VB037 Final Essay Draft Consultations Saeed Mirzaei 454064 - Global warming threats to the economy in the US o Exiting Paris Agreement beneficial economically, not environmental è Send email by Friday noon; specify topic and focus Kyrpychov Dmytro 468619 è NO SHOW Pedro Lopez 471122 Differences between high schools and universities - Cost -> the main topic; Mexican education system (plus Czech Rep.???) o Cost differences of attending high schools and universities in Mexico § Tuition (for uni -> small fee; private (often a starting point) § Books and supplies (high school – free/cheap; uni – purchase) § High schools -> small transportation fee; unis -> move, renting flat o Crime Challenges -> comparison of attending university in Mexico (and the Czech Republic) => TOPIC § = a unique challenge to university students § Sources crime statistics; crime statics per capita § Comparison of large cities and large universities - References -> official sources (government sources, university sources) Tuan Hung Vu 468655 SEO – search engine optimization and social marketing è SEO important, but not everything in modern marketing o SEO and social marketing may play the most important role in the future, but not now è Unclear topic: Future developments of search engine optimization in social marketing –OR—alternatives to search engine optimization??? Veronika Martošová 410215 Two suggestions: 1) autonomous cars and metropolitan areas (AND ecology, future visions, ownership, …) a) current state a. trend of ownership -> b. cars used for commuting/family holidays/hobby i. autonomous cars for commuting -> change of ownership 1. shared cars, predefined networks, carpooling b) -> impact on ecology a. Less cars b. Safer environment c. Cleaner environment (electric cars) \ c) Current challenges -> safe as their surroundings a. Smart roads b. Recognizing new/changing obstacles c. Sensitive to weather conditions d. SAFETY??? 2) brain computer interfaces – current status and future research/challenges a) human-comp interaction (overview; history…) a. new fields in H-C I b) why these machines are amazing a. control computer with your mind b. BUT lots of research must be done (not just tech or comp sci, but also psychology) i. Biocompatibility è EASIER TO FIND SOURCES for 2) -> 2) better Yevhenii Babichenko 468589 - IT – embedded systems? o Future development? § Applications of systems? · Developers? o Automotive systems – the focus § Sensors, navigation, driver assistance § Challenges: energy efficiency but also powerful enough · Driverless systems? o First step to self-driving cars § Focus -> challenges to automotive systems (incorporate driverless systems) è Send email by Friday noon; specify topic and focus Katarina Hrabovska 396210 Systematic Literature Review of Existing Testing Standards = the topic = overview -> - Frequency of use - Use in a given field - Testing software – a set of rules How Lit Review can be used for searching Different Testing Standards a) SLR, its steps. b) Application of SLR Add overview of regular testing procedure? Sources Iva Milošová 348294 Topic: Yoga – incorporating asthanga-vinyiasa yoga into daily life -> physical and mental benefits (focus only on physical OR mental?) - has a few series, these have strict rules (need to be done regularly) - results people have achieved with yoga? -> downfalls - some poses cannot be done in the same way as others do them -> need adjustment (hypermobility) - injuries 1^st part -> overview of a-v yoga principles, risks - Overview of other yoga schools/approaches 2^nd part -> implementing it - Intentions in yoga, limitations, daily practices, The most important part – do yoga correctly; (not some “weird” courses)