Knowledge Management Department of Computer Systems and Communications Academic Year: 2016-2017 Francesco Caputo The cognitive world The companies produce and elaborate knowledge. In this way, they give a tangible evidence to their identity and learning processes. What firms do? (Kogut e Zander, 1986) The basic assumption The knowledge management acts on the three drivers of knowledge: üIt improves the number of use of knowledge (n). üIt increase the efficiency of the solutions proposed by the companies (v). üIt improves the opportunities for generate value by using the knowledge (p) The knowledge management ü To build an informatics system to coding, stocking and use the companies’ knowledge ü To involve the human resources in a common knowledge system ü To support the sharing and the externalization of tacit knowledge inside the company. The drivers of knowledge management To share the knowledge of company it is need to adapt and to align the individual ‘knowledges’ It is need: ü To extract it from the network on which the companies is based. ü To decontextualize it in order to support its use in different contexts. ü To motivate human resources to use and improve the available knowledge. The drivers of knowledge management To overcome the internal Stickiness towards the knowledge sharing it is need to adopt economic rewords and instruments of motivation The knowledge Stickiness (Lepkavost) I cognitive mediators support the emergence of: üContext-based knowledge üGeneral knowledge üMeta-knowledge The cognitive mediators Initial context-based knowledge Initial general knowledge Initial meta-knowledge Final context-based knowledge Initial general knowledge Final meta-knowledge plus New experiences minus Knowledge dissipation Past knowledge Usable knowledgeNew knowledge The cognitive mediators The shift from industrial world to cognitive world has been supported by: Ø The reproducibility, in terms of opportunities for use the knowledge in different contexts Ø The demonstrative principle, related to the definition of strong rules to build, apply, and improve the knowledge Reproducibility and demonstrative principle Differentially from the industrial world, in the cognitive world: ü The cognitive works produce an output (the knowledge) the does not finish after the use. ü The cognitive works produce an output that is subjectively evaluated by the users with reference to its possible applications for the resolution of a specific problem. ü The cognitive works is based on indivisible processes. The cognitive transformation The value produced by the cognitive work cannot be ex-ante defined but it depends by the interactions among the involved actors. The value is linked to the interaction because it depends by: ü The number of times that it is possible to use the knowledge ü The value of knowledge for each involved actor ü The economic value of knowledge for each involved actor The rules of knowledge Energetic economy Knowledge economy The output can be used one time Energetic value of use Divisibility Value= S(1,1,1) The output can be used n times Cognitive value of use(v) Indivisibility (p) Value= S(n,v,p) The knowledge transformation The emerging economic and social system is based on three levels: ü A basic energetic level. ü A intermediate cognitive level that produce utilities by using the knowledge. ü A meta cognitive level direct to produce new knowledge by using the previous knowledge. The emerging economic system ONE LEVEL The utilities was produced by using the energy The used energy did not require cognitive investments Precognitive utility Industrial economy The emerging economic system Knowledge economy THIRD LEVEL Meta-learning SECOND LEVEL Learning FIRST LEVEL Application of energetic processes Meta-knowledge Knowledge Energy Utility Cognitive mediators Cognitive transformation Energetic transformation The emerging economic system Questions ???