Knowledge Management Department of Computer Systems and Communications Academic Year: 2016-2017 Francesco Caputo Introduction Learning objectives: Course aims to underline the increasing relevance of IT companies and IT professional in the Knowledge Era . It aims to offer indications, observations, and guidelines to use KM principles in field of Informatics. In this direction course will support students in developing a multi and transdisciplinary approach to knowledge management. Final aim of course is to offer to students’ instruments and models to be more competitive in the knowledge economy. Course contents: he course will offer to the student first elements about: - Tacit and explicit knowledge - Social dimensions of knowledge transfer - Contribution of ITC in knowledge era - Knowledge sharing Knowledge representation - Organizational learning - Communities of practice - Key performance indicator and successful factors of Knowledge management. Teaching methods: Presentations + case studies Assessment methods: Course requires to apply theoretical concepts learned during the lessons to investigate social and economic sectors of our society. Students will identify a firm to analyse in order to explain in which ways firm’s strategies and behaviours endow principles of knowledge management. Students will adopt a critical approach to analyse firm’s activities in order to underline possible improvements in quality of managerial approaches. Project work will require to students to verify in which way knowledge management can support a better understanding and evaluation of social and economic problems. SUMMARY OF THE COURSE 2 Wilson A.G. (2010). Knowledge power: interdisciplinary education for a complex world. Routledge, New York. Zhang Z., Siekmann, J. (2007). Knowledge science, engineering and management :second International Conference, KSEM 2007. Melbourne, Australia, November 28-30. Springer, Berlin. BOOKS AND FUTURE READINGS 3 Lessons: Monday 10:00 – 11:50 (C525) Consultation hours: Room: B415 Monday: 12:00 – 13:00 SCHEDULE 4 WEB PAGE: