11/2/2015 1 PA198 Augmented Reality Interfaces Lecture 5 Designing Augmented Reality Interfaces Fotis Liarokapis liarokap@fi.muni.cz 2nd November 2015 User Interface Design What is User Interface Design? • The process of designing effective and user friendly interfaces for software systems and applications – Applies in all computer science – Other disciplines as well • i.e. Hardware design The User Interface • Users usually judge a software application based on its interface rather than its functionality – A poorly designed interface can cause a user to make catastrophic errors – Poor user interface design is the main reason why so many software systems are never used Many Types of Interfaces • Command • Speech • Data-entry • Form fill-in • Query • Graphical • Web • Pen • Augmented reality • Gesture Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) • GUIs allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation – Opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation • GUIs can be found in hand-held devices and many applications exist – i.e. Augmented reality 11/2/2015 2 GUI Characteristics https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf GUI Advantages • They are easy to learn and use – Without experience can use the system quickly – Can switch quickly from one task to another – Can interact with several different applications – Information remains visible in its own window when attention is switched • Fast, full-screen interaction is possible with immediate access to anywhere on the screen https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf User-Centred Design • In user-centred design the needs of the user are paramount and where the user is involved in the design process • User interface design always involves the development of prototype interfaces User Interface Design Process https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf User Interface Design Principles • User interface design must consider the needs, experience and capabilities of the system users – Principles underlie interface designs although not all are applicable to all designs • Designers should: – Be aware of people’s physical and mental limitations (e.g. limited short-term memory) – Recognise that people make mistakes https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf User Interface Design Principles . https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf 11/2/2015 3 Design Principles • User familiarity – The interface should be based on user-oriented terms and concepts rather than computer concepts • i.e. An office system should use concepts such as letters, documents, folders etc. rather than directories, file identifiers, etc. • Consistency – The system should display an appropriate level of consistency – Commands and menus should have the same format, command punctuation should be similar, etc. • Minimal surprise – If a command operates in a known way, the user should be able to predict the operation of comparable commands https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Design Principles . • Recoverability – The system should provide some resilience to user errors and allow the user to recover from errors • This might include an undo facility, confirmation of destructive actions, 'soft' deletes, etc • User guidance – Some user guidance such as help systems, on-line manuals, etc. should be supplied • User diversity – Interaction facilities for different types of user should be supported • i.e. Accessibility https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf User-System Interaction • Two problems must be addressed in interactive systems design – How should information from the user be provided to the computer system? – How should information from the computer system be presented to the user? • User interaction and information presentation may be integrated through a coherent framework such as a user interface metaphor https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Interaction Styles Interaction Styles • Direct manipulation • Menu selection • Form fill-in • Command language • Natural language https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Pros and Cons https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Interaction style Main advantages Main disadva ntages Application examples Direct manipulation Fast and intuitive interaction Easy to learn May be hard to implement. Only suitable where there is a visual metaphor for tasks and objects. Video games CAD systems Menu selection Avoids user error Little typing required Slow for experienced users. Can become complex if many menu options. Most generalpurpose systems Form fill-in Simple data entry Easy to learn Checkable Takes up a lot of screen space. Causes problems where user options do not match the form fields. Stock control, Personal loan processing Command language Powerful and flexible Hard to learn. Poor error manage ment. Operating systems, Command and control systems Natural language Accessible to casual users Easily extended Requires more typing. Natural languageund erstanding systems are unreliable. Information retrieval systems 11/2/2015 4 Direct Manipulation Advantages • Users feel in control of the computer and are less likely to be intimidated by it • User learning time is relatively short • Users get immediate feedback on their actions so mistakes can be quickly detected and corrected https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Direct Manipulation Disadvantages • The derivation of an appropriate information space model can be very difficult • Given that users have a large information