OWN THE NEW NOW Time Management and Productivity Alexis Solanas 2 How to achieve it GTD ( Getting Things Done ) Pomodoro technique Popcorn technique 3 Don't panic, it is not complicated Tasks have no priority Only four steps to follow Valid both for work and personal life GTD : Before we start 4 Collect all the information Processing Organization Doing and reviewing GTD : The four steps 5 Capture ideas, task, anything you have to do All the information goes to a place called Inbox As soon you capture an idea, put it in the Inbox No more steps needed GTD : Collect Process Organize Do &Review 6 Take the items out of the Inbox Is it actionable ? Always apply the “ 2 minutes rule ” Do it twice a day GTD : Collect Process Organize Do &Review 7 Assign all the tasks created before Next / ToDo Project Waiting Someday GTD : Collect Process Organize Do &Review I N B O X 8 Check the status of the tasks and projects At least once a day Change the state, move the tasks This ensures the success of the method GTD : Collect Process Organize Do &Review 9 ? GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat 10 Inbox GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat 11 Inbox My plate, Email, Telephone GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat 12 Inbox My plate, Email, Telephone GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat ToDo 13 Inbox My plate, Email, Telephone GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat ToDo 3S 14 Inbox My plate, Email, Telephone GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat ToDo 3S Project 15 Inbox My plate, Email, Telephone GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat ToDo 3S Project KCS, Training 16 Inbox My plate, Email, Telephone GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat ToDo 3S Project KCS, Training Waiting 17 Inbox My plate, Email, Telephone GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat ToDo 3S Project KCS, Training Waiting WoCollab, Backlog 18 Inbox My plate, Email, Telephone GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat ToDo 3S Project KCS, Training Waiting WoCollab, WoCust > 14 days Someday 19 Inbox My plate, Email, Telephone GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat ToDo 3S Project KCS, Training Waiting WoCollab, WoCust > 14 days Someday RFE, PDT 20 GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat Our situation at first time in the morning Start of my day : Grab a FTS, Clear of Backlog, KCS on closed tickets, review the tickets 21 GTD : How do this apply to Red Hat After 20 minutes : Our workload has been reduced by 50% I feel less stressed I can do more Get rid of the fear of the unknown 22 GTD : A little help 23 GTD : A little help 24 GTD : Tools Pen & Paper Zim Evernote Email client / Remember the Milk, etc 25 Calendar : Not this way 26 Calendar 27 Pomodoro Technique The problem we are facing Q U A L I T Y 28 Pomodoro Technique Can be used for any kind of task Uses time as a valuable ally Boost motivation and keep it constant Improves your work or study process 29 What is a Pomodoro ? Period of time we use to work ( 25 min ) It is indivisible Join tasks to fill up a pomodoro Divide task if it takes more than 5 pomodoros 30 What happens when it ends ? Stop working on that task Have a short break ( 5 min ) Relax, do one 2 minutes task ... It is mandatory 31 After the short break Start another Pomodoro Follow the cycle to complete 4 Pomodoros Then have a long break ( 15-20 min ) Start again ! 32 Tools Physical Pomodoro PomoDroido Pomodoro extension for Gnome-Shell 33 Popcorn Technique For the tasks we don't want to start Work on the task for only 5 minutes Then decide if you want to continue or switch It works !! 39 Resources GTD http://www.davidco.com http://www.gtdtimes.com/ http://anabubula.com/files/GTDclouds_1920_wide.jpg http://bit.ly/IegKIp http://www.evernote.com http://zim-wiki.org Pomodoro http://www.pomodorotechnique.com https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/53/pomodoro/ 40 Questions