Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley — Bibliography and PDFs Manager Vladimír Ulman, Igor Peterlík, Jan Obdržálek FI MU DUVOD, October, 2015 Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 0 / 18 Impact Factor (IF) Defined for journals The ratio of the number of citations to the previous 2 years of the journal divided by the number of articles in those years Essentially the average number of recent citations per article Only for journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports Related Measures 5-year Impact Factor Journal Immediacy Index — the number of citations that year to articles published the same year Journal Citing Half Life — the median age of the articles that were cited by the articles published in the journal that year Journal Cited Half Life — the median age of the articles in the journal that were cited by other journals during the year Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 1 / 18 h-index, after Jorge E. Hirsch (physicist, UCSD) For an individual scientist h number of papers that have at least h citations each Measures productivity and impact of the published work Accessed from Web of Science or Google Scholar Original Hirch’s suggestion: (for physics!) 12 advancement to tenure (associate professor) 18 full professor 15-20 membership in the US National Academy of Sciences Useful only for comparing in the same field Grows with academic age Demonstrated to have high predictive value for National Academy membership or the Nobel Prize Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 2 / 18 Publication Records: WOS, Scopus Web of Science = WOS http://apps.webofknowledge.com/ Formerly known as ISI Web of Knowledge Operated by the Thomson Reuters Provides many tools: IF via JCR, h-index w/o self citations, citation reports etc. ResearcherID — a must-have in the academia world in CZ Scopus http://www.scopus.com Operated by the Elsevier publishing group Also: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ All services are paid Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 3 / 18 Publication Records: Google Scholar http://scholar.google.cz/ Google Scholar profile Well, Google makes a good use of its data It offers free services to users to update and correct links between data Service is free of charge Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 4 / 18 Publication Records: Google Scholar Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 5 / 18 Publication Records: Google Scholar Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 6 / 18 Publication Records: DBLP, Microsoft DBLP http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/ Operated jointly by Universitat Trier and Schloss Dagstuhl Source of good bibliography data, overview of collaborators Microsoft Academic Search http://academic.research.microsoft.com Both services are free of charge Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 7 / 18 Publication Records: Common Issues Major problem: Inconsistent data Completely different numbers Errors in data Spelling of Czech/Slovak names Multiple people with the same name Self-citation vs. no self-citations GA ˇCR accepts h-index and citation counts predominantly from WOS and Scopus Especially WOS tends to respond to correction requests slowly Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 8 / 18 Publication Records: Data Sources Publication record = Your data + Publisher data Supplied by publisher to the databases initially, you can correct later on IS MU Building our own list of publication records Recently, the list gathers also the publication itself Used for generating internal report figures, for submitting records to RIV RIV checks obtained records against WOS: provide WOS and DOI identifiers Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 9 / 18 Obtaining Publications Publication records databases provide lists . . . . . . of what a person has published, . . . of what has been published in the field. But how to obtain the publication itself? For most of us: Google/Google Scholar Directly from publisher (IEEE Xplore, SpringerLink, Science Direct, ACM DIgital Library . . . ) http://arXiv.org, technical reports, dissertation theses, . . . From web pages of the lab, the person’s homepage, mail request Nowadays, databases provide some navigation to the PDF files Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 10 / 18 Obtaining Publication: DOI DOI = Digital Object Identifier Example: 10.1000/182 (identifies the DOI Handbook) Permanent, resolves to URL Resolved through http://dx.doi.org e.g., http://dx.doi.org/10.1000/182 Not available for old publications Alternatively, if available: Use permalinks for referring papers e.g., http://www.springerlink.com/content/n62m182vx0227026/ People often use Google/Google Scholar for seeking PDFs Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 11 / 18 Obtaining Publication: Paid Access Most of the papers are restricted to download until you pay MU has paid and is paying a lot Current status: http://ezdroje.muni.cz/ Access is granted typically based on your IP http://vpn.muni.cz If this fails, use the portal ezdroje above LinkSource (formerly SFX): Takes you (somehow) directly to the portal, http://ezdroje.muni.cz/linksource/ Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 12 / 18 Obtaining Publication: arXiv.org Archive of electronic preprints Hosted and operated by Cornell University Supported by many other institutions Guarantees long-term availability Fields: mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, and quantitative finance Not peer reviewed Organized by category LaTeX sources are compulsory (if the paper was written in LaTeX) Supports versioning and comments followers: http://viXra.org and http://bioRxiv.org relevant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ academic_journals_by_preprint_policy Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 13 / 18 Obtaining Publication: Good Habits Keep All PDFs Once I manage to download a paper, I’ll keep it It is not always the case that the paper will be available even the next day (server error, subscription may end) Good even for full-text search within the content of the papers Obtaining Citation Record Usually from reference databases, typos can be better detected Prefer journal to conference Keep full names and titles in your citation records, → You (or the publ. style) can shorten them anytime When referring to software or data: → Check the web page, cite the tool paper (if it exists) Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 14 / 18 Managing Bibliography: Storing Papers How to Organize the PDFs? In a nice folder structure with nice names → works well for most citation managers Consider: occasional non-standard access, disaster of the tagging system Observation: After some time, the folder structure will change; the filenames will not How to Organize the Citation Records? Human-readable (e.g., .bib for BibTeX or the widespread bibliography format .ris) vs. some binary (proprietary) format Locally vs. “in a cloud” (e.g., EndNote) About citation records: http://kuk.muni.cz/ Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 15 / 18 Managing Bibliography: BibTeX Traditional, complements LaTeX Many frontends: e.g., JabRef, KBibTeX, . . . Inherently desktop-based Choose a good naming scheme Uppercase letters in titles: On some {NP}-complete . . . Diacritics and sorting - {\"a} or {\"{a}} not \"{a} UTF8 not working bibtool — good for managing bib files List all entries: \nocite Choose appropriate entry type Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 16 / 18 Managing Bibliography: Mendeley Mendeley Desktop - PDF and reference management Mendeley Web - online social network for researchers Platforms (Desktop): Qt based - Windows, Linux, Mac Citation data must be stored online (free version: 2GB) Papers may be stored online (you have to set this in folder properties) PDFs: metadata extraction, inline comments (annotations), file organization on disk Bookmarklet for browsers, working on many websites Exports to Word/Libre Office/BibTeX/EndNote Multiple computer synchronization (via online space) Groups for sharing (pretty limited in the free version: 3 members, up to 100 MB of space) Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 17 / 18 Managing Bibliography: others Overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_ reference_management_software BibTeX or Mendeley with LaTeX is dominant in the Comp.Sci. EndNote is particularly popular with MS Word in the Biology Looking at reference databases, popular tend to be also: BibSonomy, CiteULike, JabRef, RefWorks to name a few Zotero: open-source and free, on-line space and sharing Integration with Mendeley database More paranoid alternatives: store locally, JabRef Mind-maps created over the set of PDFs/citations (Docear) Ulman, Peterlík, Obdržálek (FI MU) Electronic Information Sources, Mendeley DUVOD, Autumn 2015 18 / 18