space, what facilities for navigating around that space should be provided? • Direct manipulation interfaces can be complex to program and make heavy demands on the computer system https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Menu Systems • Users make a selection from a list of possibilities presented to them by the system • The selection may be made by pointing and clicking with a mouse, using cursor keys or by typing the name of the selection • May make use of simple-to-use terminals such as touch screens https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Menu Systems Advantages • Users need not remember command names as they are always presented with a list of valid commands • Typing effort is minimal • User errors are trapped by the interface • Context-dependent help can be provided – The user’s context is indicated by the current menu selection https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Menu Systems Disadvantages • Actions which involve logical conjunction (and) or disjunction (or) are awkward to represent • Menu systems are best suited to presenting a small number of choices – If there are many choices, some menu structuring facility must be used • Experienced users find menus slower than command language https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Command Interfaces • User types commands to give instructions to the system – i.e. UNIX • May be implemented using cheap terminals • Easy to process using compiler techniques • Commands of arbitrary complexity can be created by command combination • Concise interfaces requiring minimal typing can be created https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf 11/2/2015 5 Command Interfaces Disadvantages • Users have to learn and remember a command language – Unsuitable for occasional users • Users make errors in command – An error detection and recovery system is required • System interaction is through a keyboard so typing ability is required https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Command Languages • Often preferred by experienced users because they allow for faster interaction with the system • Not suitable for casual or inexperienced users • May be provided as an alternative to menu commands – i.e. Keyboard shortcuts • In some cases, a command language interface and a menu-based interface are supported at the same time https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Natural Language Interfaces • The user types a command in a natural language • Generally, the vocabulary is limited and these systems are confined to specific application domains – i.e. Timetable enquiries • NL processing technology is now good enough to make these interfaces effective for casual users – But experienced users find that they require too much typing https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Multiple User Interfaces https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Information Presentation • Information presentation is concerned with presenting system information to system users • The information may be presented directly (e.g. text in a word processor) or may be transformed in some way for presentation (e.g. in some graphical form) • The Model-View-Controller approach is a way of supporting multiple presentations of data https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Information Presentation . https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf 11/2/2015 6 Types of Information • Static information – Initialised at the beginning of a session • Does not change during the session – May be either numeric or textual • Dynamic information – Changes during a session and the changes must be communicated to the system user – May be either numeric or textual https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf Information Display Factors • Is the user interested in precise information or data relationships? • How quickly do information values change? • Must the change be indicated immediately? • Must the user take some action in response to a change? • Is there a direct manipulation interface? • Is the information textual or numeric? Are relative values important? https://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor/ics52_fq01/UISlides.pdf AR Interfaces Introduction to AR Interfaces • Browsing Interfaces – Simple (conceptually!), unobtrusive • 3D AR Interfaces – Expressive, creative, require attention • Tangible Interfaces – Embedded into conventional environments • Tangible AR – Combines TUI input + AR display Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Browsing Interfaces • 2D/3D virtual objects are registered in 3D – “VR in Real World” • Interaction – 2D/3D virtual viewpoint control • Applications – Visualization, training Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. 