP ), L(AD)) ≥ 1. Conversely, for every word w ∈ Σ∗ we have ed(w, L(AD)) ≤ 1 implies w ∈ AN . Therefore, ed(L(AP ), L(AD)) ≤ 1 if and only if L(AP ) ⊆ L(AN ). Lemma 7. TED(DPDA, DFA) is ExpTime-hard. 4 Finite Edit Distance from Pushdown to Regular Languages In this section we study the complexity of the FED problem from pushdown automata to finite automata. Theorem 8. (1) For C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA} and C2 ∈ {DFA, NFA} we have the following dichotomy: for all A1 ∈ C1, A2 ∈ C2 either ed(L(A1), L(A2)) is exponentially bounded in |A1| + |A2| or ed(L(A1), L(A2)) is infinite. Conversely, for every n there exist a DPDA AP and a DFA AD, both of the size O(n), such that ed(L(AP ), L(AD)) is finite and exponential in n (i.e., the dichotomy is asymptotically tight). (2) For C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA} the FED(C1, NFA) problem is ExpTime-complete. (3) Given a PDA AP and an NFA AN , we can compute the edit distance ed(L(AP ), L(AN )) in time exponential in |AP | + |AN |. First, we show in Section 4.1 the exponential upper bound for (1), which together with Theorem 2, implies the ExpTime upper bound for (2). Next, in Section 4.2, we show that FED(DPDA, NFA) is ExpTime-hard. We also present the exponential lower bound for (1). Finally, (1), (2), and Theorem 2 imply (3) (by iteratively testing with increasing thresholds up to exponential bounds along with the decision procedure from Theorem 2). 4.1 Upper Bound In this section we consider the problem of deciding whether the edit distance from a PDA to an NFA is finite. We start with a reduction of the problem. Given a language L, we define L = {u : u is a prefix of some word from L}. We call an automaton A safety if every state of A is accepting. Note that an automaton is not necessarily total, i.e., some states might not have an outgoing transition for 130 K. Chatterjee et al. some input symbols, and thus a safety automaton does not necessarily accept all words. Note that for every NFA AN , the language L(AN ) is the language of a safety NFA. We show that FED(PDA, NFA) reduces to FED from PDA to safety NFA. Lemma 9. Let AP be a PDA and AN an NFA. The following inequalities hold: ed(L(AP ), L(AN )) ≥ ed(L(AP ), L(AN )) ≥ ed(L(AP ), L(AN )) − |AN | The following definition and lemma can be seen as a reverse version of the pumping lemma for context free grammars (in that we ensure that the part which can not be pumped is small). Compact G-decomposition. Given a CFG G = (Σ, V, s, P), where T = |V |, and a word w ∈ L(G) we define compact G-decomposition of w as w = (siui)k i=1sk+1, where si and ui are subwords of w for all i, such that 1. for all , the word w( ) := (siui)k i=1sk+1 is in L(G); and 2. |w(0)| = k+1 i=1 |si| ≤ 2T and k ≤ 2T +1 − 2. Lemma 10. For every CFG G = (Σ, V, s, P), every word w ∈ L(G) admits a compact G-decomposition. Intuition. The proof follows by repeated application of the principle behind the pumping lemma, until the part which is not pump-able is small. Reachability Sets. Fix an NFA. Given a state q in the NFA and a word w, let Qw q be the set of states reachable upon reading w, starting in q. The set of states R(w, q) is then the set of states reachable from Qw q upon reading any word. For a set Q and word w, the set R(w, Q ) is q∈Q R(w, q). We have the following property of reachability sets: Fix a word u, a number , an NFA and a set of states Q of the NFA, where Q is closed under reachablity, i.e., for all q ∈ Q and a ∈ Σ we have δ(q, a) ⊆ Q . Let u be a word with non-overlapping occurrences of u (e.g. u ). Consider any word w with edit distance strictly less than from u . Any run on w, starting in some state of Q , reaches a state of R(u, Q ). This is because u must be a sub-word of w. Lemma 11. Let G be a CFG with a set of non-terminals of size T and let AN be a safety NFA with state set Q of size n. The following conditions are equivalent: (i) the edit distance ed(L(G), L(AN )) is infinite, (ii) the edit distance ed(L(G), L(AN )) exceeds B := (2T +1 − 2) · n + 2T , and (iii) there