PHYSICS-BASED M ODELING AND SIM ULATIONS IN M EDICINE PV177 Sem inary Group Igor Peterlik October 2015 OUTLINE §Motivation for physics-based simulations ‣ training, planning, navigation §Examples of models and simulations ‣cataract surgery: training ophthalmologists ‣cryoablation planning: pre-operative tool for interventional radiologists ‣augmented reality framework for hepatic laparoscopy §Basic concepts of modeling ‣Images vs. Models: reconstruction of models from images ‣conceptual, mathematical, physics-based models 2 M OTIVATION From Training to Navigation COMPUTER-BASED MEDICAL SIMULATION §Main areas of interest ‣procedural training: practical and ethical considerations ‣pre-operative planning and rehearsal ‣per-operative guidance §Different requirements on each level ‣Increasing levels of complexity as we get closer to the operation room 4 2010 2014 2018 Procedural Training Pre-operative planning Intra-operative guidance MAIN CHARACTERISTICS §procedural training ‣interventions in eye surgery, catheter ‣realistic, interactive (visual and haptic rendering), generic models §pre-operative planning ‣liver, kidney resection, deep-brain surgery ‣realistic, not necessarily interactive, patient-specific models §intra-operative navigation ‣catheter, needle insertion navigation, laparoscopic augmented reality ‣realistic, interactive, robust, patient-specific 5 NOTE: HAPTIC DEVICE 6 ‣“3D mouse” with force feedback ‣allows for touching (haptein) virtual objects ‣often necessary for training as visual perception is not sufficient (e.g. cutting of tissue) ‣main issue: high refresh rate needed to guarantee the fidelity of rendering ‣usually 1000 Hz is reported (although the required minimal frequency rather depends on the mechanical properties of objects being rendered ‣other issues: stability, passivity (might depend on the quality of device) FROM TRAINING... 7 Input /
 Haptic deviceGeneric Model Visual Feedback 8 Patient Specific Data Tracking device Visual Feedback Augmented view ...TO INTRA-OPERATIVE ASSISTANCE Per-operative imaging Robotic
 device EXAM PLES From Training to Navigation TRAINING: CATARACT SURGERY §metabolic changes crystalline lens fibers (loss of sight) §several types of surgery ‣phacoemulsification: standard in developed countries (ultrasonic) ‣extra-/intra-capsular cataract extraction (ECCE, ICCE) ‣manual small incision cataract surgery (MSICS) ‣lens is extracted through a tunnel which is watertight (if created properly) ‣lens capsule is intact ‣outcomes comparable to phacoemulsification ‣much lower cost ($50 vs. $2500) and time (5 to 15 minutes) ‣requires very high dexterity of the pharmacologist 10 HELP ME SEE PROJECT §large impact of cataract in the third world ‣estimated 20 million children, 100 million adults blind §mission: ‣train a large number of ophthalmologists (30,000 in 2030) ‣use a virtual simulator for training ‣shifting paradigm §large call for project ‣first prototypes tested by skilled ophthalmologists ‣consortium (InSimo, SenseGraphics, MOOG) 11 MSICS SIMULATOR PROTOTYPE 12 MSICS SIMULATOR PROTOTYPE 13 PLANNING: NEEDLE INSERTION FOR CRYOABLATION §interventional radiology ‣destruction of a tumor using a (steerable) hollow needle ‣argon is used to freeze the tumor by forming an ice-ball (ice-rod) ‣insertion/placement of the needle plays a crucial role ‣avoid important objects during insertion (vessels) ‣insert the needle so that the ice-ball covers the tumor (+safety margin) ‣multiple needles inserted (synergy effect) §actually, two stages are studied ‣needle insertion planning ‣prediction of ice-ball formation 14 INSERTION PLANNING 15 INSERTION PLANNING 16 ITERATIVE PROCESS 17 ICE-BALL FORMATION PREDICTION 18 H.Talbot et al. Interactive Planning of Cryotherapy Using Physically-Based Simulation Proc. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality, 2014
 19 NAVIGATION: AUGMENTED REALITY IN LAPAROSCOPY §laparoscopy: minimally invasive approach (keyhole surgery) ‣operation through small incisions ‣surgeon follows the intervention through camera (mono/stereo) §pre-operative data available ‣e.g. pre-operative abdominal CT ‣however, the actual position during surgery is often different (e.g. supine vs. flank vs. prone position) ‣huge deformation occurs in abdominal cavity (mainly in patient with higher body mass index) ‣surgeon has to create a mental image LAPAROSCOPIC HEPATECTOMY 20 21 AUGMENTED REALITY I Best 