3D AR Interfaces • Virtual objects displayed in 3D physical space and manipulated – HMDs and 6DOF head-tracking – 6DOF hand trackers for input • Interaction – Viewpoint control – Traditional 3D user interface interaction • Manipulation, selection, etc Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Kiyokawa, et al. 2000 11/2/2015 7 Tangible Interfaces • Dangling String – Jeremijenko 1995 – Ambient Ethernet monitor – Relies on peripheral cues • Ambient Fixtures – Dahley, Wisneski, Ishii 1998 – Use natural material qualities for information display Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Augmented Surfaces and Tangible Interfaces • Basic principles – Virtual objects are projected on a surface – Physical objects are used as controls for virtual objects – Support for collaboration Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Tangible AR • AR overcomes limitation of TUIs – Enhance display possibilities – Merge task/display space – Provide public and private views • TUI + AR = Tangible AR – Apply TUI methods to AR interface design Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Space Multiplexed vs. Time Multiplexed • Space-multiplexed – Many devices each with one function • Quicker to use, more intuitive, clutter • Real Toolbox • Time-multiplexed – One device with many functions • Space efficient • Mouse Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Tangible AR: Tiles (Space Multiplexed) • Tiles semantics – Data tiles – Operation tiles • Operation on tiles – Proximity – Spatial arrangements – Space-multiplexed Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Tangible AR: Time-Multiplexed Interaction • Use of natural physical object manipulations to control virtual objects – Catalog book: • Turn over the page – Paddle operation: • Push, shake, incline, hit, scoop Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. 11/2/2015 8 Interface Design Path • Prototype Demonstration • Adoption of Interaction Techniques from other interface metaphors • Development of new interface metaphors appropriate to the medium • Development of formal theoretical models for predicting and modeling user actions Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Interface Metaphors • Designed to be similar to a physical entity but also has own properties – e.g. desktop metaphor, search engine • Exploit user’s familiar knowledge, helping them to understand ‘the unfamiliar’ • Conjures up the essence of the unfamiliar activity, enabling users to leverage of this to understand more aspects of the unfamiliar functionality • People find it easier to learn and talk about what they are doing at the computer interface in terms familiar to them Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Example: The Spreadsheet • Analogous to ledger sheet • Interactive and computational • Easy to understand • Greatly extending what accountants and others could do Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Why was it so good? • It was simple, clear, and obvious to the users how to use the application and what it could do • “it is just a tool to allow others to work out their ideas and reduce the tedium of repeating the same calculations.” • Capitalized on user’s familiarity with ledger sheets • Got the computer to perform a range of different calculations in response to user input Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Another Classic • 8010 Star office system targeted at workers not interested in computing per se • Spent several person-years at beginning working out the conceptual model • Simplified the electronic world, making it seem more familiar, less alien, and easier to learn Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. The Star Interface Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. 11/2/2015 9 Benefits of Interface Metaphors • Makes learning new systems easier • Helps users understand the underlying conceptual model • Can be innovative and enable the realm of computers and their applications to be made more accessible to a greater diversity of users Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Problems with interface metaphors (Nielson, 1990) • Break conventional and cultural rules – i.e. Recycle bin placed on desktop • Can constrain designers in the way they conceptualize a problem • Conflict with design principles • Forces users to only understand the system in terms of the metaphor • Designers can inadvertently use bad existing designs and transfer the bad parts over • Limits designers’ imagination with new conceptual models Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. AR Design Principles • Interface Components – Physical components – Display elements • Visual/audio • Interaction metaphors Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. Tangible AR Design Principles • Tangible AR Interfaces use TUI principles – Physical controllers for moving virtual content – Support for spatial 3D interaction techniques – Time and space multiplexed interaction – Support for multi-handed interaction – Match object affordances to task requirements – Support parallel activity with multiple objects – Allow collaboration between multiple users Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. The MagicBook • Design Goals: – Allows user to move smoothly between reality and virtual reality – Support collaboration Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. MagicBook Features • Seamless transition between Reality and Virtuality – Reliance on real decreases as virtual increases • Supports egocentric and exocentric views – User can pick appropriate view • Computer becomes invisible – Consistent interface metaphors – Virtual content seems real • Supports collaboration Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. 