VB035/07 Adapted from Mann, Malcolm and Steve Taylore-Knowles. Destination B2. Macmillan. 2013. Jones, Leo. New Cambridge Advanced English. Cambridge. 2000. Glaser, April. “Biometrics Are Coming, Along with Serious Security Concerns.” WIRED. 3 September 2016. 1) Discuss the difference in meaning between these sentences: 1 I’ll write to her tomorrow. I’m going to write to her tomorrow. I was going to write to her tomorrow. I’ll be writing to her tomorrow. 2 Are we going to make the first move? Shall we make the first move? 3 I’m just going to phone them now. I’m about to phone them now. I was just about to phone them now. 4 Will you help us later? Are you going to help us later? Will you be helping us later? Won’t you be helping us later? I will write to her tomorrow. I’m writing to her tomorrow. I’ll have written to her tomorrow. I’ll have to write to her tomorrow. Do we make the first move? Will we make the first move? I’m phoning them now. I’ve phoned them now. I’ll phone them now. Are you helping us later? Were you going to help us later? Won’t you help us later? Aren’t you going to help us later? VB035/07 Adapted from Mann, Malcolm and Steve Taylore-Knowles. Destination B2. Macmillan. 2013. Jones, Leo. New Cambridge Advanced English. Cambridge. 2000. Glaser, April. “Biometrics Are Coming, Along with Serious Security Concerns.” WIRED. 3 September 2016. Biometric Technology 1) What is biometric authentication? What are some examples of its use? 2) Study the types of biometric authentication and then answer the sentence below with the appropriate type. Use each type only once. Types of biometric authentication: I. Common a) Fingerprint recognition b) Face recognition c) Voice recognition d) Iris recognition e) Hand geometry f) Signature verification II. Other a) DNA b) gait c) keystroke d) ear e) thermal imaging a) Which of these can be used in two ways: static and dynamic? b) Which of these is usually expensive? c) Which of these is an example of passive biometrics that does not require the person’s cooperation? d) Which of these is currently one of the most used around the world? e) Which of these is regarded as the safest? f) Which of these has been used for a long time due to its consistency and accuracy? g) Which of these has been called the “ultimate identifier”? h) Which of these focuses on rhythms? i) Which of these might have to use infrared imaging? j) Which of these is economical, but less accurate and sometimes requiring longer period to verify? (voice) k) Which of these allows identification at a distance? 3) Are there any problems or difficulties with biometric authentication? 4) Choose one of the topics below and try to think of difficulties related to the topic. Regulation of biometric data Not enough security – data breach and brute forcing Biometrics and privacy Issues of privacy – linking your unique body part to a purchase 5) Read an excerpt from a WIRED article related to your selected topic. Once you are finished, introduce your topic to another group, describe your initial thoughts and then add additional information from the excerpt.