Seminar on Master’s Thesis Writing, Class 2 TITLE 1. When preparing your thesis, it is important not to forget about its title. What is a title? 2. Discuss the most important characteristics of titles from an academic perspective. 3. Decide which titles could be of high quality from an academic perspective and which could not. Explain your opinion. 1. Information in organizations: a comparative study of information cultures 2. Statistics for ESC in AO, PO and IO 3. Dynamic collaboration 4. An investigation of the use of object-oriented models in requirements engineering practice 5. How Resilience Works 6. The Effect of Institutional Culture on Change Strategies in Higher Education: Universal Principles or Culturally Responsive Concepts? 7. Pretty Feet Hit the Street 8. This is a multiple case study exploring an alternative method of evaluating the effects of ERP. 9. Creative, Convergent, and Social: Prospects for Mobile Computing 4. In academic titles, we typically avoid the following features: 1. redundant words and phrases such as “a study on” or “an investigation of” 2. questionable abbreviations and jargon 3. “cute” or sensational titles 4. being too vague or general GRAMMAR & STYLE 1) Look at these sentences below and identify the academic style (justify your decision). a. The databases tend to preselect papers published in English, thus underrepresenting research published in other languages. (Sweles, J., Feake, C.,2009:103) b. Not only hardware requirements are becoming more demanding than what can be supplied. Seminar on Master’s Thesis Writing, Class 2 c. Other factors must be considered in order to answer the question as to why nanomechanical properties of the treated samples (cryosectioned ans time-varying etched UHMWPE samples) were higher thatn the untreated samples. (Ho et al. 2003:364) d. Actually, it’s quite a silly proof! e. "Galileo is at the heart of our new industrial policy," EC Vice-President Antonio Tajani said once the separation confirmation had come through. 2. Change the following verbs to nouns: a) increase d) categorise g) define b) occur e) exclude h) assume c) develop f) assess i) delete 3. Correct the mistakes in the use of verbs: a) During a botnet monitoring we have detected the following nicknames. b) As soon as we will figure out how to do that, we can concentrate on practical implementation. c) We are basing on this similarity and applying flow approach for network security monitoring of the automation and control networks. d) According to our best knowledge, there doesn´t exist a tool which can be used to generate flow like statistics from a BACnet network. e) IPFIX protocol allows to specify a new information element carried from IPFIX exporter to IPFIX collector. f) The results shows that flow-based intrusion detection may profit from traffic observation of the whole network. Seminar on Master’s Thesis Writing, Class 2 4. Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words provided. a) The new manager always welcomes new employees. New employees ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . b) They’re building a new supermarket near the church. A new supermarket ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . c) They fought the battle in 1623. The battle ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . d) Someone was cleaning the windows while I was there. The windows ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . e) Someone has moved my desk! My desk ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . f) They are taking the refugees to a camp outside the village. The refugees ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . g) Someone had signed all the documents before I arrived. All the documents ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . h) They were questioning us and searching our vehicle at the same time. We ………………………………………………… and our vehicle ………………………………………………………………………. . 5. Complete the sentences with the correct article or leave the gap empty if no article is needed. 1. ________ results were significantly better in ________ method X than ________ method Y. 2. ________ method X had ________ higher true positive rate than ________ method Y. 3. ________ memory means ________ power or ________ process of recalling. 4. X is ________ algorithm which solves ________ Travelling Salesman problem. ________ algorithm X is ________ fastest among all ________ known TSP algorithms. 5. In ________ next section we introduce ________ theory of ________ Bloom filters. 6. To assess ________ students’ proram codes, we construct ________ bug library. ________ bug library contains all ________ errors which have occurred in ________ students’ programs.