11/2/2015 10 MagicBook Collaboration • Collaboration on multiple levels: – Physical Object – AR Object – Immersive Virtual Space • Egocentric + exocentric collaboration – Multiple multi-scale users • Independent Views – Privacy, role division, scalability Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. MagicBook Technology • Reality – No technology • Augmented Reality – Camera – tracking – Switch – fly in • Virtual Reality – Compass – tracking – Press pad – move – Switch – fly out Billinghurst, M. COSC 426: Augmented Reality, Sep 5th, 2012. MagicBook Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNMljw0F-aw Generic AR Interface Layers of the AR Interface AR Applications Interface framework Interaction algorithms Audio algorithms based on OpenAL API Visual algorithms based on OpenGL API Vision SDK Video Libraries Windows OS Libraries and Drivers (Graphics and Sound Card, Video Camera, etc) ARToolKit tracking Libraries Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Interactions Standard I/O Computer Physical Manipulation Touch Screen Interface Menu Interaction SpaceMouseUser Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 11/2/2015 11 Interface Visualisation Capabilities • Visualisation – 3D models – 3D text – 3D sound – Videos – Pictures Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 GUI Environment • The GUI consists of a – Menu – Toolbar – Status bar – Dialog boxes • Allows participants to have the same access to the augmented virtual information as they have had using standard interaction techniques Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Some Algorithms Multiple Augmentation Algorithm Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Tracking Multiple Markers Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Textual Augmentation Algorithm Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 11/2/2015 12 3D Sound Generation Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 SpaceMouse Interaction Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Magic Book Algorithm Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Designing Markers Square Marker Cards • The easiest solution • Will work out well for assignment Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Other Shapes Markers • There are limitations with the number of square markers that can be designed Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 11/2/2015 13 Hand Markers • Does not work very well with ARToolKit Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Tracking & Calibration Measuring ARToolKit’s Tracking Error • In wide area applications, the positioning accuracy of ARToolKit is not very robust • In distances between 1m and 2.5m the error in the x and y values increases proportionally with the distance from the marker • Calculate error in distances ranging between 20 cm and 80 cm under normal lighting conditions Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Measuring ARToolKit’s Tracking Error . • The optimal area, which contains the least error, is the one that is perpendicular to the marker card • A rigid path is set so that the camera can not loose its direction while moving backwards • Numerous measurements of the location of the web camera in a local co-ordinate system Web Camera Marker 20 cm 60 cm Wall Ground Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Measuring ARToolKit’s Tracking Error .. • Error is proportional to the distance Calculation of ARToolKit's Error (Method I) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 step mm Actual Values Measured Values Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Measuring ARToolKit’s Tracking Error … • Camera facing the marker at variable angle (yaw) having the other two (pitch, roll) stable Calculation of ARToolKit's Error (Method II) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 step mm Actual Values Measured Values Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 11/2/2015 14 Measuring ARToolKit’s Tracking Error …. • Differences in the error produced from the experiments compared with the actual values Overview of Measured Error 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 step mm Actual Values Method I Method II Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Calculating Camera Parameters ARToolKit’s Calibration Method • ARToolKit provides two software tools called calib_dist and calib_param that can be used to calculate these camera properties – calib_dist is used to measure the lens distortion and the image centre point – calib_param is used to compute the focal length of the camera Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 ARToolKit’s Calibration Method . • In calib_dist program, an image of a pattern 6x4 dots spaced equally apart is used Camera calibration for lens distortion Camera calibration for focal length Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 KLT Tracking Method • A feature-based vision method is known as the KLT (Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi) algorithm based on a model or affine image changes Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab • Offers an automatic mechanism for counting the number of squares in each grid • All calibration images are searched and focal and distortion factor are automatically estimated Estimated focal (pixels) Estimated distortion factor (kc) Image 1 201.2503 -0.2 Image 2 224.1415 -0.2 Image 3 231.7859 -0.2 Image 4 114.2254 -0.055 Image 5 265.8596 -0.28 Image 6 211.5925 -0.2 Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 11/2/2015 15 Calibration Without Lens Distortion Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Calculation of Extrinsic Parameters Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Error Calculation of Extrinsic Camera Parameters Initial Error Corrected Error Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Case Studies Learning Requirements • The potential benefits of AR applied to HE include: – Visualisation of the theoretical parts in 3D – Practical exploration of the theory – Effective collaboration and discussion amongst the participants Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Learning Requirements . • An ideal AR system must include at least the following requirements – Be