MA010 Tutorial 3 Fr´ed´eric Dupuis “There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.” Morpheus, The Matrix, 1999 This tutorial covers material from lectures 3 and 4. Problem 1 In class, we saw that Dijkstra’s algorithm can find the shortest path between two nodes if all the edge weights are positive, while the other shortest-path algorithms work even with negative edges. (a) Why this restriction? Find an example of a directed graph with negative edges (but no negative cycle) and a starting vertex for which Dijkstra’s algorithm returns the wrong answer. (b) Simulate the Bellman-Ford algorithm on this graph with the same starting vertex. (c) Simulate the Floyd-Warshall algorithm on this graph. Problem 2 Consider the following directed graph with the given flow capacities: z a b c d e f s 3 3 3 1 2 2 6 8 9 1 5 Simulate the Edmonds-Karp algorithm on this graph, with z as the source and s as the sink, to find the maximum flow. What is the minimum cut found by the algorithm? (Recall that the Edmonds-Karp algorithm is the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, but where we specify that the search on the residual graph is done using BFS.) 1 Problem 3 Consider a undirected, weighted graph G with positive weights. Given a path p in G, we define the “bottleneck value” bppq to be the weight of the edge with the largest weight along p. Given two vertices u and v, we then define Bpu, vq to be the minimum bottleneck value over all paths connecting u and v. Suggest an algorithm that computes Bpu, vq for every pair of vertices in the graph, and prove that it is correct. Source: Problem 4 Consider the following graph: ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 A B (a) Find the diameter of the two subgraphs labelled A and B, and the diameter of the whole graph. (b) Find the edge with the highest reach. Compute its reach, and prove that no other edge in the graph has a higher reach. Recall the definition of the reach of an edge e: reachpeq :“ maxtmin pdpprefixpp, eqq, dpsuffixpp, eqqq : @path p P Peu where Pe is the set of all paths containing e that are a shortest path between their two ends, and where prefixpp, eq is the part of p that comes before e, and suffixpp, eq is the part of p that comes after e. Problem 5 Let G be a directed, weighted graph with no negative cycles. Suggest an algorithm that finds the weight of a minimum-weight cycle in G. 2