 paper §track the image acquired by the camera (Computer Vision) §drive the model (from CT data) during the interaction N. Haouchine, J. Dequidt, I.P., E. Kerrien, M.-O. Berger, S. Cotin. Image-guided Simulation of Heterogeneous Tissue Deformation For Augmented Reality during Hepatic Surgery. In ISMAR proc. 2013 
 the least reliable 3D point in y point set. We denote q the 3 m tor formed by all q values, assuming the quality is isotropic at h point. Note that other measures of reliability could be considd, such as euclidean distances of the matched descriptors or the envalues of the covariance matrix on the reconstructed points. We used two sorts of stereo endoscope, the first one consists of o mounted endoscope from Karl Storz Endoscopy and the secd one is the stereo endoscope from the Da Vinci robot illustrated 4. Both camera lens generate radial distortion and have relae small baselines (respectively 16mm and 6mm). The cameras calibrated following Zhang [40] approach and lens distortions rectified before performing the tracking. We take the assumpn that the stereo endoscope is fixed, which is the case when the geon manipulate the surgical instruments. ure 4: Stereo endoscope used: on (left) a stereo endoscope of Da Vinci robot and (right) different views of the two mounted enscope from Karl Storz Endoscopy. BIOMECHANICAL MODEL his section we provide a description of the biomechanical model d to compute the deformations of the liver. Before giving details etrahedral model employed for parenchyma, we focus on model vascularization and mechanical coupling between this two. Since final composite model is heterogeneous and anisotropic due he vascular structures, we finally describe the solution process ed on a direct solver, still allowing for real-time performance. correspondences between stereo images are obtained with a nearest neighbour criterion on feature descriptors coupled with the epipolar constraint to filter out outliers. After triangulation, we obtain a sparse set of m 3D points, denoted by 3 m coordinate vector y. Examples of point correspondences and reconstructed 3D points from laparoscopic images are shown in Fig. 3. as fP = JT fvi where J is a 3NP ⇤6NV Jacobian matrix of the mapping between the nodes of parenchyma and vessels [7]. The global stiffness K matrix is then computed as K = KP +J⌅KVJ. Concerning the tumor, since this work focus only on small tumors, we assume that its influence on the overall mechanical behaviour is negligeable and therefore the coupling with the parenchyma is only geometric. However the tumor can easily be modelled as a real mechanical model with different properties from those of the parenchyma, which will not affect the performance of our method. 4.4 Numerical Solution In this paper, a quasi-static scenario is considered, i. e. the actual shape of deformable object under applied forces is computed using the finite element formulation without dealing with the dynamic properties of the tissue. Therefore, in each step of the simulation, a linear system given by Eq. 1 is resolved. A wide range of direct and iterative solvers has been proposed in the past to solve such a system of equations emerging in the physics-based modeling of deformable bodies. In case of homogeneous systems in which the finite element formulation results in well-conditioned matrices, iterative solvers such as conjugate gradients have proven to be efficient techniques converging rapidly to the optimal solution. However, in our case, the final matrix K gathers mechanical contributions of both the parenchyma and vessel walls. As the experiments reports a significant difference in stiffness of these two components (e. g. see [38]), the composite system results in poorly conditioned matrix. In this case the convergence of iterative solvers becomes an important issue. For this reason, we rely on direct LDL solver which requires an explicit factorization of the system matrix. Although the solver imposes more strict limitations on the size of the system being resolved, it still provides a stable real-time solution applicable to the problems considered in the scope of this paper. 