VB035/3 Mann, Malcolm and Steve Taylore-Knowles. Destination B1. Macmillan. Present perfect - exercise Triangulation exercise: a) Look at the High-Tech Talk article in Discovering Computers 2011, p. 40. Highlight the important information in the first four paragraphs. b) Look at the sentences below. You have five summaries of each of the four paragraphs. Go through them and choose the best summary for each paragraph. Paragraph 1: 1. The article describes triangulation as a way to determine precise locations. 2. In many devices we need to know the exact location of players' interactions. 3. Triangulation is a process by which we can locate an object in space. 4. Triangulation determines the location of an object by measuring the angles from two or more fixed points. 5. If you ever wondered how a Nintendo Wii works, than you are lucky, because we bring you the answer. Paragraph 2: 1. Triangulation is process which uses trigonometry and can identify location by measuring the angles of two or more fixed points. 2. It is done by the process called triangulation which is used by surveyors. 3. It’s typically used by surveyors and building constructors to measure distances. 4. Used for example by surveyors, triangulation allows to determine a third point of two angles and a base line length are known. 5. The answer is triangulation, which is a process which determines a location by measuring angles. Paragraph 3: 1. Surveyors use known location, elevation and predetermined length to create base line and then use instrument called theodolite (Figure 1.44). 2. Using trigonometry, a simple formula can be used to calculate the required point as seen in Figure 1-44. 3. Triangulation is able, by measuring the angles held by three points in space and using given distance between two of them, calculate the location of the third one. 4. With two fixed points a simple formula calculates the location of the third point (Figure 1.44); however, as the number of fixed points increases the formula becomes more complex. 5. Similar system is used by surveyors to measure the landscape with a device called theodolite. Paragraph 4: 1. For example, the Nintendo Wii uses a simple triangulation formula to determine the location of the Wii remote by its sensor bar.. 2. Similarly, the Nintento Wii game console uses triangulation to determine the location of a Wii remote. 3. More interesting example is Wii console, which uses triangulation to locate its remote controller. 4. Transmitters are important for the Nintendo Wii to find the location of the player. 5.The Nintedo Wii is an example of triangulation in the consumer market.