TRAINEESHIP PROPOSAL student name (učo):............................................................................................. ........... specialisation: .................................................................................................. organization name: .................... .......................................................................................... business reg. no.: .............................................................................................. registered office: .............................................................................................. ................................................................................................... ..................... dates the proposed interim would run between dates from: ………………………………………… to: ………………………………………………… in the scope of 300 hours for the first half (pa185) and total scope of 600 hours after second half (pa186) completion. legal form of the traineeship – please identify the type of agreement you will have with the organisation: ☐ dpp (Contract of services) ☐ dpč (work performance agreement) ☐ hlavní pracovní poměr (full employment contract) proposed job description: justification for the choice of organisation and job description in terms of the focus of your specialisation: I declare I am acquainted with the course syllabus and taken into consideration the course requirements in the given time, primarily the extend, content and requirements for the organisation guarantor. In Brno on …………………….... ………………………………………………………. student signature