5 NON-RIGID REGISTRATION 5.1 Initial registration A correct initial registration is an important step in the framework since it can significantly impact the estimated position of the tumor. For that purpose, special care must be taken during the initialization phase. Similar to related works [36], our initialisation is done manually through a Graphical User Interface following these steps: • the real camera parameters acquired from camera calibration are loaded on the virtual camera. • the 3D model of the liver is manually aligned on the first pair of laparoscopic images based on salient geometrical landthe model and the 3D features extracted from the stereoscopic images. Only features that intersect the liver surface after ray-casting are kept, the features that do not belong to the liver are filtered out from laparoscopic images. 5.2 Non-rigid Registration The non-rigid registration can be seen as an optimization problem between the three dimensional features recovered from laparoscopic images representing the liver and the biomechanical model derived from preoperative CT data. In this paper we propose to perform this registration as an error-minimization problem that accounts for the internal energy of the biomechanical Ei and the tracking energy Et. Deriving this energy shows that an extremum (minimum) is reached when the internal forces equal the tracking forces. Thus, the internal forces are expressed as: fi(x) = ReK·(Re ⌅ x x0 ) (2) where K represents the stiffness matrix, Re the co-rotational matrix and x,x0 are vectors of size 3n representing the position of the n degrees of freedom of the mechanical model, respectively at any time t and time t = 0. Figure 6: Non-rigid registration: one frame of the non-rigid registration where red spheres represent the projected features y0 from the initialisation step, green spheres represent the tracked features y and green lines represent the forces linking both point sets. We propose to handle the non-rigid registration by adding external stretching forces induced by the tracking step. The tracked 3D features y represent how visible parts of the liver are moving. Due to noise or other reconstruction inaccuracies, point locations in y are often regularized by generating a smooth and dense surface model that is later used as boundary conditions for the biomechanical model [34]. Instead, we propose here to incorporate such or two order of magnitude higher than to impose the boundary conditions disimulation remains stable even at large ULTS dation remains very challenging. In our omplex since neither qualitative results idate the deformation of internal strucaparoscopic images. In order to asses oach, we compared our simulation rental scenarios. First, we demonstrate a whether and where an heterogeneous geneous one for the prediction of tumor n a realistic phantom liver to quantitaween the simulation and a ground truth. d on an actual laparoscopic procedure , allowing us to qualitatively estimate orm in a real surgical environment. (b) 6.1 Experimentation with computer-generated data We evaluate the impact, on the registration, of using a heterogeneous model instead of a homogeneous model (which can be seen as providing similar results as an advanced geometric approach). This is done by calculating the euclidean distance between the estimated tumor location in the cases of homogeneous and heterogeneous deformations (see 7). We also measure this influence depending on the location of the tumor in the liver, at three different locations: 1) close to the the point of interaction in order to quantify local deformation, 2) away from the point of interaction to quantify global behaviour, and 3) in the middle of the vascular network to assess its influence. The simulations are generated using the SOFA framework [2]. Results illustrated in figure 8 show that taking into account the vascular network impact the tumor location. We can notice a difference in distance of about 15 mm in the case where the tumor is located close to the deformation. We also notice that even if the tumor is located far from the point of interaction, it remains influenced by the vascular network with a distance of more than 3 mm. However, when the tumor is very close to the boundary conditions, the impact of the vascular network is considerably reduced, which is an expected result. sults against three experimental scenarios. First, we demonstrate with computer-generated data whether and where an heterogeneous model differs from an homogeneous one for the prediction of tumor location. Second, we rely on a realistic phantom liver to quantitatively measure the error between the simulation and a ground truth. Third, our