simple and robust – Provide the user with clear and concise information – Enable the teacher to input information in a simple and effective manner – Enable easy interaction between users – Make complex procedures transparent to the user – Be cost effective Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 11/2/2015 16 Kolb’s Learning Cycle Enhanced Learning Cycle using AR Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Design of Teaching Material • Off-line process and consists of: – A set of distinctive marker cards - this is the link between the real and the digital information; – Digital information - is the digital information including pictures, 3D models, textual descriptions, video animations and auditory information; – Educational tutorials - consist of a number of predefined learning scenarios which combine theory and practice at the same time Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 Tutorials Generation • Theoretical tutorials – Most important parts of the theory are described through visual and auditory means of augmentation having limited user interaction • Practical tutorials – Based on the theory, students have to use the specific set of marker cards to describe a simple but complete process using collaborative interaction techniques • Assessment tutorials – 3D graphical representations of theoretical and practical issues are assessed in a semi-automatic way based on all the proposed types of human-computer interactions Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 First Prototype: MARIE • Initial prototype for AR in education • Focused on teaching electronics Liarokapis,F., Petridis, P., Lister, P.F., White, M. MultimediaAugmented Reality Interface for E-Learning(MARIE), World Transactionson Engineeringand Technology Education,UICEE,1(2): 173-176, 2002. (ISSN: 1446-2257) Second Prototype: Wed3D & AR Pilot user experiencing an AR learning scenario, University of SussexAugmentation of a camshaft Web3D visualisation of a camshaft Liarokapis,F., Mourkoussis,N.,White,M.,Darcy,J.,Sifniotis,M.,Petridis,P.,Basu,A.,Lister, P.F.Web3Dand Augmented Realityto supportEngineeringEducation,WorldTransactions on Engineeringand Technology Education,UICEE,3(1):11-14,2004.(ISSN:1446-2257) 11/2/2015 17 Design of Teaching Material • Create appropriate markers • Create material • Link together Liarokapis, F., Augmented Reality Interfaces - Architectures for Visualising and Interacting with Virtual Information, Sussex theses S 5931, Department of Informatics, School of Science and Technology, University of Sussex, Falmer, UK, 2005 University of Sussex • Application in Informatics • Goal: – Understand the computer Liarokapis,F., Anderson,E.UsingAugmentedRealityas a Medium to Assist Teachingin Higher Education,Proc.ofthe 31st Annual Conference ofthe European Associationfor Computer Graphics (Eurographics2010), Education Program,Norrkoping,Sweden,4-7May,9-16,2010.(ISSN:1017-4656) City University • Application in Geography and GIS • Goal: – Understand GIS in London Liarokapis,F., Anderson,E.UsingAugmentedRealityas a Medium to Assist Teachingin Higher Education,Proc.ofthe 31st Annual Conference ofthe European Associationfor Computer Graphics (Eurographics2010), Education Program,Norrkoping,Sweden,4-7May,9-16,2010.(ISSN:1017-4656) Video City University Coventry University • Application in Computer Graphics • Goal – Understand basic principles in CG Liarokapis,F.Augmented RealityInterfaces for AssistingComputer Games UniversityStudents,Bulletinofthe TechnicalCommittee on LearningTechnology,IEEEComputingSociety,14(4):7-10,October, 2012.(ISSN: 2241-3766) Evaluation • Very useful tool • Need some time to adapt • Teacher can combine different learning approaches – i.e. Activity Lead Learning 11/2/2015 18 Some Videos BaekAR Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyZMdymlwms IKEA Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohDaowN1KYY 3D User Interface Design Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4GVWk3L9hE Multi-Players Learning Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqE-EmIhGw4 Assignment Tips 11/2/2015 19 Assignment • Make use of an AR API to create an educational game – i.e. ARToolKit • Implementation in C/C++/C sharp • Emphasis will be given on the interaction and visualisation techniques – Not on tracking! • Deadline end of the term Details • The game should be focused on indoor environments – Not mobile! • The topic is focused on designing a game/tool to assist students to learn computer graphics • Visualisation – All types of multimedia information can be superimposed • Tracking – Single or multiple markers Visualisation • ARToolKit main platform • Graphics in ARToolkit C++ version is not well supported • Can wrap it with other applications • Develop tools for handling different media – Text, sound, 3D, images, video Content • Best to find it online • Loads of resources • Might need to make small adjustments • Don’t model things from scratch, no time! Markers Tracking • Don’t need to create new tracking methods – Just select the best one from the examples presented in the lab • But think of the presentation – Single – Multiple – Combination 11/2/2015 20 Interaction • Need to determine requirements and user needs • Take other constraints into account – i.e. Time, hardware • Also will depend on suitability of technology for activity being supported Report Structure • Title page • Contents • Abstract (or summary) (1/2 page) • Introduction (1 page) • Background theory (3-5 pages) • Methodology and results (5-10 pages) • Conclusions (1 page) • References • Appendices Questions