exists a word w ∈ L(G), with compact G-decomposition w = (siui)k i=1sk+1, such that R(uk, R(uk−1, R(uk−2, . . . R(u1, Q) . . .))) = ∅. Intuition behind the proof: Whenever we consider a word w, the compact Grepresentation of it is w = (siui)k i=1sk+1. Let R(w, j) = R(uj, R(uj−1, R(uj−2, . . . R(u1, Q) . . .))) Edit Distance for Pushdown Automata 131 for all j and words w. Observe that (i) ⇒ (ii) is trivial. Intuitively, the proof for (ii) ⇒ (iii) is by contradiction: Consider a word w in L(G) with edit distance above B from L(AN ). Assume towards contradiction that R(w, k) is not empty. Then there is a word w = (siui)k i=1 in L(AN ) where each si has length at most n. But ed(w, w ) ≤ B by definition of compact G-representation (i.e. edit each si to si separately), which is a contradiction. To show (iii) ⇒ (i) we consider a word w where R(w, k) is empty and we show that w( ) (from compact Grepresentation) requires at least edits to L(AN ). Inductively in j, there must be either at least edits on (siui)j i=1 or R(w, j) has been reached, by the property of reachability sets. Since R(w, k) is empty, there must be edits on w( ). The equivalence of (i) and (ii) of Lemma 11 gives a bound on the maximum finite edit distance. The following lemma follows from Lemmas 9 and 11, and Theorem 2 for testing given thresholds. Lemma 12. For all C1 ∈ {DPDA, PDA}, C2 ∈ {DFA, NFA} the FED(C1, C2) problem is in ExpTime. 4.2 Lower Bound We have shown the exponential upper bound on the edit distance if it is finite. It is easy to define a family of CFGs only accepting an exponential length word, using repeated doubling and thus the edit distance can be exponential between DPDA and DFA. We also show that the inclusion problem reduces to the finite edit distance problem FED(DPDA, NFA) and get the following lemma. Lemma 13. FED(DPDA, NFA) is ExpTime-hard. We conjecture that, as for the case of language inclusion, for the finite edit distance problem the complexity of the DPDA/PDA to DFA problem matches the one for NFA/DFA to DFA. Conjecture 14. FED(PDA, DFA) is coNP-complete. 5 Edit Distance to PDA Observe that the threshold distance problem from DFA to PDA with the fixed threshold 0 and a fixed DFA recognizing Σ∗ coincides with the universality problem for PDA. Hence, the universality problem for PDA, which is undecidable, reduces to TED(DFA, PDA). The universality problem for PDA reduces to FED(DFA, PDA) as well by the same argument as in Lemma 13. Finally, we can reduce the inclusion problem from DPDA in DPDA, which is undecidable, to TED(DPDA, DPDA) (resp., FED(DPDA, DPDA)). Again, we can use the same construction as in Lemma 13. In conclusion, we have the following proposition. Proposition 15. (1) For every class C ∈ {DFA, NFA, DPDA, PDA}, the problems TED(C, PDA) and FED(C, PDA) are undecidable. (2) For every class C ∈ {DPDA, PDA}, the problem FED(C, DPDA) is undecidable. 132 K. Chatterjee et al. The results in (1) of Proposition 15 are obtained by reduction from the universality problem for PDA. However, the universality problem for DPDA is decidable. Still we show that TED(DFA, DPDA) is undecidable. The overall argument is similar to the one in Section 3.2. First, we define a pushdown counterpart of nearly-deterministic NFA. A PDA A = (Σ, Γ, Q, S, δ, F) is nearly-deterministic if |S| = 1 and δ = δ1 ∪ δ2, where δ1 is a function and for every accepting run, the automaton takes a transition from δ2 exactly once. By carefully reviewing the standard reduction of the halting problem for Turing machines to the universality problem for pushdown automata [11], we observe that the PDA that appear in the reduction are nearly-deterministic. Lemma 16. The problem, given a nearly-deterministic PDA AP , decide whether L(AP ) = Σ∗ , is undecidable. Using the same construction as in Lemma 7 we show a reduction of the universality problem for nearly-deterministic PDA to TED(DFA, DPDA). Proposition 17. For every class C ∈ {DFA, NFA, DPDA, PDA}, the problem TED(C, DPDA) is undecidable. 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