approach is tested on an actual laparoscopic procedure performed on a human liver, allowing us to qualitatively estimate how our approach could perform in a real surgical environment. (a) (b) (c) (d) framework [2]. Results illustrated in figure 8 show that taking into account th vascular network impact the tumor location. We can notice a di ference in distance of about 15 mm in the case where the tumor located close to the deformation. We also notice that even if th tumor is located far from the point of interaction, it remains influ enced by the vascular network with a distance of more than 3 mm However, when the tumor is very close to the boundary condition the impact of the vascular network is considerably reduced, whic is an expected result. Figure 8: Impact of the vascular network on the tumor deformatio depending on its position in the liver: the distance between the tu mor using homogeneous and heterogeneous biomechanical mod is important locally (red) and globally (blue) and less important whe the tumor is constrained by the vessels. The meshes illustrate th distance between the position of the tumor in a homogeneous and heterogeneous case for each location in the liver. 6.2 Experimentation with liver phantom data We believe that performing a CT scan of the a phantom liver befor and after a deformation is an ideal way of defining a ground trut (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 7: Computer-generated data with (left) the liver at rest and (right) the liver after deformation: in (a) and (b) the volumetric mesh composed of tetrahedra, in (c) and (d) the beams generated along the vessels described in Section 4 an in (e) and (f) the heterogenous liver including the vascular network in wireframe. Figure 8: Impact of the vascu depending on its position in th mor using homogeneous and is important locally (red) and g the tumor is constrained by th distance between the position heterogeneous case for each l 6.2 Experimentation wit We believe that performing a C and after a deformation is an for the location of an interna surgical instruments as well large image artifacts in an in conditions on the liver are diffi fluence the organ motion and a validation protocol using a prior knowledge of its mecha geometry of the liver and vasc tual patient liver (but with a 1 is placed outside the scanned using a wire attached to the ph quisitions. The scenario involved the 22 AUGMENTED REALITY II Best 
 paper N. Haouchine, J. Dequidt, I.P., E. Kerrien, M.-O. Berger, S. Cotin. Image-guided Simulation of Heterogeneous Tissue Deformation For Augmented Reality during Hepatic Surgery. In ISMAR proc. 2013 
 TRAINING, PLANNING, NAVIGATION: COMPARISON §medical training ‣example: cataract surgery ‣realistic, interactive (visual and haptic rendering), generic models §pre-operative planning ‣example: needle insertion planning in cryoablation ‣realistic, not necessarily interactive, patient-specific models §intra-operative navigation ‣example: augmented reality for laparoscopic surgery ‣realistic, interactive, robust, patient-specific 23 Physics-based Performance Specificity 24 §Starting point: simulation for training §Ongoing transition towards ‣pre-operative planning of procedures ‣intra-operative navigation/guidance 2010 2014 2018 Procedural Training Pre-operative planning Per-operative guidance Planning of needle insertion Augmented reality for liver surgery complexity Physics-based Performance Specificity TRAINING, PLANNING, NAVIGATION: SUMMARY SYNERGY 25 §Parameter identification of simulation models §Patient-specific modeling for real-time simulation §Medical robotics §Continue working on all objectives as they influence each other §And transfer as many things as possible planning guidance training clinical products R&D SOFASIM 26 COURSE OUTLINE ‣ 23/10: Motivation, context, examples. Images vs. Models. ‣ 30/10: Geometry: creating a mesh. Gmsh, CGAL, Paraview, SOFA. ‣ 06/11+?: Kinematics, kinetics, linear elasticity. Finite element method. ‣ 20/11: Modeling a simple quasi-static deformable object. First simulation in SOFA: linear solvers, mappings, rendering. ‣ 27/11: Including non-linearities: co-rotational and hyper-elastic models. Nonlinear solvers, convergence. ‣ 04/12: Dynamics: explicit vs. implicit time integration methods. ‣ 11/12: Advanced topics: contacts, interaction, visual and haptic real-time. ‣ 18/12: Discussion, perspectives, practicals…