VB035/09 Adapted from Mann, Malcolm and Steve Taylore-Knowles. Destination B2. Macmillan. 2013. Jones, Leo. New Cambridge Advanced English. Cambridge. 2000. Bernstein, Theodore M. Watch Your Language. Articles: Discuss the difference in meaning between these sentences: She has some grey hairs. She has grey hair. There's a hair in my soup! There's the hair - in my soup! Ask a teacher if you have a question. Ask any teacher if you have a question. Ask the teacher if you have a question. After leaving school he went to sea. I'm going to buy a paper. I'm going to buy the paper. She has some grey hair. She has a grey hair. There's hair in my soup! There's some hair in my soup! After leaving the school he went to the sea. I'm going to buy some paper. I'm going to buy paper. VB035/09 Adapted from Mann, Malcolm and Steve Taylore-Knowles. Destination B2. Macmillan. 2013. Jones, Leo. New Cambridge Advanced English. Cambridge. 2000. Bernstein, Theodore M. Watch Your Language. Shelly, Gary B. and Misty E. Vermaat. Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World. Look at the following e-mails sent by your peers. Provide your feedback. 1) Hi, On 15 October 2015, I rent a Peugeot 306 at Trnava in your rent center. Unfortunately, your product has not performed well because of breaks. I am disappointed because the breaks doesn‘t work. Following this problem I have suffered los for 20 000€ because I hit other car. To resolve the problem, I would appreciate your money refounded for everything I have destroyed. I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem . Please contact me at the above address or by phone at +421 123 456 789. Best regards, … 2) Dear Madam or Sir, I recently purchased tablet made by your company and there are some problems which are affecting usage of this product. The tablet was purchased yesterday and after bringing it home I turned it on and everything seemed working perfectly until I noticed that display is blinking every few seconds and also colors are being changed to negative. I have been told that restart can fix some similar issues but unfortunately all of my attempts ended up not being successful. According to these problems I am requesting a replacement tablet. Yours sincerely, … VB035/09 Adapted from Mann, Malcolm and Steve Taylore-Knowles. Destination B2. Macmillan. 2013. Jones, Leo. New Cambridge Advanced English. Cambridge. 2000. Bernstein, Theodore M. Watch Your Language. Shelly, Gary B. and Misty E. Vermaat. Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World. The troubles with “only”: look at the following variations of the sentence “I hit him in the eye yesterday” and discuss the differences in meaning. (Theodore M. Bernstein in Watch Your Language) Only I hit him in the eye yesterday. I only hit him in the eye yesterday. I hit only him in the eye yesterday. I hit him only in the eye yesterday. I hit him in the eye only yesterday. ____ 3D Graphics – Creating a Realistic Experience (Discovering Computers) Fill in the gaps with the correct article. ____ three-dimensional (3-D) graphics, which appear to have ____ height, width, and depth, give realistic qualities to objects in computer programs, particularly computer games. Although you view computer games on ____ two-dimensional (2-D) computer screen, ____ modern technology creates ____ 3-D experience by adding ____ appearance of depth. ____ game programmer can give ____ single objects or ____ entire virtual world ____ 3-D appearance. Creating ____ 3-D appearance first requires that you create ____ wireframe. ____ wireframe is ____ series of lines, curves, and shapes arranged to resemble ____ object in ____ 3-D world. Most 3-D wireframes, for example, consist of ____ series of polygons. ____ completed wireframe enables you to identify ____ shape of ____ object, although it appears to be hollow. To transform ____ appearance of ____ 3-D object from hollow to solid, you add ____ surface to ____ wireframe. Some 3-D graphics are composed of more than one wireframe. When adding ____ surface, it is important to make ____ object look as realistic as possible by adding ____ color, texture, and reflectance. Reflectance refers to ____ amount of ____ light ____ object’s surface reflects. With ____ surface added to ____ wireframe, you next consider how ____ object will be lit from one or more lighting sources. Some people create 3-D graphics using ____ technique called ray-tracing. ____ ray-tracing involves drawing ____ imaginary path that ____ rays of light follow as they leave their ____ source and then land on ____ object. ____ light intensity will be greater on some portions of ____ object and less on other portions. In addition, ____ object also might cast ____ shadow once it is lit from ____ particular angle.